Научная статья на тему 'Genesis of scientific concepts about public administration of risks in construction'

Genesis of scientific concepts about public administration of risks in construction Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Ключевые слова
construction risks / public administration / risk management model in construction and operation of buildings / ризики у будівництві / державне управління / модель управ- ління ризиками у будівництві та експлуатації споруд

Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Vlasenko Ihor Nikolayevich

The article presents the characteristic of the scientific genesis of public risk management in construction in Ukraine, in global and local dimensions. The essence of the working organization of risk management in the construction and operation of buildings, taking into account the transformational processes in society, is disclosed. On the basis of the analysis of risks in construction and taking into account the current realities, scientifically grounded approaches to the formation of the risk system in the construction and operation of facilities in the system of public administration. It is noted that the risks and crisis phenomena in the construction complex gave a powerful impetus to understanding the causes of the problems of decentralization and finding mechanisms for their elimination, in general. The trilateral mission of the state in the conditions of decentralization is the regulation of the macroeconomic role of the construction complex, the mechanism of economic relations of its participants, and ensuring the effectiveness of design decisions in the construction sector, by extending their competences on prevention and risk reduction in the construction industry by the local self-government bodies. To form a state decentralization policy for construction is required on the basis of knowledge of objective regional macroand microeconomic investment-construction processes in cities, economic mechanism and indicators of development of investment-building complex and dynamics of social and economic development of regions. The mechanism of the construction complex needs to be improved, using new sources and forms of financing, achieving the balance of the goals of decentralization and its financial support. In addition, taking into account the European integration course of the announced reforms, the European understanding of the essence of risk management in construction during decentralization becomes of paramount importance. Therefore, further research requires the study of the experience of European countries in the implementation of risk management processes in construction during the decentralization of power and the analysis of foreign systems of management mechanisms, in the context of their implementation in the national practice of public administration.

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Схарактеризована наукова генеза державного управління ризиками у будівництві в Україні, у глобальному та локальному вимірах. Розкрито сутність робочої організації управління ризиками у будівництві та експлуатації споруд, із урахуванням трансформаційних процесів у суспільстві. На основі аналізу ризиків у будівництві та з урахуванням сучасних реалій, науково обґрунтовано підходи щодо формування системи ризиків у будівництві та експлуатації споруд у системі державного управління. Відзначено, що ризики та кризові явища у будівельному комплексі дали могутній поштовх до осмислення причин виникнення проблем децентралізації та пошуку механізмів їх усунення в цілому. Триєдиною місією держави в умовах децентралізації є регулювання макроекономічної ролі будівельного комплексу, механізму економічних відносин його учасників і забезпечення ефективності проектних рішень у будівельній сфері шляхом розширення органами місцевого самоврядування своїх компетенцій з питань попередження і зниження ризику в будівництві. Формувати державну децентралізаційну політику щодо будівництва потрібно на основі пізнання об’єктивних регіональних макроі мікроекономічних інвестиційно-будівельних процесів у містах, економічного механізму і показників розвитку інвестиційно-будівельного комплексу та динаміки соціального і економічного розвитків регіонів. Механізм будівельного комплексу необхідно вдосконалювати, задіявши нові джерела та форми фінансування, досягнувши балансу цілей децентралізації та її фінансового забезпечення. Крім того, зважаючи на євроінтеграційний курс проголошених реформ, особливого значення набуває європейське розуміння сутності управління ризиками у будівництві під час децентралізації. Тому подальші дослідження потребують вивчення досвіду європейських країн щодо здійснення процесів управління ризиками у будівництві під час децентралізації влади та аналізу зарубіжних систем механізмів управління у контексті впровадження їх у вітчизняну практику державно-управлінської діяльність.

Текст научной работы на тему «Genesis of scientific concepts about public administration of risks in construction»

UDC: 339.138

Vlasenko Ihor Nikolayevich,

postgraduate student of the Department of Public Administration, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, 03039, Kyiv, Str. Frometivska, 2, tel.: (044) 490 95 00, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-4165-381X

Власенко 1гор Миколайович,

асшрант кафедри публгчного адмШстру-вання, Мiжрегiональна Академiя управ-лтня персоналом, 03039, м. Kuïe, вул. Фро-Memiecbrn, 2, тел.: (044) 490 95 00, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-4165-381X

Власенко Игорь Николаевич,

аспирант кафедры публичного администрирования, Межрегиональная Академия управления персоналом, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: (044) 490 95 00, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-4165-381X DOI https://doi.org/10.31618/vadn



