GEOGRAPHICAL STUDY OF PLACE NAMES IN THE TERRITORY OF KARAKALPAKSTAN Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Baltabaev O.O.

This article describes the geographical study of place names in the territory of Karakalpakstan. Toponymic works of geographers on the study of Karakalpak toponyms are analyzed chronologically.

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DOI 10.46566/2225-1545_2022_2_96_61 UDK: 911.6 (575.172)

Baltabaev O. O. doctoral candidate Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyaz



Annotation. This article describes the geographical study of place names in the territory of Karakalpakstan. Toponymic works of geographers on the study of Karakalpak toponyms are analyzed chronologically.

Keywords. Geographical name, toponym, Karakalpak toponyms, local geographical terms, lexical-semantic group.

Introduction. Geographical names, i.e. toponyms, are our historical heritage, which accompanies people throughout their lives and carries a lot of historical and geographical information. Through toponyms we can also identify many historical facts, natural and geographical conditions of the regions, socioeconomic, political and geographical processes, life, customs, culture and language features of the population. Therefore, we need to determine the origin, distribution, change of any geographical names in our region, what they mean.

It is known that many scientists, linguists and geographers, historians and ethnographers have been interested in the origin of the name Karakalpak, the origin of ethnonym names and the names of cities, villages, lakes, rivers and other geographical objects in the region and have been expressed their views on.

E. Berdimuratov, a toponymist, writes about the toponymy of Karakalpakstan: "Karakalpak toponymy, like the toponymy of other well-known languages, originated and developed over a long historical period, beginning in the past. They stand out as a layer of special terms in the language and differ from other terms in their features" [1].

Main part. The territory of Karakalpakstan has a rich toponymic data and the toponymy of the region has been studied since ancient times. In the works of a number of scientists we find some issues of geographical names in the territory of Karakalpakstan, historical places in the region, the names of cities, the names of many hydro objects.

L.S. Berg's scientific monograph "Aralskoe more", which studied the Aral Sea in the early twentieth century, provides detailed information about the Aral Sea, its name, the history and etymology of the origin of some geographical names in the sea. The historical name of the Aral Sea, such as Kurder, Jurjaniya, Khorezm, Lake Jend, has been determined on the basis of many sources. L.S. Berg quotes the historian of Khorezm Abulgazi as follows: The Aral is the delta of the Amudarya, which in Turkish is called the Aral, where the Amudarya

flows into the sea. The local people lower part of the Amudarya river were called the Arals. This suggests that the name of the Aral Sea may have been derived from the name of the Aral's people, and that the name "Aral" may have been derived from Island, meaning the sea where the island is [2]. It is also reported that the historical name of the Amudarya river was Oks, Amul, Jayhun.

During the years of independence, many geographers have dealt with current issues of geographical names of Karakalpakstan and are still conducting their own research. J.Matmuratov published scientific articles on the toponymy of Karakalpakstan in magazines and newspapers. As a general feature of the toponymy of Karakalpakstan, the scientist emphasizes that it is inextricably linked with the history of our country, the natural conditions of its territory and the linguistic features of local people. Analyzing the geographical names, he gives information that the most common toponymic names in the republic are hydrographic objects, that is, one in two hydrographic objects per one thousand km2 of the republic [5].

In particular, based on the analysis of cartographic data of the republic identifies more than 400 geographical names, including 193 hydrographic objects - lakes, rivers, canals and reservoirs, 133 villages, settlements and cities, 61 mountains, deposits of minerals, 8 pointed out that these are the names of nature conservation farms [6].

Q.M. Seytniyazov studied the toponyms of Karakalpakstan on a large scale. The scientist mainly studied the toponyms of the northern Bozatau, Kegeyli, Qarauzak, Takhtakupir, Chimbay districts of Karakalpakstan from a natural geographical point of view. At the same time, the etymology of more than 500 toponyms, including about 250 oikonym, was determined and the first toponymic map was created in Karakalpakstan [8].

