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Pazilov E.A.
Abstract: the article proves that adjusting didactic principles turns active methods of teaching foreign languages into the ways of enhancing cognitive activity of students, which encourage them to actively think and practice in the process of mastering the material, when both teacher and student are active.
Keywords: didactic principles, method, active methods, foreign languages.
Active methods of teaching foreign languages involve the use of such a system of methods, which is mainly aimed not at the teacher's presentation of ready-made knowledge and their reproduction, but at the independent mastery of knowledge by students in the process of active cognitive activity. Thus, active learning methods are learning by doing. The educational process using active teaching methods in a university environment is based on a set of general didactic teaching principles and includes its own specific principles that it offers, namely:
1. The principle of balance between a content and a method should be fulfilled by the condition that the background of students and the topic of the lesson are taken into account.
2. The principle of modeling should reflect not only the goals and objectives, means and methods of teaching, the procedure and mode of classes, questions and tasks, but the final result It will be helpful to imagine a "model environment" in which the student learns and lives. It will help to avoid separation from reality and its problems.
3. The principle of incoming control. This principle provides for the preparation of the educational process in accordance with the real level of students, identifying their interests,
establishing the presence or need for increasing knowledge. Incoming control makes it possible with maximum efficiency to clarify the content of the course, revise selected teaching methods, determine the nature and volume of students' individual work, reasonably substantiate the relevance of training and thus arouse the desire to learn.
4. The principle of conformity of content and methods to learning objectives. To effectively achieve the educational goal, the teacher needs to choose the types of student learning activities that are most suitable for studying a specific topic or solving a problem. In one case, a dialogue, discussion of the problem is enough. In another, you need to use additional sources of information: magazines, newspapers, etc.
5. The problem solving principle. In this case, students learn new things, acquire knowledge and skills through overcoming difficulties and obstacles created by posing problems. Problem-based structure of the lesson guarantees the achievement of educational goals and makes students analyze the factual material and operate with it in such a way as to reach the goal.
6. The principle of "negative experience". In practice, along with success, mistakes are made, therefore it is necessary to teach a person to avoid mistakes. In accordance with this principle, two new teaching elements are introduced into the educational process based on active teaching methods.
7. The "from simple to complex" principle. The lesson is planned and organized taking into account the increasing complexity of the educational material and the methods used in its study: individual work on primary sources, collective development of conclusions and generalizations, etc.
8. The principle of continuous renewal. One of the sources of students' cognitive activity is the novelty of the educational material. The educational process managed in this way will not let the activity of students go out.
9. The principle of organizing collective activities. A student often has to face the need to solve a problem in a group, collectively. Organizing collective work in the classroom, a teacher must formulate tasks in such a way that it is obvious that it is impossible to solve it without cooperation and interaction.
10. The principle of advance learning. This principle implies the mastery of practical knowledge in the learning environment and the ability to translate it into practice, to form the student's self-confidence, to ensure a high level of results in future activities.
11. The principle of diagnosis. This principle involves checking the effectiveness of classes. Students' independent work is a core to realize this principle in practice.
Thus, active teaching methods, properly adjusted, allow to subordinate the foreign language learning process to the instructor's controlling influence and to ensure active participation in the educational work of both trained and non-trained students.
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