Научная статья на тему 'Construction area as a government governance object'

Construction area as a government governance object Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Prav Yury Grigorievich

The article deals with the actual issues of development of the construction industry of Ukraine, taking into account the transformational processes of the national economy and the transition to the European integration vector of development. The construction industry is one of the sectors of multipliers that can provide the growth of related branches of the national economy (for the construction industry it is more than 70 industries), to provide investment attractiveness of the economy. The urgency of the development of the construction industry is also the social security through the realization of commercial real estate construction projects aimed at the development of small and medium businesses and residential areas for solving social and household issues. Thus, the urgency of the development of the construction industry determines the need to find mechanisms for state regulation in construction in order to ensure the effective functioning of the construction industry. An effective mechanism for ensuring economic development is the establishment of a rational system of public administration. The system of public administration includes a complex of interconnected mechanisms of influence on the subject of management with a view to the implementation of government functions of the state: planning, forecasting, regulation, organization, monitoring, control by allocating power authorities of state authorities in accordance with the hierarchical structure or delegation of authority in within the limits defined by the current legislation to the bodies of public control or private structures. The implementation of managerial functions consists in developing an organizational and economic mechanism through the implementation of managerial functions, the use of information and analytical support and the formation of conditions for their practical implementation. Consequently, the article deals with theoretical and methodological approaches to the development of effective mechanisms of state management of the construction industry taking into account the requirements of the national construction market, strategic goals of the development of the country’s economic system and the maximum realization of the potential of the construction industry to ensure its competitiveness in the conditions of European integration processes and entry into the world markets.

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Рассматриваются актуальные вопросы развития строительной отрасли Украины с учетом трансформационных процессов национальной экономики и перехода на евроинтеграционный вектор развития. Строительная отрасль является одной из отраслей мультипликаторов, которые способны обеспечить рост сопутствующих отраслей народного хозяйства (для отрасли строительства это более 70 отраслей промышленности), обеспечить инвестиционную привлекательность экономики. Актуальность развития строительной отрасли также заключается в социальном обеспечении через реализацию проектов строительства коммерческой недвижимости с целью развития малого и среднего бизнеса и жилых площадей для решения социально-бытовых вопросов населения. Таким образом, актуальность развития строительной отрасли определяет необходимость поиска механизмов государственного регулирования в строительстве с целью обеспечения эффективного функционирования строительной сферы. Действенным механизмом обеспечения развития экономики является налаживание рациональной системы государственного управления. Система государственного управления включает в себя комплекс взаимосвязанных механизмов влияния на субъект управления, с целью реализации управленческих функций государства: планирование, прогнозирование, регулирование, организации, мониторинга, контроля путем наделения властными полномочиями органы государственной власти в соответствии с иерархической структурой, или делегирование властных полномочий в пределах, определенных действующим законодательством, органам общественного контроля или частным структурам. Реализация управленческих целей состоит в разработке организационно-экономического механизма через реализацию управленческих функций, применение информационно-аналитического обеспечения и формирования условий для их практического внедрения. Итак, в статье рассматриваются теоретико-методические подходы к развитию эффективных механизмов государственного управления отраслью строительства с учетом требований национального строительного рынка, стратегических целей развития экономической системы страны и максимальной реализации потенциала строительной отрасли для обеспечения ее конкурентоспособности в условиях интеграционных процессов и выхода на мировые рынки сбыта.

Текст научной работы на тему «Construction area as a government governance object»

UDC: 351/354

DOI: https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2019-17-2-227-237

Prav Yury Grigorievich,

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Administration of the Educational-Scientific Institute of International Relations and Social Sciences, Deputy Head of the Department of Management, Institute for Management Studies, Economics and Finance, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, 03039, Kyiv, Str. Frometivska, 2, tel.: +38 (067) 273 95 33, e-mail: vsegda_prav@ukr. net

