Научная статья на тему 'Improvement of the management professionalization mechanism in Ukraine'

Improvement of the management professionalization mechanism in Ukraine Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
професіоналізація / управлінська освіта / компетенція управлінських кадрів / профессионализация / управленческое образование / компетенция управленческих кадров / professionalization / managerial education / the managerial staff’s capacity

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Сафонов Юрій Миколайович, Кузнецов Едуард Анатолійович

The subject of the research is theoretical and methodological basis and practical aspects of management professionalsystem formation.The purpose of the research is formation and substantiation of and methodological basis and practicalrecommendations of management professionalization improvement mechanism in Ukraine.Methodology. Research is conducted on the basis of results of modern domestic and foreign theories’ analysis ofmanagement professionalization mechanism formation.Practical implications. Modern socio-economic conditions of Ukrainian society’s development form new demands to themanagement education. It causes the necessity of new approaches use in the field of management professional systemformation. Nowadays the main accent is made on the management systems’ effectiveness guaranteeing and this supposesthe scientific and practical tasks of management professionalization mechanism improvement solution.Results. Managerial resource is the most necessary in the world and the real managerial elite’s training must be themain priority of the state policy. The new challenges of the XXI century suppose the formation of the innovation economicson the bases of the intellectual capital efficient use. Main competitive factor is the creative class of the professionally trainedmanagers. The base of the managers’ creativeness must be science and education that are able to generate thefundamental innovations in all vitally important spheres of the human activity.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Improvement of the management professionalization mechanism in Ukraine»


управленческих действий, нацеленная на повышение социально-экономической эффективности управления регионом на основе оптимизации взаимодействия субъектов хозяйствования на территории функционирующего региона.

3. Региональный механизм управления представлен как системное единство следующих принципов его формирования: правовой, социально-экономический, организационный, методологический и методический.

4. Разработана базовая структура регионального организационно-экономического механизма управления, основанная на использовании следующих функций регионального управления с их правовой обеспеченностью: организационно-административных, технолого-экологических, финансово-экономических и социальных. Показано содержание данных функций регионального управления.

5. Выделенные функции регионального управления создают основу для формирования локальных оптимизационных задач по принятию хозяйственных решений.

6. Конкретизировано содержание горизонтальной и вертикальной интеграции.

Список использованных источников

1. Большой энциклопедический словарь. - 2-е изд. перераб. и доп. - М.: Большая Российская энциклопедия,

1998. - 1456 с.

2. Большой экономический словарь / Под ред.А.Н. Азрилияна. - 4-е изд. доп. и перераб. - М.: Институт новой экономики, 1999. - 1248 с.

3. Гоажданское и предпринимательское право: Общая часть. Сборник документов / Составитель Богачева Т.В. - М.: Манускрипт, 1996. - 879 с.

4. Губанов, С. Перспектива - переход к государственно-корпоративной экономике // Экономист. 1998. - № 6. -С. 70-83.

5. Коровкин, В.П. и др. Словарь-справочник экономиста АПК / В.П. Коровкин, И.А. Ламыкин, А.Г. Зельднер;

Сост. В.П. Коровкин. - М.: Экономика, 1990. - 384 с.

6. Регионоведение: Учебник для вузов / Т.Г. Морозова, М. П. Победина, С. С. Шишов, Р.А. Исляев; - Под ред.

проф. Т.Г. Морозовой. - М.: Банки и биржи, ЮНИТИ, 1999. - 424 с.


1. Bol'shojjenciklopedicheskij slovar'. - 2-e izd. pererab. i dop. - M.: Bol'shaja Rossijskaja jenciklopedija, 1998. - 1456 s.

2. Bol'shoj jekonomicheskij slovar' / Pod red. A.N. Azrilijana. - 4-e izd. dop. i pererab. - M.: Institut novoj jekonomiki,

1999. - 1248 s.

3. Grazhdanskoe i predprinimatel'skoe pravo: Obshhaja chast'. Sbornik dokumentov / Sostavitel' Bogacheva T.V. - M.: Manuskript, 1996. - 879 s.

