Nurmatova M.H. senior teacher Department of Languages Tashkent State Agrarian university
Abstract. In the present globalized world, the capacity to impart in various dialects is progressively significant both expertly and by and by. However, for some individuals, learning another dialect stays an enormous test that requires a colossal speculation of time without any assurance of progress. While some are honored with a natural ability for getting dialects effectively, most battle to accomplish even fundamental capability after months or long periods of study. This makes one wonder - is there a superior way? With the tremendous assets now accessible through innovation and instructive examination, it appears there ought to be more productive techniques for assisting normal students with accomplishing practical familiarity with another dialect. This article will investigate a region where the ongoing way to deal with language learning could be improved to boost productivity and produce improved results.
Keywords: foreign languages, learning process, learning methods, technologies, well-qualified teachers.
Introduction: Customary language guidance has depended vigorously on repetition remembrance of jargon words and punctuation rules through monotonous drills and cheat sheets. While remembrance assumes a part, this approach frequently neglects to connect with understudies in a significant manner or offer them chances to utilize the language imaginatively. As instructive clinicians have illustrated, individuals learn best through dynamic, experiential discovering that permits them to interface new data to existing information and encounters actually. Language projects ought to integrate more intuitive exercises, project-based learning, and certifiable application situations to provide jargon and designs setting and motivation. Understudies are more roused to realize when they see the significance and can begin utilizing the language rather than simply learning about it.
One more impediment of ordinary language classes is their "one-size-fits-all" move toward that doesn't represent individual contrasts in learning styles, interests, and beginning capability levels. Innovation presently empowers exceptionally customized, versatile learning ways custom-made to every understudy's assets, shortcomings, and objectives. Man-made brainpower can examine execution information to as needs be recognizing holes and target guidance. Understudies ought to have command over their opportunity for growth and have the option to zero in additional on regions they view as trying while at the same time advancing quicker in solid areas. Customized criticism and
direction from artificial intelligence guides could assist with streamlining the educational experience for various sorts of students.
While course books, sound illustrations, and language labs give openness to a language, they can't reproduce the full vivid experience of living and communicating consistently inside the objective culture. Research shows drenching is one of the best approaches to really dominate a language since it powers understudies out of their usual range of familiarity and into veritable correspondence circumstances where they should utilize the language to work consistently. More language projects could sort out reasonable concentrate abroad projects, virtual trade organizations, comprehensive developments, and language meetups to give understudies standard practice and social figuring out through experiential submersion. Innovation additionally empowers new types of virtual inundation through intelligent media, online networks, and gaming.
At long last, to boost effectiveness and results, language advancing should be a progressing, iterative cycle with ceaseless appraisal and open doors for development in view of results. As of now, understudies frequently concentrate on in confined class meetings with restricted criticism until a high-stakes test toward the end. A more present-day approach would consolidate successive developmental evaluation through exercises, projects, and conversational practice to distinguish qualities and shortcomings while learning is still underway. Execution information could then be breaking down to refine individual review plans, learning materials, showing techniques, and program-level educational programs on a continuous premise. Understudies would likewise profit from post-learning reflection and objective setting to remain persuaded in additional fostering their abilities.
Correspondence implies the likeness of the growing experience and the correspondence cycle simply by the primary highlights, which are the deliberate and persuaded nature of discourse movement, the presence of specific connections between conversationalists that structure a correspondence circumstance, conversation of those points that relate to the interests of students, their degree of improvement, the utilization of those discourse devices that capability in the genuine interaction. It is realized that there are various kinds of correspondence: socially-arranged correspondence, bunch subject-situated correspondence and individual situated correspondence.