ORCID: 0000-0003-0701-9479

Прав Юрш Григорович,

кандидат eKOHOMÍ4Hux наук, доцент кафе-дри публiчного адмтстрування Навчаль-но-наукового тституту мiжнародних в1дносин та сощальних наук, Заступник зав1дуючого кафедри менеджменту На-вчально-науковий тституту менеджмент, економжи i фтанав Мiжрегiональноï Ака-демп управлтня персоналом,, 03039, м. Кшв, вул. Фрометiвська, 2, тел.: +38 (067) 273 9533, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-0701-9479

Прав Юрий Григорьевич,

кандидат экономических наук, доцент кафедры публичного администрирования Учебно-научного института международных отношений и социальных наук, заместитель заведующего кафедры менеджмента, Учебно-научный институт менеджмента, экономики и финансов Межрегиональной Академии управления персоналом, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: +38 (067) 273 9533, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-0701-9479


Abstract. The article deals with the actual issues of development of the construction industry of Ukraine, taking into account the transformational processes of the national economy and the transition to the European integration vector of development. The construction industry is one of the sectors of multipliers that can provide the growth of related branches of the national economy (for the construction industry it is more than 70 industries), to provide investment attractiveness of the economy. The urgency of the development of the construc-

tion industry is also the social security through the realization of commercial real estate construction projects aimed at the development of small and medium businesses and residential areas for solving social and household issues. Thus, the urgency of the development of the construction industry determines the need to find mechanisms for state regulation in construction in order to ensure the effective functioning of the construction industry. An effective mechanism for ensuring economic development is the establishment of a rational system of public administration. The system of public administration includes a complex of interconnected mechanisms of influence on the subject of management with a view to the implementation of government functions of the state: planning, forecasting, regulation, organization, monitoring, control — by allocating power authorities of state authorities in accordance with the hierarchical structure or delegation of authority in within the limits defined by the current legislation to the bodies of public control or private structures. The implementation of managerial functions consists in developing an organizational and economic mechanism through the implementation of managerial functions, the use of information and analytical support and the formation of conditions for their practical implementation. Consequently, the article deals with theoretical and methodological approaches to the development of effective mechanisms of state management of the construction industry taking into account the requirements of the national construction market, strategic goals of the development of the country's economic system and the maximum realization of the potential of the construction industry to ensure its competitiveness in the conditions of European integration processes and entry into the world markets.

Keywords: public administration, construction industry, mechanisms of state administration.


Анотащя. Розглядаються актуальш питання розвитку будiвельноï галузi Украши з урахуванням трансформацшних процеав нащонально!' економши та переходу на евроштеграцшний вектор розвитку. Будiвельна галузь е од-шею з галузей мультиплiкаторiв, яю здатш забезпечити зростання супутшх галузей народного господарства (так для галузi будiвництва це понад 70 галузей промисловосп), забезпечити швестицшну привабливють економши. Актуальшсть розвитку будiвельноï галузi також полягае у сощальному забез-печенш через реалiзацiю проекпв будiвництва комерцшно!' нерухомосп з метою розвитку малого та середнього бiзнесу та житлових площ для виршення сощально-побутових питань населення. Таким чином, актуальшсть розвитку будiвельноï галузi визначае необхщшсть пошуку механiзмiв державного ре-гулювання у будiвництвi з метою забезпечення ефективного функщонуван-ня будiвельноï сфери. Дiевим механiзмом забезпечення розвитку економiки е налагодження ращонально!' системи державного управлшня. Система державного управлiння включае у себе комплекс взаемоузгоджуваних мехашз-мiв впливу на суб'ект управлшня з метою реалiзацiï управлiнських функцш

держави: планування, прогнозування, регулювання, оргашзацп, мониторингу, контролю — шляхом надiлення владними повноваження органи державно! влади вщповщно до ieрархiчно! структури чи делегування владних повно-важень у межах, визначених чинним законодавством, органам громадсько-го контролю або приватним структурам. Реалiзацiя управлшських цiлей полягае у розробщ органiзацiйно-економiчного механiзму через реалiзацiю управлiнських функцiй, застосування iнформацiйно-аналiтичного забезпечення та формування умов для !х практичного впровадження. Отже, у статт розглядаються теоретико-методичнi пiдходи до розвитку ефективних ме-ханiзмiв державного управлшня галуззю будiвництва з урахуванням вимог нацюнального будiвельного ринку, стратепчних цiлей розвитку економiчно! системи кра!ни та максимально! реалiзацi! потенцiалу будiвельно! галузi для забезпечення !! конкурентоспроможносп в умовах eвроiнтеграцiйних проце-ав та виходу на свiтовi ринки збуту.