4. Gubanov, S. Perspektiva - perehod k gosudarstvenno-korporativnoj jekonomike // Jekonomist. 1998. - № 6. - S. 70-83.

5. Korovkin, V.P. i dr. Slovar'-spravochnik jekonomista APK / V.P. Korovkin, I.A. Lamykin, A.G. Zel'dner; Sost. V.P. Korovkin. - M.: Jekonomika, 1990. - 384 s.

6. Regionovedenie: Uchebnik dlja vuzov / T.G. Morozova, M.P. Pobedina, S.S. Shishov, R.A. Isljaev; - Pod red. prof. T.G. Morozovoj. - M. : Banki i birzhi, JuNITI, 1999. - 424 s.


Герасенко Володимир Петрович, доктор економічних наук, доцент УО «Білоруський державний економічний університет» пр. Партизанський 26, м. Мінськ, 220070 e-mail: gerasenko [email protected]


Герасенко Владимир Петрович, доктор экономических наук, доцент УО «Белорусский государственный экономический университет» пр. Партизанский 26, г. Минск, 220070 e-mail: gerasenko [email protected]

DATA ABOUT THE AUTHOR Vladimir Gerasenko, Doctor of economics,

Belarus State Economic University

6, Partizanski Av, Minsk, 220070, Republic of Belarus

e-mail: gerasenko [email protected]



Кузнецов Е.А., Сафонов Ю.М.

Предметом роботи є теоретико-методичні засади та практичні аспекти формування професійної системи менеджменту.

Мета роботи полягає в розробленні та обґрунтуванні теоретико-методичних положень та практичних рекомендацій щодо удосконалення механізму професіоналізації менеджменту в Україні.

Методологія проведення роботи. Робота виконана за результатами дослідження сучасних зарубіжних та вітчизняних теорій щодо формування механізму професіоналізації менеджменту.


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© Кузнецов Е.А., Сафонов Ю.М., 2015


Галузь застосування результатів. Сучасні соціально-економічні умови розвитку українського суспільства формують нові вимоги щодо менеджмент-освіти. Це обумовлює необхідність застосування нових підходів до формування професійної системи менеджменту та перенесення основної уваги на забезпечення ефективності та результативності управлінських систем, що потребує розв'язання науково-практичних завдань щодо удосконалення механізму професіоналізації менеджменту.

Висновки. Управлінський ресурс є найнеобхіднішим у сучасному світі, а підготовка справжньої управлінської еліти має бути найголовнішим пріоритетом державної політики. Нові виклики ХХІ століття передбачають формування інноваційної економіки на основі ефективного використання інтелектуального капіталу. Найважливішим фактором конкурентоздатності буде креативний клас професійно підготовлених керівників. Основою креативності управлінців мають стати наука та освіта, які будуть здатні генерувати фундаментальні інновації у всі найважливіші сфери людського життя.

Ключові слова: професіоналізація, управлінська освіта, компетенція управлінських кадрів.


Кузнецов Э.А., Сафонов Ю.Н.

Предметом работы являются теоретико-методические положения и практические аспекты формирования профессиональной системы менеджмента.

Цель работы состоит в разработке и обоснование теоретико-методических положений и практических рекомендаций по усовершенствованию механизма профессионализации менеджмента в Украине.

Методология проведения работы. Работа выполнена по результатам исследования современных зарубежных и отечественных теорий формирования механизма профессионализации менеджмента.

Область применения результатов. Современные социально-экономические условия развития украинского общества формируют новые требования относительно менеджмент-образования. Это обуславливает необходимость применения новых подходов относительно формирования профессиональной системы менеджмента и перенесения основного внимания на обеспечение эффективности и результативности управленческих систем, что требует решения научно-практических задач по усовершенствованию механизма профессионализации менеджмента.

