UDC: 35.08 (477)
Parkhomenko-Kutsevil Oksana Ihorivna,
Doctor of Science in public administration, chief researcher of the Institute of Problems of Public Administration and Local Self-Government, National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, Ukraine, 04119, Kyiv, st. Melnikova 36/1, tel.: 0509221535, e-mail:[email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-0758-346X
Пархоменко-Куцевт Оксана hopieHa,
доктор наук з державного управлтня, головний науковий ствробтник 1нсти-туту проблем державного управлтня та мкцевого самоврядування, Нащональ-на академiя державного управлтня при Президентовi Украти, Украта, 04119, м. Кшв, вул. Мельникова, 36/1, тел.: 0509221535, e-mail:[email protected]
ORCID: 0000-0002-0758-346X
Пархоменко-Куцевил Оксана Игоревна,
доктор наук по государственному управлению, главный научный сотрудник Института проблем государственного управления и местного самоуправления, Национальная академия государственного управления при Президенте Украины, Украина, 04119, г. Киев, ул. Мельникова, 36/1, тел.: 0509221535, e-mail:[email protected]
ORCID: 0000-0002-0758-346X
Abstract. The article analyzes approaches to the methods of preparation and training of civil servants and local government officials. The author analyzed the experience of training civil servants in the European Union. In the article the following methods of training civil servants and local government officials, on-line lectures, webinars, simulation games, workshops, trainings.
Keywords: public service, civil servant, official of local government, education, training, innovation.
AHOTa^a. Y CTaTTi aHa.i3yroTbca nigxogu go MeTogiB nigroTOBKH Ta nig-BH^eHHH KBa.ni^iKa^ï gepxaBHHx c.yx6oB^B Ta nocagoBHx oci6 Mic^Boro
самоврядування. Проаналiзовано досвщ пiдготовки публiчних службовщв у крашах бвропейського Союзу. У статл визначенi наступнi методи шдго-товки державних службовцiв та посадових оаб мiсцевого самоврядування: он-лайн лекци, вебiнари, iмiтацiйнi iгри, майстер-класи, тренiнги.
Ключовi слова: державна служба, державний службовець, посадова особа мюцевого самоврядування, шдготовка, пiдвищення квалiфiкащl, ш-новацп.
Аннотация. В статье анализируются подходы к методам подготовки и повышения квалификации государственных служащих и должностных лиц местного самоуправления. Проанализовано опыт подготовки публичных служащих в странах Европейского Союза. В статье определены следующие методы подготовки государственных служащих и должностных лиц местного самоуправления: он-лайн лекции, вебинары, имитационные игры, мастер-классы, тренинги.
Ключевые слова: государственная служба, государственный служащий, должностное лицо местного самоуправления, подготовка, повышение квалификации, инновации.
Target setting. Current conditions of the state, the rapid change of forms and mechanisms of social and political processes requiring civil servants and local government officials innovative approaches and methods of work. However, state officials are taking public-management decisions, implement them according to their experience, intuition, but do not contribute to the knowledge gained during the training, training. This is due to the fact that the training of public officials (local officials) is more theoretical approach need not captured officials in obtaining practical skills, especially in the system of public administration.
That training civil servants and local government officials should take into account the conditions under which
public servants work, they need certain skills and knowledge to meet modern conditions of Ukrainian society.
One of the main tasks of the civil service training should be to provide practical knowledge within the exercise of their public office.
According to the Strategy of public administration reform in Ukraine 2016-2020 years a priority in the civil service and human resource management is to ensure the professional development of civil servants, including regular training, fair performance evaluation, and mobility and promotion based on object of objective, transparent criteria and achievements [5].
According to the Law of Ukraine "On civil service" [1] state employees, the conditions for increasing the level
of professional competence through training.
Thus the current legal documents identified the need for constant improvement of personnel potential public servants.
Analysis of recent research papers and publications. The problem of training civil servants and local government officials under the constant attention of scientists, politicians and sociologists. Modern aspects of development and upgrade public service staff analyze Ukrainian and foreign scientists, including: V. Aver'yanov, G. Ata-manchuk, N. Honcharuk, S. Duben-ko, V. Malynovskyy, R. Naumenko, N. Nyzhnyk O. Obolensky, V. Oluyko, E. Okhotsk, Rachinsky A., S. Seregin, Alexander Sitsinsky, I. Shur, Alexander Turchinov, Hadzhyradyeva S., A. Jakubowski. These authors consider the problem of training, the possibility of mobility problems of modern training methods and training.