Abstract. The article presents the characteristic of the scientific genesis of public risk management in construction in Ukraine, in global and local dimensions. The essence of the working organization of risk management in the construction and operation of buildings, taking into account the transformational processes in society, is disclosed. On the basis of the analysis of risks in construction and taking into account the current realities, scientifically grounded approaches to the formation of the risk system in the construction and operation of facilities in the system of public administration. It is noted that the risks and crisis phenomena in the construction complex gave a powerful impetus to understanding the causes of the problems of decentralization and finding mechanisms for their elimination, in general. The trilateral mission of the state in the conditions of decentralization is the regulation of the macroeconomic role of the construction complex, the mechanism of economic relations of its participants, and ensuring the effectiveness of design decisions in the construction sector, by extending their competences on prevention and risk reduction in the construc-

tion industry by the local self-government bodies. To form a state decentralization policy for construction is required on the basis of knowledge of objective regional macro- and microeconomic investment-construction processes in cities, economic mechanism and indicators of development of investment-building complex and dynamics of social and economic development of regions. The mechanism of the construction complex needs to be improved, using new sources and forms of financing, achieving the balance of the goals of decentralization and its financial support. In addition, taking into account the European integration course of the announced reforms, the European understanding of the essence of risk management in construction during decentralization becomes of paramount importance. Therefore, further research requires the study of the experience of European countries in the implementation of risk management processes in construction during the decentralization of power and the analysis of foreign systems of management mechanisms, in the context of their implementation in the national practice of public administration.

Keywords: construction risks, public administration, risk management model in construction and operation of buildings.


Анотащя. Схарактеризована наукова генеза державного управлшня ри-зиками у будiвництвi в УкраЫ, у глобальному та локальному вимiрах. Роз-крито сутшсть робочо!' оргашзаци управлшня ризиками у будiвництвi та екс-плуатаци споруд, iз урахуванням трансформацшних процеав у сусшльствь На основi аналiзу ризиив у будiвництвi та з урахуванням сучасних реалш, науково обгрунтовано шдходи щодо формування системи ризиив у будiв-ництвi та експлуатаци споруд у системi державного управлшня. Ввдзначено, що ризики та кризовi явища у будiвельному комплексi дали могутнш по-штовх до осмислення причин виникнення проблем децентралiзацiï та пошу-ку механiзмiв ïx усунення в щлому. Триединою мiсieю держави в умовах де-централiзацiï е регулювання макроекономiчноï ролi будiвельного комплексу, мехашзму економiчниx вiдносин його учасниив i забезпечення ефектив-ностi проектних ршень у будiвельнiй сферi шляхом розширення органами мiсцевого самоврядування сво'1'х компетенцiй з питань попередження i зни-ження ризику в будiвництвi. Формувати державну децентралiзацiйну пол^ тику щодо будiвництва потрiбно на основi пiзнання об'ективних регюналь-них макро- i мiкроекономiчниx iнвестицiйно-будiвельниx процесiв у мютах, економiчного меxанiзму i показниюв розвитку iнвестицiйно-будiвельного комплексу та динамши соцiального i економiчного розвиткiв регюшв. Ме-xанiзм будiвельного комплексу необхвдно вдосконалювати, задiявши новi джерела та форми фшансування, досягнувши балансу щлей децентралiзацiï та ïï фiнансового забезпечення. Крiм того, зважаючи на евроштеграцшний курс проголошених реформ, особливого значення набувае европейське ро-зумiння сутностi управлiння ризиками у будiвництвi пiд час децентралiза-

ци. Тому подальшi дослiдження потребують вивчення досвщу европейських краш щодо здшснення процесiв управлiння ризиками у будiвництвi пiд час децентралiзацil влади та аналiзу зарубiжних систем механiзмiв управлшня у контекстi впровадження 1х у вггчизняну практику державно-управлшсько! дiяльнiсть.

Ключовi слова: ризики у будiвництвi, державне управлшня, модель управлшня ризиками у будiвництвi та експлуатаци споруд.


