материалы так, как выросли цены на перевозку грузов. Можно сказать, что данный аспект ударил по карману не только перевозчиков, но и большей части населения.
Конечно, у Системы есть и плюс (правда, на данный момент не проверенный на практике). Появилась возможность оплатить часть транспортных налогов из средств, перечисленных Системе, при подаче соответствующих документов в Налоговую службу. Осталось только проверить работает ли это на самом деле.
Все, безусловно, понимают, Систему не отменят, и она будет только укореняться в нашей среде. Единственное пожелание - это добросовестное выполнение своих обязанностей обеих сторон, чтобы спустя годы «бунт» не выстрелил с новой силой.
Список использованной литературы:
1. Постановление Правительства РФ от 14.06.2013 № 504 (в ред. Постановлений Правительства РФ от 18.05.2015 № 474, от 03.11.2015 № 1191)
2. Распоряжение Правительства РФ от 29.08.2014 № 1662-р;
3. Постановление Правительства РФ от 03.11.2015 № 1191 (ред. от 27.02.2016);
4. http://www.benzin-price.ru/price.php?region_id=16&sort=4&brand_id=0&price_mode=1;
5. http://www.magcity74.ru/news/29767-vciom-uznal-mnenie-voditelej-o-sisteme-platon.html;
6. http://www.kolesa.ru/article/platon-do-i-posle-3-istorii-iz-zhizni-dalnobojschikov-2016-04-08;
7. http://platon.ru/ru/;
8. http://vl 1263.ru/akciya-protiv-platona-zaxlebnulas-dalnoboj shhiki-otkazyvayutsya-bastovat/;
9. http://www.kolesa.ru/news/deputaty-gosdumy-skazali-chto-platon-ubivaet-regionalnye-dorogi;
10. http://logoskop.ru/platon/analog-sistemy-v-europe.html
© Нуруллина А.Р., 2017
УДК 331
Pavlov E. A.
Student of Faculty of Management Saint Petersburg State Economic University Saint Petersburg, Russia Federation
In this article family expenses and the incomes are considered. Influence of the family budget on national economy is studied.
Family income, family expenses, Engel's law.
Before talking about the ways family expenditure can tell you about a country's economic condition, you should understand where families get their incomes from.
Households, as other macroeconomic agents, receive their incomes by owning factors of production. The income is qualified in according to the factor of production. Employees get salary for their labor, benefits for entrepreneurial skills, rent for their land and an interest for the capital.
The most common source of family income in most countries of the world is salary. At the same time, in the developed countries with a market economy the principal part of the income is received from providing other factors of production in somebody's use.
Unfortunately, such thing is not common in Russia. A command economy, which existed in our country in the
20th century, did not provide citizens an opportunity to receive something as income except for salary. The whole land and the capital were in the government's property and any display of entrepreneurial skills could be punished by the article of the Criminal Code.
However, times have been changing, and a command economy has gone into the past, having left an extensive field for studying. The government, in which people could only use one factor of production, is displayed in the structure of income of the soviet families. The structure of the income in 1982 is shown on the picture 1 below.
■ Salary ■Social disbursements «Ancillary agriculture ■ Other
Picture 1
If you compare expenditures in the major Powers for 1982, the table will be as following.
Table 1
Country Food Clothes Accommodation Transport Education and medicine
USA 10,0 6,5 25,5 13,5 17,5
Japan 15,0 6,0 24,0 10,0 15,0
Sweden 16,5 7,0 30,5 19,0 3,0
Greece 33,0 9,5 20,5 13,0 4,5
Portugal 35,0 11,0 15,0 16,0 6,0
USSR 40,0 20,0 8,0 8,0 3,0
As you can notice, the leading expenditures of citizens of the USSR are the expenditures for food.
The valuating of household's total expenditures occupies the important part of studying the regularities of development of the economy. The German economist Ernst Engel made a great contribution in the study of the structure of family expenditures. He identified the dependence that was named after the discoverer. "Engel's law" is stating "as income rises, the proportion of income spent on food falls, even if absolute expenditure on food rises; on clothes, accommodation, heating and lighting remains constant; the proportion spent on other goods (such as luxury goods) increases".
