ISSN (p) 2411-7161 / ISSN (e) 2712-9500
№4 / 2023
Nurymova Kumush Orazdurdiyevna,
senior lecturer of the Magtymguly Turkmen State university,
Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.
Meredova Gulruh Vepayevna, instructor of Magtymguly Turkmen state university,
Ashgabat, Turkmenistan. Oraznepesova Ayjahan Maksadovna, instructor of Magtymguly Turkmen state university,
Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.
Magtymguly is the greatest representative of Turkmen literature, credited with the creation of Turkmen written literature, and whose literary form became a powerful symbol of the historical and the incipient national consciousness of the Turkmen people. He is part of a unique period in the cultural history of Central Asia, with his exceptional talent projecting his personal poetic synthesis onto the next generation of poets of the region.
Magtymguly, was a Turkmen spiritual leader, philosophical poet, Sufi and traveller who is considered to be the most famous figure in Turkmen literary history.
Magtymguly was born in Haji Qushan, a village near the Gurgen river. He spent his life at the banks of Etrek and Gurgen rivers.
Magtymguly's name means "slave of Magtym", where Magtym is one of the sacred lineages among the Turkmen people. However, the poet, along with his name, also used a distinct nom de plume or makhlas in his poems, which was "Feraghi". It comes from Arabic and means "the one separated from" happiness, or union with his beloved.
Magtymguly's father was Dowletmammet Azadi, himself an educated poet. His father was also a local teacher and mullah, and was highly regarded by his people.
Magtymguly received his early education in the Turkmen, Persian and Arabic languages from his father. He also learned ancestral trades such as felt-making and, according to some sources, jewellery.
Magtymguly continued his studies in various madrassahs (religious school of higher learning), including Idris Baba madrassah in the village of Gyzyl Ayak, Gogeldash madrassah in Bukhara and Shirgazi madrassah in Khiva.
Magtymguly provided basic information about himself, his family and children in his poetry. In his poem "Aleme belgilidir" (Known in the world), Magtymguly says: "Tell those who enquire about me that I am a Gerkez, I hail from Etrek and my name is Magtymguly", identifying his homeland as the banks of the Etrek River and expressing his identity through his tribe.
Magtymguly traveled extensively during his lifetime, mostly to widen his erudition, with the territories of present-day Azerbaijan, India, Iran and Uzbekistan among the countries known to have been visited by him.
Not much is known about Magtymguly's family life. He was unable to marry a woman he loved from his own village, Mengli, whom he dedicated a great deal of his love poems.
Magtymguly was one of the first Turkmen poets to introduce the use of classical Chagatai, the court language of the Khans of Central Asia, as a literary language, incorporating many Turkmen linguistic features. His poetry exemplifies a trend towards increased use of Turkic languages rather than Persian; he is revered
as the founder of Turkmen poetry, literature and language. Magtymguly's poetry also gave start to an era litterateurs depict as the "Golden age" in Turkmen literature. His literary form became a powerful symbol of the historical and the incipient national consciousness of the Turkmen people.
Unlike his father and another prominent Turkmen poet of the era, Andalib, Magtymguly employed strophic form, usually quatrains (qoshuk) for his poems making them syllabic. Vast majority of his poems are in the form of folk Turkmen songs, qoshuk and aydish, with the latter being a form of musical contest usually involving two poets.
Magtymguly Firagi's works had not just been confined to bestowing the most profound poems to his people, he also brought up the biggest problems of Turkmens into discussion and yielded deep thoughts and proper remedies.
Magtymguly is the father of the modern Turkmen literature and a symbol of resistance and freedom for Turkmens. He has written on a variety of themes - mystical, lyrical, religious, social, patriotic and others which make his poems attract various strata among the Turkmens and other peoples.
What's more, there are thousands of valuable political, social, ethical and philosophical sayings in Magtymguly's poems. Taking into account classical literature of Turkic nations, Vasily Bartold, the famous Russian expert on the East, states in his researches that, it is only Turkmen people who have a great national poet as Magtymguly among Turkic nations.
It is symbolic that during the Magtymguly's annual anniversary, Turkmenistan also marks Day of Constitution. According to the main law of the country, the people of Turkmenistan build their future and that of their children on this day. This coincidence is not accidental. In his writings, Magtymguly as well as the famous Dowletmamet Azadi, his father and thinker, always dreamed about Turkmen tribes' unity and the Turkmen state.
Among the inhabitants of our country, interest in the creative heritage of the outstanding poet continues to grow. The attention of the world readership does not fade away either. The literary works of Magtymguly translated into dozens of foreign languages are studied in the homeland of the Turkmen poet and far beyond its borders.
Recently, the Embassy of Turkmenistan in Azerbaijan and the National academy of sciences of Azerbaijan (ANAS) in Baku organized a scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the great classical poet Magtymguly Pyragy at the Institute of literature named after Nizami Ganjavi. The main topic of discussion was the invaluable contribution of the Turkmen philosopher to world literature.
The poetic talent of the philosopher served as the key thesis for the round table meeting, which took place the other day at the State museum of the State cultural centre of Turkmenistan.
The participants in the discussion - mentors, young writers and poets highlighted important topics in the multilateral work of Magtymguly- patriotism, brotherhood, philanthropy. Noting that during the Revival of a new epoch of a sovereign state, the literary heritage of the poet remains an inexhaustible source in the education of the younger generation.
A large cultural event was held at the monument to Magtymguly in the city of Mary. Here, librarians organized a book exhibition, presenting to the public attention dozens of poetic collections of the poet, as well as various books about Turkmenistan. Philosophical and lyrical poems of Magtymguly were performed by contemporary poets.
The poetic sky of Turkmenistan is never a desert. From time to time a bright star lit up on him. If the age of Makhtumkuli, Mollanepes, Kemine, Seidi, Zelili and other classics is considered the golden age of Turkmen poetry, then the 20th century, especially its second half, can rightly be called the silver age. Among the brilliant names of all poets who continued and developed the fame of Turkmen poetry, the name of Kerim Kurbannepesov occupies a special place.
НАУЧНЫЙ ЖУРНАЛ « IN SITU » ISSN (p) 2411-7161 / ISSN (e) 2712-9500 №4 / 2023
Poets are not teachers, but each of the composing verses has an ideal, a peak, to which he aspires. Makhtumkuli became such a peak for Kerim once and for all. And it all started with the fact that the boy, having learned to write, copied under the dictation of his father a volume of verses of Makhtumkuli, which was kept in their house as a precious relic. The father acted wisely. A few years later, his father died at the front, and Mahtumkuli accompanied Kerim all his life. He never called the great Fragi his idol, for him this name meant much more - he was a spiritual teacher.
©Nurymova K.O., Meredova G.V., Oraznepesova A.M., 2023