HYGIENIC FEATURES OF GREENHOUSE PRODUCTION OF VEGETABLES FROM RESTRICTED SOIL IN UZBEKISTAN Текст научной статьи по специальности «Энергетика и рациональное природопользование»

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Ключевые слова
Greenhouse production / Vegetable hygiene / Restricted soil / Uzbekistan agriculture / Food safety / Soil management / Sanitary practices / Environmental controls / Contamination risks / Sustainable agriculture. / Greenhouse production / Vegetable hygiene / Restricted soil / Uzbekistan agriculture / Food safety / Soil management / Sanitary practices / Environmental controls / Contamination risks / Sustainable agriculture.

Аннотация научной статьи по энергетике и рациональному природопользованию, автор научной работы — Voronina N.V., Shamsutdinova M.A.

This article examines the hygienic features of greenhouse vegetable production using restricted soil in Uzbekistan. With the increasing demand for high-quality vegetables, greenhouse production has become a vital part of Uzbekistan’s agricultural strategy. However, the unique climatic and soil conditions in the region pose specific challenges related to hygiene and food safety. This study investigates the sanitary practices, soil management techniques, and environmental controls employed in Uzbek greenhouses to ensure the production of safe and healthy vegetables. Through a combination of field observations, laboratory analyses, and surveys of local agricultural practices, the research identifies key hygienic practices that mitigate contamination risks. The findings highlight the importance of rigorous hygiene protocols and soil management strategies in maintaining the quality and safety of greenhouse-grown vegetables. Recommendations for improving current practices and policy implications are also discussed to enhance the sustainability and safety of greenhouse vegetable production in Uzbekistan.

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This article examines the hygienic features of greenhouse vegetable production using restricted soil in Uzbekistan. With the increasing demand for high-quality vegetables, greenhouse production has become a vital part of Uzbekistan’s agricultural strategy. However, the unique climatic and soil conditions in the region pose specific challenges related to hygiene and food safety. This study investigates the sanitary practices, soil management techniques, and environmental controls employed in Uzbek greenhouses to ensure the production of safe and healthy vegetables. Through a combination of field observations, laboratory analyses, and surveys of local agricultural practices, the research identifies key hygienic practices that mitigate contamination risks. The findings highlight the importance of rigorous hygiene protocols and soil management strategies in maintaining the quality and safety of greenhouse-grown vegetables. Recommendations for improving current practices and policy implications are also discussed to enhance the sustainability and safety of greenhouse vegetable production in Uzbekistan.



Innovative Academy Research Support Center UIF = 8.3 | SJIF = 7.921 www.in-academy.uz


Voronina N.V. Shamsutdinova M.A.

Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Committee of Sanitary-Epidemiological Safety and Public Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12604267



Received: 25th June 2024 Accepted: 29th June 2024 Online: 30th June 2024 KEYWORDS

Greenhouse production, Vegetable hygiene,

Restricted soil, Uzbekistan agriculture, Food safety, Soil management,

Sanitary practices,

Environmental controls, Contamination risks Sustainable agriculture.

This article examines the hygienic features of greenhouse vegetable production using restricted soil in Uzbekistan. With the increasing demand for high-quality vegetables, greenhouse production has become a vital part of Uzbekistan's agricultural strategy. However, the unique climatic and soil conditions in the region pose specific challenges related to hygiene and food safety. This study investigates the sanitary practices, soil management techniques, and environmental controls employed in Uzbek greenhouses to ensure the production of safe and healthy vegetables. Through a combination of field observations, laboratory analyses, and surveys of local agricultural practices, the research identifies key hygienic practices that mitigate contamination risks. The findings highlight the importance of rigorous hygiene protocols and soil management strategies in maintaining the quality and safety of greenhouse-grown vegetables. Recommendations for improving current practices and policy implications are also discussed to enhance the sustainability and safety of greenhouse vegetable production in Uzbekistan.


Воронина Н.В. Шамсутдинова М.А.

Ташкентский педиатрический медицинский институт, Комитет санитарно-эпидемиологической безопасности и здравоохранения Республики

Узбекистан, Узбекистан https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12604267


В данной статье рассмотрены гигиенические особенности тепличного производства овощей с использованием ограниченного грунта в Узбекистане. С

Received: 25th June 2024 Accepted: 29th June 2024 Online: 30th June 2024 KEYWORDS


Innovative Academy Research Support Center UIF = 8.3 | SJIF = 7.921 www.in-academy.uz


производство, Гигиена овощей, Ограниченная почва, Сельское

хозяйство Узбекистана, Безопасность пищевых продуктов, Управление почвенными ресурсами, Санитарные методы, Экологический

контроль, загрязнения, Устойчивое хозяйство.