However the above studies are fragmented and do not consider the use of an innovative approach to training civil servants and local government officials.
Thus, the part of a general problem which is still unsolved.
The purpose of the article is comprehensive analysis of an innovative approach to training civil servants and local government officials.
The statement of basic materials. Training of civil servants and local government officials — an important element of the system of public administration, for staff training provides professional system of public administration, their ability to make optimal, efficient public-management decisions,
efficiently and effectively implement those decisions.
However, currently there is a problem of existence in training officials outdated teaching methods, the ineffectiveness of knowledge, lack of implementation of knowledge in the professional work, lack of communication career with the constant improvement of their skills and so on.
The study will analyze the first argument of the preparation of public (government) employees in the European Union.
Requirement of higher education for civil service positions ensures that only applicants with higher education diploma can apply for competition.
There is a special initial training public officials in Latvia. The requirement of higher education for submission to the position of public service guarantees that only a person who has a university degree can apply for the competition. The university has several specially designed training programs on governance and public administration. However, various government agencies may require some specialized basic vocational education, such as teacher to work in education, health for health, and areas of environmental, veterinary, chemistry, agriculture [3-4].
To ensure that the curriculum of higher education institutions and the real needs of the public administration, various forms of cooperation and coordination:
• organization of practice of students in public institutions,;
• organization of volunteers work of students in public institutions;
• consultation between universities and public institutions on curricula of study programs;
• consultation between universities and public institutions on themes of the research work of the students, including themes of the theses of the master's programs;
• organization of common events — conferences, seminars.;
• involvement of working civil servants as a trainers for some parts of the study courses or as a trainers for particular courses in universities [3-4].
These methods of preparation are public servants oriented approaches and practices aimed at meeting real needs in skills and knowledge of public servants.
The main institution that provides services for training for central administration is Latvian School of Public Administration.
Latvian School of Public Administration plays the role of "organizer" teaching, it has its own teachers / trainers. Teachers / trainers are hired on a contract basis, and the main job they are public servants or in universities and other higher education institutions. International coaches may also be involved in training. Total Latvian School of Public Administration as a whole employs about 100 coaches.
LSPA general function is to ensure and coordinate training process, to develop new training programs and general curricula for civil servants [3-4].
There is initial training of civil servants and continuous learning (training) in France. Admission of students in primary education is through com-
petitive examinations. The purpose of education is not only gain knowledge but also the acquisition of necessary skills. Therefore, education in schools is divided into training and education. Internships are in government (in France or abroad) and private sector institutions. The purpose of the internship is to provide future public employees experience a particular administrative work, improving their competence and acquaintance with basic management tools.
Professional training of civil servants in France focused not on the academic and the practical issues of academic knowledge to be learned by students before entering school administration reviewed and competitive entrance exams. Training focused on the functioning of the administration, in public administration, the various technical issues (depending on the school).
Constant training in France — the right of public servants. As for state civil servants, the decree of 15 October 2007 provides that training can be carried out or initiated by the administration or on the initiative of the civil servant. Each public administration should develop a curriculum for each year. Some courses may be mandatory for public officials, such as the transition to the post of senior management. In addition, public officials have the individual right to lifelong learning for 20 hours per year that can be accumulated over 6 years [3-4].
Admission to specific training in France can be conducted through interviews with civil servant or his leadership of the institution, there is no general and rigid rules of admission
to study so that civil servants training system was the most flexible and responsive to the needs of administrations and civil servants.
According to the Act on civil service training system for civil servants in Poland include:
• central trainings — planned, organized and supervised by the Head of Civil Service;
• general trainings — planned, organized and supervised by Directors General of Office;
• trainings under individual professional development programmes of Civil Service Corps members — planned, organized and supervised by the Director General of Office in consultation with a Civil Service Corps member employed in a given office;
• specialist trainings — planned, organized and supervised by the Director General of Office, covering issues related to the tasks of the office [3-4].
There is an initial and continuous training of civil servants in Poland, as in France. Students of the National School of Public Administration to study recruited through open and competitive procedures set. The only limitation — is age limit (up to 32 years) and the presence of a master's degree. Graduates of the National School of Public Administration at the end of the training program are automatically accepted into the civil service. They are free to choose the position of those provided for the prime minister to graduates.
