УДК 796.8 ББК 75.712
DOI 10.47475/2500-0365-2024-9-4-25-29
A. V. Bolshoy1,2
1 National research Tomsk state University, Tomsk, Russia Tomsk state University of architecture and building, Tomsk, Russia
Abstract. The article shows that the results of high-skilled weightlifters in special preparation exercises of high intensity have a high and statistically significant relationship with the competitive result. The main methods of application of training means in preparation of athletes for competitions are given. On the basis of a pedagogical experiment, it has been found that such special preparatory exercises as squats with a barbell on the shoulders and with a barbell on the chest, as well as deadlifts have the greatest importance for increasing the competitive result. Practical recommendations are formulated based on the results of the study.
Keywords: weightlifting, functional performance, training means, training load, competitive performance.
Relevance of the topic. The structure of the athletes' physical fitness reflects the result of multi-year functional specialization of their organism and has a great importance while identifying the main factors that have the maximum impact on the competitive result of athlete [1; 2]. Thus, the structure of physical fitness is an important link in the development of new, more effective models of the training process at different stages of sports and technical mastery. The physical preparedness of weightlifters has its own structure and is characterized by precise quantitative indicators. Various components of physical fitness have certain specific features of influence on sports performance and require detailed research [3; 4].
Researchers [2; 5; 6] have reliable information that special physical fitness of weightlifters has a close relationship with competitive fitness. The highest correlation with competitive exercises has special preparation exercises: jerk and push pull, squats with a barbell held on the shoulders or on the chest. High correlation with the competitive result also has high correlation with pressing exercises, inclines with a barbell held on the shoulders or in the hands and other special preparatory exercises of high intensity, which are close to competitive exercises in their structure [1; 5].
Modern weightlifters are recommended to perform the main volume of training load in special preparatory and competitive exercises using the repetitive effort method. When using this training method, an athlete is recommended to lift a barbell of medium-intensity weight (60-80 % of the maximum) for several repetitions in one approach. For qualified weightlifters, typically 3 to 8 lifts. When planning the load of
weightlifters, it is necessary to take into account that training with the use of the method of repetitive effort, in addition to the positive dynamics of adaptation restructuring of the organism, can cause negative consequences for the athlete in the form of fatigue of the nervous system, the main links of the musculoskeletal system, as well as the state of overtraining. These negative consequences can occur against the background of high volumes of load, the performance of which implies the use of this method. The advantage of this method is that the athlete can perform a load adequate to his current state. It has been proved [2; 6] that the gradual increase in the load value when using the repeated effort method contributes to a pronounced adaptation effect in the body of a weightlifter. The use of the repeated effort method in the training process, as a rule, leads to significant adaptation shifts in the athlete's body due to large volumes of work. These factors create conditions for muscle hypertrophy, which in turn leads to an increase in the level of strength. Application of the method of repeated efforts provides positive dynamics of the level of technical fitness of the athlete, because training is performed with average weights and there is an opportunity to correct the technique of exercise performance.
The isometric method of performing exercises is also used in weightlifting. The share of exercises performed using this method is not high, but these exercises are an integral part of the training process of weightlifters of different levels. Application of isometric mode of exercise performance has generally positive effect for the athlete, but also has a number of negative sides, which should be remembered when planning training
load to avoid negative consequences for the athlete. In general, it makes sense to apply this training method of work in a dosed manner.
The study of the structure of physical fitness, as well as the nature and degree of influence of various indicators of physical qualities on the sports performance of highly qualified weightlifters provides objective information when developing a model of training process and improves the quality of management of the training process, taking into account the individual characteristics of athletes [1; 4; 6]. It also makes it possible to identify the most effective means and methods of sports training and improve the quality of the content component of the training load.
The purpose of the study is to identify the degree and nature of the connection between the characteristics of special physical fitness and the results in competitive exercises (snatch and jerk of the barbell) among highly-qualified weightlifters.
