духа, воспитывает упорство, мужество, закаляет волю. Но следует помнить, что при занятиях любым видом спорта, необходимо проводить регулярные тренировки с постепенным увеличением нагрузки, тогда результат закрепится, и натренированность тела будет увеличиваться с каждым годом, что позволит студенту надолго сохранить свое здоровье и хорошую физическую форму. Поэтому студенты, занимающиеся спортом, более трудолюбивы, решительны и целеустремленные. Этим физическая культура подготавливает молодежь к социальной и трудовой деятельности.
О влиянии спорта на здоровье человека свидетельствуют многочисленные медицинские исследования, факты, практические наблюдения, а так же пословицы и различные поговорки. Современная педагогика и медицина стараются привить студентам положительное отношение к физической культуре. В высших учебных заведениях, так же как и в школах поддерживают и проводят спортивные соревнования, конкурсы, дни спорта и здоровья.
Все это прекрасным образом влияет на общее состояние человека. Спортивные студенты наиболее жизнерадостнее, выносливее, работоспособнее. Так же такие студенты намного меньше подвержены резким сменам настроения, раздражительности, неврозам и различным видам депрессии.
Таким образом, здоровье - это не только важный компонент человеческого счастья, но и одно из условий успешного экономического и социального развития. Поэтому не стоит забывать, что спорт и физическая культура важная составляющая жизни студента, влияющая на здоровье всего организма. Физическая культура, во всех ее проявлениях помогает повысить работоспособность, улучшить как умственную, так и физическую деятельность, а так же настроить обмен веществ и даже способствовать снижению стресса, что крайне важно для студентов.
Список литературы
1. Влияние занятий физической культурой на здоровье человека в период обучения в вузе. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: https://infourok.ru/vliyanie-zanyatij-fizicheskoj -кикш^ -na-zdorove-cheloveka-v-period-obucheniya-v-vuze-4613463.html/ (дата обращения: 03.06.2021).
Abstract: the article examines the main ways of using an innovative approach in teaching English for students of economic specialties. It was revealed that the innovative approach helps to diversify the educational material, monitor the assimilation of students' knowledge and make the educational process more systemic, variable and interesting. Keywords: innovative approach, educational process, economics, English.
Today, the government sets the task of ensuring effective and high-quality training of students, which cannot be imagined without the use of certain innovative approaches [1]. Innovative approaches can be expressed by updating teaching methods, introducing
information and communication technologies, and changes in the very structure of the educational process. Of these three points, only one is developing very quickly and is the most responsive to the requirements of our time - it is the field of information technology. The innovativeness of this approach lies in the fact that it is necessary not only to increase the number of information and communication tools used in the educational process, but to use them in accordance with the latest achievements in the field of teaching methods, as well as in accordance with the tasks set for the university or the state. Therefore, today vocational training in a foreign language is the most relevant area.
It should be noted that recently, many new educational programs and devices have been created for students of economics, which make it possible to make English classes more productive and interesting not only for students who freely use modern electronic devices, but also for teachers, ensuring the optimization of the management of the educational process, in particular, reducing the time for checking homework and tests. An innovative environment is developing, being saturated with those technologies that create an opportunity for enhancing the educational activities of students and improving the methodological activities of English teachers. It is quite reasonable to include information visualization technologies among them. It should be noted that the intensification of classes by introducing a large number of visual images is the prerogative of not only sciences that are fundamentally based on the visualization of knowledge (geometry, geography, etc.), but also humanitarian disciplines (economics, linguistics). These trends are especially relevant in teaching foreign languages for economics students: computer technologies are changing the methodology and modifying approaches to teaching, allowing students to acquire various skills and abilities in all types of speech activity at the same time.
The effectiveness of the application of an innovative approach in teaching a foreign language is beyond doubt. Foreign language teaching is an area where an innovative teaching approach can fundamentally change work methods and results. This is noted in their studies by many scientists [2]. It is emphasized that the more systems of perception are involved in learning, the better and more firmly the material is assimilated.
Innovative technologies in teaching English in economic specialties can be used in the following forms:
1) acquaintance with new material and its consolidation,
2) monitoring of students' knowledge,
3) preparation of teaching materials for classes,
4) advanced training of teachers [3].
This innovative approach complements tutorials such as "Market Leader", "Language Leader", "Cutting Edge", "New Total English", and many more. Recently, a resource such as "My English Lab" is gaining popularity, containing lexical, grammatical, phonetic, writing assignments, as well as listening and video for each lesson. Another popular source of up-to-date information on economics in English is the "YouTube" service. In the video from this resource, basic economic concepts and categories are explained in an accessible language, the main problems of the modern economy and the ways of their solution are shown. Students watch the videos at the seminars with great interest and do their homework on the watched video. The virtual interactive control system "Active Engage 2" allows students to complete tests and assignments using their laptops, tablets or mobile devices. The results are provided to the teacher in real time, and he can constantly monitor the level of mastering of the educational material, as well as change the course of the seminar depending on the needs of students.
In conclusion, it should be noted that an innovative approach to teaching English for the students of economic specialties is designed to make the learning process more systematic, variable and interesting, helping the teacher reduce the time spent preparing for classes and checking homework and tests. Pedagogical excellence in combination with the skillful use
of innovative technologies in the educational process will positively affect the quality and
speed of students mastering linguistic skills in a specific area of knowledge.
1. Закон Республики Узбекистан №3РУ-630 «Об инновационной деятельности» от 24 июля 2020 года // Национальная база данных законодательства, № 03/20/630/1101. [Electronic Resource]. URL: https://lex.uz/ru/docs/4910448/ (date of access: 21.05.2021).
2. Трофимова Г.С. Педагогические основы обучения иностранным языкам. Ижевск: изд-во Удмуртского университета, 1999.
3. Умарова Д.З. Инновационные реформы в системе высшего образования республики Узбекистан // Вопросы науки и образования, 2018. № 2 (14). С. 47-49.
4. Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 3RU-630 "On innovative activity" of July 24, 2020 // National Database of Legislation, No. 03/20/630/1101. [Electronic Resource]. URL: https://lex.uz/ru/docs/4910448/ (date of access: 21.05.2021).
5. Trofmova G.S. Pedagogical bases of teaching foreign languages. Izhevsk: Udmurt University Publishing House, 1999.
6. Umarova D.Z. Innovative reforms in the higher education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan // Questions of science and education, 2018. № 2 (14). Pp. 47-49.
Pazilov E.A.
Abstract: the article proves that adjusting didactic principles turns active methods of teaching foreign languages into the ways of enhancing cognitive activity of students, which encourage them to actively think and practice in the process of mastering the material, when both teacher and student are active.
Keywords: didactic principles, method, active methods, foreign languages.
Active methods of teaching foreign languages involve the use of such a system of methods, which is mainly aimed not at the teacher's presentation of ready-made knowledge and their reproduction, but at the independent mastery of knowledge by students in the process of active cognitive activity. Thus, active learning methods are learning by doing. The educational process using active teaching methods in a university environment is based on a set of general didactic teaching principles and includes its own specific principles that it offers, namely:
1. The principle of balance between a content and a method should be fulfilled by the condition that the background of students and the topic of the lesson are taken into account.
2. The principle of modeling should reflect not only the goals and objectives, means and methods of teaching, the procedure and mode of classes, questions and tasks, but the final result It will be helpful to imagine a "model environment" in which the student learns and lives. It will help to avoid separation from reality and its problems.
3. The principle of incoming control. This principle provides for the preparation of the educational process in accordance with the real level of students, identifying their interests,