Научная статья на тему 'Innovation potential of acmeological approach to teaching staff training'

Innovation potential of acmeological approach to teaching staff training Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Shmeleva Elena A.

The article deals with the conditions of the formation of innovative competences of the teachers and students. The full view of the content of innovation in higher education, working conditions and factors of its optimization can be formed on the basis of the acmeological approach. Acmeology focuses on the allocation of productivity factors that promote the development of the object, definition of the strategies to achieve qualitative results, which can be relied upon in choosing technologies and solutions to educational problems. The acmeological approach allows to optimally realize the innovative potential of the professional development to its best.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Innovation potential of acmeological approach to teaching staff training»

Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences 9 (2012 5) 1235-1245

УДК 378.4

Innovation Potential of Acmeological Approach to Teaching Staff Training

Elena A. Shmeleva*

Federal State Educational Budget Institution

of Higher Education "State Pedagogical University of Shuya" 24 Kooperativnaya Str., Schuya, Ivanovo Region, 55908 Russia 1

Received 11.08.2011, received in revised form 21.12.2011, accepted 21.01.2012

The article deals with the conditions of the formation of innovative competences of the teachers and students. The full view of the content of innovation in higher education, working conditions andfactors of its optimization can be formed on the basis of the acmeological approach. Acmeology focuses on the allocation ofproductivityfactors that promote the development of the object, definition ofthe strategies to achieve qualitative results, which can be relied upon in choosing technologies and solutions to educational problems. The acmeological approach allows to optimally realize the innovative potential of the professional development to its best.

Keywords: training, acmeological approach, innovation in higher education, teacher education, innovative competence, productivity of activities


The relevance of the research of innovation processes is due to socio-economical, socio-cultural, psychological and acmeological issues of modern higher education. In the concept of research and innovation activity in the Russian Federation, innovation activity is considered as a priority compared to teaching activity. It is acknowledged to be the major independent objective of the higher education and the necessary component of the high-level educational process. The fundamental technological modernization of the Russian economy, being priority course, requires both training of teaching staff with new competencies and establishment of powerful source of innovative ideas and technologies in

* Corresponding author E-mail address: [email protected]

1 © Siberian Federal University. All rights reserved

the system of higher education (The concept of research and innovation activities in the Russian universities). Establishment of innovation environment in the universities is determined by the necessity of the development of relations between universities and enterprises, the enhancement of staff training quality, level of development of research basis and innovative activity.

The main "line of fracture" with reference to which the scenarios of transformation of the Russian higher education will be elaborated, is the rupture between our country's economy (demand for staff) and staff training system (structure, content and format of education) (Efimov, Lapteva, 2011). Today, all pedagogical universities of our

country are trying to decide if the status of higher education institutions correlates with the status of teachers training centers for new schools. In the conditions of intensive development of universities, when the innovative activity of research and educational groups becomes a necessary condition for successful positioning in the developing area of educational services, the following question arises: are the groups of scientists from pedagogical universities ready for the modern innovation-oriented activity?

The competence-based approach in professional education is directed at the formation of innovative competencies of educational process actors - teachers and students. Along with this, the theory of formation and development of teachers' readiness for innovation-oriented activity is not presented in full measure. The transition from traditional to innovative education reveals the discrepancy between the requirements of innovative processes and formed professional pedagogical competencies of university teachers. One of the conditions of the solution of this discrepancy is that the teachers should acquire the active educational and project-organizational technologies that allow achieving the innovative goals of education.


Various researches have studied theoretical and applied acmeological fundamentals for the development of administrative staff innovative culture meeting the needs for society reformation, and acmeological means of optimization of the development of administrative staff innovative culture (Katyshev, 2006; Chirkovskaya, 2009; Burda, 2010). In modern conditions, during the period of social and economical crisis, facing tough professional competition, the society needs scientifically justified means of the development of personality able for conduction of innovative activities, self-development, self-

improvement and full actualization in the course of innovative activity. There is a lack of theory of formation and development of teaching staff readiness for the innovation-oriented activity. Today, the innovative competence is estimated as the essential condition of specialists training. However, the analysis of publications on the issue of innovative competencies formation during the course of teaching staff training shows that this problem is presented insufficiently because there are not any fundamental researches dedicated to the extensive study and unbiased analysis of this process state. Searching for ways of solving this problem is being complicated by insufficient exploration of theoretical psychological and acmeological concepts about the structure, regulation and mechanisms of innovative activity optimization.

We will adhere to the opinion of the researchers who believe that the competence includes the combination of personality interconnected characteristics, skills, knowledge, abilities and activity methods necessary for productive activity. Competency is the acquisition of the correspondent competence as well as the personal attitude toward this competency and the activity object. The integral basic components are orientation in the systems of cognition and knowledge, experience, personality value and sense orientation and abilities. The structural model of the competency includes knowledge, activity and motivation components and abilities. In order to solve the problems of innovative personality training, it is necessary to select among the professional and cultural competencies, that should be acquired by pedagogy graduate students according to the Federal State General Standards of Higher Professional Education, those that influence directly or implicitly the preparation for innovative pedagogical activity.