Аннотация. Охарактеризирован научный генезис государственного управления рисками в строительстве в Украине, в глобальном и локальном измерениях. Раскрыта сущность рабочей организации управления рисками в строительстве и эксплуатации сооружений с учетом трансформационных процессов в обществе. На основе анализа рисков в строительстве и с учетом современных реалий научно обоснованы подходы к формированию системы рисков в строительстве и эксплуатации сооружений в системе государственного управления. Отмечено, что риски и кризисные явления в строительном комплексе дали мощный толчок к осмыслению причин возникновения проблем децентрализации и поиска механизмов их устранения в целом. Триединой миссией государства в условиях децентрализации является регулирование макроэкономической роли строительного комплекса, механизма экономических отношений его участников и обеспечение эффективности проектных решений в строительной сфере путем расширения органами местного самоуправления своих компетенций по вопросам предупреждения и снижения риска в строительстве. Формировать государственную де-централизационную политику в отношении строительства нужно на основе познания объективных региональных макро- и микроэкономических инвестиционно-строительных процессов в городах, экономического механизма и показателей развития инвестиционно-строительного комплекса и динамики социального и экономического развития региона. Механизм строительного комплекса необходимо совершенствовать, задействовав новые источники и формы финансирования, достигнув баланса целей децентрализации и ее финансового обеспечения. Кроме того, учитывая евроинтеграционный курс провозглашенных реформ, особое значение приобретает европейское понимание сущности управления рисками в строительстве при децентрализации. Поэтому дальнейшие исследования требуют изучения опыта европейских стран по осуществлению процессов управления рисками в строительстве при децентрализации власти и анализа зарубежных систем механизмов управления в контексте внедрения их в отечественную практику государственно-управленческой деятельности.

Ключевые слова: риски в строительстве, государственное управление, модель управления рисками в строительстве и эксплуатации сооружений.

Problem statement. Construction is an industry that can have a significant amount of risks. In addition, an important role is assigned to the financial risks of the construction industry, arising as a result of unexpected changes in legislation and the economy. Given the length of investment and the capital construction strength, the risk may have a negative impact on the outcome. Risks are increasingly used to assess the impact of negative factors on the production of building materials and products [1]. This is due to the fact that the risk, as a quantitative description of the implementation of the crisis, can be used to assess the state of work conditions, economic losses, and the number of accidents.

Analysis of recent researches and publications. Some questions on the analysis of public risk management in construction that contribute to the development of the industry are dedicated to the work: V. B. Averianova, O. Yu. Amosova, A. H. Akhlamova, V. D. Bakumenko, V. M. Vakulenko, N. V. Hrytsiak, A. O. Dehtiar, V. V. Do-rofiienko, A. M. Ivanytska, V. S. Kuy-bida, A. V. Merzliak, A. H. Mordvino-va, T. V. Motrenko, A. M. Nepomnia-schyi, N. R. Nyzhnik, V. M. Oharenko, O. S. Povazhnyi, V. M. Oluik, V. M. Ryzhykh, I. V. Rozputenko, S. M. Seriohina, O. I. Chernysh and other.

The purpose of the article. Investigate the scientific origin of the processes of public risk management in construction and, on the basis of the conducted research and develop a model of state risk management in the construction and operation of facilities.

Presentation of the main material.

State policy plays a decisive role in the development of construction all over the world, since it is the state which must control the main resource, where construction is impossible without the land. Analysing the experience of developed countries, we see that effective performance of the state's functions gives a powerful impetus to construction, at the same time, public authorities are often criticized for creating various barriers to its development. There are among them: administrative barriers, bureaucratic retrenchment, corruption and lack of transparency in the implementation of the main functions of the state, which directly affects the size of the construction market and the price of the objects, as the developers shift costs to overcome barriers to the final buyer. Lately, overseas, the main attention is paid to the issues of management of the construction industry, as one of the most important sectors of the economy.

The degree of development of state regulation of the economy is usually distinguished by two groups of countries: with the developed mechanism of state regulation of the economy as the states of Western Europe (Germany, France, the Netherlands, Scandinavian countries and Austria), as well as the countries of Asia (Japan, South Korea and China), which are developing rapidly, using the mechanism of macro-economic development, in the medium term in the scientific literature [2].

We can keep in mind that risk monitoring includes risk management throughout the life cycle of a construction project considering the management of the process of estimating the

probability and outcome of adverse events and phenomena in construction. Control over the risks of building quality provides management information to make effective decisions to the

occurrence of risky events at the same time. The author's model of the work organization of risk management in the construction and operation of structures is presented in the Fig. 1.

