Научная статья на тему 'Нygienic estimaton of allocation of schools and planning of district of boarding schools in Tashkent city'

Нygienic estimaton of allocation of schools and planning of district of boarding schools in Tashkent city Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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European science review
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specialized boarding schools / children / teenagers / education and teaching condition

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Azizova Feruza Lyutpillaevna

Hygienic estimation of training and education of children and teenagers in a variety of specializedboarding schools.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Нygienic estimaton of allocation of schools and planning of district of boarding schools in Tashkent city»

Section 8. Medical science

examinations and selection of the contingent of patients The understanding of a nature and risk factors of UI will

requiring differential therapeutic-prophylactic measures for allow to plan allocation of the resources required for treatment

strengthening health of the female population. and to supply preventive measures in the future.


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13. Kocak I., Okyay P., Dunbar M., Erol H., Beser E. Female urine incontinence in the west Turkey: prevalence, risk factors and impact on quality of life//European Urology. - 2005. - Vol. 48. - P. 634-641.

14. Rortveit G., Daltveit A. K., Hannestad Y. S., et al. Urinary incontinence after vaginal delivery or cesarean section.//N Engl J Med. - 2003. - 348: 900-907.

15. Victor W. Nitti. The Prevalence of Urinary Incontinence.//Rev Urol. - 2001. - 3 (Suppl 1): 52-56.

16. Mary H. Palmer, Sheila Fitzgerald, Susan J. Berry, Kristin Hart. Urinary Incontinence in Working Women: An Exploratory Study.//Women and Health. - July 1999. - Volume 29, Issue 3. - P. 67-82.

Azizova Feruza Lyutpillaevna, Tashkent medical academy, PhD, Department of Hygiene of children, adolescents and nutrition, Associate Professor E-mail: [email protected]

Hygienic estimaton of allocation of schools and planning of district of boarding schools in Tashkent city

Abstract: Hygienic estimation of training and education of children and teenagers in a variety of specialized boarding schools.

Keywords: specialized boarding schools, children, teenagers, education and teaching condition.

The development of effective technologies of health protection of women and also children and teenagers, as a period of growth and development of the child related to important period which determining the condition of human health during the whole to subsequent life were related to the numbers of priority directions of the development of medical

sciences in the Republic of Uzbekistan to the period until 2018. Hygienically adequate environment with other factors is important supposition of protection and strengthening of the health and development of children. Thereupon a condition of education and upbringing of children in organized collectives, in which during this period located a great deal of children are


Hygienic estimaton of allocation of schools and planning of district of boarding schools in Tashkent city

extremely important. Fullness degree of the state of education are determined by the accomplishment and sanitary condition of children institutions [1, 33-36; 2, 1-14].

These factors are essentially important for physically restricted children upbringing in specialized boarding schools. Children are vulnerable to unfavorable conditions of habitat, but handicapped ones are extremely vulnerable to this. Meanwhile, the education and healthcare systems ofour republic have social problem not only ensure opportunity of worthy life for people

with disabilities but also accomplish rational education of disabled children with their social adaptation on the stage of their study at specialized educational institutions. Thus, the object of our research is hygienic assessment children and teenagers’ state of education and upbringing at specialized boarding schools.

Materials and methods of research

Researches were carried out in 5 specialized boarding schools which are localized in Tashkent city. The features of profile and studying contingent of schools are presented in table 1.

Table 1. - Contingent of specialized boarding schools

№ of schools Specialization Number of children, of them abs. %

total Girls Boys

№ 106 For low hearing children with Uzbek language education 337 ± 25 191/56.6 146/43.3

№ 102 For low hearing children with Russian language education 290 ± 15 175/60.3 115/39.7

№ 101 For deaf and dumb children 221 ± 12 118/53.3 103/46.7

- For eyeless children 368 ± 10 204/55.4 164/44.6

№ 100 For children with locomotor apparatus disorders (LAD) 288 ± 6 118/41.0 170/59.0

Selected for research of specialized boarding schools (later SBS) were taken into consideration for being day and night of children at the age from 7 until 17 for receiving the education on the courses of secondary general educational schools and professional training with consideration of character and the degree of physical and psychological narrow minded abilities of pupils. We prepared “A map of sanitary-hygienic examinations of specialized boarding-schools” including 10 blocks of educational condition and teaching (44 criterion signs). We used the grading system for the characteristics of quality of these indexes on the bases of recommendations of A. G. Sukharev and others (2000) [1], and also F. L. Azizova [4], G. I. Shaykhova (2015) [2]. Maximal assessment of each criterion sign makes up 100 grades. The score was calculated by each index on the basis of conclusion about conditions of education and teaching for a complex assessment of schools. In this case if the score made up 90-100 % maximal magnitude — the condition of education and teaching is appraised as “optimal”, 86-89 % — “permissible”, 72-85 % — “satisfactory”, which requires partial correction, less than 60-71 % — “unsatisfactory”, which requires cardinal changes. Results and discussion

