DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2021-16-2-27-33
Power endurance development among weightlifters using the complexes of
exercises of crossfit sports system
Sergey A. Koltovskoy*
CrossFit Union Sport Club Moscow, Russia ORCID: 0000-0003-0643-9965, [email protected]*
Abstract: The article considers the use of exercises from crossfit sports system. It causes specific adaptation of an organism, providing more correct fulfillment of the trained exercise. Power endurance development is demonstrated in specific training exercises of weightlifters. It is characterized, first of all, by the highest level of result increase in the training exercise and efficiency of its fulfillment. Power endurance of athletes can be demonstrated both in physical and functional indices with psychological level of demonstration. The degree of weightlifter's general endurance is conditioned by his competitive reliability. It means successful attempts realization. Materials. Crossfit complexes of exercises with time limitation for rest, equal to 2 minutes and less for power endurance increase among weightlifters, which can be fulfilled once-twice a week. According to the technique of fulfillment and energy consumption the described exercises are maximum close to such classical exercises as push and jerk in weightlifting. Research methods and research organization. Information sources analysis concerning the problem of the research. Pedagogical analysis of the results of the World Championship 2018 and European Championship 2021. We observed the performances of athletes at the International weightlifting competitions (World Championship 2018, Ashkhabad; European Championship 2021, Moscow). We substantiate the opportunity to use the complexes of sports system crossfit for power endurance increase among weightlifters during their participation at different level competitions. Results. Weightlifters' competitive activity analysis helps to define the importance of functional readiness level increase and the necessity to develop the skills of athletes to lift maximal weight in terms of tiredness, hold a tactical struggle, quickly recover after the attempts. This is provided with the created complexes of exercises, which are realized by sports system crossfit. The degree of general endurance of a weightlifter is conditioned by his competitive reliability. It means successful attempts realization and it conditions topic urgency of this article. During the rest between the attempts different rehabilitation processes happen in a weightlifter's organism. Conclusion. For maximal training effect achievement a weightlifter should fulfill each complex of exercises of crossfit system in terms of the definite intensity level. In general it is necessary to train power endurance with different speed and duration. The main method of power endurance development in weightlifting should be work, which causes tiredness. Keywords: power endurance, athletes, weightlifters, barbell jerk, barbell push, crossfit, competitions.
For citation: Sergey A. Koltovskoy*. Power endurance development among weightlifters using the
complexes of exercises of crossfit sports system. Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2021;
16(2): 26-31. DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2021-16-2-27-33
The level of power endurance increase among weightlifters is conditioned by the fact that sports weightlifting competitions analysis shows dependence of sports results on the ability of athletes to realize a quick physical recovery in a short-term period. Many weightlifters can't fully recover during the breaks between the attempts and show results level decrease. It is conditioned by the fact that in accordance with the rules of competitions, there are
time limits in weightlifting between the attempts and the fulfilled exercises [1,2,5]. In terms of a new strategy of training Olympic class athletes it is necessary to pay attention to innovations [3].
Physical fitness indices among weightlifters are characterized by maximal power of muscles, maximal speed of contraction, power of external resistance during aerobic threshold achievement, by the duration of exercises with weight fulfillment. It should be noted that power endurance development
among weightlifters is conditioned by the state of an organism, which provides muscles functioning. The technology of controlling the process of power endurance development among weightlifters is realized taking into account the intensity of muscles contraction, the average intensity of the exercise, duration of the exercise fulfillment, interval of rest between the exercise repetition, amount of repetitions and the interval of rest till the next training [ 6,7,8,9].
For the success of power endurance development among weightlifters it is important to have the notion of what we do. During a systematic training we consider the training year, which includes 52 training weeks, in a year all weeks should be connected with each other. It can include 13 four -week cycles of the training lessons. For each cycle it is necessary to plan the training means taking into account the aim and objectives of sports training. Special endurance development with the complex of exercises of sports system crossfit helps to plan for each cycle of the exercises complex. For example, power direction. Complex of exercise planning is organized taking into account the main and leading starts of weightlifters.
A.S. Medvedev mentioned that the competitions, which last 5-6 hours and more can lead to a weightlifter's moral and physical tiredness. However, in his work he doesn't stress the exercises, which provide quick recovery during a short-term rest [5,6,8].
"In weightlifting there are two main groups of exercises - classical and auxiliary ones" [6]. However, there is no practice of these exercises use for power endurance increase during weightlifters' competitive period.
The held analysis of theory and methodology of power oriented training in sport showed that the question of a weightlifter's power endurance recovery during the competitions is not studied enough. The authors very often mention standard weightlifting exercises in their works. These exercises are directed toward the volume and time of the training load increase [8,10,11,12,13,14,15]
Special endurance is considered by the specialists taking into account the specificity of motor activity and the rules of competitions. In
our example power endurance among weightlifters is connected according to the features of motor activity in terms of all kinds of physical qualities participation.
