Никитина Елена Александровна
В статье прослеживается мысль о том, что аналитическая деятельность студентов на данный момент не является инновационной, но ее тщательно продуманная организация, адаптированная к современному контексту компетентностно-ориентированной высшей школы, может способствовать инновационному эффекту в самом лучшем его проявлении. Разработанная автором типология проблемно-аналитических заданий и примеры их использования иллюстрируют возможность рефлексивной подготовки будущих учителей в рамках современного образовательного процесса. Адрес статьи: /15.html
Педагогика. Вопросы теории и практики
Тамбов: Грамота, 2019. Том 4. Выпуск 1. C. 72-76. ISSN 2500-0039.
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5. Федеральный государственный образовательный стандарт высшего образования - бакалавриат по направлению подготовки 44.03.05 Педагогическое образование (с двумя профилями подготовки) [Электронный ресурс]. URL: (дата обращения: 10.12.2018).
6. Федотова А. Д. Контекстно-модульный подход как основа проектирования основных профессиональных образовательных программ подготовки магистров гуманитарных направлений [Электронный ресурс] // Ученые записки Забайкальского государственного университета. Серия «Профессиональное образование, теория и методика обучения». 2014. № 6 (59). URL: (дата обращения: 12.01.2019).
Medvedeva Ol'ga Anatol'evna, Ph. D. in Pedagogy Khrabrova Valeriya Evgen'evna, Ph. D. in Pedagogy, Associate Professor Sevastopol State University omedvedeva@mail. ru; veh62@mail. ru
In the article, the principle modular educational program within the field of study 44.03.05 Pedagogical education (with two specialisations) developed at Sevastopol State University according to the new Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education and the requirements of the teacher's professional standard is presented. It is noted that when developing such a programme, it is necessary to apply the competence based approach, to define clearly the goals and objectives of each module, and to work out a system of evaluation tools for universal, general professional and professional competencies that should be formed in future specialists in pedagogical education.
Key words and phrases: pedagogical education; principal educational programmes; Federal State Educational Standard; updating the content of pedagogical education; development of principle educational programmes; teacher's professional standard.
УДК 378.147 Дата поступления рукописи: 06.02.2019
The author argues that students' analytical activity itself is not innovative nowadays but its skillful organization within the modern context of competence-based higher education can create the best possible innovational effect. Author's typology of problematic and analytical tasks and examples of their usage illustrate the possibility for reflexive training offuture teachers under the conditions of the modern educational process.
Key words and phrases: analysis; analytical activity; mental activity; reflection; pedagogical activity; problematic and analytical task; teacher's professional competence.
Nikitina Elena Aleksandrovna, Ph. D. in Pedagogy, Associate Professor
Saratov State University nikitinae. a@mail. ru
At the federal level competences are interpreted as a result and simultaneously "new quality standard of education that determines the educational goals, on which the controlled process of higher school student's training should be focused" [2, с. 24].
The essence of the competence-based approach to professional education is the shift from the teacher-centered model to the model centered on students, who set out requirements for their professional training. According to L. S. Lisitsina, these requirements are "anticipations of what they will be capable to do (emphasis is ours. - E. N.) in the sphere of their professional activity after completing the entire educational programme or a part of it" [8, с. 5].
So, future teachers already at the stage of higher school training should clearly understand that a teacher's professional competence manifests itself when solving professional tasks of different complexity, content and orientation [4-6; 8; 12]. It presupposes a specialist's complicated intellectual skills, which can be characterized as the ability to analyze, prognosticate, model and synthesize theoretical knowledge and methods of pedagogical activity. The mentioned skills are the product of a subject's intensive mental activity.
It's worth mentioning that V. V. Kraevsky defines pedagogical theory as a theory of practical activity emphasizing the following interpretation: "the system of generalized knowledge focused on interpreting certain aspects of reality and constituting the basis of practical actions" [7, с. 148].
That's why it's so important to encourage future teachers to analyze the surrounding world through the lenses ofpedagogical profession, and, vice versa, pedagogical profession through the lenses of the surrounding world [9, c. 41]. Such an approach allows a student to create his own conception of professional career before it officially starts and to form the basis of general cultural and professional competences.
We follow the doctrine of context-based and competence-based teaching, which E. F. Zeer defines as "teaching focused on the project-based approach to staff training. This innovative educational technology allows finding the optimal combination of traditional and developmental teaching, developing professional educational process mostly approximated to the real professional activity" [4, c. 51].
