Список литературы / References
1. Кондаков И.М., Сухарев А.В. Методологическое обоснование зарубежных теорий профессионального развития. Вопросы психологии, 1989. № 5. С. 158-164.
2. Бурхонова Г.Г. Национальные реформы высшего образования Узбекистана. [Электронный ресурс]. // Вопросы науки и образования. № 5 (50), 2019. С. 95-98. Режим доступа: https://cyberleninka.rU/article/n/natsionalnye-reformy-vysshego-obrazovaniya-uzbekistana/ (дата обращения: 15.10.2019).
3. Акрамова Н.М., Шарипов М.С. Reforms in the system of higher education in Uzbekistan. [Электронный ресурс]. // Вопросы науки и образования. № 29 (41), 2018. С. 87-88. Режим доступа:https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/reforms-in-1:he-system-of-higher-education-in-uzbekistan/ (дата обращения: 15.10.2019).
FOSTERING THE PROCESS OF LEARNER AUTONOMY IN FOREIGN LANGUAGES CLASSROOMS Akramova N.M.1, Nigmatullina А^.2, Galiakberova A.R.3 Email: Akram [email protected]
'Akramova Nozima Muzaffarovna — Senior Teacher;
2Nigmatullina Almira Shamsunovna - Senior Teacher;
Abstract: the article under discussion describes development of the process of autonomy of students at the foreign languages lessons in non-philological higher educational institutions. The authors of the article argue that the importance of increasing the independence of students in the context of their extracurricular independent work is determined by: the individual nature of mastering a foreign language; individual style of learning (style of educational activity in mastering a foreign language). The authors of the article believe that in the context of higher education, increasing the independence of students in mastering a foreign language is associated with providing them with greater freedom in how to choose ways of doing homework, and in the choice of homework, their volume, deadlines, etc. The teacher's task is, on the one hand, to provide students with the necessary assistance in the development of their educational autonomy through the organization of training, which can be carried out as part of classroom studies, and, on the other hand, in creating conditions conducive to the implementation of their styles teachings in extracurricular independent educational activities. Keywords: task, teacher, student, autonomy, development, communicative, Practice, communication, exercises, language.
НА УРОКАХ ИНОСТРАННОГО ЯЗЫКА Акрамова Н.М.1, Нигматуллина А.Ш.2, Галиакберова А.Р.3
'Акрамова Нозима Музаффаровна — старший преподаватель; 2Нигматуллина Альмира Шамсуновна - старший преподаватель;
3Галиакберова Альбина Ринатовна - старший преподаватель, кафедра обучения языкам, факультет управления в производстве, Ферганский политехнический институт, г.Фергана, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: данная статья рассматривает развитие процесса автономии студентов на уроках иностранного языка, которая является важной целью процесса обучения иностранным языкам и способствует индивидуализации обучения. Авторы статьи утверждают, что важность повышения самостоятельности студентов в условиях их внеаудиторной самостоятельной работы определяется: индивидуальным характером усвоения иностранного языка; индивидуальным стилем учения (стилем учебной деятельности при овладении иностранным языком). Авторы статьи считают, что в условиях вузовского образования повышение самостоятельности обучающихся при овладении иностранным языком связано с предоставлением им большей свободы как в выборе
способов выполнения домашних заданий, так и в выборе самих домашних заданий, их объема, сроков выполнения и т.д. Задача преподавателя состоит в том, чтобы, с одной стороны, оказывать обучающимся необходимую помощь в развитии их учебной автономии посредством организации учебной подготовки, которая может осуществляться в рамках аудиторных занятий по ИЯ, а с другой стороны, - в создании условий, способствующих реализации их стилей учения во внеаудиторной самостоятельной учебной деятельности.
Ключевые слова: задание, учитель, ученик, самостоятельность, развитие, коммуникативный, практика, общение, упражнения, язык.
УДК 372.881.1
In modern conditions of the rapid development of science, industry, education, information technology, there is a constant increase in requirements for a university graduate. Thus, a modern specialist should have a number of professional and general cultural competencies that allow him to be competitive in the labor market and successfully operate in the field of his professional activity. One of them is a readiness for education in the real life, it is necessary to learn to work "according to one's own scenario," to develop educational autonomy.