Выводы. Управленческий ресурс является самым необходимым в мире, а подготовка настоящей управленческой элиты должна быть главным приоритетом государственной политики. Новые вызовы ХХІ столетия предполагают формирование инновационной экономики на основе эффективного использования интеллектуального капитала. Важнейшим фактором конкурентоспособности будет выступать креативный класс профессионально подготовленных управленцев. Основой креативности управленцев должны стать наука и образование, которые будут способны генерировать фундаментальные инновации во все жизненно важные сферы человеческой деятельности.

Ключевые слова: профессионализация, управленческое образование, компетенция управленческих кадров. IMPROVEMENT OF THE MANAGEMENT PROFESSIONALIZATION MECHANISM IN UKRAINE

Kuznietsov E., Safonov Y.

The subject of the research is theoretical and methodological basis and practical aspects of management professional system formation.

The purpose of the research is formation and substantiation of and methodological basis and practical recommendations of management professionalization improvement mechanism in Ukraine.

Methodology. Research is conducted on the basis of results of modern domestic and foreign theories' analysis of management professionalization mechanism formation.

Practical implications. Modern socio-economic conditions of Ukrainian society's development form new demands to the management education. It causes the necessity of new approaches use in the field of management professional system formation. Nowadays the main accent is made on the management systems' effectiveness guaranteeing and this supposes the scientific and practical tasks of management professionalization mechanism improvement solution.

Results. Managerial resource is the most necessary in the world and the real managerial elite's training must be the main priority of the state policy. The new challenges of the XXI century suppose the formation of the innovation economics on the bases of the intellectual capital efficient use. Main competitive factor is the creative class of the professionally trained managers. The base of the managers' creativeness must be science and education that are able to generate the fundamental innovations in all vitally important spheres of the human activity.

Key words: professionalization, managerial education, the managerial staff's capacity.

Nowadays the reformation process of the management education formed during the Soviet Union existing lasts in Ukraine. Supposing that such activity logically turns to the building of the new management professional education system we can admit that these changes will have only external character without clear definition of the conceptual basis and professional criterions of the new processes of management personnel training. Unfortunately, in Ukraine in most cases particularly such approach is called reformative. It should be noted that the perception of the management maintenance of the economic reforms necessity is started. These reforms are not the elements of the populist policy, but the socio essential activities of the safety of the economic system and government in whole. The qualitative managerial staff's training needs the government support and the security system as the main priority of the national policy.

In spite of the changes' expediency and positivity we cannot say that the clear reference points of the managerial staff's professional training are found. In most cases the selection system of the syllabuses for the bachelors, specialists and master's degrees programs do not reflect the logic of the management theory and practice. For example, the system of the management professional capacities is not structured per management levels. It decreases the efficiency of the educational process owing to the uncertainty of the intermediate and final goals of the management education. Besides, the factor of the management

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belonging to the industrial branch continues to be essential. Such an archaic approach gained a foothold in the management training's tradition. The circumstance that modern management is indifferent per se to the economics' branch specialization and it is fundamental point of the determination of the training program's structure and context is the news which requires a proof. The technological environment of the management practical activity (economic branch, sphere) is the main management priority. It should be admitted that nowadays management is the scope of activity of the specialist with the clear branch oriented behaviour. Unfortunately, it is the archaic opinion and it does not favor the effectiveness of the modern management system. But the decrease of the effectiveness is not concerned with the technological branch orientation of the managerial personnel that is not per se the disadvantage, it is concerned with the absence of the managerial professional training base that is the fiducial point of the knowledge development during his/her managerial career.

The problem of the fundamental research of the management professional system supposes the development of the history of the managerial through actualization processes. It is the important factor of the historical management researches' significance understanding for the modern management theory and practice. The understanding of the modern management system development processes is bound up with the fundamental conditions of society's socio-economic development at the different historical stages. It is important to understand what prompts the managerial activity's researches, especially in the process of scholar schools formation. Why did not the collective and individual ideas of the management scholar schools receive the support in the scientific society or were forgotten? How long has the science being gone crooked and false paths of the managerial thought?

The important processes of the managerial thought development in Ukraine are concerned with the development of the scholar school called scientific labour organization at the 20 years of the XX century. At that time the idea of the scientific labour organization was at the stage of the primary accumulation. This conception and its context were understood differently by the researches. Nevertheless, we can mark out two main courses of this scholar school.

