Научная статья на тему 'Hygienic justification of studying the educational process of preschool children of preparatory groups'

Hygienic justification of studying the educational process of preschool children of preparatory groups Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Shaykhova Guli Islamovna, Husanova Nargiza Farhadovna

Microclimate indicators, air frequency, the compliance of furniture to hygienic requirements and the educational process of preparatory groups in the children’s educational institutions.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Hygienic justification of studying the educational process of preschool children of preparatory groups»

Shaykhova Guli Islamovna, Professor, Department of Children and Teenager's Hygiene, and Nutrition hygiene, Tashkent Medical Academy Husanova Nargiza Farhadovna, Researcher of the department of Children's and Teenager's Hygiene, and Nutrition hygiene, Tashkent Medical Academy E-mail: [email protected]


Abstract. Microclimate indicators, air frequency, the compliance of furniture to hygienic requirements and the educational process of preparatory groups in the children's educational institutions. Keywords: microclimate, air frequency, furniture, educational process.

day (from 8:30 to 12 o'clock), when there is a more effective functioning of all physiological systems of the body.

A feature of modern general education is the search for new methods, tools and forms of education. The widespread introduction into the preparatory groups of children's educational institutions characterized by the intensification of the educational process (complication and restructuring of the curricula in the preparatory groups) leads to an increase in the requirements for the functional state and health of the child [1; 2; 11; 12]. The level and harmony of physical development in any age period reveal the dialectic of the relationship between the organism and the environment, characterize the metabolic processes in the body and its functional state [8; 9; 10].

One of the urgent problems is the study of the influence of learning conditions and the educational process, acting on the level and harmony of physical development in group rooms of children's educational institutions [1; 2; 3; 4].

Purpose of the research. The study of learning conditions and educational process of preschoolers of preparatory groups.

Materials and research methods. The studies were conducted in the preparatory groups of children's educational institutions (№ 148, 134, 232, 270, 525, 546) ofMirzo-Ulugbek district of Tashkent. Initially, we investigated the hygienic conditions for the education of children in preparatory groups (microclimate, air frequency, furniture conformity, etc.). Hygienic assessment of the organization of the educational process was carried out on the basis of taking into account the compliance of its components with the requirements

«Sanitary Legislation and Regulations 0241-07» Sanitary rules for the organization and maintenance of preschool institutions in the Republic of Uzbekistan [8; 9; 11].

Also, there were established the hygienic assessment of furniture and compliance with the later height indicators (Sanitary Legislation and Regulations 0241-07).

Studies were conducted at the beginning and at the end of the school year (September), in the first half of the school

Research results and discussion. The results of the hygienic assessment of conditions in group rooms showed that during the day the physical properties of air (temperature, humidity, air movement and dustiness) gradually change in children's educational institutions, which can adversely affect children's health.

Insufficient attention is paid to the physical properties of air during the control (children's educational institutions), therefore, colds (bronchitis, sore throats, pneumonia) are often observed in children's educational institutions.

In those children's educational institutions, where there were high incidence rates of pneumonia (acute respiratory infection), angina and bronchitis, we measured the air temperature in group rooms at various levels. As a result of these studies, it was established:

At the level of 2 meters, the air temperature corresponded to 20°

At the level of 1 meter, the air temperature corresponded to 18°

At the surface of the floor, the air temperature corresponded to 13-14°

Consequently, the air temperature in these areas did not meet hygienic requirements. The next factor determining the microclimate in the premises of preschool institutions is the relative humidity, which should be in the range of40-60%, and the speed of air movement - not more than 0.2 m/s. These requirements in the surveyed children's educational institutions are mainly met.

When assessing hygienic conditions, it is noted that the air of the enclosed spaces of preschool institutions during children's stay in them changes its chemical composition. The deterioration of the chemical composition of the air in the room is usually judged by the CO2 content in it. On the basis of a large number of studies, it was established that air should be

Section 2. Medical science

recognized as harmful to children in rooms if the CO2 content in it exceeds 0.1%.