Practically all investigated schools were founded in the first half of the ХХ century but in the past there were not any reconstructions and even they did not change the place of localization. The main part of investigated schools were built by considering of their appointment, however at school № 100 (for children with LAD) district and the building of school are not adapted for such children. The capacity of investigated schools by comparing with secondary schools is relatively not high - from 210 until 330 pupils, but intervention of classes were estimated to 8-12 pupils. Received-dataallowconcluding; that onlyintwoschoolsfrom 5 studied (101 and 102) there was not project holding capacity. Inoth-erschoolsthenumberofpupilsin 12-46 % moreprojectholding-capacity, that it cannot be reflected to hygienic conditions of teaching of the children. The most unfavorable situation was

noted in specialized boarding-school for children with LAD (locomotor apparatus disorder), that contingent of these pupils is the most difficult who needs a great care and special condition of teaching and education. Room system teaching is widely used at schools, at some schools (№ 102) the number of rooms with special equipment for weak hearing children increase the number of total classrooms. The number of school teachers also depends on the profile of school. Thus, at schools for weak hearing children and for children with LAD one teacher is assigned to 7-8 children, but deaf and dumb and eyeless 3-4 pupils are assigned to one teacher. For children of these schools have been provided by solid staff of the teachers, if there is severe condition of children one teacher must be planned to them. However the health of children, their study and social adaptation depend on described factors, and concrete hygienic conditions of teaching and education.

We carried out the complex estimation of hygienic condition of teaching and education of children on the basis of revealing the accordance between actual condition of schools and present hygienic standards. No one from studied schools have not optimal staffof allocation (in park zone). In all schools planting of greenery in (50 %) was sustained.Training — experimental zone was not provide at schools № 100 and for eyeless children, though a part of the children with locomotors apparatus disorders and also eyeless children could be find for themselves a training in this zone. Gymnastic — sport zones in all schools, but they require reequipments especially at school № 101. There is no recreation area at school № 16 for children but economic zone meets the hygienic requirements only at school № 101. As a whole no one from school by allocation and planning of district did not take higher grade -900 (9 indexes). Nearer to this index a school № 101 (680 grades) and a school № 102 (660). Special attention requires planting of greenery in districts, correct equipment of recreation area, isolation of economic zone. It is necessary reconstruction the promenade paths, sidewalks (width, rakes, fences, structure of sheeted and in accordance with San R and N 0313-14) [3].


Section 8. Medical science

Tashkent city is located in sub mountain oasis, in which, in accordance with hygienic requirements, compositional — planning decisions of school buildings must be directed to using favorable climatic conditions with simultaneous protection from excessive insolation and overheating. It depends on number of storey of buildings, quantity and orientation of the building, character of their building ups, number

Table2. - Planning — special

and allocation of recreations, a quality of ventilation. Estimation of these indexes in studied schools allowed establishing (Table 2), the main hygienic requirements are followed in structural -planning concepts of all schools: there is division of building into teaching — apartment and general school, number of storey of buildings are not increased 3 storeys, all study sections were divided by age and unilateral building up. concept of buildings (grades)

Indexes Estimation in grades

№ 100 № 101 № 102 № 106 School for eyeless children

Planning — special concept 80 80 80 80 80

Portion of apartment with favorable orientation 90 100 100 80 80

One-sided building up 90 100 100 100 80

Sufficiencyof recreation 10 60 60 60 10

Height of building 90 90 90 90 90

Division of apartments into two zones 100 100 90 100 100

Total (maximal mark - 600 grades) 460 530 520 510 440

At the same time insufficiency or the absence (school № 100) recreations are able to decrease the quality of an air. Separate apartments are not always located rationally. As, at school № 100 gymnasium was located on the second floor but rhythmic and physiotherapy exercises rooms were allocated on the converted building of the ground floor. During the investigation (2012-2013 yy.) many building were in need of repair.


No one from investigated boarding schools is not adequate in full measure of hygienic requirements to the teaching and education conditions, qualifying by San R and N of the RUz № 0313-14 in accordance with its specializations.

All investigated boarding schools require reconstruction or major repair.


1. Sukharev A. G., Kanevskaya L. Ya., Ryabova L. B., and others. Complex assessment methodology of teaching and education condition of children and teenagers.//Hygiene and sanitary. - 2000. - № 4. - P. 33-36.

2. Shaykhova G. I., Ponomareva L. A., Azizova F. L., Salikhova N. S. Complex hygienic assessments of teaching and education condition of children and teenagers. Methodical recommendation. - Tashkent, 2008. - P. 14.

3. Sanitary rules of facilities, equipment, content and teaching regime of specialized educational boarding schools for children, who has defects in physical and mental development № 03.13-14. - Р. 43.

4. Azizova F. L., Shaykhova G. I. Complex hygienic estimation of specialized boarding schools. - Tashkent, 2015. - P. 44.

Azizova Feruza Lyutpillaevna, Tashkent medical academy, PhD, Department of Hygiene of children, adolescents and nutrition, Associate Professor E-mail: [email protected]

Physical development of the pupils of specialized boarding school for weak hearing children

Abstract: The hygiene research based on physical development of the weak hearing children of specialized boarding school showed that average anthropometric results in most groups which were divided by age and by sex have almost the same results like the normal children’s group except the one point. Weak hearing children have a tendency to a lower results than the standard.

Keywords: physical development, weak hearing children and teenagers, specialized boarding school.

Introduction reacted to the character of the changes of those factors which

Physical development of pupils and teenagers is one of the affect to morphological and functional conditions of organs

most important health indexes of growing organism, keenly and system of the child body [1; 4].


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