The first course is bound up with the rationalization of the labour process carried out by the separate person in the cooperation with the material productive factor. It actually is the scientific labour organization. This course was determinative for the managerial thought development in the USSR during many decades. In the independent Ukraine inertial processes bounded with identification of the categories «production management» and «management» are going on. As a matter of fact first of all it leads to a number of problems and impossibility of the clear definition of the management scientific and research base. In this case management is considered as the one of the parts of the enterprise's economic system. Although adjusted category of the production management (operation management) along with marketing and personnel management (properly management) are the components of the enterprise's management.

The second course is bound up with the rationalization of the interpersonal interaction in the general labour process with purpose of labour optimum achievement. It was called scientific management organization that started investigation of management. In the modern understanding «subject-subject» interaction is the main value in management and this interaction is exceptionally of the people. The opinion that such position simplifies management system and makes it univariate and less efficient, is unproductive. Per contra, particularly the interaction of the enterprise's professionally trained personnel is the main and complex management problem. It needs constant development of the professional knowledge, skills and capacities of the enterprise's management. The professional management is the system of the scientific (innovation) approach and management art. The art of management in its turn involves the mechanisms of the constant tutorship and certain magic of the enterprise’s personnel administration.

We see the pluralism of the management functions definition when the functional specificity of management is mentioned. Such professional inaccuracy leads to the distortion of the possible management specialization variants. Thus such specializations of the managerial staff's training that do not bound with the real differentiation of the managerial processes in terms of management theory and practice development appear. And it means that licensed specialists in management do not get professional skills for their further practical activity. Such managers' skills depend on their practical experience. Such situation is impossible from the point of view of the tactics, as well as management education strategy development.

The efficiency of the management education formation process, which differs from the economic and business ones, needs the analysis of the whole set of the scientific, methodological and practical questions.

The choice of the right reference points of the managerial staff training is bound with the definition of what they need to know as the management experts with purpose of the certain company's managerial process realization. Considering of such situation when manager has the great number of technologies and it is unknown what he/she needs to know for the certain problem solution, is unproductive. In this case it is the unreal task stated before the manager to acquire the skills of the organizational and executive work that is not beyond the power of one specialist. Besides, if it is principally impossible, the problem of the considerable decrease of manager's capacity at the whole set of the professionally necessary kinds of the managerial activity appears. The important is that the modern managerial activity is the result of the efforts of the management team, but not of one manager. The professional knowledge of each manager cannot be typical and depends on his/her position in the management team.

While analyzing the modern management technologies development, it is necessary to note that the management professional system conception has to involve the following:

1. The characteristic of management functions and its specificity at the different company's structure levels;

2. The detailed structure of the management methods and priorities of the ratio determination of the methods use in certain situations of the managerial activity;

3. The structured building of the managerial activity with use of the search techniques of the adaptive organizational management structures;

It should be emphasized that if we do not consider the functions, methods and structure in management, than we do not consider management in the professional terms in general.

Thus, the management professional system in conceptual terms consists of three basic elements (functions, methods and structure) and binding processes (first of all, mechanism of the managerial decision making, communications and personnel technologies). The management professional activity is built in the context of the certain management contour to be effective and resulting. Manager's professional opportunities by the real determination of management contour compose the primary bases of the effective objectives achievement. That's why management is the synthesis of the creative and professional freedom that depends in direct proportion on the managerial staffs' capacity level, and economic necessity defined as the system of the objective limitations, concerned with indexes of the management contour and management possibilities of their dynamic analysis.


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1. Management functions, methods and structure are the basic elements determining the programs of the primary managerial staff’s professional training. The binding processes of management, managerial decisions, communications and personnel technologies characterize the quality of the managerial activity and that’s why they need to be explored with the basic management elements.

2. The functional activity is defined as the main priority of the management. Management reflects its specificity in the spheres of the practical activity, scientific researches and management education by means of its functions. Therefore, functions are the base of the management specialization. It belongs to the management practice as well to science.

