Implementation of vfsk gto among disabled people and persons with limited health capabilities
UDC 613.71:316.664.2
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Aksenov1 Dr. Hab., Professor O.E. Evseeva1 PhD, Associate Professor E.B. Ladygina1 I.G. Kryukov1
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg
Corresponding author: [email protected]
Received by the editorial office on 25.06.2024
Objective of the study was to analysis of the implementation of the regulatory testing part of the state requirements of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex «Ready for Labor and Defense» (GTO) for disabled people and persons with disabilities in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with a population from 6 to 70 years and older, taking into account the characteristics and severity of damage to functions and systems of their body.
Methods and structure of the study. An analysis was carried out of the results of the implementation of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex «Ready for Labor and Defense» (GTO) for people with disabilities and people with disabilities over five years from 2019 to 2023. according to statistical reporting from the ANO «Directorate of Sports and Social Projects», Federal operator of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex «Ready for Labor and Defense» (GTO). Results and conclusions. The data obtained indicate a steady increase in interested persons with disabilities and disabilities in fulfilling the standards of tests (tests) of the VFSK GTO; males are more actively involved in this process. The smallest nosological groups involved in the complex are people with short stature and total blindness. This is due to the fact that, according to statistics, in the Russian Federation there are a small number of people with these health conditions. The need to improve the VFSK GTO for disabled people and persons with disabilities has been confirmed, including expanding the number of test standards (tests) and categories of persons with disabilities and disabilities, taking into account the characteristics and severity of damage to the functions and systems of their body, for an objective assessment of the level of their physical preparedness, as well as the development of alternative requirements for assigning them insignia.
Keywords: VFSK GTO, people with disabilities, people with intellectual disabilities, hearing, vision, and musculoskeletal disorders.
Introduction. The study was carried out within the framework of the state task of the Ministry of Sports of Russia for scientific and methodological support on the topic: «Improving the sections of the All-Russian Sports and Physical Culture GTO for disabled people and persons with limited health capabilities based on taking into account modern requirements for the sports-functional classification of persons participating in the implementation of test standards, as well as expert -analytical analysis of the results of the implementation of this complex». The All-Russian physical culture and sports complex «Ready for Labor and Defense» (GTO) for disabled
people and persons with disabilities (hereinafter referred to as VFSK GTO for disabled people and people with disabilities) has been operating since 2019. During this period of time, 45744 people took part in fulfilling the testing standards for the complex. Of these, more than 32324 people received insignia. But at the same time, 13420 people were unable to complete the testing and fulfill the testing standards (tests) for any of their insignia.
Thus, there is a need to attract a larger number of potential participants in the physical culture and sports complex for people with disabilities and people with disabilities, as well as to increase the
number of people who could fulfill test standards (tests) and receive insignia, which is directly related to increasing motivation among contingent to systematic physical education and sports, as well as participation in competitions to fulfill the standards of tests (tests) of the All-Russian Physical Sports Complex GTO for disabled people and persons with disabilities.
Objective of the study was to analysis of the implementation of the regulatory testing part of the state requirements of the All-Russian Federal Sports Complex GTO for disabled people and persons with disabilities in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with a population from 6 to 70 years and older, taking into account the characteristics and severity of damage to the functions and systems of their body.
Methods and structure of the study. To carry out the work at this stage, the working group summarized the results of participation in the fulfillment of the standards of tests (tests) of the All-Russian Federal Sports Complex GTO for disabled people and persons with disabilities of various gender and age groups with hearing impairment, vision impairment, intellectual disabilities and damage to the musculoskeletal system based on the results of statistical reporting from the ANO «Directorate of Sports and Social Projects», Federal Operator of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex «Ready for Labor and Defense» (GTO).
Results of the study and discussion. Based on statistics received from the Federal operator of the All-Russian Sports Complex GTO for the period from the beginning of the implementation of the physical culture and sports complex for the disabled and persons with disabilities (from 2019) and to 2023, in accordance with the Orders of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation «On approval of the state requirements of the All-Russian Physical Education sports complex «Ready for Labor and Defense» (GTO)» No. 90 dated 02.12.2019 and No. 117 dated 02.22.2023 [1, 2], an analysis of data on the participation in the All-Russian Sports Complex GTO of persons with hearing impairments, vision impairments, intellectual disabilities and damage to the musculoskeletal system. In figure 1 shows the total number of representatives of various gender, age and nosological groups who took part in fulfilling the standards of testing (tests) of the VFSK GTO for 5 years (from 2019 to 2023).
9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0
n2029 I 12178
n Ml
5822 ■
\h m If
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
■ Men □ Women
Fig. 1. The number of female and male persons (from 6 to 70 years and older) who took part in fulfilling the standards of tests (tests) of the VFSK GTO for disabled people and persons with disabilities for
5 years (from 2019 to 2023)
The data obtained indicate a steady increase in the participation of interested persons with disabilities and special needs in participation in the All-Russian Sports Society of the TRP. Moreover, males are more actively involved in the process of fulfilling the standards of testing (tests) of the physical education and sports complex (Fig. 1). The number of males who took part in the testing was 28994 people, females - 16750 people. Considering the results of the performance of standards (tests) for insignia by persons with disabilities and with disabilities (from
6 years to 70 years and older) (Fig. 2), we can state the fact that more gold badges were received (and specifically by male persons ) than silver and bronze. At the same time, a large percentage of participants in the physical culture and sports complex were recorded who were unable to fulfill the standards (also males), this is especially evident in older age groups (from 60 years to 70 years and older) [3].