Methodological and didactic support for this type of learning includes the tasks (situations) focused on analyzing a teacher's actions, the events of school life, pedagogical phenomena of different scales and levels. Such problematic and analytical tasks presuppose the emphasis on a student's "live" work with educational information as his intensive mental activity accompanied by the processes of comparing, verifying, choosing, summarizing, denying, etc.
It accompanies and initiates, activates a future teacher's need for full value reflection and the need for reflexive evaluation of pedagogical reality as a wish "to be fully involved into it" [10, c. 67].
At the initial stage of our work, to develop such tasks we considered them as a kind of students' instrumental techniques to master analytical activity and simultaneously as very efficient didactical units of educational process included into the content of pedagogical disciplines.
Analytical activity is interpreted unambiguously - it's a kind of activity based on mental operation (logical cognitive technique) - analysis.
It is considered as an integral element of pedagogical activity that focuses on the object of professional activity and presupposes separation of object, phenomenon, problem into components; identifying and studying the essential elements, which influence considerably the analyzed object; identifying interrelations between the meaningful components. Nowadays there is a growing tendency of developing such derivative activities as informational and analytical [3; 11], experimental and analytical ones [5; 6], etc.
Considering the above mentioned, the task of analytical nature (problematic and analytical) is defined as the task, which is performed basically by this activity. And, as any task, it presupposes the following components: form (frame); semantic filling; meaningful content; form of presentation for practical realization. When developing tasks and choosing their content, our major consideration was to bring the pedagogical aspect into conformity with the curriculum of the discipline "Pedagogy" (field of training 44.03.01 "Pedagogical Education", bachelor's degree course).
Preparing the tasks, we observed general pedagogical requirements for organizing students' educational activity. These requirements set out by T. A. Strokova are aimed at:
- actualizing students' motivation, which presupposes providing them with pedagogical assistance when choosing an academic discipline, module, subject area, recognizing the personal value of his studies, understanding his own motivations;
- providing a student's personal involvement into educational process, developing an individual (or at least individualized) educational strategy;
- shifting the accent from teacher-centered learning towards students' autonomous learning supported and controlled by the teacher;
- shifting the focus from the assimilation of new information to its creative processing, development of informational skills [13, c. 20-21].
The proposed typology of analytical tasks was developed after identifying the types of analysis considering their relevance for professional pedagogical activity and the potential of realization in students' professional training. So, we identified the following types of analysis: scheme-based analysis; analysis-comparison; associative analysis /analysis-synectics; analysis-summary; analysis-correction, etc. Consequently, the task types acquired the same names.
The proposed form of their presentation in educational process is very selective: oral, written, educational cases, clusters, "self-education" portfolio pages, etc. Students' activity to perform them varies widely: writing an essay, analytical report, participation in a dialogue (polylogue, business game), etc. On the whole it can combine certain elements of the problematic approach, imitational modeling, project-based and context-based methods. Therefore, it integrates students' educational and research activities.
Let's briefly describe some of the identified task types and illustrate them with concrete examples from our pedagogical experience of working with the linguistic students of Saratov State University: Faculty of Foreign Languages and Language Teaching Methods, Institute of Philology and Journalism.
Scheme-based analysis / Scheme-based self-analysis
This task presupposes following a strict algorithm. Such tasks frequently contain direct reference to a scheme. For example, the following task: analyze the lesson using the draft scheme; analysis of the text (lecture, article, textbook paragraph, content of educational programme) according to the proposed questions, supportive signal, etc.
Certainly, it's a type of traditional analytical tasks, which are necessary and useful in the context of developing professional pedagogical competence and its components. Such tasks are based on linearity of a subject's mental activity in the process of the analysis.
The tasks when students perform self-analysis (reflection) according to certain logic [10, c. 67] can also be referred to analytical ones. For example, when using "unfinished sentences" technique, evaluative scales, a series of prepared questions, etc.
The task is developed in such a way so a student can compare when analyzing and, when comparing, once again analyze the proposed material. Such tasks require a student's non-linear mental activity, the algorithm is as follows: "analysis - comparison - analysis".
Let's take some examples of educational tasks used when teaching the subject areas of the discipline "Pedagogy".