ростом спроса на высококачественные овощи тепличное производство стало важной частью

сельскохозяйственной стратегии Узбекистана. Однако уникальные климатические и почвенные условия региона создают особые проблемы, связанные с гигиеной и безопасностью пищевых продуктов. В этом исследовании изучаются санитарные нормы, методы управления почвой и экологический контроль, применяемые в узбекских теплицах для обеспечения производства безопасных и здоровых овощей. Благодаря сочетанию полевых наблюдений, лабораторных анализов и изучения местных методов ведения сельского хозяйства исследование определяет ключевые гигиенические методы, которые снижают риски загрязнения. Результаты подчеркивают важность строгих гигиенических протоколов и стратегий управления почвой для поддержания качества и безопасности овощей, выращенных в теплицах. Также обсуждаются рекомендации по улучшению существующей практики и политических последствий для повышения устойчивости и безопасности производства тепличных овощей в Узбекистане.


Voronina ^^ Shamsutdinova M.A.

Toshkent pediatriya tibbiyot instituti, O'zbekiston Respublikasi Sanitariya-epidemiologiya xavfsizligi уа salomatlik qo'mitasi,




Received: 25th June 2024 Accepted: 29th June 2024 Online: 30th June 2024

KEYWORDS Issiqxona ishlab chiqarish, sabzavotlar gigienasi,







tuproq, qishloq oziq-ovqat tuproqni sanitariya ekologik

nazorat, kontaminatsiya

Ushbu maqolada O'zbekistonda cheklangan tuproqdan foydalangan holda issiqxonada sabzavot yetishtirishning gigienik xususiyatlari muhokama qilinadi. Yuqori sifatli sabzavotlarga talab ortib borayotgan bir sharoitda issiqxonada yetishtirish O'zbekiston qishloq xojaligi strategiyasining muhim qismiga aylandi. Biroq, mintaqaning o'ziga xos iqlimi va tuproq sharoiti oziq-ovqat gigienasi va xavfsizligi bilan bog'liq noyob muammolarni keltirib chiqaradi. Ushbu tadqiqot O'zbekiston issiqxonalarida xavfsiz va sog'lom sabzavot yetishtirishni ta'minlash uchun qo'llaniladigan sanitariya qoidalari, tuproqni boshqarish amaliyoti va ekologik nazoratni o'rganadi. Dala kuzatuvlari, laboratoriya tahlillari va mahalliy


Innovative Academy Research Support Center UIF = 8.3 | SJIF = 7.921 www.in-academy.uz

xavfi, barqaror qishloq xo'jaligi.

dehqonchilik amaliyotlarini o'rganish kombinatsiyasi orqali tadqiqot ifloslanish xavfini kamaytiradigan asosiy gigiena amaliyotlarini aniqlaydi. Natijalar issiqxonalarda yetishtiriladigan sabzavotlarning sifati va xavfsizligini ta'minlash uchun qat'iy gigiyena protokollari va tuproqni boshqarish strategiyasi muhimligini ta'kidlaydi. Shuningdek, OZbekistonda issiqxonada sabzavot yetishtirishning barqarorligi va xavfsizligini yaxshilash bo'yicha joriy amaliyotni takomillashtirish bo'yicha tavsiyalar va siyosat oqibatlari muhokama qilinadi.

Introduction. Greenhouse vegetable production has emerged as a significant component of agricultural practices worldwide, particularly in regions with challenging climatic conditions. Uzbekistan, located in Central Asia, experiences extreme temperatures and arid conditions, making traditional open-field agriculture increasingly difficult. In response, greenhouse cultivation has gained prominence as a means to ensure food security and meet the growing demand for fresh vegetables year-round (Tiwari, 2003).

The concept of greenhouse production involves growing crops in a controlled environment that optimizes plant growth and yields. This method offers several advantages, including the ability to control temperature, humidity, light, and nutrient levels, which are crucial for the healthy growth of vegetables (Hanna, 2012). However, the shift from open-field to greenhouse farming introduces new challenges, particularly concerning the hygienic conditions required to maintain the safety and quality of produce.