First of all, accordingly giving oral and discourse unknown dialect abilities fundamental for adjusting joint activities is essential. A significant down to earth task is to remember the student for unknown dialect correspondence exercises and its answer will make a critical commitment to the development of the understudy's character. The combination of the most common way of showing an unknown dialect at a school with the necessities of today is related with the consistent contribution of the understudy in such instructive and discourse circumstances, when he goes about as an initiator and coordinator during the time spent connection with different members in the action. The primary prerequisite for the
determination of the open least is the portrayal of the circles of correspondence ordinary for students. The subsequent prerequisite is connected with socially arranged correspondence, the development of the capacity to safeguard their perspectives and convictions. The third is the preparation of discourse acts that serve the chose activities, and the circumstances wherein they are performed.
Bunch subject-arranged correspondence happens throughout joint exercises. Alongside circumstances that put the student before such issues that he needs to settle, in actuality, a huge spot can be taken by circumstances that have a nonexistent person. The fourth prerequisite is the determination and association of language material that makes it conceivable to carry out the chose demonstrations of discourse. The determination of the informative least and its execution fundamentally builds the inspiration of instructive and discourse action, assists with getting discourse all the more near normal. The fundamental component of correspondence is impromptu, non-standard, erratic, inventive, and probabilistic nature. Now and again the arranged strategy of discourse conduct must be changed moving, in light of the fact that it is abused by the strategies of different conversationalists. You really want to show reorientation over correspondence.
In this manner, the strategic substance of an unknown dialect illustration ought to be open. Additionally, in the homeroom, students can make knowledge maps where the associations among thoughts and fundamental ideas are addressed graphically. Lately, this technique has become exceptionally famous and is progressively utilized in preparing. Another well-known method is the composition of stories. This strategy depends on the age impact: understudies will better recollect the substance of the story that they concoct themselves.
The adequacy of recollecting, saving, and further perceiving and repeating the got data depends not just on how it is handled. A significant viewpoint is redundancy. Notwithstanding, basic mechanical reiteration is valuable just while learning the way to express unfamiliar words. In any remaining cases, it frequently demands a ton of investment and exertion, however doesn't give great outcomes. Reiteration can be coordinated in a more useful manner: organize the rehashed material and connection it to the recently concentrated on material.
Another significant inquiry is: how is the information acquired by students in the homeroom, later on, utilized by them in life circumstances? It is accepted that the information that students get in the homeroom is additionally summed up as per the circumstances that understudies will confront. Various examinations have shown that "on the off chance that another circumstance isn't firmly connected with the one where learning occurred, there is essentially no change of information."
To guarantee that the gained information can be moved to new circumstances, it is important to offer students at the phase of working out and rehashing the material a functioning practice with a huge arrangement of life models and circumstances that will assist understudies with getting adequate
experience. The best technique for showing unknown dialects is viewed as by driving specialists in the field of semantic schooling to be the open strategy (The Informative Methodology) of educating. This strategy was first applied over quite a while back.
Classes as per this strategy for showing English are held in gatherings of 12-15 understudies. This number of students is viewed as ideal for accomplishing the primary objective of preparing the capacity to offer their viewpoints openly in an unknown dialect. With such a quantitative class creation, the educator can consolidate understudies into little subgroups or matches, giving them aggregate undertakings.
Likewise, co-instruction of students extends their jargon because of the steady trade of jargon and the view of new expressions from the lips of the educator, yet additionally their schoolmates. The open technique for showing unknown dialects enjoys another benefit: from the absolute first illustration, correspondence in the homeroom is brought out just through the language being examined.
In rundown, while conventional language guidance has esteem, there stays huge opportunity to get better in making the educational experience really captivating, customized, vivid and information headed to boost proficiency. Innovation currently empowers new methodologies that adjust to various student needs and give consistent input to progress. With additional development coordinating present day instructive examination and instruments, it might become feasible for normal understudies to accomplish elevated degrees of capability in new dialects inside a negligible portion of the time and exertion customarily expected through a more streamlined opportunity for growth. By and large, zeroing in on dynamic, experiential, individualized and vivid language training could assist more students with prevailing in the present universally associated world.
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