УДК 330.567=28
Л. Ф. Маналакий Научный руководитель - А. И. Леонидова Руководитель по иностранному языку - Е. М. Дорогайкина
Сибирский государственный аэрокосмический университет имени академика М. Ф. Решетнева
Российская Федерация, 660037, г. Красноярск, просп. им. газ. «Красноярский рабочий», 31
Статья посвящена семейному бюджету, источникам его формирования и направлениям использования. Статья демонстрирует, как наиболее грамотно спланировать бюджет своей семьи. От того, насколько грамотно и умело человек формирует семейный бюджет и домашние финансы, настолько умело он распоряжается имеющимися денежными средствами зависит не только безопасность жизни и здоровья членов семьи, но, собственно, и благополучие всей семейной жизни в целом.
Ключевые слова: семейный бюджет, структура доходов семьи, планирование семейного бюджета.
L. F. Manalakii Scientific Supervisor - A. I. Leonidova Foreign Language Supervisor - E. M. Dorogaykina
Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University 31, Krasnoyarsky Rabochy Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660037, Russian Federation
The article is devoted to the family budget and its sources of formation and directions of use. The article shows how to plan competently the family budget. How correctly and skillfully man forms the family budget and household finances and cleverly manages available cash. The safety of life and health offamily members, in fact, the whole family well-being and life in general depend on family budget formation.
Keywords: family budget, the structure offamily income, planning the family budget.
In our progressive age of globalization there are a lot of very important sources of family income. It is important and today it is necessary to plan and manage the family budget, it will help us save money and buy necessary things. Our society and the state depend on the family wellbeing.
Budget is a scheme of revenues and expenditures of a particular person that is installed on a specific time period. On the one hand, the budget is the totality of the mass of financial resources, means at the disposal of any economic entity (state, company or family). On the other hand, it is the ratio between income and expenses of the economic entity, the balance of its funds, describing their income or expenditure over a certain period, usually one year.
In other words, the budget determines the contents of the "money bags": the presence in it of cash or cash shortage, the dynamics of its filling or emptying, the arrival of the channels and the flow of money, the ratio between income and expenses [1].
The family budget experts advise to never ignore the fact that the state can provide in the form of payments and benefits. Any required benefits, tax deductions, reduction of the tax base and other benefits are socially oriented and should be used without fail [5].
In economic terms, a family is a group of individuals associated kinship and leading a joint household for joint consumption (family may consist of a single person). A common form of the organization of the family economy is the family budget, which is the formation of the family income, their use, coordination of Family Income and Expenditure. From an economic point of view, the family begins with the livelihoods of income.
Секция «Актуальные на учные проблемы в мире (глазами молодьш исследователей)»
According to the materials of the report S.A. Aleksashenko (scientific and practical conference «Ways of development of the Russian economy», 2010-2015) family income structure can be represented as follows:
1) Wages of family members - 80.7 %;
2) Payments and benefits from social consumption funds (pensions, scholarships, grants for trips to resorts, the maintenance of children in pre-schools) - 7.7 %;
3) Income from personal plots - 2.8 %;
4) Income from other sources - 8.8 % [2].
There are three types of the family budget: shared, separate and mixed (including the characteristics of the first and second type). In our country, the first popular option is a husband and wife's earnings. They are added together and the costs are allocated to the month ahead.
Ideally, 10 % is set aside for future salary costs (repair, vacation). Costs are mandatory (food, utilities, public transport, children's pocket money, mobile phone) and spontaneous (new appliances, parties, fashionable clothes). Reasonable scrip of spontaneous spending is the money that remained after the compulsory and future costs.
To ensure a stable financial situation of the family and especially to enhance its well-being is necessary to plan the family budget.
Personal finance planning is always associated with the following tasks:
1. Evaluation of their financial and property status;
2. Creation of a system of protection against adverse events in life;
3. Definition of schemes to preserve and multiply the savings;
4. Selection of deductions option "for the future" (pension schemes).
These four items can meet almost all the family expenses. Since family budget planning should become familiar with the methods of doing this budget. Someone can record in a notebook, and someone will use an Excel document, or a special program which is more convenient.
There are ingenious in its simplicity schemes that allow not only to plan the family budget, but also to develop financial habits. The most effective methods of budgeting are:
1. Scheme of Andrew Tobias (consists of three steps):
• Get rid of all the debts and credits that you have;
• Invest or delay to the personal account of 20 % of their income (the money should be inviolable);
• Live in the pleasure of the remaining 80 %.
2. Divide the total revenue in three parts (The method also consists of three steps) :
• 20 % delay on savings accounts;
• 30 % of the revenue is spent on whatever you like (hobbies, clothes, Internet and Recreation);
• 50 % of the costsis spent for priority items (products, bill payment, transport).
3. Method by Richard Jenkins (proposes to divide the income into 5 parts):
• 60 % - current expenditures;
• 10 % - pension funds;
• 10 % - long-term purchase and various payment (credit, installments);
• 10 % - irregular spending;
• 10 % - recreation and entertainment.
Once you have decided which method will stick to, you get yourself a notebook, file, or doing household budget program. When planning your expenses, do not forget about the seasonal increase in prices of some commodities, best for a minimum period of planning this month.
Thus, the creation of a balanced family budget is not an easy task, especially with the fact that we constantly pursue contingencies. Analyze what you spend your money on and make a balanced budget.
The financial issue often becomes a cornerstone of the family relationship, because wealth has not been canceled yet. Yet money is not the most important aspect of life together. Families where the principle: "He who earns more is the most important" dominates are mostly unsustainable. The secret of well-being is not in comparison of purses but harmony, love and respect for each other.
Thus, summing up, we can conclude that all the families have their own financial life. Therefore, universal recipes of family financial happiness do not exist. It seems that the most important thing is an open and honest talk on the topic of money. Before marriage you need to clearly understand how much and how money will be made and how the money will be spent. And if the point of view of the future spouse does not suit you, it is not necessary to tie the knot, as it is a very great chance to be divorced. The same honest conversation is required before every significant change in family life, as a result of which the financial
situation of one of the spouses can change dramatically (birth of a child, moving to another city or country). It is important that both partners clearly understand their role in the financial life of families: contribution expected of them, what they might do themselves and which should be coordinated with your partner.
1. Aleksashenko S. A. Puti razvitiya Rossiyskoy ekonomiki v 2010 —2015. (2014) (Ways of Development of the Russian Economy in 2010-2015): Scientific Review publishing house, Moscow, 2014 (In Russ.)
2. Yershov M. Ekonomichesky rost: novyie problem I novyie riski / Voprosy economicki (New economic growth: new problems and new risks / Questions of economy). No. 12. 2012. P. 18-22 (In Russ.)
3. Komarova O. V. Ekonomika: Uchebnoe posobie dlya vuzov (Economy: textbook for universities): Publishing center "Akademiya", 2012. P.160. (In Russ.)
4. Fischer S., Dornbush R., Shmalenzi R. Ekonomika (Economy): Publisher: Delo LTD, 2010. P 864 (In Russ.)
5. Ignatovskaya N. K., Kazanskaya N. N., Kiryukhina N. A. (2014) "Annuity insurance": List available at: http://laprocom.sibsau.ru/images/stories/c6opHHK2014.pdf, 20 Dec. [20 Dec. 2015].
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