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Algae light brown soil Fergana Valley in Uzbekistan Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Tuhtaboyeva Yulduzkhon Abdusattorovna, Tojiboev Sharobiddin

In the study of species diversity of algae found and identified 109 species, including green -43, -36 blue-green, yellow-green -16, -14 diatoms. Dominated by 7 members, of which more common following: Chlorococeaceae, Uocystaceae, Ossilatoriaceae, Nostocaceae, richly represented by species of the genus Phoruaidium (9 species), Gleocapsa (4 species). Most kinds have from one to three species. For a variety of species and the impact on the distribution of the exposure of the slope and edaphic faktor. Na northern slope dominated by blue-green 35 yellow-green 16, 11 diatom species in the southern blue-green. The number of cells of algae ranges from 26.5 to 70.5 thousand. Depending on the number of metereologicheskih and edaphic factors.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Algae light brown soil Fergana Valley in Uzbekistan»

Algae light brown soil Fergana Valley in Uzbekistan

Tuhtaboyeva Yulduzkhon Abdusattorovna, Tojiboev Sharobiddin, Namangan State University, Uzbekistan E-mail: [email protected]

Algae light brown soil Fergana Valley in Uzbekistan

Abstract: In the study of species diversity of algae found and identified 109 species, including green -43, -36 blue-green, yellow-green -16, -14 diatoms. Dominated by 7 members, ofwhich more common following: Chlorococeaceae, Uocystaceae, Ossilatoriaceae, Nostocaceae, richly represented by species of the genus Phoruaidium (9 species), Gleocapsa (4 species).

Most kinds have from one to three species. For a variety of species and the impact on the distribution of the exposure of the slope and edaphic faktor. Na northern slope dominated by blue-green 35 yellow-green 16, 11 diatom species in the southern blue-green. The number of cells of algae ranges from 26.5 to 70.5 thousand. Depending on the number of metereologicheskih and edaphic factors.

Keywords: phycology, views, exposure of the slope, light-brown soils of the Fergana Valley (Uzbekistan).


The soil as a habitat, promotes the development of a mass of microorganisms. Algae is Poston microbiocenoses components of soil and fertility play an important role. With their participation, there are processes of transformation of substances, accumulation of mineral elements of plants and synthesis of organic substances. The number of algal cells in 1g soil ranges from a few hundred to tens of hundreds of thousands. Developing in weight, algae can play a significant role in the formation of phytocenoses (Gorbunova, 1991).

Study of the species composition and dynamics of soil algae is the main task of researchers.

Subjects and methods

The object is a light-brown soils of Namangan region in Uzbekistan's Fergana Valley in the range of 1,600 to 2,000 meters above sea level. Prevails in varying degrees eroded gravelly and rocky significant difference in the content of the list are poor in nitrogen. Vegetation dianavo-motley grass with ezhesbornoy (Dactylis glomera) with dubilanym Sharani (Polygonum coriarum) and multicolored lipistrum (Ligustrum discolor).

The results and analysis

The light brown soil diversity reached 110, including 43 species of green (40.0 %), blue-green, 36 species (31.9 %), yellow-green 16 species (14.5 %), 14 diatoms (12.7 %) and one gold. In the formation of algal communities of green algae is dominated by representatives of the classes Volvucophyceae, Chlorococcophyceae and Ulothrichophycae. Discovered Volvocophyceal classes belong to the same genus Chlamydomonada, there are several species. Of these, Chlamydomonas globosa, ch.isogama, ch. oblonga developed in common northern and southern slopes reach considerable development. In the context of a special kind of harmful cultural Chlamydomonadra first appeared on the walls of the flask with the consecration of the parties.

