Eshev Alibek, Karshi Engineeringeconomic Institute E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract: In this article priority directions of agricultural competitiveness of the Republic of Uzbekistan, main criteria and direction of the development strategy of the sector are considered. Important aspects and necessary modern management methods for strategic development are considered. As well as the improvement of new technologies in order to achieve competitiveness and address the issues on the set tasks for the development of the sector for the production of products.
Keywords: Agriculture, agrarian sector, strategic analysis, market, commodity, produce, resource use, competitiveness, level growth, new requests.
The importance of the agrarian sector in the social and economic development of the countries of the world is growing rapidly, as it is precisely one of the main directions of sustainable development of our country is agriculture. Trends in this area lead to awareness of the need to use modern management technologies for strategic development. Effective strategic management of the agricultural sector is possible today only if it is recognized as the production of quality products. Without an integrated approach to solving planning, quality assurance and management, it is impossible to further improve its development.
Efficiency in the strategic management of the agricultural sector is expressed in how timely and accurately farms are able to respond to new demands and requirements. For the successful operation of these farms, it is necessary to determine the mission, vision, values, and objectives of the activity, to conduct strategic analysis using various methodologies and modeling methods. The absence or vague formulation of some of these components may serve as an obstacle to the formation of a sector strategy. The strategy reveals long-term goals, objectives and directions of the development of the system.
The need to formulate a strategy is to increase the efficiency of resource use, "differentiation based
on the distinctive characteristics of the territories and taking into account agricultural specialization the creation ofgrowth points that allow the effective use of concentrated resources," creating opportunities for interaction and the formation of an integrated system of the agricultural sector.
In this connection, the issues of development and liberalization of the economy are aimed at further strengthening macroeconomic stability and maintaining high economic growth rates, increasing its competitiveness, modernizing and intensively developing agriculture, actively attracting foreign investment in the economy and in particular country agriculture by improving the investment climate, is the main strategy of the agricultural sector.
To improve the agrarian sector, the government has to fulfill its tasks, in particular, the expansion of social and corporate interaction between government and business in realizing the tasks of long-term economic development of the agro-industrial complex. At the same time, the implementation of the strategy for the development of the agricultural sector, development of new technologies in order to achieve competitiveness, solve marketing problems for the development of the sector and focus on creating an independent environment for the production of agricultural products.
Agriculture is one of the important branches of the economy of Uzbekistan. This industry, along with meeting the population's demand for food products and processing industries for raw materials, is considered one of the promising sources of strengthening economic potential.
In the "Strategy of Actions for the five priority development directions of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021", approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of February 7, 2017 No. UP-4947, the main attention is paid to modernization and intensive strategic development of agriculture.
The deepening of structural reforms and the dynamic development of agricultural production, the further strengthening of the country's food security, the expansion of the production of environmentally friendly products, a significant increase in the export potential of the agricultural sector are the most important tasks foreseen for implementation in the future.
Priority directions of strategic development of agriculture, defined in the Strategy of Action are:
- Development of agriculture through deepening of structural reforms, further strengthening of food security and export potential of the country;
- Improvement of issues on improvement of reclamation state of irrigated lands, development of land reclamation and irrigation facilities, introduction of modern water and resource-saving technologies into the industry, use of innovative technology;
- introduction ofresearch works on the creation of new selection varieties of agricultural crops with high productivity, resistance to diseases and pests adapted to local soil, climatic and environmental conditions;
- reconstruction and construction of existing processing enterprises that produce agricultural products and packaging materials on the basis of deep processing;
- Development of multidisciplinary farms engaged in the production, processing, procurement and sale of agricultural products, construction work and the provision of services;
- Expansion of the infrastructure for storage, transportation and marketing of agricultural products, provision of agrochemical, financial and other modern market services;
- adopting systemic measures to mitigate the negative impact of global climate change and the drying up of the Aral Sea on the development of agriculture and the livelihoods of the population.
In order to fulfill these tasks by the socialists, work will be carried out to further optimize the acreage areas associated with the expansion of areas for potatoes, vegetables, intensive gardens, oil crops and vineyards. The measures taken to optimize the composition of sown areas and increase yields will lead to a significant increase in agricultural production in our country.
In a market economy, the survivability of any enterprise, its stable position in the market of goods is determined by the level of its competitiveness, that is, the ability to produce and sell goods that are more attractive to consumers than price goods of their competitors in terms of price and non-price characteristics. It characterizes the possibilities and dynamics of adaptation of farmers to the conditions of market competition.
An important aspect of competitiveness is the availability of competitive advantages, that is unique tangible and intangible assets owned by the enterprise, which are strategically important for business and allow winning in a competitive struggle. In order to become a market leader, the company needs to outstrip competitors in innovations in the production and marketing system, in establishing new prices, and reducing costs. Therefore, competitiveness is not a constant sign, the advantage over an opponent can be lost with time, both due to environmental factors, and due to internal factors. Among the efficiency factors, the level of education, the efficiency of markets, the size of the market, and the level of technological development are singled out.
At present, the agricultural production system ensures the growth of the level of product quality, and
hence the confidence in increasing consumer satisfaction in agricultural products. In a market economy, the survivability of any enterprise, its stable position in the market of goods is determined by the level of its competitiveness, that is, the ability to produce and sell goods that are more attractive to consumers than price goods of their competitors in terms of price and non-price characteristics. It characterizes the possibilities and dynamics of adaptation to the conditions
of market competition. Competition in agriculture is formed simultaneously by farms with different forms of ownership and management according to the most favorable economic conditions. Since competitiveness lies in the ability of any market entity to outstrip competitors in achieving the set strategic goals, to consolidate their positions in the market and to derive some benefits for effective operation is considered to be one of the most elements
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