Methods and materials of research
1. Study of scientific literary sources.
2. Analysis of selected articles.
3. Testing the physical qualities of weightlifters.
4. Methods of mathematical statistics.
5. Registration of the results of the study.
Results obtained during the study
In the course of the research, the results in various special preparatory and competitive weightlifting exercises were determined in absolute units - kg and relative units - points according to the Sinclair Coefficients table (https://www.iwf.net/weightlifting_/sinclair-coefficient/). According to Sinclair Coefficients table the result of an athlete is calculated in points, which is a ratio of weight lifted in the competition to the own weight of an athlete, taking into account the suggested weight coefficients in steps of 100 grams. This method of calculating the
result is used, for example, to identify the strongest athlete of the competition in absolute superiority, when it is necessary to compare the results of athletes competing in different weight categories and lifting respectively different amount of kilograms according to the results of competitive movements.
To achieve the goal of the research a pedagogical experiment has been conducted, during which two main tasks were solved:
• Determination of the indicators of special physical fitness of qualified weightlifters;
• Identification of the nature and extent of the relationship between these indicators and the result of weightlifters of high quality in competitive exercises.
The level of functional preparedness has been assessed by means test of Stange, in which the maximum time of breath-holding on exhalation has been determined. The following statistical parameters have been calculated during the analysis of quantitative indices of test performance (M — arithmetic mean of test indicators; m — error of mean value; r — Pearson correlation coefficient, D — coefficient of determination). The reliability of the correlation coefficients has been assessed at the significance level of p = 0.001 [3].
Weightlifters of high qualification (candidates for the master of sports and masters of sports of Russia) in the number of 10 people (n = 10) took part in the study. The age of the participants in the experiment M = 18.3 years; m = 2.2. Own weight was M = 69.2 kg; m = 16.6. Athletes were tested in natural conditions of the training process after a general and special warm-up [3]. All subjects were in good athletic condition. Exercises were performed with near-limit and limit weights on the bar, and the result has been determined by the best attempt in kilograms. The main results of the study are presented in Table 1 and Table 2.
Table 1
Indicators of special physical fitness of weightlifters, expressed in absolute units and the relationship between these indicators and the competitive result (n = 10)
Test task M m Snatch Clean&jerk
r D r D
Snatch (kg) 102,1 22,7 - - - -
Clean and jerk (kg) 122,9 22,6 - - - -
Long jump from a place (cm) 250,8 29,2 0,96 0,92 0,96 0,92
Power snatch (kg) 75,4 18,4 0,99 0,98 - -
Back squat (kg) 163,8 35,3 0,94 0,88 0,95 0,90
Front squat (kg) 144,2 30,7 0,86 0,74 0,86 0,74
Clean pull (kg) 140,4 33,7 0,99 0,98 0,99 0,98
Bench press (kg) 78,8 30,5 0,93 0,86 0,94 0,88
Test of Stange (sec) 26,1 3,7 0,83 0,69 0,80 0,64
Table 2
Indicators of special physical fitness of weightlifters, expressed in relative units and the relationship between these indicators and the competitive result (n = 10)
Test task M m Snatch Clean&jerk
r D r D
Snatch (points) 135,0 27,2 - - - -
Clean and jerk (points) 162,0 29,8 - - - -
Long jump from a place (cm) 250,8 29,2 0,87 0,76 0,91 0,83
Back squat (points) 216,6 35,1 0,86 0,74 0,86 0,74
Front squat (points) 190,5 30,7 0,90 0,81 0,91 0,83
Analysis of correlations between results in test exercises and results in competitive exercises (snatch, clean and jerk) shows that the sports result in weight-lifting is determined by the level of development of maximal strength, which is manifested in selected test tasks (clean pull, squats, bench press). As the maximum strength of the muscles of the lower and upper limbs and back increases, the results in competitive exercises increase. The calculation of the coefficients of determination shows that the result in the snatch by 88 % and in the clean and jerk by 90 % is determined by the result in the back squat. The result in the front squat determines the result in the snatch and clean and jerk by 74 %. Calculations show that the dependence of the competitive result on the back squat is in some way, closer than on the front squats. Also of great importance to the growth results in competitive exercises is such exercise as the clean pull. The coefficient of determination is 98 %. The collected data allow us to consider various squats and pulls as a sufficiently effective means to increase the results of athletes in competitive exercises.