Our first task was based on S. L. Soloveychik's famous statement: "The words 'excellentpupil', 'goodpupil', 'mediocre pupil', 'low scorer' are the most dangerous words in a teacher's lexicon. Try not to use them in the classroom ". The logic of presentation was as follows:
Task a): The words "mediocre pupil", "low scorer" are the most dangerous words in a teacher's lexicon. Try not to use them in the classroom". Why do you think it is so? Presenting S. L. Soloveychik's statement to the students I deliberately omitted the words "excellent pupil", "good pupil".
Usually the students eagerly participate in the discussion, identify the expected implicit pedagogical "dangers", their causes, possible consequences and make a brief summary of their viewpoints.
Task b): How would your opinion and your answer to the same question change if I introduce S. L. Soloveychik's full statement: The words "excellentpupil", "goodpupil" are the most dangerous... Why do you think it is so?
Performing this task, the students compare not only the actants of the situation ("excellent pupil", "good pupil", etc.) but the whole content of the two proposed statements. Some students remained of the same opinion and others changed their previous viewpoint and articulated a new one, justifying it with arguments, which seemed more appropriate. Non-linearity of students' analytical activity is obvious here, and it determines the importance of the educational task. To what extent the student agrees/disagrees with the author is an essential element of his reflexive viewpoint even if it contradicts the opinion of the majority.
Students' mental activity manifests itself when identifying differences between the conceptions "the authority ofpower " and "the power of authority ", which at first glance may seem to be just a play on words. Regarding this task as "analysis-comparison" let's emphasize the fact that it presupposes multiple comparisons of semantic components of each word combination. When performing such mental operations based on reciprocal analysis the students are encouraged to find compelling and thought-out arguments, to identify pedagogical meaning in both versions and to compare them.
Students' homework composition-argumentation summarizing the educational material on pedagogical styles allowed us to evaluate the qualitative characteristics of future teachers' pedagogical thinking from the viewpoint of the quality of their analysis. Speculations on this issue allowed the students to introduce their own interpretations of the mentioned conceptions, many students managed to correlate them with the peculiarities of pedagogical activity, pedagogical styles and their own conceptions of a teacher's image at modern school. Some students presented their works in the form of inner dialogue - a kind of inner discussion, in which viewpoints are examined, clarified and the conclusion is achieved. Here the mechanism of reciprocal analysis manifested itself most clearly.
Let's take one more example. At the seminar "Personality as a pedagogical category. Factors of personal development" the students discussed the above-mentioned issues in the form of a dialogue/polylogue.
One of the tasks involved articulating their own understanding of the set of statements concerning personality: "to educate personality", "to help him to develop personality", "to support student's efforts to be a personality" and, finally, "do not prevent the development ofpersonality". Many polylogue participants managed not only to justify the relation between the mentioned provisions but to make their meaningful and technological comparison, to correlate them with concrete children, situations of their growth and formation, life circumstances and pedagogical competences required to realize the above-mentioned purposes. We highly appreciated the elements of students' reflexive activity combining analysis and self-analysis.
Associative analysis / Analysis-synectics
Such tasks stimulate a student's mental activity, which occurs according to the scheme "analysis - choice - con-cretization - analysis". When performing this task, a student works according to the following algorithm: the choice of association (or internal object) - finding "subtext" - its concretization for unambiguous perception and final analysis.
Task 1. Find pedagogical meaning in the following expression:
You can kill with a word, you can save with a word.
With a word, you can take armies to follow you.
(V. Shefner)
Associative analysis was focused on metaphorical images "kill with a word", "save with a word", "take armies to follow you", which are associated with pedagogical activity in its professional and ethical understanding. So, we are dealing with the concrete problem - the role of a word in a teacher's work, its importance and consequences when interacting with children. This task was followed by a pedagogical essay on the theme: "What does it mean to be a master of your speech?"
At the pedagogical seminar within the module "Introduction to pedagogical activity" the students were given Task 2. What everyday situation or pedagogical situation could provide an opportunity to tell the following story? Imagine such situations.
The tourist, impressed by the beauty of old English estate, asked the gardener:
- What should I do to grow a perfect lawn?
- That's easy! Turn up the soil, seed the grass and when the sprouts appear water them twice a day and cut three times a month. Do that for 200 years and you'll have a nice lawn, too!
