physics, literature, with the subjects of the natural-mathematical cycle and the life cycle);
- integrated lessons, the conduct of which creates the conditions for the use of various tasks that contribute to the development of students' interest in the subject when discussing the academic theme.
Used soures:
1. Интернет:;;
2 Каледина А.Н., Кушельман Н.В. Высшее учебное заблуждение. М.: «Дрофа», 2006. - 228 с.
3 Кларин М.В. Инновации в обучении. Метафоры и модели. М.: «Наука», 2014- 398 с.
4. Педагогика: Учебное пособие для студентов педагогических учебных заведений / В.А.Сластенин, И.Ф.Исаев, А.И.Мищенко, Е.Н.Шиянов. - 4-е изд. - М.: Школьная Пресса, 2012. - 512 с.
UDK 37.81-13
Bozorova M.Sh.
Teacher of Tashkent Institute of Finance Uzbekistan, Tashkent city TEACHING TECHNOLOGIES OF LEARNING ENGLISH LANGUAGE
Annotation: In this article highlights the role of methods in the education and teaching techniques of learning English language.
Key words: education, methodology, English, training.
A foreign language in the modern world is practically the same attribute of a successful person as a mobile phone. With the help of English, in particular, the language can communicate in almost every corner of the earth. However, it should be borne in mind that modern realities require a modern approach in teaching a foreign language. But, unfortunately, often our teaching methods are very inert, don't meet modern requirements.
Modern methods of teaching foreign languages offer us a wide choice of learning concepts, methods and technologies, both traditional and innovative.
Much time has passed since the study of a foreign language was reduced to the passive learning of new words and expressions. Monotony, boring cramming of grammatical rules and, at best, the ability to translate a Russian phrase into a foreign language - this is what was the limit of perfection in mastering a foreign medium of communication. And although the world has long known a huge number of approaches to the study of a foreign language and methods, a real revolutionary change in the methods of teaching English in our country occurred only in the 20th century. Changed approaches, goals.
Today everyone learns a foreign language. In proportion to the number of people, the number of techniques has increased. However, each of the methods has both pros and cons. The principles of the old school today are subject to sharp criticism, despite the fact that the use of "classics" has borne fruit, and
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considerable ones. The only question is what price was it possible to achieve these results. As a rule, in order to master a language, one had to spend a lot of time hanging over books, devoting a lot of time to translating, reading texts, learning new words, performing various exercises and retelling. For the change of activities were proposed such tasks as writing essays or dictations.
There are various methods of teaching English. Teaching a foreign language, it is necessary to pay attention to new ways to stimulate the speech of students. However, many classical schools are still trying to teach the old methods and the old books. There will always be problems and you will never speak English well. Using new methods, you can easily learn to speak English and improve on it.
One of the oldest methods is classical, or fundamental. The goal of the classical technique is not so much the study, as the understanding of the subtleties and details of the principles of a foreign language. The main task pursued by the classical method is the formation of the grammatical base of the language being studied. Target audience - people starting to learn English from scratch, from scratch. This technique is perfectly familiar to those who, began to learn English at school. It is worth noting that it is she who gives preference to many language universities, both in Kazakhstan and in border states. The simplified scheme is the study of grammar, the basic rules, which are subsequently used in concrete examples and fixed with the help of exercises. The most popular representative of the traditional method is N.A.Bonk. Her famous "Bonk textbook," written in collaboration with other representatives of the same traditional methodology, is a kind of template. This textbook withstood the tough competition with the latest techniques that came from the West, and continues to be the benchmark. The only drawback, or rather even the lack of a classical technique, is the meager experience of speaking. You can fill this gap by adding other methods of communicative learning to the classical method.
One of these methods is the so-called lingua-cultural method. Supporters of the above method are those who believe that a modern foreign language should not be a set of lexical and grammatical rules. On the contrary, the absence of extra-linguistic factors leads to the fact that learning English becomes boring and purposeless. Adherents of the lingua-sociocultural method erect a foreign language to the rank of a communicative tool that helps a person not only to speak, but also enables self-expression. Following the principles of the linguistic sociocultural method, we can safely say that a foreign language is a kind of mirror reflecting the way of life, traditions and customs, culture and history of a language.
However, in recent years, in the top of the most popular methods of teaching foreign languages there is a communicative technique, which occupies the first line in the ratings and calculations of extras. This technique has proven itself in America and Europe. Continuing to conquer the world, the communicative method came to us, taking an honorable place in the leading language universities of the republic. The method is based on the integration of
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two main methods of teaching foreign languages: traditional and modern. As the name implies, an important role in the communicative method is assigned to communication. The main goal pursued by this technique is to overcome the language barrier. The main thing is to save a person from the fear of someone else's language, from the fear of speaking a foreign language and at the same time developing other language skills and abilities, in particular, speaking and writing, reading, listening. It is worth noting that grammar is studied in the process of speaking, communicating in a foreign language. The principle is as follows: first, students memorize and memorize language formulas, expressions, phrases, and only then disassemble the grammatical structures found in memorized phrases. Speaking in simple words, the principle of oral advancing acts. About the fact that in the communicative method the practice of communication occupies a special place, says the name itself. The communicative method is aimed at developing the skills and abilities of speaking in a foreign language. It is also worth noting that the application of the technique directly affects the structure of the lesson. Very often in class it is necessary to use game situations, to carry out group work, to develop tasks for finding errors, for the ability to compare and compare. As a rule, such classes make active not only memory, but also logic, which allows you to develop the ability to think analytically and figuratively and, in turn, encourages to express thoughts. Today, the development of modern IT-industry makes available the latest interactive resources when learning English: latest generation computers, Internet, TV programs, newspapers, magazines. It is very important to put into practice all of the above. This contributes to the awakening among students of interest in the history, culture, traditions of the country of the language being studied and helps to form the skills that will be needed in the future. Learning is an active interaction between the teacher and students, and it cannot be one-sided. It depends on the teacher how successful the learning process will be. Obviously, each teacher is oriented in accordance with his personal experience in the choice of work methods and techniques. But, based on the results of the conducted practical work, it can be argued that the use of various techniques in the framework of communicative, inductive, deductive methods gives a positive result and, undoubtedly, contributes to improving the efficiency of teaching grammar. This allows you to achieve your goals and gives a high result.
1. Введение в коммуникативную методику обучения английскому языку : пособие для учителей России. -Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1997. - 48 с.
2. Современные проблемы обучения грамматике иностранных языков // ИЯШ. - 2000. - № 5. - С. 22-26.
3. Соловова, Е.Н. Методика обучения иностранным языкам . - М. : Просвещение, 2002. - 256 с.
"Мировая наука" №10(19) 2018