The training at the National School of Public Administration is interdisciplinary. The program is offered full training necessary for those preparing
to take a leading, expert or managerial positions in the Polish civil service at central and provincial levels. The main subjects taught at the National School, part of the three main training blocks: 1) public administration and management; 2) the economy and public finances; 3) The European Union and foreign policy. Training is conducted by experienced experts, and if possible, the practices (including foreign experts).
Preparations in Poland organized under the following main blocks: public law and administration, economic issues, public finances, the European Union and international cooperation, social issues (including professional culture of civil servant and ethical issues in public life), management and governance in the administration, management EU structural funds.
An important part of training in Poland is a language course. All language courses are focused on the study of administrative terminology and grammar and vocabulary. Specialized language courses include study of terminology in administration, law, economics and the EU [4].
The right to training in Spain is reflected in the statute and the associated corresponding obligation — the obligation to prepare. Such obligatory reference to "improve" results in the inclusion of the concept of training to the text of the law, which clearly indicated the scope and characteristics of the main status of civil servants as a basic value of lifelong learning (training) as one that combines not only consistency in the time dimension (unlike the original or special training received to perform specific tasks), as well as its ability to "refresh training" [3-4].
Training of civil servants in Spain is decentralized, so every administration has the faculty to provide training to employees of a separate public body of training.
Virtually every administration has its autonomy Institute of Public Administration. The central authorities have the National Institute of Public Administration, which is an autonomous body responsible for training managers and civil servants for the central government. The Institute also supports research and study of the central government and cooperates with other national and international institutions.
The analysis of the experience of the training and skills of public servants in the EU shows that European training programs which officials study is innovative because these programs are built each year, the results identify needs in acquiring specific knowledge and skills. In addition, training public officials in the EU aimed at practical skills in public administration. Successful completion of training ensures employees get their public office or implementing successful professional career.
Preparation of public service and local government officials should be base on the following principles:
• rationality;
• focus on practical skills;
• depending on the needs of public service (local officials);
• saving time and financial resources;
• efficiency;
• communications career public servant with permanent improvement of professionalism.
The analysis of the literature on issues gives grounds to determine that
the basic forms of training public service (local officials) should be implemented: online lectures, simulation games, webinars, workshops, Training.
The study will consider each of these types of innovative training civil servants and local government officials.
Training as a form of education has significant advantages over other forms and types of education professionals and requires not only knowledge but also the ability to apply their knowledge in practice, constantly changing. Among the benefits that training is an active form of learning over traditional methods, can be defined as follows: when you use the training process of training as close to real practice, Simulation training is a method; Training is an interactive method of learning, the participants act in different roles and operate according to the status of its role; Training is a method where the trigger mechanisms of group dynamics, participants gain experience of development and implementation of collective decisions, and thus shows the possibility of self-merit and made effective positive expression of professional activity; During the training special agents created a certain emotional and intellectual and cognitive mood that allows significantly step up and intensify the learning process [7, p. 72-73].
Simulation games provide some of the management process and resolve specific tasks. The advantages of this method are as follows. First, this efficiency — significant increase in knowledge and skills obtained per unit time. Second, multiple compression time, processes that in real life lasts for years, their simulation model "scrolls" for a second, and in the case of computers —
almost instantly [2, p. 59-60]. And safety because some administrative decision not realized in real time, if it is wrong and can lead to significant negative consequences.
Webinar — an online event aimed at training participants. Serves as a leading teacher, coach, leading specialist whose task — to pass the audience some information webinar, learn new techniques, develop new skills, etc. Participants of the webinar can be hundreds of kilometers from each other and from the leading — if not the Internet distance is more important. They see and hear the teacher can ask him questions. Thus, increases the effectiveness of training.
The most attractive of the benefits — savings. No need to go on sending, no need to rent a room, no need for participants to print a demo material. These costs are not necessary.
Conducting classes as a workshop — is to create an atmosphere of support and conditions for self-knowledge, self-expression, self-development. Thus, a specialist in this class serves as the coordinator of educational activities, an observer who has the ability to stimulate, provoke, to facilitate the search for ways to address the relevant statemanagement problem [6].
These methods of training of civil servants, local government officials promote the absorption of active practical knowledge and skills, considerable savings in time and financial resources, rational use of budgetary funds [6].
Conclusions. The modern development of society requires constant improvement of personnel potential public servants that can provide online technology and training, simulation games and more.
In the further research is supposed to analyze the modern methods of training of civil servants and local government officials.
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