Ученый XXI века • 2022 • № 5-1 (86)
Ш.А. Абдулахатова1
This article presents research on functional-pragmatic features of functional words in communicative discourse.
Key words: linguistics, psycholinguistic, ethnolinguistic, determiners, conjunctions, prepositions, pronouns, auxiliary verbs, modals, qualifiers, and question words.
It's difficult to describe all of human language's characteristics at once because it's so complicated. Nonetheless, the centuries-long history of world linguistics reveals that representatives of many movements thought it was the best approach to learn a language and dedicated their lives to clearly demonstrating the subject of study and its substance. Linguistics investigates all changes in language in great depth. In turn, science in every language emerges and evolves as a result of necessity. In order to assure its own progress, society has always given close attention to the advancement of science and the examination of its challenges.2
In all languages of the world, function words are thought to be particularly responsive to life changes and to be a very resourceful layer. As a result, it is critical for world linguistics to specify the position of functional words in the parts of speech system, to identify rules for developing functional word specialization, and to emphasize their ethnolinguistic, pragmalinguistic, and psycholinguistic characteristics. The content, units, and categories of functional words were studied in World linguistics, as well as in Uzbek linguistics, and the research findings were used in the General description of Uzbek language formation, scientific grammar and dictionaries, and various study books compiled at various levels of education. These descriptions were created mostly using widely used nineteenth-century classical linguistic procedures. Linguists such as A.Kononov, Sh.Shoabdurahmonov, Kh.Berdiyorov, T.Rustamov, and D.Orinboeva investigated this subject in detail in their scientific works. A number of research dedicated to pragmatic and functional analysis of functional words by various categories have been conducted in recent years. Certain properties of function words were investigated in the research works of linguists such as O.Bozorov, T.Turdiboev, Z.Isokov, and Z.Burkhanov.3
Function words include determiners, conjunctions, prepositions, pronouns, auxiliary verbs, modals, qualifiers, and question words. Content words are words with specific meanings, such as nouns, adjectives, adverbs, and main verbs. Function words belong to the closed class of words in grammar because it is very uncommon to have new function words created in the course of speech. In the open class of words, i.e., nouns, verbs, adjectives, or adverbs, new words may be added readily, such as slang words, technical terms, and adoptions and adaptations of foreign words. Each function word either: gives grammatical information about other words in a sentence or clause, and cannot be isolated from other words; or gives information about the speaker's mental model as to what is being said. The following is a list of the kind of words considered to be function words with English examples. They are all uninflected in English unless marked otherwise:
1Абдулахатова Шохсанам Адхамджон кизи - магистрант, НамГУ, Наманган, Узбекистан.
2 Pennebaker, DJ. CH.Chung. The Psychological Functions of Function Words. Philadelphia: Linguistic Data Consortium, University of Pennsylvania / http://homepage.psy.utexas.edu / homepage /faculty/ pennebaker/ reprints/ Chung&JWP, 2014.
3 MahmudovN., Begmatov E. Our language's yesterday and today // Uzbek Language and Literature. - Tashkent, 2010.
YneHbiH XXI BeKa • 2022 • № 5-1 (86)
• articles — the and a. In some inflected languages, the articles may take on the case of the declension of the following noun.
• pronouns — he :: him, she :: her, etc. — inflected in English
• adpositions — in, under, towards, before, of, for, etc.
• conjunctions — and and but
• subordinating conjunctions — if, then, well, however, thus, etc.
• auxiliary verbs — would, could, should, etc. — inflected in English
• particles — up, on, down
• interjections — oh, ah, eh, sometimes called "filled pauses"
• expletives — take the place of sentences, among other functions.
• pro-sentences — yes, no, okay, etc.1
Function words are the words that are independent, without special meaning, help independent phrases to contact with each other in grammatical terms showing the presence of semantic-syntactic relationships among them, and are not used as fragments of speech. In English, function words consist of prepositions and conjunctions and in the Uzbek language, they are auxiliary verbs and conjunctions. In both languages, conjunctions have the same type, and their functions are very similar to each other. For example:
My friend and I. O'rtog'im va men.
