Научная статья на тему '“green” algae on the grounds of urban areas (as example of Andijan city'

“green” algae on the grounds of urban areas (as example of Andijan city Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Mamasoliev Sardorbek Tursinovich, Mamahonova Jumagul Niyozbekovna, Buranova Shohista Usubjonovna, Madaminova Nodirahon Ikromjon Qizi

Information about the causes of becoming “green” of grounds in different ecologic areas, algae that spread on them and their development.

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Текст научной работы на тему «“green” algae on the grounds of urban areas (as example of Andijan city»

Section 1. Biology

Mamasoliev Sardorbek Tursinovich, doctor's degree researcher of the Andijan State University E-mail: [email protected] Mamahonova Jumagul Niyozbekovna, teacher of the Department of Ecology and Botany of the Andijan State University Buranova Shohista Usubjonovna, Madaminova Nodirahon Ikromjon qizi, teacher of professional college


Abstract. Information about the causes of becoming "green" of grounds in different ecologic areas, algae that spread on them and their development.

Keywords: ecologic area, soil, cyano-bacteria, algae, phototroph.

In our arid region, we have few rainy days, the weather in some years gets warm at the end of February or at the beginning of March and causes drying the surface of the ground. It rains when the temperature of the air and soil goes up and the rain causes rapid increase and growth of phototrophs on the surface of the ground. In such cases, the surface ground in shades, in small areas with high humidity becomes green, a bit yellowish-brown color [1; 2; 4]. Russian specialists, who learned the cause of this colorfulness on the surface ground, call it "blossoming" [1; 3; 4]. In our opinion, it may be correct to call it "becoming green". We have come across no information about systematic and taxonomic composition of phototrophs on the ground surface that have "become green" in works of algology specialists of our republic. Russian al-gology specialists, Shtina E. A. (1972), Androsova Ye. Ya (1964), Ye. A. Busigina (1976); Domracheva L. I. (1985, 2005, 2010); Ibragimova S. T. (2009); Kabirova R. R. (1994, 1997); Kondakova L. V. (2012); Sugachkova Ye.V. (2010); Suhanova N. V. (1996, 2000) gave detail information on the principles of becoming "green" of the soils where the systematic and taxonomic composition of phototrophs was studied about this in their research [5; 6].

The types and quantity of organic and unorganic units, macro and microelements have an influence on phototroph organisms developing and becoming "green" on the surface of the ground after the rain in early spring or in warm autumn.

They are ususally observed in the form of mineral salts that get solved easily and difficult to get solved [6; 7].

One can see two kinds of scene in the samples taken from the "green" surface of the ground and concrete covers in Andijan city. Gray green, somewhat dark green spots appeared on the surface of industrial waste, due to the development of algae on soil surfaces with sufficient moisture. The surface of the soils where light is insufficient and where there is no immediate contamination is yellowish - green, light green, slightly brown - green, and become "green" [7]. 36 sorts of algae were detected in the samples collected when the temperature rose to 15-180C after the rainy days of spring. The systematic content mainly consisted of 22 species (61.11%) cyanobacteria, 10 species (27.7%) green algae and 5 (13.8%) diatomous weeds. Microcoleus vaginatus, Phormidium acruginosa, Ph. autumnale, Ph. brevis, Plektonema notation, Palmella mimit, Asteriococcus rupestris, Chlorella teri-cola, Navicula minuscula, Pinnularia intermedia were dominat in this content.

The total number of taxons in the yard of the Andijan city heating hubs has risen to 23, 63.9 per cent compared with the total species (36), 19 species in the Biochemistry Plant (52.77 per cent), and 19 in the yard of the Machine Plant (52.77%). Among them, there are 17 types of cyno-bacteria in the northern part of the city, including 3 types (15.8%) of the ones with heterocysts. There are 18 types

Section 1. Biology

of (50.0%) heterocyst cyno-bacteria in the central areas, 2 types (5.5%) of which were observed in the southern areas as in the central areas. The biological diversity of the algae in the algae layer of the soils exposed to the soil surface in the studied regions is characterized by climatic conditions, similarity of soil type, its properties and anthropogenic impact. In algae flora, we observed a large number of P and B bioforms of algae.

No large differences were detected in species varieties; their development was less frequent in the samples than in spring. During this period, cyno-bacteria without hetero-cysts - Phormidium breve, Microcoleus vaginatus, species of green algae - Chlamydomonas, diatoms of Navicula species were frequently observed in Hantzschia amphioxys samples.

