Научная статья на тему 'Improving the quality of travel services'

Improving the quality of travel services Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Zoidze Temur

The article considers the problem of improving the quality of tourist services. It is noted that tourism in many developing countries plays an important role in the formation of the gross domestic product, ensuring employment of the population and strengthening the balance of foreign trade. The author notes that tourism also has a huge impact on the development of various key sectors of the economy and is one of the most profitable enterprises in the world. According to the author, that is why in Georgia it is so necessary to develop this sector at an accelerated pace. Especially the author emphasizes the need to address such a problem as the quality of service in tourism, which is one of the most relevant in the development of this branch of the national economy.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Improving the quality of travel services»

Эффективность и конкурентоспособность компаний видится в возможности объединения существующих подходов в собственную модель развития, посредством их применения на определенном этапе жизненного цикла компании, в зависимости от сферы деятельности и поставленных целей компании.

Ориентация на модель подрывных инноваций на момент генерирования идей, затем их разработку, внедрение и коммерциализацию с помощью модели открытых инноваций и непрерывное следование теории ограничений в проектировании деятельности компании является одним из компонентов эффективного инновационного развития компаний.

Список литературы:

1 Дроганов С.С. Подрывные инновации как инструмент конкуренции в практике международных компаний / С.С. Дроганов, С.А. Евсеева //

Сборник трудов конференции «Неделя науки СПБУ» 2016 - С. 67-70.

2 Родионова И.А. Теория ограничений как инновационный инструмент управленческого планирования на предприятиях наукоемких отраслей/ И.А. Родионов // Computational nanotechnology -2015 - С. 40-43

3 Туккель, И. Л. Методы и инструменты управления инновационным развитием промышленных предприятий / И. Л. Туккель, С. А. Голубев, А. В. Сурина, Н. А. Цветкова -/ Под ред. И. Л. Тук-келя. — СПб.: БХВ-Петербург, 2013. -208 с.: ил.

4 Шпак Г.Б. Подрывные инновации и их влияние на конкурентоспособность предприятий / Г.Б. Шпак // Экономика и управление: проблемы, тенденции, перспективы развития 2017. - С. 227-230.

5 Экономика инноваций: Учебное пособие. — М.: Экономический факультет МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова, 2016.


Temur Zoidze

The Doctoral Student of Georgian Technical University


The article considers the problem of improving the quality of tourist services. It is noted that tourism in many developing countries plays an important role in the formation of the gross domestic product, ensuring employment of the population and strengthening the balance of foreign trade. The author notes that tourism also has a huge impact on the development of various key sectors of the economy and is one of the most profitable enterprises in the world. According to the author, that is why in Georgia it is so necessary to develop this sector at an accelerated pace. Especially the author emphasizes the need to address such a problem as the quality of service in tourism, which is one of the most relevant in the development of this branch of the national economy.

Keywords: quality, tourism services, development of the economy sector

Formulation of the problem. The emergence of a market economy and the emergence of high-income segments of the population in Georgia led to interest in improving the quality of tourism services. In addition, tourism in many developing countries plays an important role in the formation of the gross domestic product, in ensuring employment of the population and enhancing the foreign trade balance. Tourism also has a huge impact on the development of various key economic sectors and is one of the most profitable businesses in the world. Therefore, it is so necessary in our country to develop this sector at an accelerated pace.

The problem of quality of service in tourism is one of the most urgent in the development of this branch of the national economy. In the international tourism market, quality of service is the most powerful weapon in the competitive struggle. Tourists who are satisfied with the service in hotels, restaurants, service bureaus, tourist complexes of certain countries, become their active propagandists. They repeatedly visit these places, contributing to the increase in tourist flows, creating a high reputation for the tourist areas they liked. The quality of service ultimately contributes to the economic efficiency of tourism [2, 68].

Analysis of recent research and publications. The complex nature of tourism activities makes it difficult to establish a single measure of quality of service.

In addition, the influence of a number of factors of economic, organizational, technical, etc. character does not allow to measure the quality of service in different types of tourism activities for the same indicator. The concepts of "quality of service" and "quality of service" are closely related to each other, since both depend on the production capabilities of tourist facilities, whether it be a hotel, a boarding house or a sanatorium.