Research also shows the important role of explosive leg strength (long jump from a place), the level of which largely determines the performance of athletes in competitive exercises [1; 2; 6]. This is evidenced by the high correlation between the results in the place jump and the results in the competitive exercises (r = 0,96), (p<0,001). There is also a statistically significant relationship between maximal strength and explosive power, as evidenced by the high correlation between the results in the back squat and the results in the long jump from a place (r = 0.75), (p<0.001). As maximal leg strength increases, explosive strength also increases.
The results of the research also showed the great importance of speed qualities for achieving results in competitive exercises. This is evidenced by the correlation between the results in the power snatch and the competitive snatch (r = 0.99), (p<0.001).
An important result of the conducted research is the revealed connection of the result in competitive exercises with the functional test of Stange, which consists in the measurement of the maximum time of breath-holding of the person on exhalation (r = 0.83-0.80), (p < 0,001). With the increase of the result in competitive exercises the time of breath-holding also increases, which is the result of morphofunctional adaptation of the body of athletes to the impact of power load. The increase in the time of breath holding may also indicate an increase in the reserve of health, efficiency of physiological processes in the body, as well as the expansion of the adaptive capabilities of athletes who are regularly engaged in weightlifting for a long time.
Table 2 shows the correlation relations between the results in competitive exercises and test tasks, which are expressed in relative units (points). Such calculations are performed with the help of special coefficients from the Sinclair table and allow to exclude the influence of weight and height factors of an athlete. This method also makes it possible to assess the level of sports skills or relative strength without taking into account the athletes' own weight.
There is a slight decrease in the correlation coefficients of the jump test with the result in the competitive exercises, which is a consequence of the exclusion of the height component of the subjects. A great importance for the theory and practice of sports training have the results of the analysis of the correlation relations between the indicators in back squat and front squat with competitive exercises. These special preparatory exercises account for about 30 % of the partial share of the entire training load of weightlifters and are the main means of developing maximal strength [1; 3]. Scientifically substantiated application of these exercises in the training process will contribute to the effectiveness of the process of sports training.
The analysis shows that the degree of correlation between the results in the back squat and the results
in the snatch and clean and jerk in relative units decreases slightly. In contrast, the correlation coefficients between the front squat and athletic performance increase (r = 0.90-0.91), (p<0.001). This is evidence of the higher value of the front squat compared to the back squat with increasing results in competitive exercises when expressed in relative units (Sinclair points). This should be taken into account while building new training models for athletes, taking into account the objectives set. For example, to increase the result in competitive exercises at the same time as increasing one's own weight.
Conclusions and conclusion
The research has revealed that the results shown in the various special training exercises, as well as in the functional readiness tests, have a high and statistically significant correlation with the sports result in classical weightlifting exercises (p<0.001). This circumstance is an evidence of the high importance of special preparatory exercises for the improvement of athletes' sports skills. Such exercises as clean pull and squats, both back squat and front squat, are particularly important for the preparation of athletes. Scientifically substantiated application back squat and front squat exercises in the training process will contribute to the effectiveness of the process of sports training. The results of the research also showed the great importance of speed qualities for achieving results in competitive exercises of weightlifters.
It is worth noting that when calculating in absolute units - kilograms and relative units - points according to the Sinclair table, the correlation coefficients for similar exercises differ among themselves. The results of the study indicate that the same special-preparatory exercises have a different degree of influence on athletes of different weight categories. This circumstance should be taken into account when planning the training process of weightlifters and developing model load characteristics for various types of microcycles and mesocycles. Additional pedagogical experiments are required to assess the specific impact of differ-
Поступила в редакцию 24 июля 2023 г.
ent types of pulls and squats on the growth rate of the snatch and clean and jerk for athletes of different weight categories.
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3. Sivokhin I. P., Skotnikov V. F., Fedorov A. I. and others Modelirovaniye trenirovochnogo protsessa tyazheloatletov [Simulation of weightlifting training process]. Teoriya i praktikafizicheskoy kultury [Theory and Practice of Physical Culture], 2020, no. 9, pp. 12-14. (in Russ.).