In the samples taken from 1 cm 2 areas of the surface that became much "green", the number of cells detected from each of the three regions was 14.2-8.3 million in spring, and 6.1 to 4.3 million in autumn. The number of cells depends on the weather condition, the time when these samples are taken, it depends on the factors like humidity of the soil. One should take into account the changes that occur by the time the samples are brought to the laboratory. When we compared the obtained numbers with the data of Kirov (Kondakova, 2012; Yefremova, 2014); Izhevik (Aksenova, 2010); Novosibirsk (Androsova, 1987); Novosibirsk (Suchakova, 2000); Ufa (Kabirov, 2010) Russia, there was a difference in edaphophyle

forms although there was not a systematic difference and significant difference in the quantity of cells. There is a significant difference in the quantity of cells taken from the surface of 1 cm2. This is explained that the above-mentioned cities of Russia are in the damp/humid region and Andijan city is in the arid area. There are few rainy days, the rainfall is few. This certainly had an influence on the development of edaphophy-le phototrophs.

There are many species belonging to Cyanophyta division according to quantity of cells. The quantity of cells in diatoms is a bit more in development of the types belonging to Bacillariophyta and Chlorophyta divisions. When we too kthe average indicators of this data, it consisted of 11.25 mln cells in the southern area of the city; 9.65 mln - in the central area; 12.9 mln - in the northern area. The difference between the figures is not larga. This depends on physical, chemical, biological features of the soil.

Cyanobacteria, green algae and diatoms that have developed in the soils form a dense layer on the surface of the soil together, and thus it makes the particles harder in the soil. Gray, gray-green appearance on the soil surface indicates high pollution [5; 6; 7]. This is evident in the area ofwaste disposal.

- The high number of types in high level develoment of phototrofloras, dominance of taxons of cynobacteria with heterocysts and withous heterocysts was much observed in western areas.


Figure 1. Settlements on the soil: (A) and

Indicators of algae types in the soil are often dependent on the properties, technology, and raw materials used in the production process of the enterprise and institution in the area. Contamination of soil with heavy metal salts and various organic and non-organic acids causes more green algae to develop in it. Where there is a high concentration of polluted soils and organic matter, algo-groups consisting of blue-green algae are often observed.


'green" places in the industrial area (B)

An analysis of soil algae and species diversity in areas with anthropogenic impacts allows them to assess the ecological state of the site. The decline in the generation of harmful emissions from industrial plants, and particularly the industrial enterprises, and the change in the risk of injury depends on many factors. The major ones are the mass of harmful emissions and air flow in the area.

Because of the fact that the air flow in Andijan is mainly oriented from west to east, more pollutants in the eastern part of the facilities producing harmful gases are higher.

One of the major factors contributing to the pollution of the city is the process of air condensation in the polluted atmosphere (Figure 1).

Hazardous waste gas emitted from industrial plants, transport and other facilities will be condensed into the soil and will adversely affect existing biocenosis. Due to the concentration of emissions of the harmful gasses, the concentration of the mass decreases and the amount of damage to the soil environment and organisms decreases with the concentration associated with atmospheric dissipation.

Figure 2. Condensation of water vapor with exhaust gases

Thus, in the areas where the research was carried out, the "green" surface of the globe became apparent in the shadowy areas where the sunlight was not always diminished. Their systematic structure consists of cyanobacteria, green algae and partial diatoms. There were few species ofXanthophyta, repre-

sentatives of the Euglenophyta division were not come across. In our opinion, the pollution of the environment as a result of the operation of the industrial zone affects the biodiversity and their development. The development of populations of cyanobacteria and green algae in the urban environment is quite high.


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2. Gollerbakh M. M. Shtina 3.A. Ecology of soil algae.- M., 1976.- 141 p.

3. Tojiboev Sh. Zh. Algae virgin soils of Tashkent region and their some biochemical features. Abstract of Candidate of Biological Science,- Tashkent, 1973.

4. Moskvich N. P. Experience in the use of algae in the study of the sanitary condition of the soil. Materials of the inter-university conference (Kirov, May 24-27, 1977).- Perm, 1977.- P. 80-81.

5. Sukhanova N. V. Soil Algae of Urban Ecosystems: Abstract of Candidate of Biological Science: - Ufa, 1996.- 22 p.

6. Kabirov R. R. The role of soil algae in anthropogenic ecosystems // Basic research. Biological Science. 2004.- No. 6.-P. 22-24.

7. Efremova V. A. Communities of soil algae and cyanobacteria in the environmental assessment of urban soils (for example, the city of Kirov). Candidate's Abstract,- Kirov, 2014.- 176 p.

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