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UDC 635.131
Elbek E. Abdunazarov
PhD, Doctoral student, Scientific Research Institute of Agricultural Mechanization (SRIAM), Tashkent, Tel:
+998941517756, e-mail: abdunazarovelbek@gmail. com
Abstract. Uzbekistan has great potential for the development of vegetable production due to its favorable climate and soil conditions. The government has been implementing programs aimed at improving agricultural productivity and increasing exports, with a focus on modernizing the agricultural sector, including vegetable growing. However, there are challenges in terms of the use of outdated and heavy machinery, as well as the quality and standardization of the produce. The use of modern and energy-efficient technologies and equipment is crucial to improve the quality and quantity of vegetable production. With the proper implementation of these measures, Uzbekistan can increase its vegetable production and become a significant player in the global market.
Keywords. Vegetable production, agriculture, modernization, productivity, exports, technology, equipment, farming, soil, climate, market, investment, government programs, sustainability.
Currently, in our republic, various small-scale technological equipment imported from foreign countries are mainly used for vegetable production in greenhouses and hotbeds. Their use requires significant physical effort and is not based on scientific principles under the conditions of our republic. In addition, the quality and effectiveness of work performed in soil preparation, planting, and cultivating crops cannot be ensured.
Given the above, the creation of energy-efficient technologies and a complex of technological equipment for resource-saving machine processing in the production of vegetables in greenhouses and hotbeds, as well as the development of scientific-technical bases for their creation, is an urgent task. The use of small mobile tractors in the mentioned areas is not sufficient, and it is necessary to develop resource-saving technologies and technical means of mechanization that take into account the scientific-technical aspects of their production [1-2].
Apparently, increasing the volume and geography of vegetable production in our country's greenhouses and hotbeds is of great importance. In particular, the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 18, 2019, No. 324 "Measures to Increase the Profitability of Agriculture and Horticulture Farms" aims to increase vegetable production, increase production, reprocess it, and expand exports on 171,888 hectares of agricultural and horticultural land. In order to achieve these goals, including the modernization of agricultural equipment and tools that provide quality work on the soil, especially in hotbeds and greenhouses, is considered an important task to increase the yield of agricultural crops and improve their quality [3].
There are several prospects for the development of vegetable growing in Uzbekistan. One of the main areas of focus is the use of modern technologies and equipment for vegetable cultivation, including small-scale mechanization. This can increase efficiency and productivity while reducing labor costs.
Another important area is the development of greenhouse cultivation. Greenhouses provide a controlled environment that can extend the growing season and protect plants from pests and harsh weather conditions. The use of advanced greenhouse technologies such as hydroponics can further increase productivity.
In addition, there is a growing demand for organic vegetables, which can command higher prices in domestic and international markets. This presents an opportunity for farmers to transition to organic farming practices and capitalize on this demand.
Finally, improving infrastructure and logistics can help farmers get their produce to market more efficiently and at a lower cost, improving profitability and competitiveness.
Overall, there is significant potential for the development of vegetable growing in Uzbekistan, with opportunities for innovation, modernization, and growth [4].
Uzbekistan has great potential for the development of vegetable growing due to its favorable climate and abundant water resources. The country has a long history of agriculture and is known for producing a wide variety of fruits and vegetables [5].
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in modernizing the agricultural sector, including vegetable production. The government has been implementing various programs aimed at improving agricultural productivity and increasing exports [6].
That's correct. Uzbekistan has been implementing several programs and initiatives to modernize its agricultural sector, including vegetable production, with the aim of increasing productivity and competitiveness. Some of these initiatives include the "Agro-Industrial Complex Development Program," the "Greenhouse Development Program," and the "Export-Oriented Horticulture Development Program." These programs focus on providing support and incentives to farmers to adopt modern technologies, improve infrastructure, and expand export markets. Additionally, the government has been promoting private sector investment in the agricultural sector through various incentives, such as tax breaks and subsidies, to encourage the
development of modern greenhouse facilities and the use of advanced technologies [7].
