Abstract: one of the principle and dire errands today is to drastically change the advanced education arrangement of Uzbekistan, to utilize current and imaginative techniques in the instruction framework to expand its effectiveness. This incorporates the utilization of mechanical instructing and learning openings in the training framework, just as the utilization of a cross breed learning framework. This article looks at the significance and criticalness of separation training in the advancement ideas of the advanced education arrangement of Uzbekistan. The article likewise investigates the difficulties presented by hybrid innovations and makes suggestions.
Keywords: hybrid, intertwined, online PC educating, EFL setting, blended learning, EdTech device, PC programs, MOOCs.
UDC 81-139
Introduction. These days data innovation's advancement is over in each field. We frequently face "hybrid" in our life. Particularly, mixture innovations, crossover individuals, hybrid world, and so on. At present, it will be better on the off chance that we enter the idea of a hybrid learning framework to our logical world. In the XXI century, "hybrid" has spread generally. In the event that "hybrid" made an interpretation of from Latin to English in signifying "seeded". It has, additionally, another unique signifying "intertwined". As indicated by claim to fame, this word is seen in an unexpected way. Separation taking in is not the same as customary types of instruction. It permits understudies to instruct at once, spot, and condition that suits them.
Methodology. Educational programs are created dependent on individual and gathering prerequisites, paying little heed to the course. During the showing procedure, understudies can trade data through a concentrated system of logical data and information. It is normal that the powerful utilization of preparing offices, hardware and vehicles, the assortment and introduction of information in a bound together framework, and the decrease of expenses in retraining will be accomplished. The most current data, media communications, and innovations are utilized in the instructive procedure. Now, we will discuss hybrid learning framework. Right now, in high training places encouraging framework is sorted out as a "block and lime" adversely. In other words, educators do the exercise procedure, as a genuine circumstance. The advanced world's necessity infers that giving a hand and making more solaces for individuals' life. In individuals' lives, yet in addition in the instruction framework [2].The hybrid learning framework completes following PC based data and does the correspondence among understudy and educator. These days, understudy's inclinations in advances are significantly more grounded than pencil and paper. For sure in years ago, the sort of innovation assets of instructing is generally utilized in all states of training. The use of specialized instruments has somewhat framed in all phases of ceaseless instruction. In any case, we ought to recall that, despite the fact that it is utilized effectively in the training procedure innovative encouraging technique is just assistant and extra educational strategies. In the conventional exercise, the instructor assumes the principle job. The presence of genuine discussion in the instructing procedure is so essential undertaking. However, it is hard to track down a pro in the important field. The fundamental significance of the hybrid framework is the exercise will be online among instructor and understudy. It contains online PC educating as well as just so dynamic techniques, activity framework, and electronic library. To state reality, a hybrid training framework is considered as a framework virtual
discussion that details among instructor and understudy. The essentialness of the hybrid framework is that each understudy approaches conceived exclusively. That is each understudy feels consideration by their instructor [1].
The current worldview considers educating to be learning as social procedures in which understudies are dynamic information manufacturers with their educators. The educator turns into a facilitator, facilitator, mentor, or guide. Wheeler (2009) recorded seven aptitudes that blended training educators/teachers ought to have [3]:
1. they should bolster and support understudies;
2. they ought not be hesitant to face challenges with new innovations;
3. they should have the option to move great perusing abilities to online settings;
4. they should be acceptable correspondence administrators in any medium;
5. they should be conflicting;
6. they should develop in a culture of progress;
7. they ought to have the option to see the 10,000 foot view.
Hybrid learning has gotten one of the best methodologies in learning a subsequent language. Hybrid learning has been a significant development point in the field of English educating in the course of the most recent decade. Much consideration is paid to the subject matters that residents get what it takes and information vital for powerful correspondence, in particular the instructing of unknown dialects and data and correspondence innovations [1].