Management methods, structure and binding processes are the variant of the increased focus of the managerial staff’s training. Such specialists’ activity in the system of the complex organizational building defines the high quality level especially for the top line managers in the conditions of the sufficiently high responsibility level and riskiness of the management decision making process. Such management staff’s training is necessary at the advanced levels of the managerial career and can be realized during the realization of the flexible and innovative techniques of the managerial staff’s retraining.

The word-combination «professional management» is widespread in Ukraine, but in many cases the category is not fully scientifically determined. The most of declarants pretending to achieve the professional management skills for the working managerial personnel by means of the education has the promo characteristic. Besides, the professional management formation is better not to restrict by the consideration of just the management education. It should be more minutely examined the questions what makes management professional and how far we are close to convert management into the profession.

Converting management into the professional activity («professionalization») is realized by involving of all stakeholders (universities’ scientific, research and academic staff, business representatives, government and society in whole). It is necessary to take into account that each subject of this activity has its own understanding of the management professionalization process. We have viewed earlier some forms of the complex vision of this process and also allegation and substitution processes by means of the management joining to economics. In this case the form of management which obtains the engineering features but applied to the economic knowledge is formed. That creates a specialist without definite purpose.

What does the management specificity consists in? T o explain it the P. Drucker’s approach should be used. It will help us to interpret the category «management professionalization». We can single out next positions specifying considerably the analytical process of this problem.

The first one is bound with the idea that manager is responsible for the general contribution at the company’s achieving results. It is the main criteria of the manager’s efficiency. The final goal of the enterprise’s activity and the manager is the interest’s satisfaction of the purchaser. The second one is bound with idea that in most cases the scope between management group and executers do not coincide with the administrative hierarchy and formal substitution of the chief positions. The third one is that the managers’ staff of the modern company is not homogeneous. It consists of a) the traditional managers having the considerable number of the subordinates and responsible for the others work, managers not taking up the chief position, but responsible for the company’s activity results as the experts and team leaders, and b) the intermediate group which members are able to fulfill the functions of the team leaders accordingly to the changing tasks, functions of the executives’ consultants or controlling functions over the personnel of the particular sphere. The fourth one is bound with the opinion that the considerable forces of the highly professional managerial labour are as usual concentrated at the medium management level. The fifth one is bound with the requirement of the manager’s labour efficiency in his/her professional autonomy. On the one hand, it distinguishes the manager from the such executive who acts in the context of the one function, and on the other one, from the careerist who does not cares for the delivery of his/her knowledge to the other company’s employees because he/she is responsible only for his/her own work, but not for the company’s result in whole. The sixth position supposes that modern management is going through the new formation and it is at the transition stage, searching new definitions and conditions of functioning. Manager’s task gets the innovation feature that supposes the functioning of the intellectual capital in the company and forming of such category as managerial capital. The seventh one is that manager’s education system and his/her constant professional training during his/her whole managerial career supposes the formation of the integrated mechanism of the system «fundamental science - management education - consulting analytics - innovation practice». In this case it should be formed the qualitative proposition of the managers’ skills, but also the sterling structured demand.

At the same time there are obstacles for the supplanting of the amateurishness by the professional managerial activity upon the obvious support of management professionalization in the society and professional sphere of the experts, practical and scientific employees. The manager’s profession popularity, wide formation and prestige of the management schools and different MBA programs, managers’ training techniques improvement do not create the positive dynamics of the labour market’s development. Thus the position of the professionals of management in the market does not change. It could not be said that the labour market completely turned away from the professional managers, but the fact is obvious that the person received the manager’s diploma are not considered by the employers as the efficient ones. Especially it concerns the small-scale business where management professionalization is not necessary, because the owner as the business initiator loses his/her advantages and control over his/her own business. It should be especially noted that in Ukraine the national traditions of the management education and career are lacking. For example, the manager’s appointment and movement from one hierarchical level to another one occurs absolutely arbitrarily without accounting available skills and future necessary professional capacities and effectiveness. From the other hand, the mechanisms of the managerial career development during the movement from the one management level to another are also lacking.

