UDK 81-13
Muminova Xurshida Ibragimovna
Kenjayeva Zaynab Ermatovna
Ferghana 1-medical college Uzbekistan, Ferhana city HOW TO START LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE?
Annotation: In this article highlights easy ways of learning foreign language and
teaching English language.
Key words: English language, learning, teaching.
Often a student, especially an adult, learning a new language may seem impossible, or at least a very difficult and long task. When we are just starting to discover a new language and face the volumes of unclear rules, it is very easy to lose confidence and quit. What can help in this situation? How to learn English, German, French - yes any language - and not feel so helpless in the first weeks of school? Our article is devoted to this.
Personal interest. It may seem self-evident, but often students do not have a strong incentive to learn. Ask yourself the question - why do you personally learn the language? Because he will help build a more successful career. Because you had the opportunity to move to a place you dreamed of all your life. Because this is the mother tongue of your girlfriend. Just for the sake of pleasure. Even such a simple motivation can give strength to overcome the first, the most difficult steps.
You must be personally interested in a good knowledge of the language. It should be very important, and even better - urgently necessary. Are you flying to Taiwan to head a branch of your company there? Perfectly. Going to the US for study and can not connect in English and a couple of words? Excellent. According to many polyglots, it is the method of full immersion that achieves the best results. Learning a language abroad, you will have to use it both in class and in everyday life. Any simple action will turn into a real challenge. Yes, at first it will seem to you, as if you were dropped into the enemy's rear with an armed toothpick, you may feel lonely, because you can not communicate with people properly. But this feeling will soon pass, because literally in a few weeks or even days, the method of full immersion will allow you to see in practice your results.
All these everyday difficulties, which at first seemed insurmountable, would soon become as natural as they were in their home country. Hikes in the store or laundry will soon become a mere trifle, because in such situations, the speaker is required to use the same simple phrases. As a result, live communication will soon turn into a source of great pleasure and will encourage further study.
You are just learning. How often do people open a multivolume grammar book and imagine that studying it is some kind of cruel punishment. Just listen to how terrible the Czech language is: there are as many as seven declensions in it (nominative, genitive, dative, etc.), there are unpronounceable words and sentences
"MnpoBaH HayKa" №12(21) 2018 science-j.com
without vowels (as you tongue-in-law "Prdkrtskrzdrn, zprvzhlthrstzrn" - "The Mole pierced through the grass, swallowing first a handful of grains "), strange dashes over letters, an intricate word order, three kinds ... horror!
The best solution for the first time would be to simply close your eyes to all these difficulties. It is much easier to learn the fundamental foundations of the language, and only then to take up its subtleties. If you are a perfectionist, then after six months, perhaps, you will be able to pronounce all the learned phrases without a single mistake. But all these six months you were inactive and could miss a unique opportunity to communicate with the carrier. But after all, language is taught precisely for this - not for the sake of flawless grammar, volumes of rules and vocabulary. This means of communication of people! In the worst case, you just say something wrong. Relax and get pleasure from communication.
It's simple! Instead of self-deprecation, as in the example of the Czech, try to find in the language something that could help you. If you study one of the European languages, rejoice, because you already know the vast majority of the dictionary: scroll through any book in Spanish - for sure you will come across a lot of familiar words: elalfabeto, lafamilia and many others. Sometimes even in a completely unfamiliar language, one can guess the translation of whole sentences. If you decide to take on one of the Slavic languages, then you will not have to learn articles. German is a phonetic language, and when you see the spelling of a German word, you can usually pronounce it, and when you hear it, you can usually write it.
Each language, even hieroglyphic, contains certain hints that can greatly simplify its study. And the more languages you already know, the easier it will be to learn the following. You see, this is not so difficult, as it seemed at the beginning!
Communicate. It was said above that the best results are possible only with the full immersion method. But what if you can not go abroad to study for any reason?
In general, despite this, you have almost unlimited resources for learning a foreign language. The Internet era has provided millions of pages of classical works, music, films, radio and podcasts from around the world. Find what you are interested in.
Look for words and phrases that you need and want to know. Do not wait for someone to introduce you to the language or tell you what to do. Discover the language for yourself, as a growing child does. Many forums can talk with foreigners. Talk and write when you want. Continually practice your skills.
Knowledge of the language is traditionally divided into reading, writing, speech and hearing. As a rule, students take the most time to practice oral speech. It is possible to write and read rather complex texts, but films and songs often fill the student with an avalanche of information "in real time." This causes great annoyance and leads to doubts in oneself. Yes, you will not understand much of what you heard. But it should be so. Capture basic ideas, keywords and sounds. You do not need to think about every sentence you hear. All that you will achieve is to skip the following. First, watch movies with subtitles. Write interesting phrases. If you are
"MnpoBaH HayKa" №12(21) 2018 science-j.com
an absolute beginner, try to catch the keywords and build on the picture. Continue to talk and listen, and soon even this barrier will fall.
No victims! There is no point in treating school as a race for a while. Languages are practically living beings who sometimes willingly allow themselves to be tamed, and sometimes resist this "all four". But no matter how hard it is, remember: you are moving forward. Do not extinguish your enthusiasm and strength by comparing yourself with others or wondering why it takes so long. If you are tired, take a break. Take time not only to study, but also to rest. As you move forward, you will feel more and more comfortable in the new language environment. Soon you will find out that from an uninvited guest have become a member of a new family. Just keep on going and enjoy it!
1. Hedge, T. Writing. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press. 2005
2. Джонсон Д. Джонсон. Обучение в сотрудничестве. Зимняя И.А. Педагогическая психология: Учебное пособие - Ростов н/Д.: Изд-во "Феникс",1997.
3. Фарходжонова, Нодира Фарходжоновна. "ПРОБЛЕМЫ ПРИМЕНЕНИЯ ИННОВАЦИОННЫХ ТЕХНОЛОГИЙ В ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОМ ПРОЦЕССЕ НА МЕЖДУНАРОДНОМ УРОВНЕ." Инновационные тенденции, социально-экономические и правовые проблемы взаимодействия в международном пространстве. 2016.
Muqimova Hamidaxon Ilxomiddinovna,
Ferghana 1-medical college Usmonaliyeva Dilorom Baxtiyorovna
Ferghana 2-medical college Uzbekistan, Ferghana city BASIC PRINCIPLES OF HEALTH ORGANIZATION
Annotation: In this article highlights of healthcare in Uzbekistan and basic principles of health organization.
Key words: healthcare, healthcare system, principles, organization.
Healthcare in Uzbekistan development of the system of social-economic, socio - geographical, demographic, morbidity, sanitation and epidemiology taking into account their aspects. Main principles of health protection in Uzbekistan include the following:
1. Respect for human rights in the health sector.
2. All layers of the population should be able to access health care.
3. The priority of prophylactic measures.
4. Social security of citizens' health.
5. Practical unity of medical science.
"Мировая наука" №12(21) 2018 science-j.com