Unsolved earlier part of the common problem. However, in the area under consideration there, still remains a large number of poorly studied problems. In particular, the problems associated with the assessment of the quality and effectiveness of tourism services and the formation on this basis of effective management systems of the travel company. Weakly explored are also problems, related to environmental factors of the enterprise, which directly and indirectly relate to the quality of the services provided. The main characteristics of the external environment are its complexity, dynamism and uncertainty. External factors in the conditions of market relations contribute to the formation of quality of services. These are, first of all, the following: market requirements, i.e. buyers; competition: regulatory documents in the field of product quality; the need to win a worthy place, both on the domestic and foreign markets; ensuring the image of the company among customers, business people, etc.

The purpose of the article is to consider and study the problems of analyzing the quality of services in the management of a hotel enterprise.

The main material of the study. The quality of services is a set of characteristics that determine its ability to meet the stated or perceived needs of a person. The quality of services depends on a number of factors. Quality factors - the qualitative or quantitative characteristics of one or more properties of a service.

The classification of service quality factors is quite extensive:

• indicators of functional purpose;

• indicators of social purpose;

• ergonomic indicators;

• aesthetic indicators;

• safety performance;

• environmental indicators;

• patent and legal indicators;

• indicators of standardization.

In addition, there are still some factors specific for the tourism sector, largely affecting the creation of a quality tourist product.

1) Discreteness (continuity) of the production of tourist services and the integrity of their consumption. Professionals of tourist business often say: "Hospitality is the art of trifles". In ensuring the quality of the tourist product, all services should work equally well and qualitatively. For the quality production of tourist services is equally important as the work of the technical service responsible for elevators, serviceability of telephones, locks, furniture or sanitary ware.

2) The ability to re-produce tourism services at an equally high level, or duration of quality. Solving this problem for many manufacturers of tourist products is an impossible task, which, in turn, often causes a sharp decline in the competitiveness of the entire enterprise.

3) The sphere of tourism refers to a kind of activity where the produced product, being intangible, is consumed simultaneously with its production. The personnel of the enterprise do not have a chance to correct the marriage, and also to return the guest. This is a very important point, since the quality of the work of personnel significantly affects the quality characteristics of the tourist product itself.

In practice, the quality of the service is determined


1) Promptness of work on the selection and organization of tours at the request of customers - the speed of service in the complex determines the degree of satisfaction of each client;

2) Terms of receipt of reference information;

3) The courtesy of service, which is expressed in the cordiality of the employees of the travel company, their attention to the needs of each client, patience while discussing the route;

4) Compliance of the proposed tour with real content;

5) The availability of harmonization of all components of complex services.

The quality of services has specific capabilities and consists of the following components: the quality of service delivery and the quality of service to the population (figure.1).

The quality of service performance is the degree to which the consumer properties of a particular public service meet the requirements of the current regulatory and technical documentation and the wishes of the particular service consumer agreed upon when the order is received, with the optimal socio-economic performance of its performance.

Figure 1. Quality of Services, Their Execution and Maintenance

Quality of service of the population - the degree of conformity of consumer properties of the processes of serving public needs, characterized by a combination of conditions, methods and means that provide a specific consumer the opportunity to receive services with minimal time and high service culture with optimal socioeconomic service results.

The necessary requirement to improve the quality of services in tourism enterprises is compliance with the following principles:

The first is compliance with the main and most important for the tourism industry the principles of modern service:

1) maximum compliance of services provided to consumers and the nature of consumption;

2) the inextricable relationship of service with marketing, its basic principles and tasks;

3) the flexibility of the service, its focus on accounting for changing market requirements, preferences of consumers of tourist services.

The second is the creation of the necessary conditions for the personnel, which is called to provide quality service. These include:

1) ergonomics of workplaces;

2) a clear formulation of the rules that are mandatory for each employee;

3) a clear system of assessing the quality of each employee's work, allowing to objectively measure the quality and quantity of the service, especially such weakly accountable elements as goodwill and polite-



4) staff motivation, his sincere interest in the prosperity of the whole enterprise, the desire and ability to do all the work as efficiently as possible, a spirit for self-improvement;

5) system of personnel development.