Identification of risk in the construction and operation of structures (identification of risk factors)

Distribution of risk factors in construction and operation of buildings by degree of significance for a construction project

Construction project is not viable

Analysis of financial and economic viability of construction projects taking into account the need to compensate investors for invested funds and assumed risks

The project is viable

The construction project is ineffective

Determination of the effectiveness of a construction project taking into account risk factors and uncertainties, including:

♦ Analysis of the sensitivity of the construction project;

♦ Verification of the stability of the construction project;

♦ Adjustment of parameters of the construction project;

♦ Formal description of uncertainties of the construction project.

The project is ineffective

Development of a construction project plan taking into account risk factors, including:

• Construction of a decision tree;

• Proposals on the distribution of risks;

• Definition of the structure and amount of provisions for covering unforeseen expenses of the construction project

Working out the work plan of the construction proj ect taking into account the results of risk analysis, including:

• Adjustment of project parameters;

• Development of a draft budget taking into account unpredictable expenses.

Making the necessary adjustments to the contract documentation and the working budget of the construction project by the results of the analysis risks.

Insurance of construction project risks

Control over the actual implementation of the construction project

Generalization of analysis and control data; making them to data bank of the construction company

Fig. 1. Model of state risk management in construction andoperation of buildings

Source: own author's development

The cumulative expression of the risk system in the construction and operation of structures in the system of public administration is its structure (Fig. 2).

It follows from the above structure that, depending on the causes, the building risks are classified into external, internal and other risks.

External building risks are classified in general theoretical terms as follows:

1. Unpredictable external risks:

• Measures of state influence on such spheres as: taxes, pricing, land use, finance, loans and environmental protection.

• Natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, other natural disasters).

By the form of manifestation:



By character of manifestation: Random Systematic

By sphere of origin: Administrative and legislative Socio-political Demography

By factors of origin: Economic Political

By the nature of the action: Dynamic Static

By the time of evaluation: Outgoing Belated

By sources of origin: Caused by changes in the external market environment Purely economic Caused by natural factors

By aggregate use of valuation and management tools: Portfolio s Individual

Fig. 2. General structuresofrisks inconstruction

Source: own author's development

• Criminal and economic crimes (terrorism, sabotage and racket, etc.);

• External effects: policy (prohibition of activities), economy (supply interruption, bankruptcy of partners and clients), environment (accident) and social (strike), etc.

2. Expected external building risks:

• Market risk (changes in prices, exchange rates, consumer demand, market conditions, competition, and inflation, etc.)


• Operational risk (refusal of project objectives, operating rules and security violations, impossibility to maintain conditions of operation of objects and buildings, etc.).

Internal building risks are divided into:

1. The risk of internal organizations, namely:

• Shortcomings in work, lack of building materials, delays in the delivery of building materials, mistakes in planning and designing construction projects, improper functioning and management, changes in previously agreed requirements, emergence of additional requirements from customers and partners;

• Interruption of construction project work plan, low qualification of its developers, budget and estimated errors, inefficient supply and sale strategy, determination of complaints and complaints from partners, suppliers and consumers.

2. Internal technical building risks:

• Change in the technology of construction work, false technological solutions, errors in the design documentation, non-compliance with project standards and breakdown of equipment, etc. [4, p. 26].

Consequently, the preliminary definition of the type of risks and crisis phenomena in the construction complex gives a powerful impetus to the understanding of the causes of these problems and the search for mechanisms of government to eliminate them. The triune state mission, in the new market conditions, is the regulation of the macroeconomic role of the construction complex, the mechanism of economic relations of its participants, and ensuring the effectiveness of project decisions to minimize the risks in the construction sector.

The formation of a state policy on building management risk is based on knowledge of objective macro and microeconomic investment and construction processes, impact modelling, structure, economic mechanism and indicators of development of the investment-building complex and the dynamics of social and economic development.

Conclusions and prospects for further researches. The risks in construction are characterized by unexpected and sudden onset of dangerous situations in the context of this article. This is necessary for quick and decisive action to eliminate or reduce the effects of building dangers. Construction risk is an event that its manifestation is accidental and causes undesirable consequences for members of building relations. Regardless of the nature of

the risk, it may arise at several stages in the management of the construction process: risk control, including financial management for its insurance and risk financing, etc. It should be emphasized that, when analysing risks, it is necessary to make various calculations and to predict the possibility of loss of investment resources due to their occurrence. The prospects for further research are clarification of the above mentioned methodology in the part of data on the distribution of risks from construction risks and can be considered as an intermediate option for building an integral system of public risk management throughout the life cycle of a construction project only.

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