According to the results of the study, out of 45744 people, 5574 women and 10672 men met the standards for the gold badge, 2582 women and 4563 men achieved the silver badge, 3391 women and 5529 men achieved the bronze badge.
12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0
4563 -
ru ni
Silver Bronze
n Men ■ Women
They didn't pass
Fig. 2. The total number of disabled people and persons with disabilities (from 6 to 70 years of age and older) who have completed the testing standards (tests) of the All-Russian Federal Sports Society for Religious Defense for insignia for 5 years (from 2019 to 2023)
Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I I September I № 9 2024
If we compare the total number of participants in the physical culture and sports complex for the disabled over the past 5 years of various nosological groups, it is obvious that the smallest nosological groups involved in participating in the implementation of the standards (tests) of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex GTO are people with short stature and total blindness (Fig.3). According to statistics, there are a small number of people in Russia with these health conditions. This may also indicate the need to develop additional measures to cover and involve representatives of these nosological groups in participation in the All-Russian Physical Culture and Physical Culture GTO for disabled people and persons with disabilities.
The most numerous groups of participants in the complex are people with hearing impairment and intellectual disabilities. Analyzing the data obtained, presented in Figure 3, it is clear that the most active participation in the implementation of the VFSK GTO complex, relative to nosological groups, was demonstrated by persons with intellectual disabilities, the number of which was 23875 people (52,2% of the total number of participants).
390i5g ,«238
4 5 6 7 8 9
■ Men □ Women
Note: - persons with intellectual disabilities; - persons with hearing impairment; - persons with residual vision; - persons are totally blind; - persons with unilateral or bilateral amputation or other lesions of the upper extremities; - persons with unilateral or bilateral amputation or other lesions of the lower extremities; - persons with spinal injuries and spinal cord lesions; - persons with cerebral palsy; - persons of short stature.
Fig. 3. The number of disabled people and persons with disabilities (from 6 to 70 years of age and older) by nosological groups involved in performing tests (tests) of the All-Russian Physical Fitness Test for GTO for 5 years (from 2019 to 2023)
However, it should be noted that, despite the large number of representatives of the group of people with intellectual disabilities, participants of the VFSK GTO complex fulfill standards in accordance with uniform requirements for all types of disorders within this nosological group. Therefore, it is necessary to develop additional testing standards (tests)
for people with Down syndrome and autism spectrum disorder, which will allow for the involvement of even more participants in the GTO complex for people with disabilities and people with disabilities.
Conclusions. The analyzed data on the participation of disabled people and persons with disabilities of various gender, age and nosological groups in the VFSK GTO from 2019-2023 indicate a positive dynamics of growth in the number of participants with disabilities in the complex, which, in our opinion, is caused by the increasing interest in the VFSK GTO in these population groups Russia.
It is necessary to develop additional measures to involve an even larger number of potential participants in the complex, as well as expand the number of testing standards (tests) to objectively assess the level of physical fitness of categories of persons with disabilities and disabilities, and propose alternative requirements for assigning them insignia.
1. Evseeva O.E., Ladygina E.B., Kryukov I.G., Shevtsov A.V. Rezultaty uchastiya v vypolne-nii normativov ispytaniy (testov) VFSK GTO lits pozhilogo vozrasta (ot 60 let i starshe) za 5 let (s 2019 po 2023 gg.). «Vserossiyskiy fizkulturno-sportivnyy kompleks «Gotov k trudu i oborone» (GTO) dlya invalidov: teoriya i praktika», posvy-ashchennoy Godu semi i sokhraneniyu tradit-sionnykh semeinykh tsennostei. Proceedings VII national scientific-practical conference. St. Petersburg publ., 2024. pp. 76-80.
2. Ob utverzhdenii gosudarstvennykh trebo-vaniy Vserossiyskogo fizkulturno-sportivnogo kompleksa «Gotov k trudu i oborone» (GTO): Prikaz Ministerstva sporta Rossiyskoy Fed-eratsii ot 12.02.2019 № 90. Vserossiyskiy fizkulturno-sportivnyy kompleks «Gotov k trudu i oborone». [Electronic resource]. Available at: documents/6426e8640d354.pdf (date of access: 10.05.2024).
3. Ob utverzhdenii gosudarstvennykh trebo-vaniy Vserossiyskogo fizkulturno-sportivnogo kompleksa «Gotov k trudu i oborone» (GTO): prikaz Ministerstva sporta Rossiyskoy Fed-eratsii ot 22.02.2023 № 117. Vserossiyskiy fizkulturno-sportivnyy kompleks «Gotov k trudu i oborone». [Electronic resource]. Available at: documents/6426e8640d354.pdf (date of access: 10.05.2024).