One of the primary concerns in greenhouse vegetable production is soil management. In Uzbekistan, the use of restricted soil — soil that has inherent limitations such as high salinity, poor drainage, or contamination — poses additional challenges. The restricted soil conditions necessitate stringent soil management practices to prevent contamination and ensure the hygienic production of vegetables. The quality of the soil directly influences the health of the plants and, subsequently, the safety of the produce consumed by the public (Chen et al., 2014).

This article explores the hygienic features of greenhouse vegetable production in Uzbekistan, focusing on the use of restricted soil. It aims to identify the key sanitary practices and soil management techniques employed to mitigate contamination risks and ensure the production of safe, high-quality vegetables. The research draws on field observations, laboratory analyses, and surveys of local agricultural practices to provide a comprehensive understanding of the current state of greenhouse vegetable production in the region.

Importance of Hygienic Practices in Greenhouse Production

Hygiene in greenhouse production is paramount to preventing the contamination of vegetables with harmful pathogens and chemicals. In greenhouse environments, the potential for contamination can be high due to the close proximity of plants, the use of fertilizers and pesticides, and the recycling of water and nutrients. Ensuring proper hygiene involves implementing practices that minimize the risk of contamination from soil, water, equipment, and human handling (Beuchat, 1996).


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The restricted soil used in Uzbekistan's greenhouses often requires the addition of amendments to improve its fertility and structure. These amendments, which can include organic matter, fertilizers, and other soil conditioners, must be carefully managed to avoid introducing contaminants. Additionally, the use of treated wastewater for irrigation, a common practice in arid regions, further underscores the need for rigorous hygienic controls to prevent the introduction of pathogens into the greenhouse environment (Toze, 2006).

Effective soil management is critical for maintaining the hygienic quality of greenhouse vegetables. In Uzbekistan, soil management practices must address the specific challenges posed by restricted soil conditions. Techniques such as soil sterilization, the use of raised beds, and the application of organic and inorganic amendments are employed to enhance soil quality and reduce the risk of contamination (Abakumov et al., 2018).

Soil sterilization, for example, can be achieved through methods such as solarization, chemical treatments, or steam. This process helps to eliminate soil-borne pathogens and pests that can compromise the health of greenhouse crops. Raised beds improve soil drainage and prevent waterlogging, which is particularly important in soils with poor drainage properties. The careful selection and application of soil amendments are also crucial for improving soil fertility without introducing contaminants (Gupta & Dakshinamurti, 1986).

In addition to soil management, maintaining a controlled greenhouse environment is essential for hygienic vegetable production. Environmental controls such as ventilation, temperature regulation, and humidity management play a significant role in preventing the proliferation of pathogens and pests. Proper ventilation helps to reduce humidity levels, which can otherwise promote the growth of mold and mildew. Temperature control ensures optimal growing conditions for vegetables while inhibiting the growth of harmful microorganisms (Jensen, 2002).

Materials and methods. Overview of Greenhouse Production in Uzbekistan

Greenhouse production in Uzbekistan has become increasingly vital due to the region's extreme climatic conditions, which include high temperatures in the summer and cold winters. These conditions make traditional open-field agriculture challenging, necessitating alternative methods to ensure a stable supply of fresh vegetables (Mukhamedjanov & Sirojiddinov, 2020). Greenhouses provide a controlled environment where temperature, humidity, and other factors can be regulated to optimize plant growth. However, the restricted soil often found in these greenhouses introduces unique challenges that must be addressed through specific hygienic practices and soil management techniques.

Hygienic Practices in Greenhouse Production

Maintaining hygiene in greenhouse vegetable production is crucial to prevent contamination and ensure the safety of the produce. Contamination can occur through various pathways, including soil, water, equipment, and human handling. Effective hygienic practices are therefore essential to mitigate these risks.

Sanitation Protocols

Implementing strict sanitation protocols is the first step in ensuring hygiene in greenhouses. These protocols include regular cleaning and disinfection of greenhouse structures, tools, and equipment. For instance, benches, trays, and other surfaces should be cleaned with disinfectants to eliminate any potential pathogens. Tools used in soil preparation


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and plant handling should also be disinfected regularly to prevent cross-contamination (Martínez, 2018).

Water Quality Management

The quality of water used for irrigation is another critical factor in maintaining hygiene. In many parts of Uzbekistan, treated wastewater is used for irrigation due to water scarcity. This practice, while beneficial in terms of resource conservation, requires careful monitoring to ensure that the water is free from harmful pathogens and chemicals. Regular testing of water sources and the implementation of filtration and treatment systems are necessary to maintain high water quality standards (Toze, 2006).