Learning nature profoundly joining to improve science, methods, and culture just as trading data can cause to raise widespread otherworldly help. The previously, the key reason for point of view ICT is making new intuitive data space. To apply the cross breed showing framework in advanced education, it ought to be sorted out with giving specialized enhancement. National data assets coordinate into the world data environment and social data assets must pass electronic renditions. This passing is the most serious issue of ICT to finish innovation. To summarize, these days rivalry is circling the training framework. Each instruction foundation prescribes their modern and new design educating strategies. From the perspective, the hybrid training framework is the present interest. On the off chance that we need to be able, ably, profoundly taught individuals, obviously, we ought to make our condition. We see the pace of informatics innovation that has a force which can remain minutes back, for what reason don't we use it. Attempts can be bringing about the future, obviously when we do it on schedule. Extraordinary tasks are exploring in our nation to make an understudy's logical examination. Along these lines, there will be no requirement for outside authorities. Incidentally, to utilize the hybrid training framework is sufficient. It might be an explanation behind making a tedious and sparing undertaking [4].
Conclusion. I trust, this venture will unbelievable. Since, if the hybrid instructing framework uses broadly, it makes to join high training foundations as well as in different offices. These tasks are considered as a holding up plan of the XXI century. I am certain that, building up a hybrid framework in Uzbekistan colleges can be caused to step by step expanding in light of the fact that each foundation has its trademark showing framework, they vary from each other.
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4. Sharipova Makhmuda Zoitovna. Uluchsheniye navykov nezavisimoy raboty v inostrannykh yazykovykh klassakh: Metod. Obsuzhdeniya. «Vestnik Nauki i Obrazovaniya».№ 7 (85), 2020. 63.
5. [Electronic Resource]. URL: https://edtechreview.in/data-statistics/2506-blended-learning-in-the-classroom-statisticsresearch/ (date of access: 17.08.2020).
Abstract: current investigation starts with the discernment and impression of the general condition, that is, the impression of genuine items and occasions in the kid's psyche. The kid's recognition is significantly better in the main long periods of life, and at two years old he starts to contrast from one another relying upon the shading, shape, size of articles, recognizes a natural tone, etc. It builds up an assortment of tactile capacities: sight and sight, hearing and hearing, the capacity to recognize objects as per outside signs, the capacity to copy what is less obvious and heard.
Keywords: hard of hearing from birth, kids with hearing misfortune.
Introduction. The kid ought to have the option to establish various connections, see and contact objects, watch crafted by grown-ups, hear various sounds. Discourse greatly affects the advancement of mental procedures, perception, memory, and so forth., kids' exercises. As a kid creates discourse, the job of grown-up discourse is as an instructive apparatus increment [1].
The development of a kid's character starts in the main long stretches of life. In view of what he sees and hears each day, the kid shows little disposition to the being and the individuals around him, the conduct of grown-ups, the kid's appraisal of the occasions that occur in his work - this influences the arrangement of the kid's otherworldly picture. Infringement of certain conditions essential for the advancement of the kid in the belly and after birth can prompt different inconsistencies, i.e. physical or mental deformities [3].
In the field of defectology, work is done on various classifications of kids with oddities: youngsters with hearing disabilities (hard of hearing from birth, kids with serious hearing misfortune, kids with resulting hearing misfortune); helpless vision (daze kids); dazzle deaf-dumb kids; oligophrenia (debil, imbesil, simpleton kids); kids with extreme discourse abandons; kids with deserts in the development base organs; kids with mental impediment [5].
Just as helping the hard of hearing youngster to impart, everybody around the kid should likewise have their very own elevated consciousness correspondence and the correspondence condition. As communicators with hard of hearing youngsters we should know about some of our own practices, including confronting the conference disabled kid when conveying, talking unmistakably so they can see our lip designs, and when required, utilizing motion, sign or visuals to help (with sound-related verbal treatment, you may really not follow a portion of these procedures, as you are attempting to show the kid to tune in and segregate). We should likewise focus on the earth and convey in a zone that is sufficiently bright and where there is less foundation commotion [2].
There are numerous things we, and people around us, can do to make life simpler when hearing hindrance happens. Top 10 hints to assist correspondence with a hard of hearing or hearing debilitated kid [4]:
• On the off chance that your youngster has hearing challenges and is more established and capable, urge them to disclose to new individuals that they experience issues with hearing. This will permit others to make up for, and comprehend their troubles.