Ключовi слова: державне управлшня, будiвельна галузь, механiзми державного управлшня.



Аннотация. Рассматриваются актуальные вопросы развития строительной отрасли Украины с учетом трансформационных процессов национальной экономики и перехода на евроинтеграционный вектор развития. Строительная отрасль является одной из отраслей мультипликаторов, которые способны обеспечить рост сопутствующих отраслей народного хозяйства (для отрасли строительства это более 70 отраслей промышленности), обеспечить инвестиционную привлекательность экономики. Актуальность развития строительной отрасли также заключается в социальном обеспечении через реализацию проектов строительства коммерческой недвижимости с целью развития малого и среднего бизнеса и жилых площадей для решения социально-бытовых вопросов населения. Таким образом, актуальность развития строительной отрасли определяет необходимость поиска механизмов государственного регулирования в строительстве с целью обеспечения эффективного функционирования строительной сферы. Действенным механизмом обеспечения развития экономики является налаживание рациональной системы государственного управления. Система государственного управления включает в себя комплекс взаимосвязанных механизмов влияния на субъект управления, с целью реализации управленческих функций государства: планирование, прогнозирование, регулирование, организации, мониторинга, контроля — путем наделения властными полномочиями органы государственной власти в соответствии с иерархической структурой, или делегирование властных полномочий в пределах, определенных действующим законодательством, органам общественного контроля или частным структурам. Реализация управленческих целей состоит в разработке организационно-экономического механизма через реализацию управленческих

функций, применение информационно-аналитического обеспечения и формирования условий для их практического внедрения. Итак, в статье рассматриваются теоретико-методические подходы к развитию эффективных механизмов государственного управления отраслью строительства с учетом требований национального строительного рынка, стратегических целей развития экономической системы страны и максимальной реализации потенциала строительной отрасли для обеспечения ее конкурентоспособности в условиях интеграционных процессов и выхода на мировые рынки сбыта.

Ключевые слова: государственное управление, строительная отрасль, механизмы государственного управления.

Statement of the problem in general and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks. In the

context of the transformation processes of the modern economic system to the requirements of the European economic space, the processes of reforming the mechanisms of public administration of various sectors of economic activity are of particular relevance. The construction industry is the engine of economic development, because investment in construction provides the development of related sectors of the economy, such as transport, infrastructure development, communications, construction materials industry, activates financial and economic processes and ensures the improvement of social standards and the development of small and medium-sized businesses by providing them with civil construction projects and commercial real estate. Public administration aims to ensure the stable development of economic systems through the stability of financial and economic indicators of individual industries. Rationalization of economic processes is provided by the introduction of political, social, economic mechanisms at the state level, designed to

rationalize the costs of production and reduce the burden on the state budget by ensuring GDP growth through the increase in income of the real sector of the economy. Thus, the key role of transformations, which should be provided through the introduction of innovative mechanisms of state regulation, is to carry out qualitatively new changes and ensure a qualitatively new level of the production process through the mechanisms of state regulation. The construction industry ensures the development of the economic system through the creation of fixed assets for production and non-production purposes, providing household, social needs, consuming products of other sectors of the economy, increasing the number of jobs and ensuring the use of innovative production technologies. Therefore, the issue of development of effective mechanisms of state management of the construction industry to ensure its sustainable development is relevant and has practical significance in the context of socio-economic crisis.