Finally, it is bound with the lack of the direct relations between manager’s diploma and his/her real practice. Firstly, it points to the mistaken conception of the management education and education standards, unpreparedness to the education process of the trainees as well as the academic staff.

The set of factors restraining the modern management professionalization process in Ukraine should be also noted. Firstly, the efficient horizontal control over the managerial activity formation and development is lacking. In other words, not only the professional expertise of the quality and efficiency of the managerial activity, but also the subject of such professional expertise is lacking. It is necessary to create and develop the professional management associations, conditions of their independence and qualitative selection of the membership determining in the association and group of the invited experts.

Thus, we can state that the professionalization process has not become the objectively understood and necessary in Ukraine. Of course, especially recently the reforms’ necessity in management is discussed more often. For example, there is a

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necessity to have the professionals in management, technocratic government, to improve the managerial vertical line of the state authority. Any idea of the socio-economic reforms must be confirmed by the mechanism of their realization, otherwise nothing will change.

The main critical points of the professionalization process in Ukraine are following:

1. In the professional activity sphere of economists, managers, politicians and state executives the clear understanding of the managerial labour and managerial activity's content is lacking. The pluralism of opinions about the professional management specificity in the modern conditions is the weak perspective for the effective decisions making. The clear position is necessary in this important question.

2. In the management education system there is a necessity of investments rather into the development of the innovation training procedures, the academic staff quality improvement and management science, than into the universities' material and technical base.

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3. It is a mistake to reduce the professionalization process only to the managerial education system. The efficient manager studies during his entire professional career, but this education must not be reduced to the repetition of the forgotten knowledge from the university's education programs. What is important is that each period of the post-graduate education entirely has to correspond with the work structure at the future position. The ability to study quickly becomes the one of the main features of the modern manager and especially of the leader.

4. Taking into account the importance of the managerial resource for the sterling reforms' realization, development of innovation economics and achievement of the necessary social indexes of the modern society, the programs of the modern professional training of the managerial staff having the high indexes of the efficiency should be worked out and started to realize. It is a necessity of the law of Ukraine «About the professional education of the managerial staff'. Such law has to get the priority in the modern policy. The sterling and innovation development of the management practice is impossible without outstripping development of the management education and systemic managers' professional training. And the required quality of these processes is supported by the management science development.

5. There is a great amount of the critics about the management education development, management science level, the quality of the standards of the managerial professional activity and especially about the criterion of the manager's labour appraisement. But mainly such critic is from the external environment of the management professional system. We should notice that there are so few initiatives from the professional association in the management science, education, consulting and practical sphere. The deal is not that there is a lack of the propositions. Maybe there are quite enough of them and their catholicity and complexity is obvious. The problem is that the most propositions and ideas are not aimed at the formation of the sterling scientific and research management base, but they always strengthen the complex collective characteristic of the management science. In Ukraine there is a great deficit of the competent opinion of the scientists and experts about the system of the scientific, research, analytical and practical management bases specification.

6. It is strange, but the interest of the business in the development of the managerial activity professionalization is not considerable. Their wish to do something in this direction is rather promotional. Everybody acknowledges the urgency of the builder's, agronomist's or programmer's professionalism, but not of the manager's one. It is possible, that the top manager's psychology is reduced to the understanding that for the company's prosperity only one super manager is necessary and he/she is that one. But nowadays the huge management programs are realized by the management team consisting of the leader and the essential number of the functional and line managers that have to be professionals in their sphere of activity. Leader of the management team does not need the subordinate who knows his/her work worse than the team leader. The important idea is that the leader does not reduce his/her work to the programmatically maintenance of the managerial process, but he/she provides the efficient interaction of the professionals, especially members of the management team.

7. If we consider the managerial labour as the sphere of the mental work than the striving for finding of the professional status by the management is understood. The complicated mental work supposes the specifically complex system of education having the certain backup from the system of the formalized knowledge on the bases of the achieved potential of the managerial science, as well as from the bases of the fundamental innovation scientific investigations. It also supposes that the managerial staff’s training is elite and needs the qualitative selection of the trainees, as well as academic staff.