In his research, Q.M. Seytniyazov semantically divided the toponyms of the northern districts of the right bank of Karakalpakstan into the following groups: [8] 1. Geographical names, anthropotoponyms, formed in connection with a person's name, surname and nickname; 2. Geographical names, ethnotoponyms, formed in connection with the names of people and tribes; 3. Geographical names related to the occupation of people; 4. Emerging geographical names related to flora and fauna; 5. Geographical names formed with the participation of geographical terms; 6. Hydronyms; 7. Geographical names formed in connection with the relief of the place; 8. Geographical names associated with the mineral; 9. Unclear geographical names.

Q.M. Seytniyazov about toponyms: «... Each toponym has different historical, geographical, archeological, ethnographic and linguistic information. Any geographical term has a clear meaning and is already there, but in most cases they are lost. Usually, there are no meaningless names. Each of us knows little about the geographical names of the world, our homeland, our beloved provinces, districts or hometowns. Even geographers, if we think about it, know

the geographical map well and can imagine it, in fact, they know very little about its nomenclature" [8].

S. Koraev's work "Toponyms of the regions of Uzbekistan" [4] provides information on the etymology of about 100 toponyms of Karakalpakstan. The scientist noted that 1/5 of Karakalpak toponyms are ethnotoponyms, however, most of the toponyms are called ethnonyms. He also writes that the term aul (village) is about 200, the term lake is more than 40, and the term castle is about 30 in the names of city-villages. A lot of information about the toponyms of Karakalpakstan, the laws of their origin, classification, ethnotoponyms and local geographical terms can be found in the scientific articles of F.B. Urinbaeva. In the article "The role of local geographical terms in the formation of place names in Karakalpakstan" [9] provides information about many local geographical terms in the territory of Karakalpakstan and divides them into 3 types: 1. Terms related to water objects, properties and movement of water (hydronymic terms); 2. Terms related to the characteristics of the surface, the form of relief (oronymic terms); 3. Terms related to settlements (oikonomic terms).

In his article " Some laws of formation of toponyms of the Republic of Karakalpakstan" [10] he notes that in the northern districts of Karakalpakstan in the formation of the names of settlements are called by more tribal names. He also divided into groups such as toponyms reflecting the nature of the territory of the republic, toponyms representing the geographical location, surface features, toponyms representing landforms, toponyms representing the properties and movements of water, toponyms representing the flora, toponyms representing the peculiarities of the fauna and natural geographical phenomena.

In the article "Problems of classification of toponyms of Karakalpakstan" co-authored with P.N. Gulomov [3], he divides the geographical names of Karakalpakstan into the following groups: I. Names of natural geographical objects: II. Names of administrative objects. I. Toponyms related to the names of natural geographical objects, in turn, are divided into subgroups as follows. 1. Hydronyms, i.e. names of water bodies: a) anthropohydronyms; b) ethnohydronyms; c) phyto and zoohydronyms; g) hydronyms depending on the nature of the water; d) hydronyms depending on the geographical location, appearance, size, time and condition of the object. 2. Oronyms, i.e. toponyms related to relief: a) anthroporonyms; b) oronyms related to water objects; c) oronyms related to phytonims and zoonyms.

M.T. Mirakmalov and M.M. Avezov in the article "Natural-geographical features of the toponyms of the Republic of Karakalpakstan" analyzes the toponyms of the Republic of Karakalpakstan into three groups: geographical location, condition and specificity of the place and names related to the relief, names related to water bodies (hydronyms), place names related to rocks, soils, flora and fauna, as well as in the hydronyms of the republic the most common occurrence is "jap" (bank of river) 15%, "kol" (lake) 14%.

Conclusion. The results of the study showed that the toponyms of Karakalpakstan, in particular, toponyms have not yet been studied as a whole object of geographical study, the regional distribution of oikonyms, their lexical and semantic structure, quantitative analysis of local geographical terms involved in toponym formation, as well as complete toponyms and oikonyms. This directly requires the geographical study of the toponyms of Karakalpakstan, in particular, the oikonyms. The creation of toponymic maps on the basis of new GIS technologies and thereby determining the distribution areas of toponyms, as well as the zoning of toponyms of the republic are among the current issues.


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