Analysis of recent studies and publications that started to address this problem. The relevance of the topic has led to a large number of studies and

publications devoted to it. In particular, O. F. Andriiko defined the regulatory framework of the state regulatory policy in the field of economy [1]. V. V. Hnylorybov, V. M. Tykhonov developed the legal support of state regulation of economic activities in Ukraine [2]. O. M. Forgetful he identified as one of the priorities of state regulation of construction the creation of conditions for decentralization of industry management processes, confirming the effectiveness of such a mechanism by world experience [3]. O. V. Stukalenko considered theoretical foundations of the state regulation of economic activity taking into account the specifics of the construction industry [4]. A. Berk-tua considered the economic aspects of the development of the construction industry, including the creation of favorable economic conditions for the development of construction at the state level [5]. D. V. Isayenko considered the issues of sustainable development of the construction industry through the implementation of mechanisms of state regulation [6]. The organizational and economic mechanism of ensuring the development of the construction industry through improving the efficiency of the implementation of management functions was developed by O. I. Uhodnikova [7]. V. F. Besedin and A. S. Muzychuk, defined the ways to improve the investment and innovation activities of the construction industry as the main element of its development [8]. In the monograph of V. V. Tsvietkov, V. P. Gorbatenko priority directions of development of the Ukrainian society through implementation of mechanisms of management of economic activity at the state level are

defined [9]. International experience in ensuring effective state management of the construction industry through the implementation of innovative management mechanisms is accumulated in the work of O. M. Kozych [10]. However, despite the great attention of the authors to the development of this problem, the issue of building an effective mechanism of public administration in construction to ensure innovation and investment attractiveness and sustainable development of the industry in the transformation of the national economic system to the European development paradigms remains unresolved.

Allocation of previously unsolved parts of the general problem, which is devoted to this article. To ensure an effective system of economic activity management at the state level, it is important to form a systematic, comprehensive program for the development of a separate branch of the national economy, based on the construction of an organizational and economic mechanism through the implementation of management functions, the use of information and analytical support for the program and the formation of conditions for its practical implementation. The development of this program should be based on the analysis of the problematic "zones" of the state economy development, in the aspects, where the state acts as a guarantor and regulator in the relations between the representatives of the private sector. The lack of a harmonized approach to the implementation of the administrative functions of the state in the system "state-private sector-society" leads to a negative socio-economic effect. This is accompanied by the following problems:

• irrational ratio of expenditures and revenues of the state budget due to social instability and lack of conditions for the development of the real sector of the economy,

• blurring of criteria for ensuring the efficiency of production processes and the final product of production, which creates conditions for "double standards" of regulatory bodies that carry out inspections of the private sector,

• lack of a system of regulatory support for standardization of production processes,

• lack of a system of monitoring and control of compliance of planned and actual indicators of economic systems through the implementation of innovative mechanisms of state management of sectors of the economy,

• imperfect system of privatization, tender procedures, allocation of resources of the state budget, the system of fiscal policy to support the private sector and the like.

The above-mentioned problems are still unsolved, and the formation of an effective mechanism of public administration in the field of construction will create prerequisites for minimizing the problems of this nature in the economic system.

Formulation of the article objectives (problem statement). In accordance with the designated objectives, it is determined that the purpose of the article is the theoretical and methodological justification of the processes of providing innovative mechanisms of public administration in the field of construction.

According to the goal, the study identified the following tasks:

• to define theoretically the concept of public administration, its mechanisms, taking into account the specifics of the construction industry,

• to analyze the regulatory framework for state regulation of the construction industry,

• to determine the role and place of government in ensuring the development of the construction industry,

• to determine the specifics of the implementation of management functions at the state level,

• to formulate the objectives of the development of public administration in the construction industry.

Presentation of the main research material with full justification of the scientific results. One of the key tasks of the state is to create conditions for the development of the economic system through the implementation of management mechanisms and methods to ensure the achievement of strategic goals and objectives. Such a task is faced by public authorities, including in ensuring the development of the construction industry as a multiplier of economic development. Among the components of the state mechanism of management of the construction industry the following can be identified (see

Fig. 1) [1, p. 10].