Richly presented representatives of the class Chlorococcophyceae, contains 26 species (23.63 %) of the total (60.4 %) of the green. The greatest number of species falls on the family Chlorococeaceae (6), Oocystaceal (5). The family is represented by three species Chlorococeaceae chlorella tericala, ch.vulgaris, ch. pyrenaidusa, abundant in samples of the southern slope. The genus comprises two species Chlorococcum Chlorococcum humicaba, ch. infusionum. Rhode T. aspera T. gramulata and develop both on the north and on the south slope. Rhode Caceomyxa, Prtasiphon, Cysacocus, Chlerae-hytrium, tetracaccus, Eremasphaeria, Macrochloris represented by a single species. The best kinds of development have Pleuruchloris vulgaris, Miriella magma, Keratococus bicaudatus. Class Ulotrhicho-

phyceae represented 10 species. Rhode Ulothrix contains two kinds U. subtilissum, U. tenerrima better developed on the north. U. variabilis great on the north. Species of the genus Hormidium H. dis-sectium H. rivulare and developed on the southern and northern slopes. Stichococcus basillaris S. minor and marked on the northern slope. From the kind of Trentepolia T. gobii found on the southern and the northern T. piceana. The southern slope of a rich algae and contains 35 species (31.8 %) than the North (21 views 19.0 %). Blue-green algae is represented by two classes. Class Chrocoucaphyce-ae 9 species, including 7 species found in the samples of the northern slope, 6 species in the south.

Merismopredia minima, Gleocapsa alpine, G. turgida, Stigo-nema hormoides developed in common slopes. Microcustis pul-verea, Aphonothece costagnei, A. saxicola found in samples of the northern slope. Gleocapsa minima, G. minor found in the soils of the southern slope.

Procedure Nostacales includes 8 species, they are not numerous. Widespread proved Nostacpunctiforme f. populorum in samples of the general slope. Because of this order in the samples revealed the northern slope of 4 species, and to the south 6.

• How Oscillatoriales 16 species evolved slightly. Oscillatoria boryana, O. schroeteri, Borria triloculoium, phormidium foveola-rum found in samples from the general slope. The best development and had Microcoleus vaginatus Plectonema borynaum f. haller-bachiana. The southern slope of the biological diversity of more than 27 species, 21 species of the north than that caused by a number metereologicheskih and edaphic factors. Yellow-green algae in the light brown soil consists of15 species. Widespread proved Botrydi-opsis arhiza, B. eriensis, Arachnochluris major, Trachychloron simplex, Bumilleritopsis terricola, Bumilleria klebsiana, Tribunema el-egans, T. viride, T. vulgare, Heterothrix bristoliana, they met in both slopes. Only on the northern slope found Pleurochloris commutate, Polyedriella helvetica, Tribonema minus, Heterothrix exilis and H. stichococeoides. Common only in the samples from the southern slope of the light brown soil is not it turned whole samples of the northern slope. Detected and identified 15 species in the Southern 12, causing a number metereologicheskih and edaphic factors. In soils of the western Pamir vyshegornogo V. P. Booth (1963) also noted a more diverse (15 species), the yellow-green algae.

Diatoms are biologically diverse, represented 15 species. Genus Navicula contains 5 species, including Navicula minuscule, N. di-cephalavar, turundulata, N. mutica var. nivalis found in the samples as the North and the southern slope. Navicula cryptocephala and N. disephala revealed only on the northern slope. From the kind

Section 1. Biology

of Pinnularia P. borealis found in common slopes, P. mesolepta detected in samples of the northern slope. Rhode Hantzschia presented species H. amphioxys, H. capitata found on the northern and southern slopes, and H. amphioxys var. capitata is found only on the northern slope. From the genus Nitzschia N. amphibia identified on the south, N. palea on the northern slope. Weakly developed Gom-phonema acuminata in samples of the southern slope. The species diversity of the northern slope is represented by 11, 9 species of South meteriologicheskih causing development and edaphic factors. The total number of cells of algae in a light brown soil, depending on the time of year ranges from 26.5 to 75.0 thousand per 1 g. of soil.


Favorable soil factors, temperature and water regime (especially in summer), a well-defined structure, according to different favor the development of abundant moisture-loving green, yellow-green and diatoms than blue-green. As the number of species dominated by filamentous forms. Characteristic are Bumilleria klebsiana, Bu-milleriopsis terrieola, B. brevis from yellow-green, and species of the genus Phormidium of blue-green. Representatives Chlorococcaceae and Oosystaceae giperatsitnye blue-green evolved less. Because diatom samples often come across Navicula mutica var. nivalis, N. cryp-tocephala, N. minuscula, Pinnularia mesolepta.


1. Booth V. P. Community algae of some soils of the Western Pamirs and their change under cultivation. Abstract of diss. PhD. - Dushanbe, 1963. - 24 p.

