Berdikulova M. T.
of the Geography Department of Karshi State University
Abstract: In this article, the regional aspects of the formation of labor resources of Kashkadarya region are studied, and the geodemographic situation of the region is explained in relation to it. The growth of the region's labor resources and the problems of their use are highlighted. The permanent population, the main indicators of the labor market, labor resources of rural districts of the region were analyzed.
Key words: population, demographic situation, labor resources, labor market, economy, population structure, birth rate, population employment.
In the Development Strategy of New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026, set forth by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Goal 85 titled "Creating new jobs in the country, increasing incomes of the population, and thereby reducing poverty by at least 50% by the end of 2026" outlines the most prioritized tasks based on the demographic situation in different regions. The quantitative and qualitative development of labor resources is explained in terms of the demographic status of these regions. The geodemographic situation of the regions directly affects all stages of labor resource formation.
Several factors have a direct and indirect impact on the formation of labor resources in regions. Among these, demographic, economic, and social factors are of significant importance. Without labor resources, neither any sector of the economy nor the material and non-material fields can develop. Population size and structure are crucial in the quantitative and qualitative indicators of labor resources. Changes in population size and age-gender composition influence the working-age population and, consequently, the formation of labor resources in the region. This, in turn, serves as a unique "instrument" impacting the economic development of the country and its regional subdivisions.
In the formation of labor resources, the most important demographic factor is the population size of a region. Population size refers to the total number of people living in a given area, representing one of the most common quantitative demographic characteristics. Population size changes continuously due to births and deaths and, for specific regions, varies due to migration.
When studying labor resources, several processes reflecting the demographic situation of a region are examined, including birth rate, death rate, natural growth, migration movements, and population structure. The number of labor resources is composed of the working-age population who are able to work,
and the number of workers below and above working age. The working-age population is determined by subtracting the number of non-working individuals in the first and second disability groups, as well as those who receive early retirement benefits based on age, from the total number of labor resources (males aged 16-59 and females aged 16-54). Officially registered unemployed individuals are those aged 16 or older, up to retirement age, who do not have a job, income, or wages, and who are registered with labor offices as job seekers ready to work, train, or improve their skills.
According to data from the State Statistics Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the number of labor resources in the country as of January-December 2023 was 19,739.6 thousand people, an increase of 222.1 thousand compared to the same period in 2022 (when it was 19,517.5 thousand).
In the country's geodemographic context, the Kashkadarya region holds a unique position. The main indicators of the region's demographic situation are revealed through the natural population increase. According to data from the Kashkadarya Regional Statistics Department, as of April 1, 2024, the permanent population of the region was 3,577.0 thousand people, an increase of 16.4 thousand or 0.5% compared to the beginning of the year (Table 1). Specifically, the urban population was 1,530.5 thousand (representing 42.8% of the total population), while the rural population was 2,046.5 thousand (57.2%). Of the permanent population, 34.6% are below working age, 55.5% are of working age, and 9.9% are above working age.
Table 1.
Distribution of permanent population in Kashkadarya region by
districts (01.04.2024)
No. Districts and 2023 2024 Growth
Cities (thousand) (thousand) Rate (%)
1 Guzar 218,4 223,3 102,2
2 Dehkhanabad 157,0 160,3 102,1
3 Kamashi 288,2 294,5 102,2
4 Karshi 267,1 273,7 102,5
5 Koson 306,4 313,6 102,3
6 Kitob 277,3 283,0 102,0
7 Mirishkor 127,3 130,0 102,1
8 Mubarak 92,2 93,8 101,7
9 Nishon 163,5 167,5 102,4
10 Kasbi 209,3 213,9 102,2
11 Kokdala 184,6 189,9 102,9
12 Chirakchi 262,2 269,3 102,7
13 Shahrisabz 231,8 235,8 101,7
14 Yakkabog 278,0 283,6 102,0
15 Karshi city 290,3 297,0 102,3
16 Shahrisabz city 145,3 147,8 101,8
17 Region total 3498,9 3577,0 102,2
Source: Compiled by the author based on data from
мЭкономнка h соцнумм №11(126)-1 2024
An analysis by district shows that the highest population in the region is in Koson district with 313.6 thousand people (8.7% of the region's population), followed by Qamashi district with 294.5 thousand people (8.2%). The lowest population is in Muborak district with 93.8 thousand people (2.6%) and Mirishkor district with 130.0 thousand people (3.6%). Qarshi city has a population of 297.0 thousand, accounting for 8.3% of the total regional population and 19.4% of the total urban population.
In demographic studies, birth rate is examined as the basis for population regeneration. According to data from the Uzbekistan Statistics Agency, from January to December 2023, 962.0 thousand people were born across the country. Analyzing by region, Surkhandarya has the highest birth rate at 30.9 per 1,000 people, followed by Kashkadarya at 28.9, and Namangan at 27.9. The lowest rates were observed in the Republic of Karakalpakstan (22.1), Bukhara (23.0), and Tashkent region (24.2).
Unique features of the demographic situation in Kashkadarya region include a higher birth and natural growth rate compared to national figures, a negative migration balance, a large proportion of young people in the population, sufficient labor resources (with 51.3% of the total population), and uneven distribution of the population across the region. Population growth also leads to changes in its geographic distribution and density. By 2024, the population density in the region reached 133 people per square kilometer. Population distribution varies according to the natural geographic environment; it is denser in districts with irrigated farming such as Qarshi, Kasbi, Shahrisabz, Yakkabog', and Kitob, while it is sparser in mountainous and desert areas.
The region's population is growing primarily due to natural increase, placing Kashkadarya in the group of regions with high natural growth. According to the Kashkadarya Regional Statistics Department, 101,852 births were recorded in the region from January to December 2023, with boys making up 51.9% and girls 48.1%. Compared to the same period in 2022 (with 98,279 births), births increased by 3,573. The birth rate reached 28.9 per 1,000, an increase of 0.4 from the same period in 2022 (28.5 per 1,000). The highest birth growth rates were seen in Nishon (108.9%), Muborak (108.7%), Qarshi (108.4%), and Mirishkor (106.7%) districts, while slight declines were observed in Yakkabog' (99.7%) and Qarshi city (99.8%).
As of January 1, 2024, Kashkadarya region had 1,826.7 thousand people within its labor resources, an increase of 13.3 thousand from the same period last year (1,813.4 thousand as of January 1, 2023). The region's labor resources account for 9.2% of the country's total labor resources, while its population represents 9.7% of the national total.
The regional labor market in Kashkadarya is shaped by a relatively "young" demographic due to increasing birth rates. When analyzing labor resources by district, Koson, Kamashi, Yakkabog, Kitab districts, and Karshi city show higher figures, whereas Muborak and Myrishkor districts have lower levels.
Given the distinctive population density, demographic characteristics, and adequate labor resources in Kashkadaryo, it is essential to focus on the efficient and effective use of these resources to reduce the outflow of labor migrants. The shortage of permanent, well-paying jobs in rural areas has led many working-age residents to seek employment abroad as labor migrants, a trend observed in the region's population dynamics.
Employment of the labor force remains a critical issue in every area. The current demographic situation, marked by rapid population growth, increases the need to create new jobs. One of the main strategies to address employment challenges is to strengthen the development of local industries at the district level. This includes fostering an effective investment environment in production and service sectors to stimulate growth.
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"Экономика и социум" №11(126)-1 2024