Abstract: the article under discussion depicts the issues of forming students' independent skills at the foreign language classes. The authors of the article believe that independent work is carried out by students on assignment and under the supervision of a teacher, but without his direct participation in it, at a specially provided time. Students are aware of and strive to achieve the goal by using their mental efforts and expressing in one form or another (oral response, graphic design, description of experiments, calculations, etc.) the result of mental and physical actions. The formation of student autonomy involves two closely related tasks. Namely: the development of students' independence in cognitive activity, teaching them to master the language on their own and to form their worldview; the second task is to teach them to apply independently existing knowledge in teaching and practical activity.
Keywords: independent work, students, autonomy, process, educational, independent, effective, creative, active, approach, feature.
Низамова Раъно Ахмаджоновна — преподаватель, кафедра обучения языкам, факультет управление в производстве, Ферганский политехнический институт, г. Фергана, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: данная статья рассматривает вопросы формирования самостоятельных навыков студентов на занятиях иностранным языком. Авторы статьи считают, что самостоятельная работа выполняется студентами по заданию и под контролем педагога, но без непосредственного его участия в ней, в специально предоставленное время. Студенты осознают и стремятся достигнуть поставленной цели, употребляя свои умственные усилия и выражая в той или иной форме (устный ответ, графическое построение, описание опытов, расчеты и т.д.) результат умственных и физических действий. Формирование автономии студентов подразумевает две тесно связанные между собой задачи. А именно: развитие у студентов самостоятельности в познавательной деятельности, обучение их самостоятельному овладению знаниями и формирование своего мировоззрения; вторая задача - научить их самостоятельно применять имеющиеся знания в учении и практической деятельности.
Ключевые слова: самостоятельная работа, студенты, автономия, процесс, учебный, самостоятельный, эффективный, творческий, активный, подход, особенность.
UDC 372.881.1
The organization of independent work and its coordination is a very responsible and complex work of each teacher. The organization of students' activity and autonomy is an integral part of the educational process. This is a task of paramount importance [1].
Independent work is effective if it is one of the integral, organic elements of the educational process, if special time is allocated for it in the lesson, subject to its systematic implementation, which contributes to the development of skills and increase the pace of its implementation [1].
The selection of types of independent work, the determination of their volume and content is also determined by the basic principles of didactics. The most important principles are: accessibility and systematic work, the connection between theory and practice, the gradual increase in difficulties, creative activity, as well as a differentiated approach to students. The application of these principles in coordinating the independent work of students reveals the following features:
• Independent work should be focused. It is necessary to clearly formulate the goal of the work, arouse interest in it and the desire to perform it as good as possible, a clear understanding of the task
and ways to verify its implementation. Misunderstanding the purpose of the work leads to a waste of time and a decrease in the student's independence.
• The work should be truly independent and encourage the student to its intense performance. At the same time, the content and volume of independent work at each stage of training should be feasible for the audience, prepared theoretically and practically for its implementation.
First, students need to form the simplest skills of independent work (searching for information in the Internet, analyzing the information received, synthesizing this information, etc.). In this case, students' independent work is preceded by a visual demonstration of the methods of work by the teacher, clear explanations and notes on the board. As a rule, after the teacher shows the methods of work, independent work is in the nature of imitation. Nevertheless, it is extremely important for the formation of more complex skills and abilities, a higher level of independence, when a student is able to develop and apply his own methods for solving problems of an educational or production nature.
Idependent work should offer tasks, the implementation of which does not allow standard actions and require the application of knowledge in a new situation, which contributes to the formation of initiative and cognitive abilities of the audience. When organizing independent work, it is necessary to take into account that for the acquisition of knowledge, abilities and skills by different students, i.e. a differentiated approach to students is needed.
The tasks of independent work should be of interest to students, which is achieved by the novelty of the tasks, unusual nature of their content, disclosure of the practical significance of the task or method that needs to be mastered. Students show great interest in independent work, in the process of which they study objects and phenomena [2].
Students' independent work must be systematically included in the educational process. Only under this condition they will develop solid skills. The results of the work are more tangible if the whole team of teachers is engaged in instilling the skills of independent work for students in classes in all subjects. When organizing independent work, a reasonable combination of the teacher's presentation of the material and the students 'independent work on the acquisition of new knowledge and skills is necessary. Excessive enthusiasm for independent work can slow down the pace of studying program material.
Performing independent work of any kind provides the leading role of a teacher who thinks out a system of independent work, their systematic inclusion in the educational process, determines the purpose, content and volume of each independent work, its place in the lesson, as well as teaching methods for types of independent work. The teacher educates students in self-control methods and exercises quality control, studies and takes into account the individual characteristics of students [3].
References / Список литературы
1. Orlov V.N. "Activity and independence of students". M., 1998. Pp. 56-58.
2. Nizamova R.A. Teaching ESP (English for specific purposes) via communicative approach. [Electronic resource] // Questions of science and education. № 4 (49), 2019. Pp. 124-127. URL: (date of access: 13.11.2019).
3. Mamadalieva H.A. The role of games in teaching foreign languages. [Electronic resource] // Questions of science and education. № 1 (42), 2019. Pp. 95-98. URL: (date of access: 13.11.2019).
4. Akramova N.M., Nigmatullina A.S. The problems of lesson observation during the school practice. [Electronic resource], 2019. "Etisalat VA the innovative tekhnologiyalar" Ilmi of electron magazine. № 5, September-October, 2015. URL: (date of access: 13.11.2019).