In the opinion of the specialists, special endurance depends on the abilities of neuromuscular apparatus, quickness of intramuscular energy sources consumption, on the technique of motor action mastery and the level of other motor abilities development [7]. Interconditionality of general and special endurance during the whole yearly training demands power endurance development and support. In this connection the complex of exercises of crossfit system creation is the base for serious trainings for endurance.
The aim of the research is to formulate the main theses of the training process using crossfit exercises for power endurance increase during training athletes for weightlifting competitions.
Scientific-methodical sources analysis concerning the problem of the research. Pedagogical analysis of the results of the World Championship 2018 and European Championship 2021. We observed the performances of athletes at the International weightlifting competitions (World Championship 2018, Ashgabat; European Championship 2021, Moscow). We substantiate the opportunity to use the complexes of sports system crossfit for power endurance increase among weightlifters during their participation at different level competitions. We revealed the necessity to create the crossfit complexes of exercises with time limitation for rest, equal to 2 minutes and less for power endurance increase among weightlifters, which can be fulfilled once-twice a week.
The results of the question state analysis show that the current level of weightlifting development demands athlete's skills and own physical and psychological qualities mobilization. For a barbell lifting an athlete is given 6 attempts and time between them would play the main role in high sports result achievement. Great amount of the competitions participants leads to a long-term waiting for their turn, as a result weightlifters "cool down" and show low effectiveness.
Weightlifters' competitive activity analysis helps to define the importance of functional readiness level increase and the necessity to develop the skills of athletes to lift maximal weight in terms of tiredness, hold a tactical struggle, quickly recover after the attempts. The problem of this important quality development among weightlifters is not studied enough in present research works.
The degree of a weightlifter's general endurance is conditioned by his competitive reliability. It means successful attempts realization, which conditions the urgency of the article. During
the rest between the attempts different recovery processes happen in an athletes' organism.
Held by us observations over the performances of athletes at the International competitions showed that weightlifters, who lifted the registered weight and who lead a tactical struggle, don't have time to recover and correct the mistake.
As an example we can consider the results of World Championship 2018 and European Championship 2021. Pictures 1 and 2 present the results.
1 1ST 2ND 3RD
3 DJANGABAEV Rustam i^a UZB TOS 244
4 TOYCHYYEV Hojamuhammet ItH TKM 245
n ALBEGOV Ruslan RUS — —
6 SARAIVA REIS Fernando O BRA Ptg 245 246
! 7 SEIM Mart ^_ EST PH 251 251
9 ZIAZIULIN Eduard 1 BLR 232
10 DAVOUDI Ali im im V771 242 245
Fig. 1. The results of World Championship 2018, Ashgabat, category 109kg
Fig. 1 shows that at World Championship 2018 in Ashgabat Estonian Siem Mart (number 7) claimed 251 kg weight and couldn't lift it from the first attempt. Then he is given some tome to one more loft during 2 minutes. Within the given time limit he didn't have an opportunity to recover and the second attempt was not successful.
At European Championship 2021 in Moscow Byelorussian athlete Ziaziulin Eduart (number 8) made mistakes in two movements and as a result fulfilled only 2 attempts out of 6 attempts (barbell weight in not successful attempts didn't change, 2 minutes were given for the rest). The athlete from Armenia Lalayan Varazdat (number 5) made 2 not successful lifts in "classical push" movement with one and the same weight 250 kg and didn't have time to recover after the first unsuccessful attempt.
These examples can be continued. Held by
us analysis showed that many weightlifters, having rest between the attempts during 2 or 4 minutes,
don't have time to recover.
Literature sources show that the criteria of an athlete's readiness to fulfill a new muscle activity can be heart rate (HR). The scientists revealed that an athlete's recovery lasts till HR becomes normal 120-140 beats/min. (during power oriented work HR is 150-180 beats/min.).
Taking into account the analyzed reasons and factors, which condition competitive result of weightlifters we created and tested the complexes of crossfit exercises with time limitattions for rest, equal to 2 minutes and less for power endurance increase, which can be fulfilled once or twice a week. Described below exercises are maximum close to such classical exercises as push and jerk according to the technique of fulfillment and energy consumption.