The third is the optimization of the organizational structure of the management of the enterprise that provides tourist services. Optimal is the organizational structure of management, where the number of elements is extremely small (but without sacrificing quality of service), that is, the longer the order chain, the greater the likelihood of an error.

The necessary condition for ensuring the continuity of the technological process with the same level of quality of service is also the effectiveness of the interaction of all elements of the structure, which allows to immediately correct the errors that occurred and exclude the possibility of their recurrence.

Fourth - comprehensive, complete, objective and continuous control over the quality of service, assuming:

1) guest participation in quality assessment and control;

2) the creation of methods and criteria that make it possible to correlate the requirements of standards with the actual state of affairs;

3) creation of self-control systems for personnel;

4) constant work with quality groups;

5) application of clearly formulated quantitative criteria for assessing the quality of services provided;

6) participation of personnel in the development of quality systems and criteria;

7) application of technical means of quality control;

8) the creation of control services, which would include representatives of various services: directorate, finance department, security department, personnel service, managers or employees of all functional services.

An integral part of achieving high quality of services is the availability of a control system. When creating a control system, it is also necessary to follow the principle of continuity. The quality control system should provide, literally, every second control at all stages of the technological cycle and in all respects. In addition, the monitoring function, being returnable, must directly provide flexibility and adjustment of all other actions to ensure the quality of services.

Thus, we can distinguish two main criteria of the quality system: it should ensure a high level of quality of services, its compliance with the standards and needs of the tourist, and also serve as a tool for creating special technologies for the rational management of the enterprise.

For example, you can introduce such directions to improve the level of service and the provision of services:

1) Increasing the requirements for staff during employment;

2) Skills development:

- initial training in accordance with the objectives of the enterprise and the specifics of the work,

- training to bridge the gap between job requirements and personal qualities,

- training to improve general qualifications,

- training for mastering new methods and methods of performing labor operations,

3) Introduction of new technologies in the service of tourists,

4) Application of the zero-defect method,

5) Reduction of cases of violation of labor discipline due to work with personnel,

6) Reduction of the number of costs associated with work on the maintenance of personnel,

7) The introduction of activities of scientific organization of work: the placement of personnel in accordance with the qualifications, education, age, temperament, etc.

Conclusions. In this way, an important task for tourist enterprises, is to create a reputation for the high quality of customer service, which is ensured by collective efforts of employees of all company services, constant and effective control by the administration, work on improving the forms and methods of service, studying and introducing best practices, new technology and technology, expanding the range and improving the quality of the services provided.

The provided tourist services must meet the expectations and physical capabilities of the consumers to whom the service is addressed, as well as requirements that provide additional convenience for consumers, attractiveness and prestige of services. The recommended requirements for travel services and service conditions are: compliance with the destination; accuracy and timeliness of execution; complexity; the ethics of the staff; comfort; aesthetics; ergonomics. It is necessary that the provision of tourist services provide the opportunity to obtain not only basic, but also additional services (household, communications, trade, etc.) that create normal conditions for the life-support of consumers.

In this way, in order to timely respond to the decline in customer satisfaction with the services provided, the organization should not neglect the assessment of such an important indicator as the quality of the services provided.


1. Cetinski, V. Education for quality tourism management / Vinka Cetinski, Violeta Sugar // Tourism and hospitality management. 2009. -Vol. 15, №2.-P. 229-245.

2. Garcia, D. Optimal choice of quality in hotel services / Dolores Garcia, Maria Tugores // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. 2006. -Vol. 33, № 2. - P. 456-469.

3. Lin, S. A study of the relationship between hotel informative service settings items and customer satisfaction / Shinyi Lin et al. // Journal of quality assurance in hospitality & tourism. 2010. - Vol. 11, № 2. -P. 111-131.

4. Quality in Tourism Web site www.qual-ityintourism.com.

5. 1uality Tourism Services Inc. Web site www.qtspei.com.

6. Tourism Education Web site www.tour-ismeducation.org.

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