Innovative competence is a readiness of the activity actor (teacher, student) expressed

in knowledge, skills, abilities and motives to obtain and implement the products of intellectual activity. Today, the innovative competence is considered as the fundamental phenomenon in specialists training for professional activity. Zh. B. Shaimakova defines the innovative competence through methodological and gnosseological, technological, projecting and practical competencies andjustifies it as the system-forming factor of teacher competitiveness development. The innovative competence allows teacher to become more successful in his/her professional and pedagogical activity, to be satisfied with his/ her activity and its results, to realize himself/ herself successfully, to realize his/her personal and professional potential, to be ready for competitive relations occurring in the conditions of educational services market. It is determined that the innovative competence allows to train students at a higher level as the future competitive specialists, to obtain an indirect recognition, to be estimated as specialist with the highest level of professionalism, teaching skills and professional self-consciousness, individual style and the high level of acmeological development (Shaimakova, 2009).

The particularity of the present-day education is that the high-level efficiency of university teacher activity cannot be obtained without the actualization of innovative potential. The major component in the realization of innovative potential of university teachers is its innovative activity that is characterized by the level of actor motivation to perform innovation-oriented activity, the level of development of general and particular abilities, freedom of choice, mobilization of intellectual forces and will efforts, level of projects-making skills. The modern education system sets such requirements for teachers that cannot be fulfilled without their innovative activity, without knowledge about acmeological patterns and criteria. In the

structure of the professional pedagogical work the innovative activity can be expressed through the optimal compliance of proper pedagogical, scientific and pedagogical and scientific and research activities, the practical realization of products of scientific and educational activity obtained through the joint work with students (Shmeleva, 2010a). Since the main object of the acmeological analysis is the development of actor during his/her activity, it is correct to consider innovative processes from the aspect of acmeological analysis and synthesis where the innovative activity of teacher will be an acmeological criterion of professional education quality.

Theactorofpedagogicalprocessguaranteeing the higher education quality is a teacher. His/her readiness for own professional development is the major criterion of professional activity quality. The study and analysis of the efficiency of own activity, detection of features that contribute or prevent the achievement of desired result - the development of professional and innovative position in the professional activity, are included in the object of acmeology. Study and evaluation of professional activity efficiency is necessary for teacher, since it contributes to the personal and professional development, advancement of the level of pedagogical skills. It is impossible to considerably increase the quality of professional education if the teacher is not personally interested in the achievement of the highest final results and his/her individual activity.

The actualization of the research component, when the object of the special analysis is the results of teacher's own professional activity expressed in the high level of students' readiness for academic problems solving, characterizes the highly efficient acmeological activity of university teachers. However, only the reflection of teacher's own activity as well as taking into consideration the facts preventing the achievement

of the high level of its efficiency, are not sufficient to provide the modern quality of professional education at the level of psychological and pedagogical resource of university teachers. The teachers, with different success and periodicity, do analises and evaluations of their work results, make professional improvements, at least, when preparing for job interview or attending continuing professional improvement courses. The particularity of the present-day education is that the high efficiency of university teachers' activity cannot be achieved without innovative activity. The latter is the dominant condition that fully determines the requirements for the quality of staff of educational process at universities.

Among factors and indicators that correspond to the innovative actor goals there is the formation of innovative culture. While acknowledging that the central link of innovative management and successful innovative enterprise is the person, groups and teams able to elaborate innovations and use them in practice, it is necessary to use the acmeological approach to shape the organizational culture stimulating development and self-improvement of employees (Serbinovskiy, Zakharova, 2010). When examining the problem of formation of the innovative activity of students (future teachers), we rely on the acmeological approach to efficient pedagogical activity (Kuzmina, 2001; Zobnina, 2008; Shmeleva, 2008, 20106).

O.A. Shumakova studies in her work the problem of absorption of personality innovative culture in the course of professionalization, formation of skills of innovative management in education. O.A. Shumakova considers the innovative culture as the acme-psychological phenomenon, product of actor activity, and determines the content of acmeological target strategies and skills of self-improvement of the personality innovative culture (Shumakova, 20086). In the structure of personal innovative

culture as the dynamic system of traditional and innovative ways of professional activity, the professional experience with regards to the innovative culture is considered as a traditional component on the base of which the innovative ways of professional activity are formed (Shumakova , 2008а).

Innovative process is a chain of actions from the idea generation to its implementation into the direct production process in order to obtain the given product. Since the main object of the acmeological analysis is the development of actor in the course of activity, it is correct to study innovative processes from the aspect of acmeological analysis and synthesis where the teacher innovative activity will be an acmeological criterion of professional education quality.