№ Nam* &orn N al ich B.W. Su 1 Sn2 Sn3 etil RK CJ 1 CJ 2 CJ i Qui RK Tcujl RK
2 Q TALAKHAD2£ Lasha 93 ■Wt GEO 176.30 | 222 1 I J 1 485 1
4 □ MINASYAN Sor 94 ARM 150.14 1 215 2 1 J 24a 2 464 2
5 Q LALAYAN Varazdat w ARM (47.66 I 205 3 I 1 240 3 445 3
3 P ZlAZIULIN Eduatd sa M BLR 133.74 1 197 4 1 J 227 7 424 4
7 P SAVCHUK Antoniy 95 M RUS 139.56 1 190 5 1 1 228 « 416 5
Fig. 2. The results of European Championship 2021, Moscow
Below we present the description of two blocks of exercises of special training for weightlifters. An important methodical condition is the necessity to fulfill the work on a jerk day. The 1st week
To fulfill 10 attempts each 2 minutes:
- 1 sitting jerk from box vaultings 70-75% of 1PM (1 repeated maximum in a jerk)
The 2nd week
- To fulfill 10 attempts each 1:30 minutes:
- 1 sitting jerk from box vaultings 70-75% of 1PM
The 3rd week
- To fulfill 10 attempts each 1 minute:
- 1 sitting jerk from box vaultings 7075% of 1PM
The 4th week
- To fulfill 10 attempts each 2 minutes:
- 1 sitting jerk from box vaultings 7580% of 1PM
The 5th week
- To fulfill 10 attempts each 1:30 minutes:
- 1 sitting jerk from box vaultings 75-80% of 1PМ
The 6th week
- To fulfill 10 attempts each 1 minute:
- 1 sitting jerk from box vaultings 75-80% of 1PM
The 7th week
- To fulfill 10 attempts each 2 minutes:
- 1 sitting jerk from box vaultings 80-85% of 1PM
The 8th week
- To fulfill 10 attempts each 1:30
- 1 sitting jerk from box vaultings 80-85% of 1PM
The 9th week
- To fulfill 10 attempts each 1 minute:
- 1 sitting jerk from box vaultings 8085% of 1PM
The 10th week
- To fulfill 10 attempts each 2 minutes:
- 1 sitting jerk from box vaultings 85-90% of 1PМ
The 11th week
- To fulfill 10 attempts each 1:30 minutes:
- 1 sitting jerk from box vaultings 85-90% of 1PМ
The 12th week
- To fulfill 10 attempts each 1 minute:
- 1 sitting jerk from box vaultings 85-90% of 1PМ
The 13th week
- To fulfill 10 attempts each 2 minutes:
- 1 sitting jerk from box vaultings 90-95% of 1PМ
The 14th week
- To fulfill 10 attempts each 1:30 minutes:
- 1 sitting jerk from box vaultings 90-95% of 1PМ
The 15th week
- To fulfill 10 attempts each 1 minute:
- 1 sitting jerk from box vaultings 90-95% of 1PМ
On the day of training classical
The 1st week
- To fulfill 8 attempts each 2:30 minutes: 3 front squats 70-75% of 1PM ( irepeated maximum in front squatting)
The 2nd week
- To fulfill 8 attempts each 2:00 minutes:
3 front squats 70-75% of 1PM The 3rd week
- To fulfill 8 attempts each 1:30 minute:
3 front squats 70-75% of 1PM The 4th week
- To fulfill 8 attempts each 2:30 minutes: 3 front squats 75-80% of 1PM
The 5th week
- To fulfill 8 attempts each 2:00 minutes:
3 front squats 75-80% of 1PM The 6th week
- To fulfill 8 attempts each 1:30 minutes:
3 front squats 75-80% of 1PM
The 7th week
- To fulfill 8 attempts each 2:30 minutes: 3 front squats 80-85% of 1PM
The 8th week
- To fulfill 8 attempts each 2:00 minutes:
3 front squats 80-85% of 1PM The 9th week
- To fulfill 8 attempts each 1:30 minute:
3 front squats 80-85% of 1PM The 10th week
- To fulfill 8 attempts each 2:30 minute: 3 front squats 85-90% of 1PM
The 11th week
- To fulfill 8 attempts each 2:00 minutes:
3 front squats 85-90% of 1PM The 12th week
- To fulfill 8 attempts each 1:30 minute:
3 front squats 85-90% of 1PM The 13th week
- To fulfill 8 attempts each 2:30 minutes: 3 front squats 90-95% of 1PM
The 14th week
- 2:00 minutes:
3 front squats 90-95% of 1PM The 15th week
- To fulfill 8 attempts each
1:30 minute:
3 front squats 90-95% of 1PM
The presented two blocks of exercises can be integrated into the training process of weightlifters. Mastering maximal weight, 90-95% nM during the work in time intervals, weightlifters would be ready for tactical struggle at competitions.
For maximal training effect achievement a weightlifter should fulfill each complex of exercises of crossfit system in terms of the definite intensity level. In general it is necessary to train power endurance with different speed and duration. The main method of power endurance development in weightlifting should be work, which causes tiredness. Training for power endurance development should be organized in a form of struggle being tired. It means being tired an athlete should activate all his resources and the techniques and fulfill the movement correctly at maximal weight. It is necessary to use 5 levels of intensity with constant control over pulse, tempo and personal load perception.
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Submitted: 20.05.2021 Author's information:
Sergey A. Koltovskoy - General Director, CrossFit Union Sport Club, 111141, Russia, Moscow, 3rd proezd Perova polya, House 8 Building 8, e-mail: [email protected]