The explanation of this law is the fact that demands have various utility for people. And this is the reason why differentiation of incomes happens depending on gauge. The demand for food has the highest satisfaction rate. That is why if income of citizens increases, the proportion of income spent on food falls the fastest.
Engel claimed that as consuming capacity of households is formed due to the same models so structural analysis of expenditures may allow us to compare the level of wealth of population in different countries. Looking at the table 1, you may notice that the proportion of income spent on food in the USSR is bigger than in other developed countries. So, following Engel's law, we can come to the conclusion that the distribution of wealth in the USSR was lower than in other stated countries.
The situation has improved in modern Russia. You can see information from the Russian Federal State Statistics Service in the table below.
Table 2
Country Food Clothes Accommodation Transport Education and medicine
Russia 32,0 8,0 10,8 2,2 3,0
But, of course, we should take into account, that the analysis of family budget will be incorrect without considering inflation. The basis of the problem is that with the fall of purchasing power of money family income goes down in value. People try to save themselves investing in foreign currency. It leads on negative effects for the
country because money, which could be invested, become extracted from the national economy.
For example, many Russian enterprises are in the state of decline right now. Such organizations cannot provide competitive commodities and their devastation is inevitable. It will lead to the decrease in export and to the increase in import, which will be an advantage for foreign competitors. Investments make it possible to prevent the development of these tragic events and household savings are the main source of investments.
Therefore, we can conclude that careful tracking of household budgets and prevention of every dangerous process will be prudent for the government. The wealth of the country in general depends on the wealth of every single citizen. And there is a mini-recipe: people must get as much income as they need to provide more qualitative demand on the markets and invest savings in development of the state's economy getting benefits from it. List of Literature:
1. Экономика. Базовый курс. Липсиц И.В. 15-е изд. - М.: 2012. - 272 с
2. «Закон Энгеля» [электронный ресурс] URL:http://textbook.news/ekonomicheskaya-teoriya_781/zakon-engelya20478.html
3. Официальная статистика. Доходы, расходы и потребление домашних хозяйств [электронный ресурс] Режим доступа. - URL: http://www.gks.ru/wps/wcm/connect/rosstat_main/rosstat/ru/.
4. Алпатов Г.Е., Боркова Е.А., Герман Л.А., Гончарова Е.Н., и др. Формирование инновационной экономики России. Коллективная монография / Санкт-Петербургский государственный экономический университет. Санкт-Петербург, 2014.
© Павлов Е.А., 2017
УДК 657.1
Н.Н. Переыспкина
к.э.н., доцент кафедры учета, анализа и аудита Институт экономики, НИУ «БелГУ» г. Белгород, Российская Федерация И.А. Гриднева Магистрант 2 курса Институт экономики, НИУ «БелГУ» г. Белгород, Российская Федерация
В статье рассматривается актуальность регулирования расчетов по оплате труда. Одним из основных направлений повышения качества труда и уровня его оплаты является применение профессиональных стандартов.
Ключевые слова
Оплата труда, расчеты с персоналом, трудовые отношения, профессиональные стандарты
Сегодня многие предприятия могут обходиться без основных средств, некоторые без материальных запасов, но ни один хозяйствующий субъект не может существовать без трудовых ресурсов. Поэтому расчеты по оплате труда занимают важное место в системе учета как российских так и иностранных организаций. В настоящее время существенно изменяются экономические условия, уровень жизни населения, показатели инфляции и безработицы. Информация о начисленном и выплаченном вознаграждении за труд, о произведенных социальных и компенсационных выплатах, а также о стимулировании работников обеспечивает контроль за качеством и количеством труда, рациональностью использования средств, предназначенных для воспроизводства трудовых ресурсов.
Оплата труда является той категорией, которая должна удовлетворять с одной стороны интересы