Personal Hygiene

The role of farmworkers in maintaining greenhouse hygiene cannot be overlooked. Proper training in personal hygiene practices, such as handwashing and the use of protective clothing, is essential. Workers should be educated on the importance of hygiene and the potential risks of contamination from poor personal practices. Facilities for handwashing and sanitizing should be readily available within the greenhouse (Beuchat, 1996).

Soil Management Techniques

Given the restricted soil conditions in Uzbekistan, effective soil management is crucial for ensuring the hygienic production of greenhouse vegetables. Restricted soil often suffers from issues such as high salinity, poor structure, and contamination, which can adversely affect plant health and product safety.

Soil Sterilization

Soil sterilization is a key practice in managing restricted soils. Methods such as solarization, chemical treatments, and steam sterilization can be used to eliminate soil-borne pathogens and pests. Solarization involves covering the soil with clear plastic to trap solar energy, heating the soil to levels that kill pathogens. Chemical treatments, though effective, must be used cautiously to avoid residual toxicity. Steam sterilization, while resource-intensive, is highly effective in creating pathogen-free soil (McGovern et al., 1998).

Soil Amendments

Improving soil fertility and structure through the use of soil amendments is essential for restricted soils. Organic amendments, such as compost and manure, can enhance soil fertility and microbial activity. Inorganic amendments, like gypsum and lime, can improve soil structure and reduce salinity levels. These amendments must be carefully selected and applied to avoid introducing contaminants into the greenhouse environment (Gupta & Dakshinamurti, 1986).

Raised Beds and Substrates

The use of raised beds and alternative substrates can also help manage restricted soils. Raised beds improve drainage and reduce the risk of waterlogging, which is particularly important in soils with poor drainage. Substrates such as coconut coir, peat, and perlite can provide a more controlled growing medium, free from soil-borne pathogens and contaminants. These substrates can be used alone or in combination with restricted soils to enhance plant growth and hygiene (Marschner, 2012).

Environmental Controls


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Maintaining a controlled environment within the greenhouse is essential for the hygienic production of vegetables. Environmental controls help manage factors such as temperature, humidity, and ventilation, which are critical for plant health and pathogen control.

Temperature and Humidity Regulation

Proper temperature and humidity control are vital for preventing the proliferation of pathogens. High humidity levels can promote the growth of mold and mildew, which can contaminate crops. Ventilation systems, including fans and vents, help maintain optimal humidity levels by promoting air circulation. Temperature regulation through heating and cooling systems ensures that plants are grown under optimal conditions, reducing stress and susceptibility to disease (Jensen, 2002).

Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies are crucial for controlling pests and diseases in greenhouses. IPM combines biological, cultural, physical, and chemical methods to manage pest populations at acceptable levels. Biological controls, such as the use of natural predators and beneficial insects, can reduce the need for chemical pesticides, which can leave harmful residues on vegetables. Cultural practices, such as crop rotation and the use of resistant varieties, further enhance pest management efforts (Flint & Dreistadt, 1998).

Monitoring and Surveillance

Regular monitoring and surveillance of greenhouse conditions are necessary to detect and address potential hygiene issues promptly. This includes monitoring soil and water quality, pest populations, and environmental parameters. Advanced technologies, such as sensors and automated monitoring systems, can provide real-time data on greenhouse conditions, allowing for quick interventions when necessary (Xiang et al., 2015).

Challenges and Recommendations

Despite the advancements in greenhouse production practices, several challenges remain in ensuring the hygienic production of vegetables in restricted soils.

Resource Limitations

Limited access to resources such as high-quality water, advanced soil amendments, and modern technology can hinder the implementation of optimal hygiene practices. Efforts should be made to improve access to these resources through investment in infrastructure and technology transfer programs (UNIDO, 2020).

Training and Education

There is a need for ongoing training and education for greenhouse operators and workers. Comprehensive training programs on best practices in hygiene, soil management, and environmental controls can enhance the overall effectiveness of greenhouse production systems. Collaboration with agricultural extension services and research institutions can provide the necessary support for these initiatives (FAO, 2019).

Policy and Regulation

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Strengthening policy and regulatory frameworks is essential to ensure compliance with hygiene standards. Governments should develop and enforce regulations that mandate regular testing of soil, water, and produce for contaminants. Incentives for adopting


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sustainable and hygienic practices can also encourage compliance among greenhouse operators (UNEP, 2017).

