Section 6. Psychology
Pilyugina Ekaterina Ivanovna, the Stavropol state teacher training college (branch) in Zheleznovodsk, the associate professor, the candidate of psychological sciences
E-mail: [email protected] Taranenko Oksana Nikolaevna, North Caucasian federal university (branch) in Pyatigorsk, the associate professor, the candidate of pedagogical sciences
E-mail: [email protected] Romanko Irina Evgenevna, North Caucasian federal university (branch) in Pyatigorsk, the associate professor, the candidate of historical sciences
E-mail: [email protected]
Formation of psychological culture of the professional as criterion and level of its development
Abstract: In article the problem of development of the professional and psychological culture as criterion and level of its development, the main subsystems of psychological culture are considered, the predictive model of formation of psychological culture of the professional is presented, acmeological approach in consideration of the matter was fundamental. Keywords: psychological culture, professional, acmeology, professionalism of activity, I-concept.
In modern time the search of such organizations ofwork which would provide not only the increase of their productivity, but also the development of the person in professional activity, became more active, therefore training of professionals for the main spheres of human activity gains the special importance. The professional has to combine professional abilities, knowledge, abilities, skills and experience. But, to provide the high level ofprofessionalism, the cultural basis of professional activity is necessary [7, 34].
Psychological culture is the leading component of success of inclusion of the person in social life of society, professional formation of the expert. In the conditions of constantly changing sociocultural reality there is a problem of development and use of human potential, more great demands are made of independence, an initiative, enterprise of the person, of his ability to understand and interpret not only the happening social changes, but also own behavior and behavior of other people [1, 21].
In psychology long time there were no the system researches devoted to a phenomenon of psychological culture of the personality. In separate works of domestic psychologists this concept nevertheless was used, but the content of this concept was insufficiently fully revealed (K. A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, N. G. Alekseev, O. S. Ani-simov, T. I. Artemyeva, L. P. Buyeva, A. A. Bodalev, A. A. Derkach, V. P. Zinchenko, V. G. Zazykin, I. S. Kohn, N. V. Kuzmina, E. A. Kli-mov, A. K. Markova, G. I. Marasanov, F. Sh. Mukhomedzyanova, I. N. Semenov, V. V. Stolin, etc.).
TheKy are some foreign authors comprehending a problem of psychological culture: R. Assadzhioli, A. Bandura, M. Buber, U. James, J. Kelly, M. Kurb, J. Mid, A. Maslou, E. Mirante, S. Mos-kovichi, J. Posner, K. Rogers, V. Frankl, E. Fromm, T. Festing, K. Jung, etc.
In scientific literature also the role of various conditions and factors mediating formation of psychological culture is ambiguously
designated. The condition of a scientific readiness of a problem of formation of psychological culture of the professional is characterized by the solution of versatile applied problems of pedagogics, psychology of development, social psychology, acmeology.
Acmeology methodology allowing to carry out target complex projects in the field of development of systems of formation of improvement of professional skill, development of integrative high-quality, professionally significant, personal educations allows to develop the complete concept of formation of psychological culture of the professional on a basis of the acmeological concepts of improvement and optimization of professional skill (A. A. Derkach, A. S. Guseva, V. G. Zazykin, B. A. Klimov, L. G. Laptev, A. K. Markova, D. E. Orban, etc.)
Acmeology studies conditions and regularities of advance of the person to tops of professional activity and maturity. At the professional's assessment acmeological approach aims at considering not only external indicators of work (success, productivity), not only internal states (motivation, work, satisfaction) of the person, but also existence of constant specific motivation to highly productive activity, to the forward ascending self-development, etc. [6, 32].
The main content of acmeological approach is identification the acmeological conditions and factors of development of the professional and formation of professionalism. Within this approach at the professional's assessment the special attention is paid to the concept «psychological culture» which is rather new in psychological science.
Studying of psychological culture of the professional is reflected in N. V. Kuzmina's and A. A. Derkach's works. The psychological culture is considered by them as the subject's interiorization ofpro-fessional activity hierarchical system of knowledge, abilities, skills, and also stereotypes of professional consciousness, which are realized by him non-uniformly and differently [4, 117].
As I. A. Zimnyaya notes, «the general culture is defined by formation, resistance of the main plans of the relation to the world, to itself and nature of their expressiveness in behavior. It assumes internal culture (a step, advantage, respect of another, responsibility, self-adjustability)». This «internal culture» is no other than «psychological culture», i. e. a certain quality of internal mental human life as subject, the personality and identity [9, 174].
Today already there are many researches where various aspects are considered, levels or components of psychological culture, and also attempts somehow to define these phenomena are made. It should be noted the L. S. Kolmogorova's works as the first attempt of system research of psychological culture as an independent psychological phenomenon. It enters concept of the general psychological culture, separating it from concept of professional psychological culture, and gives to it the following definition: «It is a component of basic culture of the personality as system characteristic of the person, allowing him to gain independence and self-actualization in life effectively, promoting successful social adaptation, self-development and satisfaction with life» [5, 27].