Modern universities have the direct relation to the development of this process. That determines their leading innovation role.

The process of the managerial activity's professionalization in Ukraine and some its positions, which are needed for this activity's improvement, should be viewed in detail. So we should examine the stages of the managerial activity's professionalization in Ukraine. They are following:

The first level is the primary professional education. It is the basic component of the university managerial education and supposes the realization of the following principles:

1. The orientation to the scientific, research, analytical and practical bases of management;

2. The orientation of the syllabuses' subjects to the system of the management knowledge formation;

3. The equation of the general education and professionally oriented training;

4. The professional capacity and knowledge of the academic staff;

5. The availability of the certain mechanisms of the appraisement and systemic growth of the academic staffs capacities;

6. The system of academic staff's differentiated motivation;

7. The production bases as the method of the innovation training;

8. The qualitative and adequate databank of the training;

9. The democracy of the education and its openness to the world scientific, analytical and practical experience assimilation.

The second level is the adaptative professional training of the licensed specialists with purpose of the position

occupation. This stage supposes the realization of the following principles:

1. Structuring of the managerial activity process in the company's hierarchy;

2. The selection and appraisement of the manager's activity's quality by the company's hierarchical levels;

3. The complex description of the management duty regulations;

4. The formation of the adaptive professional training programs (number and content of the training modules);

5. The formation of the team of the coaches, experts and consultants with purpose of the training programs realization;

6. The final adaptation of the syllabuses and qualitative indexes;


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7. The definition of the temporary frames of the syllabuses and the inner control over the results per modules;

8. The training program of the managers' professional education initiation.

The third level is the education of the new skills and professional capacities. The main realization forms of the managerial staff's education at this level are the master's training programs of the different types and specialities, MBA programs, corporative programs of the professional growth of the managerial staff and specialists. The main principles of this activity are the following:

1. The specificity of the selection for the education system supposes the accounting not only of the formal features of the selection, but obligatory of the quality and efficiency analysis of the trainees' previous managerial activity. It supposes the availability of such trainees' qualities as own professional achievements, high level of self-motivation to the education, readiness and ability to work in team, high leader potential.

2. The module structuring of the syllabuses with detailed modules' content. The availability of the obligatory courses and selective courses, business and management cases and trainings. The modules from the best world MBA schools.

3. The academic staff's selection structured by the subject, their high level of the professional capacity, the availability of the expert, consulting and practical experience in the professional activity.

4. The obligatory participation of the world management stars, organizational behaviour, strategy and innovation.

5. The formation of the trainees' clear understanding of the training's objective necessity and all its advantages.

Firstly it supposes the realization of such competitiveness factors of this professional training, as:

- Receiving of the diploma from the acknowledged management school having the international accreditation;

- The integration into the international market by means of the training modules realization in the other best world management schools;

- The improvement of the leadership features and development of the managerial capacities by means of the trainings, mini-array work process and carrying-out of the classific projects for the intermundane enterprises;

- The new view at the company's management development and its further innovation development ways, and also searching of the non-typical solution of the company's typical tasks;

- The systematization of the knowledge received during the previous managerial and professional activity and the individual experience;

- The ability to elicit the applied feature from the training program by means of moving from the systemized relevant data to the real strategy of the further development;

- The formation of the corporate environment accounting the equation of the groups by the trainees' structure with purpose of the contractual function with the representatives of the different business spheres.

We should add the aforesaid by the opinion that if the first level of the managerial activity's professionalization process characterizes the educational activity of the universities, the second and the third levels have to be realized by the system of the specialized universities' departments and the separate independent organizations. For example, it could be the Highest Management School by the university or the corporate educational institution that does not have the direct obligatory contacts with the university. Taking into account the features of such type of the professional activity in Ukraine, it is necessary to note the priority-oriented state support of the management education by means of the legislative base of this activity formation.