2. Gorbunov N. P. Algology. - M.: High school, 1991. - 256 p.

3. Hollerbach M. M., Shtina E. A. Soil algae. - A.: The science, 1969. - 228 p.

Tuhtaboyeva Yulduzkhon Abdusattorovna, Tojiboev Sharobiddin, Namangan State University, Uzbekistan, Masters, professor

E-mail: [email protected]

Algae flora of typically-brown soil of Fergana Valley

Abstract: It was researched the species diversity of the algae flora, identified and defined 106 species, 45 of them are green, 30 of them are blue-green, 16 species are diatoms, 15 species are yellow-green. Dominated by order Chlamydomonadales, Ulothrichales, Nostocales, Heterothrichales. The greatest number of species falls on the family. Chlorococcaceae, Oocystaceae, Oscillatoriaceae. Richly represented species of the genus Chlamydomonada - 7, Phormidium - 8. Most births were from one to three species. On the spread of algal flora affects the exposure of the slope. North Slope is dominated by green, yellow-green, blue-green part, on the southern green and blue-green algae. The number of species and algae cells varies depending on the meteorological and edaphic factors.

Keywords: phycology, view, typical brown soil, the Fergana Valley (Uzbekistan).


Algae is a permanent component of soil microbiocenoses and responsive to the changing soil environment. This is evidenced by the classic works of Musayev [6], Hollerbach, Shtina [3], Shtina, Hollerbach [3], Getsen (1990), Gorbunov [2], Kabirav [5] and other researchers. The study of the composition and dynamics of soil algae, physiological and biochemical processes occurring in the soil is the primary goal of researchers — algologists. These issues are clearly expressed in the natural environment, in complex relationships with various algae and organisms of the soil. Identification and species composition is the initial task of the matter.

Subjects and methods

According to A. Z. Genusova [1] in Chatkal-Kurama area in high-altitude zones, where it was held Algological study area covers a large brown soil subtypes. We study of brown typical soils in the redistribution of the Papal area of 1600 m. above sea level. Northern slopes steep 34 ° dismembered midlands. Vegetation blackberry-forbs, grass powerful, strong. Southern slopes steep 28 ° - vegetation wheat grass - awn chaff-forbs covered 50 % of the surface of the soil, gravelly. Humic horizon painted in brown tones, especially shaded slopes. We apply the methods described in the classical works of Hollerbach, Shtina [3], Shtina, Hollerbach (1979).

The results and analysis

In typical brown soil it was identified and defined 106 species and forms in species dominated by green algae (47 %), 44.34 %

from total number of species. Green presented the class representative Volvophyceae, Chlorophyceae I Ulothrichophyceae. How to detect Volvophyceae representatives belong to the genus Chlam-ydomonas number 7 species. In most samples across Chlamydo-monas isogama, Ch. oblonga of the northern and southern slopes. The richly represented by species class Chlorococcophyceae number 13 species distributing to 9 families. The greatest number of species falls on family Chlorococcaceae (7), Oocystaceae (6 types). Considerable development had Palmella hualina, P, minita, Gleo-coccus schroeteri, Protosiphon botryoides, Chlorococcum humi-cola, Ch. imfusionum, Chlorella vulgaris, Ch. terricola, Tetracoc-cus botryoides, Trochiscia aspera, Eremosphaeria virides f.minor, Macrochloris dissecta, Pleurochloris vulgaris. Along unicellular and colonial forms have evolved considerably and filamentous. Class Ulothrichophyceae contains 9 species. Family Ulothrichaceae presented the family Ulothrix views U. subtilissima, U. tenerrima, U. variabilis. Rod has Hormidium kinds H. dissectum, H. rivulare, H. nitens. Rhode Stichococcus contains species S. minor, S. variabilis, S. bacillaris. Family Trentepohliaceae presented views Trete-pohlia gobia and T. piceana although they are not widely spread.

Department of blue-green algae number 30 species (28.3 %) from total number. Class Chroococcophyceae represented by three species. Rhode Aphanothece contains two kinds A.custagnei, A.saxicola and Gleocapsa minia are not widespread. In soils of the south-western spurs of the Tian Shan K. Y. Musayev [6] identified

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