According to O. I. Motkov the psychological culture «is a complex of the developed special requirements, abilities and skills
of the person». The psychological culture, according to the author, along with an optimum way oflife, provides steady harmonious functioning ofthe personality and is at the same time its expression [8, 9].
Thus, the psychological culture of the professional is the integrative new growth of the personality which is carrying out the design regulating function consisting in optimum self-realization of the personality in the course of interactions and implementation of professional activity at the level of socially desirable standards in the conditions of professional instructions and restrictions [4, 112].
Development of the professional is the complete process which is dynamically developed in time from formation of professional intentions till the full realization of a person in his activity. Professional development assumes use of methods of social impact on the personality, his inclusion in the different types of activity aiming to create system of qualities, necessary for the professional. Proceeding from it, based on the acmeological concept, we developed model of formation of psychological culture of the professional (fig. 1) as one of perspective methods of scientific knowledge is the modeling allowing to receive information in a certain measure, to compensate insufficiency of the system, complex researches demanding big material and time expenditure.
I'm a professional
Aim: forming of psychological culture of professional criteria and level of its development
The theoretical-methodological block
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Diagnostic criteria and tools of psychological culture of a _professional_
The process unit
Resource-saving technologies
The system of psycho-corrective _trainings_
Target program mental stability
A special course "Psychological culture of a specialist"
Individual consultations
Evaluation mechanism (diagnostics, _control and correction)_
Qualitative and quantitative indicator
Productivity and efficiency
The end result
Fig. 1. Model of formation of psychological culture of the professional (scheme of the author)
The offered model shows the integrity of a solution of the problem of formation of psychological culture as criterion and the level of development and is to some extent predictive.
The model has hierarchical degree of structure, each of components in the block is coordinated, defines and proves the maintenance of the following. The block can be considered as independent system where elements are in certain relations and communications with each other.
We counted expedient to turn on the following blocks in structure of the developed model: theoretical-methodological and technological.
The theoretical-methodological block includes analytical and diagnostic components. The analytical component assumes the analysis of the psychological-acmeological conditions of formation of psychological culture of the professional as criterion and the level of his development, determination of the difficulties arising in the course of professional formation.
This analysis was a basis of a diagnostic component of this block and allows to allocate necessary indicators (signs) of psychological culture of the professional: a subsystem of professionalism of activity, a subsystem of professionalism of the personality, a subsystem of a normativity of activity and behavior, existence of the
productive I-concept and cultural and psychological behavioural manifestations which will be opened further by us.
The technological block assumes the use of the following components: system of psycho-correctional trainings, resource-saving technologies, target programs of optimization of mental stability, special course «Psychological culture of the professional» and individual consultations.
We will open the maintenance of the most significant components of development of the professional.
Subsystem of professionalism of activity
The subsystem of professionalism of activity is characterized by a harmonious combination of high professional competence, professional skills at the level ofprofessional skill, and also the acmeologi-cal invariants of professionalism acting as special basic abilities.
Professional competence — the main cognitive component of a subsystem of professionalism of activity, the sphere of professional maintaining, constantly extending system of knowledge allowing to carry out professional activity with high efficiency. Psychological competence represents the structured system of knowledge of the person as the individual, identity, the subject of work and the personality included in individual or joint activity, which is carrying out professional and other interactions.
T. E. Egorova studied autopsychological competence. In the autopsychological competence the properties of the personality allowing to direct activity of the person on self-knowledge, an adequate self-assessment, self-checking and self-government are accented [11, 117].
Development of the autopsychological competence with orientation to biopower indicators allows, according to the author, actively to influence functional states and by that to raise resistance to stress and working capacity.
Professional skills are the main regulatory component of a subsystem of professionalism of activity realizing the professional knowledge put in professional competence.
Professionalism of activity has close functional connections with professionalism of the personality.
Subsystem of professionalism of the personality
The subsystem of professionalism of the personality contains requirements to a level of development ofvarious characteristics and properties of the subject ofwork which in many respects define high efficiency of professional activity in broad understanding. These properties, qualities and characteristics have various psychological contents. We will note the most important of them.
K. K. Platonov believed that professionalism of the personality is reached in many respects in development of abilities and their enrichments.
I. N. Semenov emphasized that distinctive feature of the informative sphere of the professional is active reflection of reality and ability to good e guidence in it [10, 21].