In general, educational autonomy means the willingness and ability of students to take on the organization and management of their educational activities. In the process of teaching a foreign language, educational autonomy involves the ability to master the language consciously, during the process the learner acquires the skills and abilities that allow him to carry out self-education and self-improvement in the future [1].
In scientific studies, various aspects of the development of the educational autonomy skills in teaching a foreign language were examined: the use of a language laboratory as a means of optimizing the educational autonomy of students of language faculties in a multimedia professionally oriented context (I.V. Luksha), the development of educational autonomy in freshmen (T.Yu. Ternov), the development of educational autonomy among students a language university in the reading process (I.D. Trofimova), teaching foreign language writing to students of non-language specialties on the basis of an autonomous approach (I.N. Khmelidze), the development of educational autonomy of students of a linguistic department based on interdisciplinary interaction of training courses (E.A. Tsyvkunova) and others [1].
There is an opinion that the use of these technologies can improve the efficiency of the process of teaching a foreign language.
The concept of "self-training" has emerged, which is defined as such training, in which the teacher is looking for ways to include students more and more in the decision-making process regarding the issues of mastering and managing this process. From this point of view, an autonomous student is one who is fully responsible for making and implementing all decisions regarding his teachings (L. Dickinson). To develop autonomy of students, two conditions are necessary:
• Psychological ability of the student to independence in educational process.
• A real opportunity to be autonomous and independent during the educational process.
Tasks should be based on the knowledge, skills and abilities that the student has, but be difficult enough for the student to perceive them as a factor in moving forward and do not lose interest in them. The target setting for the training task should be formulated in such a way as to stimulate the use of adequate strategies. During the assignment, students collaborate with each other and with the teacher. The role of the teacher is changing from evaluative to supportive, stimulating. In the course of work, students should assume an increasing share of responsibility for completing the assignment for themselves. Some of the tasks are performed by students individually, while others require communication with the teacher [3].
An autonomous student is characterized by the following qualities and skills. Qualities: the desire to learn; the desire to take the initiative; openness to change and innovation; ability and desire to cooperate; the willingness to discuss their successes and failures in mastering a foreign language. Skills: conscious of their own needs; be able to formulate their own goals; select adequate methods to achieve them; seek out the necessary resources; evaluate your own progress in learning.
The listed qualities and skills are successfully formed if the training tasks are formulated in such a way that they require students to make independent decisions, plan and evaluate their own activities. Some of the tasks are open in nature, that is, they do not imply a single absolute correct answer. Performing such tasks, students perform speech actions at an acceptable level of difficulty. The teacher explains to the students that there are very important means of self-mastering a foreign language, such as a bilingual dictionary, grammar guide, country commentary, study discs, computer programs, etc. The teacher discusses with students the various ways that they can use to practice using a foreign language as a means of communication.
In conclusion, it is suggested that in teaching process to support autonomy of the learners it would be more fruitful to consider individuals' views of themselves as learners, whether they see themselves
as in control of events in their lives, and the reasons they attribute to their perceived successes and failures. These aspects are changeable, thus enabling us to support individuals through appropriate interventions and help [2].
References / Список литературы
1. Littlewood W. Foreign and Second Language Learning. Cambridge. CUP, 1995. P.p. 34-50.
2. Muratova O'.A., Tashmatova M.A. Using self-reports, diaries and evaluation sheets in promoting learners' autonomy. [Электронный ресурс]. // Достижения науки и образования. № 5 (46), 2019. С. 91-92. Режим доступа: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/v/using-self-reports-diaries-and-evaluation-sheets-in-promoting-learners-autonomy/ (дата обращения: 18.10.2019).
3. Акрамова Н.М., Нигматуллина А.Ш. The problems of lesson observation during the school practice. [Электронный ресурс]. // 2019. "Идтисодиёт ва инновацион технологиялар" илмий электрон журнали. № 5. сентябрь-октябрь, 2015. Режим доступа: iqtisodiyot.tsue.uz>default>files>maqolalar/ (дата обращения: 18.10.2019).