In fact, the students are expected to identify pedagogical subtexts of the situation and comment on them. Analysis of the results showed that each student saw the situation from his personal perspective, tried to find necessary arguments to justify his versions and pedagogical associations. The students suggested the following social roles: experienced teacher and teacher-beginner; teacher and student; teacher and parent; parent and child. They focused on pedagogical meaning of the suggested situation.
It's worth mentioning that, identifying the actual pedagogical subtext of the statement, linguistic students focused on nearly all of its key words: "impressed", "that's easy!", "turn up the soil", "seed the grass", "for 200 years" and discovered semantic associations. Autonomous analysis and group discussion helped to examine both the difficulties and joys of a teacher's work, its sacrificing nature illuminated by pedagogical optimism and selflessness. In other words, the students managed to identify in the suggested "sketch" the elevated meaning of a teacher's work and to manifest the elements of their pedagogical thinking when performing multi-aspect analytical activity. Analysis-correction, frequently occurs as analysis - criticism - correction The basis value of such tasks, as we see it, lies in the fact that a student can use his analytical skills to find mistakes, shortcomings and to correct them according to his own knowledge, viewpoint, logic, etc.
It can be either the tasks specially prepared by the teacher, the so called "tasks with an intentional mistake", or, as a possible variant, previous student works (for example, pedagogical practice reports, etc.) performed with errors and shortcomings.
Such papers are valuable for us, teachers, since they provide a possibility to organize analytical work with the students, who are still preparing for their pedagogical practice. Students-experts work with the copies of original documents and make necessary corrections and improvements.
At the first stage, it would be reasonable to work in pairs - triplets - quadruples when each micro-group gets a copy of a student's paper, analyzes jointly its content, presentation, etc. Businesslike atmosphere, constructive discussion are welcomed.
When studying the module "Theory and methodology of education" the task can sound as follows. "You are given a scenario of an educational event and self-analysis of its preparation and conduction. Analyze a practice teacher's work, provide your commentaries (author's (anonymous) scenario with self-analysis is attached) ".
Our experience shows that such technically simple activity has positive effects - the students eagerly perform the task taking the opportunity to learn from somebody else's mistakes, feeling like a teacher (expert), participant of a professional dialogue. In our opinion, the key issue here is to provide students with an opportunity to study the culture of critical analysis, culture of constructive criticism, self-criticism, "criticism-dialogue" [1, с. 143].
Well-trained students with the appropriate state of mind provide a detailed analysis, compare scenario with the suggested self-analysis, identify faults and articulate their own viewpoints on a certain issue, provide arguments for their views. The students made the following commentaries: "the targets of educational events are formulated unclearly", "the content does not satisfy age peculiarities of the children", "the tasks for children are formulated incorrectly", "switches between activities, verbal instructions are not carefully thought out", "insufficient attention to evaluation stage", etc.
So, our experience shows that carefully thought out system of educational tasks within the reflexive teaching approach contributes to better understanding of methodological and didactical foundations of competence-based higher school educational process.
Reflexive teaching approach is described by the example of analytical tasks, which promote the development of such qualities of future teachers' thinking as criticism, flexibility, observation, associativity, creative imagination, ability for pedagogical analysis and synthesis. As a result, students' analytical skills are developed to the level of the applied ones and become similar to professional competences in their everyday understanding.
Consequently, students' analytical activity itself is not innovative nowadays but its careful arrangement within the modern context of competence-based education can create the best possible innovative effect. This motivates us to put more emphasis on such tasks and to focus on studying the peculiarities of their usage in the modern educational process.
1. Геращенко И. Г., Геращенко Н. В. Культура критики как необходимое условие эффективности образования // Научно-теоретический журнал. 2015. № 5. С. 139-144.
2. Гитман М. Б., Данилов А. Н., Столбов В. Ю. Оценка уровня сформированности компетенций выпускника вуза // Открытое образование. 2014. № 1. С. 24-31.
3. Елканова Т. М. Формирование информационно-аналитической компетентности в структуре общегуманитарного базиса образования // Высшее образование сегодня. 2009. № 9. С. 57-58.
4. Зеер Э. Ф. Модернизация профессионально-педагогического образования: инновационный аспект // Образование и наука. 2006. № 6 (42). С. 44-54.
5. Косолапова Л. А. Методологические основы разработки и реализации современных технологий обучения студентов педагогике // Проблемы подготовки кадров к профессиональной социально-педагогической деятельности: материалы всероссийской научно-практической конференции (23-24 ноября 2010 г., г. Пермь). Пермь, 2011. С. 18-23.
