Egamkulov H.E. Gulistan State University Gulistan, Uzbekistan Eshkobilov A.E Gulistan State University Gulistan, Uzbekistan
Abstract: This article presents the demographic indicators of Kashkadarya region: births, deaths due to various causes, including death rates related to infectious and parasitic diseases. According to the relief structure of the regional administrative units, the division into plain, hilly, hilly, and mountainous regions, and the number of cities and districts corresponding to these regions, the number of inhabitants, and the percentage share of the population are given.
Keywords: Population, birth, death, disease, infectious-parasitic disease, circulatory system diseases, relief, national structure, demographic index.
Egamqulov H.E. Guliston davlat universiteti Guliston, O'zbekiston Eshqobilov A.E Guliston davlat universiteti Guliston, O'zbekiston
Annotatsiya: Ushbu maqolada Qashqadaryo viloyatining demografik ko'rsatkichlari: tug'ilish, turli sabablarga ko'ra o'lim holatlari, Jumladan, yuqumli-parazitar kasalliklari bilan bog'liq o'lim ko'rsatkichlari keltirilgan. Viloyat ma 'muriy birliklarining relyef tuzilishiga ko'ra tekislik, qir, tog'oldi, tog'li hududlarga bo'linishi va shu hududlarga to'g'ri keladigan shahar va tumanlar soni, aholi soni, aholiningfoiz hisobidagi ulushi keltirilgan.
Kalit so'zlar: Aholi, tug'ilish, o'lim, kasallik, yuqumli-parazitar kasallik, qon aylanish tizimi kasalliklari, relyef, milliy tarkib, demografik ko 'rsatkich.
The permanent population of Kashkadarya region as of January 1, 2024, is 3,560.6 thousand people, having increased by 78.3 thousand, or 2.2%, since the beginning of 2023. Specifically, the urban population is 1,524.2 thousand (42.8% of the total population), while the rural population is 2,036.4 thousand (57.2%). The
мЭкономнка h соцнумм №11(126)-2 2024
area of the Kashkadarya region is 28,570 square kilometers, and there are notable differences in its relief structure [1,2]. These variations are also significantly reflected in the national composition and distribution of the population. The diversity of the relief and geographical conditions affects the lifestyle, economic activities, and social issues of the inhabitants. Additionally, the presence of various ethnic groups in the region creates differences related to their cultural and traditional characteristics.
The demographic composition of the population of Kashkadarya region is somewhat complex. The majority are Uzbeks (91.2%), but representatives of Tajik, Turkmen, Russian, Kazakh, Ukrainian, Azerbaijan, Korean, Kyrgyz, Turk, Belarusian, Tatar, and other nationalities also reside here. As of 2024, the average population density is 124.6 people per km2.
The population distribution in Kashkadarya region shows significant differences based on elevation. The Mirishkor and Muborak districts are located at an elevation of 200-300 meters, with a population of 223,000 (6.27%). The area with an elevation of 300-500 meters includes the city of Karshi and several districts, housing 1,259,400 people (35.37%). The foothill region, at an elevation of 5001000 meters, includes the districts of Chirokchi, G'uzor, and Ko'kdala, with a population of 678,800 (19%). Finally, the mountainous area, above 1000 meters, comprises the city of Shakhrisabz and several districts, where 1,399,400 people (39.30%) reside. This data illustrates the relationship between population distribution and natural conditions in the region. (table 1).
The population distribution in Kashkadarya Region shows significant variations, primarily influenced by natural geographical conditions (such as riverbanks and streams). Additionally, economic and social factors also affect population distribution. These factors include the level of employment, the presence of industrial enterprises, and the extent of resource extraction, all of which significantly influence the population's settlement patterns.
Table 1: Population Distribution in Kashkadarya region by Elevation Zones
Elevation (meters) Cities and Districts Number of Cities and Districts Population Percentage of population
up to 200-300 meters (plain) Mirishkor, Muborak 2 223 000 6,27
300-500 (hilly) Karshi city, Koson, Kasbi, Karshi, Nishon 5 1 259 400 35,37
500-1000 (Foothill) Chirokchi, Guzor, Kokdala 3 678 800 19,0
Above 1000 (moutain) Shakhrisabz city, Shakhrisabz, Kitob, Yakkabog, Kamashi, Dehkonobod 6 1 399 400 39,30
Total: 16 16 3 560 600 100
Source: Compiled by the author based on data from the websites and the Kashkadarya Region Statistics Department [3].
One of the most important demographic indicators is the mortality rate. In Kashkadarya Region, various reasons contribute to the reported mortality rate. In the period from January to December 2023, the number of deaths was 16,424, a decrease of 593 individuals or 3.5% compared to the same period in 2022 (17,017). Accordingly, the mortality coefficient was 4.7 per mille, down from 4.9 per mille in January to December 2022.
In 2023, the distribution of deaths by major causes (as a percentage of total
deaths) was as follows:
10000 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0
Diseases of the circulatory system Tumor diseases
Accident, poisoning and injuries Respiratory diseases
Infectious and parasitic diseases Diseases of the digestive organs Other reasons
The highest mortality rate among the administrative units of the region is in the Chirokchi district, where it reached 1,769 individuals. Following this, Karshi city recorded 1,347 deaths, and the Kamashi district reported 1,292. The mortality rate related to circulatory system diseases is also highest in the Chirokchi district, accounting for 954 deaths. This figure is 768 in the Koson district and 751 in the Kamashi district [4,5,6].
In conclusion, it can be said that the demographic potential of Kashkadarya Region is quite significant, and ensuring its participation in enhancing production is essential. There are also notable differences in population distribution across the region, and the mortality rate varies sharply due to the impact of relief and temperature on the causes of death.
1.Qashqadaryo viloyati statistika boshqarmasi ma'lumotlari.
2. Egamqulov H.E., Eshqobilov A.E. Qashqadaryo viloyatining geografik o'rni, aholisi va mehnat resurslari. Raqamlashtirish sharoitida uzluksiz ta'limni sifat va samaradorligini oshirish: muammo va yechimlari mavzusidagi Respublika ilmiy-amaliy konferensiya materiallari to'plami 7-8-iyun 2024-yil Guliston.
3. https: //ru-ru.topo
5. Е§ашяи1оу, Н.Е., & ББЬЯОЪЙОУ, А. Е. (2024). ОАЗНдАОАУО У1ЬОУАТ1 ТОРОММЬАМ. Научный Фокус, 2(18), 306-308.
6. Кот^а, N.K., & Egamqulov, Н.Е. (2023). IQLIM O'ZGARISHLARI SHAROITIDA AHOLI ОЪГМШГ^ HUDUDIY TAHLILI ^ШСАЕУО У1ШУАТ1 М18ОЬГОА). Экономика и социум, (5-1 (108)), 150-158.
"Экономика и социум" №11(126)-2 2024