The structure of the mechanisms of state construction management includes management methods and forms, built in the appropriate organizational structure with a defined hierarchy that meets the specifics of the construction industry.

According to the defined structure of public administration mechanisms, it follows that this concept is systemic and complex. It is possible to give the

Fig.1. The structure of mechanisms of state management of the construction

following definition: governance is a set of management processes implemented by the state through the implementation of powers of executive authorities at various levels to ensure organizational compliance mechanism of normativelegal base, a comprehensive socio-economic development, implementation of strategic direction, goals and objectives of the state policy in different sectors of the economy, by creating conditions for the implementation of economic, social, political, cultural and other rights and freedoms of citizens [2; 3]. Features

of public administration can be summarized by highlighting the complex blocks of characteristics (Fig. 2).

Therefore, we can agree with a comprehensive definition of public administration, which a legal encyclopedia provides: "a certain type of activity of the state, which is executive and administrative in nature. It consists in organizing the impact on social relations in the economic, socio-cultural and administrative-political spheres through the use of state power. Public administration is characterized by all

Fig. 2. Features of public administration

the main features of the executive power, which is a reflection of the division of state power into separate branches. It is aimed at the implementation of laws and other legal acts; it is connected with the use of methods of norm-creation and administrative activity; it has a subordinate nature, provides for the possibility of judicial protection of citizens of their rights and freedoms in case of their violation by bodies and officials of the executive power. At the same time, state administration is carried out outside the functioning of the executive power — in the internal activities of bodies of other branches of state power, at the level of state enterprises, institutions and organizations. Therefore, the term "public administration" is somewhat broader than the concept of "executive power". The content covers a set of elements that make up the system of public administration: the subjects of management, mainly the executive authorities; management objects — spheres and areas of public life, which are aimed at organizing the influence of the state; the actual process of management, influence, that is, management activities as a type of social relations, where there is a variety of links and interactions between subjects and objects of management" [11].

To determine the basis of state management of economic activity it is necessary to determine the regulatory framework governing the state regulatory policy. The main legislative document regulating the foundations of public administration is the Constitution of Ukraine, in particular, the Constitution prescribes the role of authorities at various levels in the development of the state, which is the basis

of the system of relations between the public and private sector. Other regulatory legal acts regulating economic activity, including in the field of construction are as follows:

• Budget Code of Ukraine;

• Land code of Ukraine;

• Civil Code of Ukraine

• Law of Ukraine "On state forecasting and development of economic and social development programs";

• Law of Ukraine "On state target programs";

• Law of Ukraine "On the general scheme of planning of the territory of Ukraine";

• Law of Ukraine "On urban development".

These are the main legal acts defining the role of the state and mechanisms of state management of economic activity, including in the field of construction.

According to the implementation of the provisions of legislative acts on the organization of public administration of construction, primarily on the basis of the Law of Ukraine "On urban development", it is possible to determine the following tasks of development of construction facing public authorities (Fig 3).

Thus, among the main tasks of building an effective mechanism of public administration in the field of construction, it is possible to determine the implementation of regulatory policy, the creation of clear and transparent standards of the production process and the reception of finished products, as well as providing conditions for the development of infrastructure, civil, commercial and industrial construction.

Fig. 3. Tasks of the state administration for the development of the construction


Conclusions from this study and prospects for further exploration in this direction. Therefore, according to the goal, the theoretical basis of the study was determined in the article. In particular, the concept of public administration, which is considered as a complex, systemic concept, was structured according to the structure of public administration mechanisms. The concept itself is considered both at the level of public authorities and at the level of the production process itself through the implementation of management functions at state enterprises. Analysis of the regulatory framework showed that it is characterized as a general economic normative legal acts regulating economic processes at the level of various industries, and specific legislative acts that determine the specifics of construction. The role and place of public administration in ensuring the development of the construction industry and the specifics of the implementation of management functions at the state level were determined. Among the prospects for further research there is the formation of recommendations for the deve-

lopment of a comprehensive program of public administration for the development of the construction industry.

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