One of the major initiatives is the "Agro-Industrial Complex Development Program" which includes the development of modern greenhouse facilities and the introduction of advanced technologies for vegetable growing. The program also focuses on improving the quality and competitiveness of locally grown vegetables and expanding export markets [8].
That sounds like a great initiative. The development of modern greenhouse facilities and the introduction of advanced technologies for vegetable growing can help improve the efficiency and productivity of vegetable production in Uzbekistan. By improving the quality and competitiveness of locally grown vegetables, Uzbekistan can meet the increasing demand for high-quality vegetables in the domestic and international markets. Additionally, expanding export markets can help generate more revenue and create more job opportunities in the agricultural sector, which can ultimately contribute to the overall economic development of the country. Overall, the "Agro-Industrial Complex Development Program" can play an important role in the sustainable development of the vegetable growing sector in Uzbekistan [9].
In addition, there has been a growing trend towards organic and sustainable vegetable production in Uzbekistan. This presents an opportunity for small-scale farmers to tap into the growing demand for organic vegetables in local and international markets.
The development of vegetable growing in Uzbekistan has a great potential for growth and improvement. There are various opportunities and resources available, such as favorable climate conditions, fertile lands, and a large domestic market.
To overcome these challenges, there is a need for investment in the modernization of agriculture, including the use of advanced technology and equipment, improved irrigation systems, and the implementation of innovative farming techniques. The government can play an important role in providing financial and technical support to farmers, as well as creating a favorable regulatory environment for the development of the vegetable industry [10].
Overall, with its favorable climate, abundant water resources, and government support for modernizing the agricultural sector, Uzbekistan has a bright future in vegetable growing [11].
Conclusion. The prospects for the development of vegetable growing in Uzbekistan are promising, but there is a need for concerted efforts and strategic planning to fully realize its potential. The successful implementation of modern farming methods and technology can significantly increase yields and improve the quality of produce, which can lead to increased exports and income for farmers, as well as contribute to the overall economic growth of the country.
1. Imomkulov K. B., Abdunazarov E. E. The results of the experiments conducted on the selection of the type of working body of the machine for burying pomegranate bushes //Эффективность применения инновационных технологий и техники в сельском и водном хозяйстве. - 2020. - С. 652. Qutbiddin I. et al. Burying machine to pomegranate bushes // Journal of Critical Reviews. - 2020. - Т. 7. - №. 13. - С. 1377-1381.
3. https://lex.uz/docs/4292183
4. Abdunazarov E. Justification of the vertical distance from the support plane of the pomegranate burying machine to the lower suspension points //Uzbekistan Journal of Engineering and Technology. - 2021.
5. Bakijonovich I. Q. i dr. Construction of a machine stacker for burying pomegranate bushes // Mechanics and technology. - 2022. - T. 3. - no. 8. - S. 98-102.
6. Imamkulov Q., Abdunazarov E. Basing coverage width and processing depth of machine bodies for burying pomegranate bushes// AGRO ILM. - Tashkent, 2020. - No. 3(66). -B. 70-72.
7. Abdunazarov E. The results of the study of the working conditions of the machine for burying pomegranate bushes// The role of young people in agricultural science: a collection of scientific articles of the republican scientific-practical conference. - Volume 2. - Tashkent: Innovation-Ziya, 2020. - B. 392-396.
8. Imamkulov Q.B., Abdunazarov E.E. Basing the transverse distance between the bodies of the machine for burying pomegranate bushes// Scientific and technical journal of Fergana Polytechnic Institute. - Fergana, 2020. - #6. - B. 206-208.
9. Abdunazarov E., Artykov N. Improved machine for burying pomegranate bushes // Improving the efficiency of industrial enterprises based on diversification of investments: Collection of the republican scientific-practical conference. - Namangan, 2019. - B. 284-287.
10. Abdunazarov E. A. Basing the vertical distance from the support plane of the machine for burying pomegranate bushes to the lower suspension points //Uzbekistan Journal of Engineering and Technology. - 2021.
11. Abdunazarov E.E. Problems of mechanization of burying pomegranate bushes// Innovative development of modern science: collection of scientific articles of the republican scientific-practical conference. - Andijan, 2019. - B. 558-559.