4. Korzhenevskiy A. N. Kompleksnaya diagnostika podgotovlennosti vysokokvalifitsirovannykh tyazheloatletov [Complex Diagnostics Readiness of Highly Skilled Weightlifters]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury [Theory and Practice of Physical Culture], 2012, no. 12, pp. 26-32. (in Russ.).
5. Chernogorov D., Matveev Y., Ogandzhanov A., Sivokhin I. Anthropometric and physiological indicator prospects of professional growth of weightlifters. Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2021. Vol. 21, no. Suppl. 6. pp. 3273-3277. DOI 10.7752/jpes.2021.s6434.
6. Strength Training: Types and Principles, Benefits and Concerns, 2009. ISBN 978-1-60876-221-7.
Финансирование. Исследование не имело спонсорской поддержки. Конфликт интересов. Автор заявляет об отсутствии конфликта интересов.
Для цитирования: Bolshoy, A. V. Influence of special training means on the competitive result of weightlifters / A. V. Bolshoy // Физическая культура. Спорт. Туризм. Двигательная рекреация. - 2024. -Т. 9, № 4. - С. 25-29. DOI 10.47475/2500-0365-2024-9-4-25-29.
Information about the author
Bolshoy Aleksandr Vladimirovich — 3rd year postgraduate student Physical education department National research Tomsk state University, senior teacher Tomsk state University of architecture and building, Tomsk, Russia. ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1034-2923. Author ID: 1067288. E-mail: [email protected].
Влияние средств специальной подготовки на соревновательный результат тяжелоатлетов
А. В. Большой 12
1Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет, Томск, Россия 2Томский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет, Томск, Россия
Аннотация. В статье показано, что результаты квалифицированных тяжелоатлетов в различных специально-подготовительных упражнениях имеют высокую и статистически значимую связь с результатом в соревновательных упражнениях. Приведены основные методы применения тренировочных средств, используемых при подготовке спортсменов к соревнованиям. На основе педагогического эксперимента было установлено, что наибольшее значение для повышения соревновательного результата имеют такие специально-подготовительные упражнения, как тяги и приседания, причем как со штангой на плечах, так и со штангой на груди. По результатам исследования сформулированы практические рекомендации.
Ключевые слова: тяжелая атлетика, функциональные показатели, тренировочные средства, тренировочная нагрузка, соревновательные результаты.
Список литературы
1. Ахметов, Р. С. Динамика тренировочных нагрузок и скоростно-силовой подготовленности тяжелоатлетов высокой квалификации на этапе предсоревнова-тельной подготовки / Р. С. Ахметов, Е. Е. Витютнев // Учёные записки университета им. П. Ф. Лесгафта. 2018. — № 12 (166). — С. 11-15.
2. Влияние специально-подготовительных упражнений на повышение уровня спортивного мастерства квалифицированных тяжелоатлеток / Е. П. Шарина, Н. А. Москальонова, А. С. Варнина и др. // Учёные записки университета им. П. Ф. Лесгафта. 2020. — № 5 (183). — С. 470-476. DOI 10.34835^п.2308-1961.2020.5.
3. Корженевский, А. Н. Комплексная диагностика подготовленности высококвалифицированных тяжелоатлетов / А. Н. Корженевский // Теория и практика физ. культуры. 2012. — № 12. — С. 26-32.
4. Моделирование тренировочного процесса тяжелоатлетов / И. П. Сивохин, В. Ф. Скотников, А. И. Федоров и др. // Теория и практика физической культуры. 2020. - № 9. - С. 12-14.
5. Anthropometric and physiological indicator prospects of professional growth of weightlifters / D. Chernogorov, Y. Matveev, A. Ogandzhanov, I. Sivokhin // Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2021. — Vol. 21, №. Suppl. 6. — P. 3273-3277. DOI 10.7752/jpes.2021.s6434.
6. Strength Training: Types and Principles, Benefits and Concerns, 2009. - ISBN 978-1-60876-221-7.
Сведения об авторе
Большой Александр Владимирович — аспирант 3-го курса факультета физической культуры, Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет, старший преподаватель, Томский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет, Томск, Россия. ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1034-2923. Author ID: 1067288. E-mail: [email protected]
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