Our studies of the air of preschool institutions have established that in some cases a slight increase in CO2, especially during the cold season (in early spring or autumn) and after a long stay of children in the room: after classes; after lunch; by the end of the stay of children in kindergarten (after lunch in afternoon groups), after a nap in a sleeping room (especially in crowded groups) happen. This was not observed in children's plants built according to standard designs.

Particular attention should be paid to the fight against dust in kindergartens, since microbes are found in the air along with dust.

The main reservoir of microflora in the premises is the nasopharyngeal microflora.

In group rooms, a living room, and sleeping rooms every hour before the arrival of children, wet cleaning is done with opened windows, transoms or air vents, with mandatory removal of cabinets and other furniture. After cleaning, wipe with a damp cloth moistened with a clarified bleach solution (2: 100) furniture, beds, tables, chairs, cabinets, toys, etc.

Despite conducting sanitary cleaning, our studies showed that the number of microbes in 1 m3 of air, for example in the gym rooms, increases by 2-3 times by the end of lessons, twice in the bedroom, after the children have gone to bed.

In ensuring the purity of the air, an important role is played by the proper organization of room ventilation, which is one of the effective means of preventing aerogenic infections.

Hygienic assessment of furniture and its compliance with age and age indicators was conducted according to Sanitary Legislation and Regulations 0241-07. Studies have shown that furniture in preparatory groups, as a rule, does not meet hygienic requirements and standards for Sanitary Legislation and Regulations 02-41-07. Preparatory groups in all examined children's educational institutions are equipped mainly with one type of furniture. In addition, all caregivers seat children, not complying with any requirements.

The study of the day routine showed that for most preschoolers it was compiled without taking into account hygienic requirements and recommended standards. The main violations in the structure of the day regimen are: high training load, insufficient outdoor rest, inadequate sleep and low level of physical activity.

The weekly curriculum in preparatory groups significantly exceeds the load established for preparatory groups: 12 hours of music; 12 hours for math; Physical education classes on

schedule 1 h 20 minutes. In addition, with the involvement of parental funds, the number of hours spent on teaching foreign languages is further increased. Among the factors negatively affecting the health of children of preparatory groups, it is necessary to note the violation of the principles of organizing the training schedule. In all surveyed children's educational institutions schedules are compiled without taking into account the dynamics of the physical and mental performance of children (work, optimal performance, fatigue) and the grade scale of lesson difficulty.

To determine the permissible duration of studies, we conducted time-keeping observations of the behavior in the classes of pupils of senior and preparatory groups. Timing observations were conducted in two types of groups, depending on whether "physical training" were conducted in class or not.

It was found that without a "physical training", in the middle of the class, signs of fatigue appeared (signs of motor restlessness increased - fidgeting, sinking, jumping from places - the number of distractions increased). Taking into account the time of occurrence of these signs, it was found that the duration of educational classes in the older groups should not exceed 25 minutes, and in preparatory classes -30 minutes, with the obligatory holding of "physical training" in the middle of the classes.

Breaks between classes are only 5-10 minutes. There are no walks at the end of autumn and in winter. Not all employees in children's educational institutions even comply with this mode of the day, because (physical training) time of 5-7 minutes are very rarely held, games-relay races, outdoor games are carried out mainly on holidays.

Thus, the revealed violations negatively affect the performance and are one of the main causes of fatigue of children, since they do not take into account the known periodicity of physiological functions, the reflection ofwhich is the dynamics of mental performance.


1.The pedagogical process in children's educational institutions is accompanied by the impact on preschool children of a number of adverse factors (insufficient equipment, furniture that does not correspond to the growth of preschool children, an adverse microclimate, air pollution, etc.).

2. Regime of the day is made without taking into account hygienic requirements and recommended standards. The main violations in the structure of the day regimen are: high training load, insufficient outdoor rest, inadequate sleep and low level of physical activity.


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