Professionalism of the personality depends and on a level of development of professionally important qualities of the subject of work, i. e. such qualities of the personality which influence productivity of activity. Professionally important qualities are defined in the course of researches of conditions and factors of development of professionalism. Professionally important qualities often are integrated with mental properties of the personality (attention, memory, imagination), and also psychological characteristics (emotional warmth, charm, stability, patience, etc.). In the acmeological researches the role of the strong-willed qualities of the personality which are a necessary condition for achievement of the set large-scale objects and the internal regulator of self-development and
self-improvement is highlighted. The professional is interested in personal and professional development in that case when it has motives of professional achievements and professional self-realization.
Subsystem of a normativity and activity of behavior
The true professional, whose standards of quality of professional activity are high, forms rather rigid system of standard regulation. This regulation also induces it to adhere constantly to these standards which, in turn, act as the moral regulator of behavior and the relations. Ethical standards of the professional can find the reflection in professional and group and social norms.
Formation of standard system of regulation of activity, behavior and the relations is a basis of professional and moral culture. Professional and moral culture — the sign of the true professional which is in close connection with his psychological culture [2, 134].
Subsystem of formation of the productive I-concept
Development of the professional is impossible without productive I-concept, that is without realized as unique system of representations of the subject about itself. For development of the productive I-concept some things are necessary:
- gnostic ability to analyze a situation, characteristics of subjects and objects of activity and interactions;
- design ability adequately to represent the existing cause and effect and functional communications;
- constructive ability to build and correct system of behavioural, activity and relational strategy;
- communicative ability to establish, realize and correct relationship, adequately to govern the relations in group, to come into emotionally positive contacts, to operate and influence behavior and the relations;
- reflexive ability to react adequately to a situation and subjects of interaction;
- social and perceptual ability to choose the corresponding role position, to carry out cooperation, to work taking into account specific features of subjects of interaction.
On the basis of this system of representations the entity builds its relations and interaction. Adequate views allow you to create realistic personal and professional standards, program development and self-development, to build a harmonious and productive professional interactions and relationships.
The awareness of man's professional development inevitably leads him to the understanding of inconsistency, mismatch of this process, the uneven formation of the individual aspects of its development (when, for example, aspirations and motives ahead of real opportunities) or to understand the balance, harmony (when new goals require back-breaking effort, representing all the reserves of the body and personality). The source of disharmonies in the development may be too early or belated professionalization. Maintaining the balance in the waste of mental forces and the acquisition of new resources also characterizes the man as the subject of his professional development.
There are many points of view on the relation between the "subject of professional development" and "professional". A. A. Derkach proposes the following distinction of these concepts. "The subject of professional development — a person who knowingly organizes this process that sets goals, implements them, deliberately enriching experience, communication. The subject of development — a man in transit, moving along the path of professionalization. A professional is a worker who have already achieved high levels of objectively perform professional activities. Therefore, not every person of professional development comes to the level of professional" [3, 228].
Psychological and acmeological psychological understanding of culture enables the professional to approach the description of the process of his development through a qualitative characteristic of his personality, given his personal characteristics, the subject of potential, abilities of self-determination of his own life.
Formation of psychological culture should be seen as a holistic phenomenon of professional development, which provides the freedom of operating creative abilities and ways of perfection of professional and personal positions in one's professional activities. N. T. Selezneva (1997) showed that the formation of psychological culture is not only the growth of its psychological components: it is, above all, the development of the integrity of the system of psychological culture and its essential characteristics. Formation of psychological culture is seen as a holistic process that embraces a progressive, regressive, quantitative and qualitative changes within the system.
The process of formation of psychological culture as the process of integration is based on psycho-physiological, psychological, personal and subject-activity development of a professional, but is not limited to any of them, as revealed in the quality of their natural synthesis as a new qualitative characteristic that enhances the personality as a subject of activity. Psychologically acmeological concept of professional culture allows to reveal stadial-level nature of the development ofpsychological culture and subjective features of the mechanisms of self-development, objective terms (goals, objectives,
requirements, constraints). Regularities of formation of psychological culture uncover a variety of ratios individual level, psychological, personal and socio-psychological features that provide the fulfillment of a professional.
In general, using well-developed psychological culture of the person harmoniously takes into account both the internal requirements of the personality, the psyche, the body, and external requirements of social and natural environments of life.
Highly developed psychological culture of personality includes a set of consciously developed special aspirations, inherent in man initially, and ensure their implementation natural abilities.
The professional development was presented with conceptual acmeological position as the process and outcome of systemic changes of developing person, including the interconnected progressive changes of the four subsystems. These subsystems, which include a plurality of components, can be diagnostic signs of psychological culture of a professional. At the same time acmeological approach allows you to select criteria, indicators, levels of psychological culture of a professional, a theoretical justification for the empirical data; to identify and study the regularities of formation of psychological culture as an integral phenomenon of the individual professional, to identify the factors to achieve its optimal level. This creates the possibility of optimal functioning of the system of formation of psychological culture of a professional criteria and level of his development.
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