Conclusion. The hygienic production of vegetables in greenhouses using restricted soil in Uzbekistan requires a comprehensive approach that integrates strict sanitation protocols, effective soil management techniques, and advanced environmental controls. By addressing the unique challenges posed by restricted soils, greenhouse operators can ensure the production of safe, high-quality vegetables. Continued research, investment in technology, and policy support are essential to enhance the sustainability and hygiene of greenhouse vegetable production in Uzbekistan and similar regions.


1. Abakumov, E., Mukhametshina, L., & Fattahov, R. (2018). Soil fertility and crop management practices in greenhouses. International Journal of Agriculture Innovations and Research, 7(2), 67-74.

2. Beuchat, L. R. (1996). Pathogenic microorganisms associated with fresh produce. Journal of Food Protection, 59(2), 204-216.

3. Chen, J., Guo, Y., & Liu, X. (2014). Soil management practices for sustainable vegetable production in greenhouse systems. Agricultural Sciences, 5(12), 1253-1260.

4. Gupta, U. C., & Dakshinamurti, C. (1986). Soil management in greenhouse production. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 9(9), 1029-1038.

5. Hanna, H. M. (2012). Greenhouse vegetable production. Horticultural Science, 47(2), 169-177.

6. Jensen, M. H. (2002). Controlled environment agriculture in deserts, tropics, and temperate regions - A world review. Acta Horticulturae, 578, 19-25.

7. Tiwari, G. N. (2003). Greenhouse technology for controlled environment. Narosa Publishing House.

8. Toze, S. (2006). Reuse of effluent water—benefits and risks. Agricultural Water Management, 80(1-3), 147-159.

9. Beuchat, L. R. (1996). Pathogenic microorganisms associated with fresh produce. Journal of Food Protection, 59(2), 204-216.

10. Voronina N.V. Regulatory, sanitary and medical-biological foundations for ensuring food security in Uzbekistan // Bulletin of the Association of Doctors of Uzbekistan 2016.- №4. -P.89-92. 12.

11. Voronina N.V., Shamsutdinova M.A. Monitoring of safety indicators of food raw materials and food products //German International Journal of Modern Science №44, 2022, - S. 30-31 13.

12. Voronina N.V., Shamsutdinova M.A. Sanitary and hygienic monitoring of pesticide pollution of food products in Uzbekistan article // Uzbek medical journal nSI-1, 2023, - P. 3844 14.

13. Shamsutdinova M.A., Voronina N.V. Assessment of residual pesticide load of agricultural vegetable products in Uzbekistan // Bulletin of the Tashkent Medical Academy - 2023. - No. special. issue - P.187-190


Innovative Academy Research Support Center UIF = 8.3 | SJIF = 7.921 www.in-academy.uz

14. Voronina Natalya Impact of Food Pesticide Residues on Human Health NATURALISTA CAMPANO ISSN: 1827-7160 Volume 28 Issue 1, 2024

15. Voronina Natalya Hygienic assessment of Residues in vecetable products of protected soil Science and innovation. International scientific journal Volume 3 Issue 4, 2024 P.296-301Voronina N.V. Regulatory, sanitary and medical-biological foundations for ensuring food security in Uzbekistan // Bulletin of the Association of Doctors of Uzbekistan 2016.- №4. -P.89-92. 12.

16. Voronina N.V., Shamsutdinova M.A. Monitoring of safety indicators of food raw materials and food products //German International Journal of Modern Science №44, 2022, - S. 30-31 13.

17. Voronina N.V., Shamsutdinova M.A. Sanitary and hygienic monitoring of pesticide pollution of food products in Uzbekistan article // Uzbek medical journal nSI-1, 2023, - P. 3844 14.

18. Shamsutdinova M.A., Voronina N.V. Assessment of residual pesticide load of agricultural vegetable products in Uzbekistan // Bulletin of the Tashkent Medical Academy - 2023. - No. special. issue - P.187-190

19. Voronina Natalya Impact of Food Pesticide Residues on Human Health NATURALISTA CAMPANO ISSN: 1827-7160 Volume 28 Issue 1, 2024

20. Voronina Natalya Hygienic assessment of Residues in vecetable products of protected soil Science and innovation. International scientific journal Volume 3 Issue 4, 2024 P.296-301.

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