The managerial human resource is the most necessary in the world and the real managerial elite's training must be the main priority of the state policy. The new challenges of the xXi century suppose the formation of the innovation economics on the bases of the intellectual capital efficient use. The progress in the socio-economic society's system development is possible only in the conditions of the sterling science, education and medicine functioning. The main factor of the competitiveness is the creative class of the professionally trained managers. The base of the managers' creativeness must be science and education that are able to generate the fundamental innovations in all vitally important spheres of the human activity.


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8. Nussbaum, Martha C. Not for Profit: Why Democracy Needs the Humanities / Martha C. Nussbaum. 2010, 184 p.

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Сафонов Юрій Миколайович, доктор економічних наук, професор кафедри макроекономіки та державного управління Державного вищого навчального закладу «Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана»

Проспект Перемоги 54/1, м. Київ, 03680, Україна e-mail: [email protected]

Кузнецов Едуард Анатолійович, кандидат економічних наук, доцент, завідувач кафедри економіки та управління, Одеський національний університет імені 1.1. Мечникова Французький бул. 24/26, м. Одеса, 65058, Україна e-mail: [email protected]


Сафонов Юрий Николаевич, доктор экономических наук, профессор кафедры макроэкономики и государственного управления Государственного высшего учебного заведения «Киевский национальный экономический университет имени Вадима Гетьмана»

Проспект Победы 54/1, м. Киев, 03680, Украина e-mail: [email protected]

Кузнецов Эдуард Анатольевич, кандидат экономических наук, доцент, заведующий кафедры экономики и управления, Одесский национальный университет имени И.И. Мечникова Французский бул. 24/26, г. Одесса, 65058, Украина e-mail: [email protected]


Yuriy Safonov, Doctor of Economics, Professor of Macroeconomics and public administration State HigherEducational Institution «Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetmna Victory Avenue. 54/1, Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine e-mail: [email protected]

Kuznietsov Eduard, phd in Economics, docent, the head of the Department of Economics and Management Odessa National I.I. Mechnikov University Francyzskii bul. 24/26, Odessa, 65058, Ukraine e-mail: [email protected]

УДК 364-7(476)


Мількота Н . В .

Ключові слова: державне соціальне замовлення, соціальне обслуговування, соціальна послуга, соціальний проект, недержавні некомерційні організації.


Милькота Н.В.

Предметом исследования в данной статье являют особенности реализации механизма государственного социального заказа в области социального обслуживания в Беларуси. Цель работы - проанализировать процесс и результаты практической реализации механизма государственного социального заказа в области социального обслуживания в Беларуси в 2013 - 2015 гг., выявить возникшие трудности и предложить способы их разрешения. Исследование проводилось с помощью методов изучения документов и общелогических методов исследования - таких как, анализ, синтез, сравнение, обобщение, абстрагирование, экстраполяция и др.

Проведенное исследование позволило сделать вывод о том, что внедрение механизма государственного социального заказа является одним из наиболее перспективных инструментов реформирования сложившейся системы социального обслуживания, который позволит повысить эффективность расходования бюджетных средств и привлечь ресурсы негосударственного сектора к решению социальных проблем. Однако инновационный характер данного инструмента для социальной сферы Беларуси требует обязательного анализа функционирования норм законодательства о государственном социальном заказе на практике, изучения мнения всех участников.

В результате проведенной работы выявлены трудности, с которыми столкнулись государственные заказчики и организации, предоставляющие социальные услуги, на различных этапах практической реализации государственного социального заказа: на стадии формирования заказа, выявления наиболее значимых социальных проблем, определения предмета государственного социального заказа и составления соответствующего задания; на этапе организации и проведения конкурса и определения его победителей; на стадии контроля реализации государственного социального заказа и оценки его результатов. Также подготовлены предложения по совершенствованию механизма государственного социального заказа в области социального обслуживания с учетом результатов первого этапа его реализации в Беларуси. Полученные результаты могут быть использованы местными исполнительными и распорядительными органами (государственными заказчиками) и организациями, оказывающими социальные услуги, для повышения эффективности функционирования государственного социального заказа, а также органами государственного


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