My friend with me. O'rtog'im bilan men.2
Prepositions are used instead of case suffixes in English, and in Uzbek auxiliary verbs, more clearly poslelogs are used as synonyms of case suffixes. As the meaning of prepositions and poselelogs is clearer they differ from case suffixes. Although the prepositions, they combine with noun or pronoun differently: prepositions are before a noun, poslelogs are after the noun. For example: preposition+N, N+poslelog. According to the general language system of the language, the appearance of preposition before the noun is the SVO structure in English, and the arrival of the poslelog after the noun is the SOV structure in the Uzbek language. Auxiliary words are added to the list of the most essential signals. There are general and limited possessive cases in English. To prove what has been said, the following three phrases can be translated from Uzbek into English:
Do'stim Moskvaga ketdi.-My friend has gone to Moscow. Do'stim Moskvadan qaytib keldi.-My friend has come back from Moscow. Uning akasi Moskvadayashaydi.-His brother lives in Moscow.3 From the examples, the grammatical relation expressed through case suffixes in the Uzbek language has been expressed through prepositions which are auxiliary words in English. Due to the fact that the number of case suffixes in English has diminished, prepositions are widely used in several different functions. The preposition ''of" is used as a partial synonym to the suffix -s. But they are not used together. The constructions that are used as stylistic designs are called pleonastic (extra) construction. For example, a friend of my sister's. There are two types of poslelogs combination with the noun in the English language.1 The noun is in the form of a nominative case. Bog' aro qo'ysang qadam, maktab tomon. 2) The noun is in possessive or another case: Institumizning yonida, zolimlarga qarshi, oyga qadar, institutni bitirmasdan burun.4
1 Pennebaker, DJ. CH.Chung. The Psychological Functions of Function Words. Philadelphia: Linguistic Data Consortium, University of Pennsylvania / http://homepage.psy.utexas.edu / homepage /faculty/ pennebaker/ reprints/ Chung&JWP, 2014.
2 Boymirzaeva, S. Categories that form the communicative-pragmatic content of the text in the Uzbek language. Dis. abs. doc. phil. sci. Tashkent, 2010.
3 Shoabdurahmonov, Sh., Askarova, M., Khojiev, A. Modern Uzbek literary language. Tashkent: 'Teacher' Publishing House.
4 http://www.uza.uz/documents/alishernavoiy-nomidagi-toshkent-davlato'zbek-tili-va-
adabiyoti, 2016.
YHeHbiH XXI BeKa • 2022 • № 5-1 (86)
To sum up, the function words were structurally classified in terms of form and task, and were based on about ten parameters. Function words express different pragmatic meanings in the text to expose the author's creative intentions, and it was substantiated that particles have a new task as «reviving» the text, and giving it a spirit of discourse. As a result of the expansion of communicative opportunities of the Uzbek and English literary language, function words also contain new units increasing their grammatical, functional and pragmatic possibilities.
1. Boymirzaeva, S. Categories that form the communicative-pragmatic content of the text in the Uzbek language. Dis. abs. doc. phil. sci. Tashkent, 2010.
2. http://www.uza.uz/documents/alishernavoiy-nomidagi-toshkent-davlato'zbek-tili-va-adabiyoti, 2016.
3. MahmudovN., Begmatov E. Our language's yesterday and today // Uzbek Language and Literature. - Tashkent, 2010.
4. Pennebaker, DJ. CH.Chung. The Psychological Functions of Function Words. Philadelphia: Linguistic Data Consortium, University of Pennsylvania / http://homepage.psy.utexas.edu / homepage /faculty/ pennebaker/ reprints/ Chung&JWP, 2014.
5. Shoabdurahmonov, Sh., Askarova, M., Khojiev, A. Modern Uzbek literary language. Tashkent: 'Teacher' Publishing House.
© m.A. A6gy^axaTOBa, 2022.