6. Косолапова Л. А. Экспериментально-аналитическое обучение студентов педагогике: автореф. дисс. ... д. пед. н. Ижевск, 2010. 47 с.
7. Краевский В. В. Общие основы педагогики: учеб. пособие для студ. высш. учеб. заведений. М.: Изд. центр «Академия», 2006. 256 с.
8. Лисицына Л. С. Методология проектирования модульных компетентностно-ориентированных образовательных программ. СПб., 2009. 50 с.
9. Никитина Е. А. Развитие культуры профессионального мышления будущего учителя посредством занятий педагогического цикла // Актуальные вопросы регионального образования: современное образование с позиций ком-петентностного подхода: сборник научно-методических материалов. Саратов: ГАОУ ДПО «СарИПКиПРО», 2010. Вып. 5. С. 38-43.
10. Никитина Е. А. Теоретические основы проблемы рефлексивного освоения студентом - будущим учителем реальной педагогической действительности // Проблемы качества образования в современном обществе: сборник статей Х международной научно-практической конференции. Пенза: Приволжский дом знаний, 2014. С. 63-69.
11. Савченко И. В. Информационно-аналитическая деятельность студентов и трудности её реализации в современном образовании // Известия Иркутского государственного университета. Серия «Психология». 2016. Т. 16. С. 39-44.
12. Сластёнин В. А., Подымова Л. С. Педагогика: инновационная деятельность. М.: Магистр, 1997. 223 с.
13. Строкова Т. А. Индивидуальная стратегия обучения: сущность и технология разработки // Образование и наука. 2005. № 4 (34). С. 17-26.
Никитина Елена Александровна, к. пед. н., доцент Саратовский национальный исследовательский государственный университет имени Н. Г. Чернышевского
тШта_в.а@тай. ги
В статье прослеживается мысль о том, что аналитическая деятельность студентов на данный момент не является инновационной, но её тщательно продуманная организация, адаптированная к современному контексту компетентностно-ориентированной высшей школы, может способствовать инновационному эффекту в самом лучшем его проявлении. Разработанная автором типология проблемно-аналитических заданий и примеры их использования иллюстрируют возможность рефлексивной подготовки будущих учителей в рамках современного образовательного процесса.
Ключевые слова и фразы: анализ; аналитическая деятельность; мыследеятельность; рефлексия; педагогическая реальность; проблемно-аналитическое задание; профессиональная компетентность учителя.
УДК 374.7 Дата поступления рукописи: 12.02.2019
The social and professional reality of the modern society causes the following situation: having chosen a profession in his youth, a person doesn't determine his labour and social trajectory as a whole, but only its initial stage under the conditions of not only vertical, but horizontal mobility as well. The article discusses the impact offurther professional education on such social processes as secondary professional socialization and professional mobility. It reflects the interrelation of the socio-economic aspect of professional education and the socio-psychological issues of becoming a professional throughout one's life.
Key words and phrases: social process; further education; professional education; adult education; secondary professional socialization; educational trajectory; professional mobility.
Flerov Oleg Vladislavovich, Ph. D. in Pedagogy
Moscow Witte University [email protected]
The social role and nature of education are generally recognized. Meanwhile, its social functions are usually talked about when it comes either to the younger generation or the basic professional education. Further professional education, in which adults participate, is being considered increasingly as an educational service, the feasibility of getting it depends on how each person sees his own educational trajectory [2; 3; 9-12]. Perhaps this is because further professional education programs are almost always implemented on the commercial basis. However, this does not negate their social function and influence on socio-professional processes. In this case, we should talk about secondary professional socialization and professional mobility. The article considers the main aspects of the mechanism of such an influence.
L. V. Tarasenko's work seems fundamental in this sense, in which secondary professional socialization is considered as a type of professional socialization as a whole with reference to human's social and personal development and growth [14, c. 44-72]. After analyzing various theories of socialization, the researcher comes to the conclusion that professional socialization should be understood as "integration of the individual into the sphere of professional activity, including the process of assimilation and reproduction of professional knowledge, norms, values, attitudes, behaviors during the development of a person as a member of a certain professional community and the process aimed at ensuring his effective functioning as a professional. During the process of professional socialization, the development of a person as a subject of professional activity occurs" [Ibidem, c. 45].