Designing, readiness, author project of educational process, reflection of own activity are included into the categorical apparatus of acmeology. The project of author system of activity, created in the course of acquirement of skills and professionalism fundamentals by teachers and students, is the very product that will be produced during the direct production process. The generation of product in the form of the project of the author system of activity characterizes the acmeological technologies from the aspect of innovative orientation. The author system of activity is an interrelated system of elements and actions aimed at the achievement of the given current and final results determined by activity actor for himself/herself, i.e. grounded on his/her subjective ideas about the result and ways of its achievement. Therefore, the acmeological technologies represent the systematic method of teaching of designing, creation and partial verification of efficient models of author systems of activity (Shmeleva, 2011). The project of author system of student activity is a theoretical and experimental model of his/her future activity, which he/she plans under the supervisory of

Table 1. Content of the innovative competencies

Content of future graduate student competencies Description of the content of student's competencies Content of the activity

Problem-oriented thinking Ability to discover problems Search for the problem and determination of its main characteristics

Decision-making ability Ability to make and accept the model of particular actions Comparison and assessment of advantages and disadvantages of different situations, revealing the logic of the situation development

Learning ability Ability to search for new knowledge, acquirement of skills and abilities of self-organizing learning process Continuous search for the new information in the process of the situation analysis, in particular, during its development

Systemic thinking Capability of integral perception of objects in their structural and functional demonstration Comprehensive understanding of the situation, its systemic analysis

Readiness for changes and flexibility of thinking Wish and ability to adapt to the changing situations, adjust to the new conditions Elaboration of behavior in constantly changing situations of analysis

Practical orientation Aim at the efficient activity for the achievement of practical result Permanent search for answer regarding the situation practical result

Ability to work with information Ability to search for information, analyze it, transpose it from one presentation form to another Constant search, selection, classification, grouping, analysis and presentation of the information

Designing ability Anticipation of the result in the form of the activity project Design of actions upon the achievement of the results

Organizational capabilities Capability to elaborate in details the algorithm of actions Realization of the actions algorithm, receiving the practical results

Implementation ability Ability to push the results on as the activity product Practical use of the activity product

teacher on the basis of comparative observation, analysis and evaluation of high-, middle- and low-efficient real systems of teachers' activity in specialty and profession that the student acquires at the university. In the course of designing of author systems of activity and modeling the results, the innovative competencies of students are formed.

L.E. Pautova has established the dependence between the acmeological efficiency of teachers' innovative position and the level of students preparation and proved that the basic element of the students preparation for independent efficient entry into the professional sphere is the professional and innovative activity of their

teacher, the efficiency of his/her innovative position in the development of the creative readiness of the students (Pautova, 2008). I.A. Zimnyaya, M.D. Lapteva consider the innovative and competence-oriented modeling as a tool of the efficient realization of the educational programs in innovative staff training (Zimnyaya, Lapteva, 2009). Relying on the interdisciplinary and systemic vision of the studied object, prediction of high-quality results, selection of the productivity factors stimulating the object development, determination of strategies of the achievement of high-quality result, on which one can rely when choosing technologies and ways of pedagogical tasks solution, the acmeological approach allows

to realize in full measure the innovative potential of the professional development.

In the innovative activity the system forming result is a product. Innovative activity is aimed at the transformation of the intellectual activity results into products (goods, works, services) and its further implementation. Innovative activity includes accomplishment of scientific and research works, designing works, experimental development and technological works aimed at the creation of the new or improved product and new or improved technological process; transformation of knowledge into the objects of intellectual property; commercialization and transfer of technologies; technological supply for an innovative product issue; conducting tests; production of the new or improved product and/ or application of the new or improved technology. Innovative product is a result of the innovative activity implemented in the form of new or improved product or technological process that can be used in practice (On state support of innovation activities in the Russian Federation).

The object of acmeology is the laws of products creation in the characteristics of the educational process participants by means of educational practices. It is the category of activity efficiency that synthesizes in itself the innovative potential of acmeology and allows extrapolating the theoretical and methodological apparatus of acmeology on the innovative process during the preparation of teaching staff for the innovative activity.


The necessity of the innovative activity development becomes even more topical in the conditions of new innovative objectives for the system of pedagogical educational. The main element in the professional activity of the university teacher is the training of high-qualified specialists that is based on fundamental

or applied scientific researches. Engagement of students in the work of scientific groups, implementation of scientific researches results in the production process in order to receive an end product define the innovative potential of students training. State Pedagogical University of Shuya purposefully creates the conditions for the innovative development of education, science and culture in Ivanovo region on the basis of elaboration, approbation and application of the project-oriented model of socio-cultural scientific and educational center (SEC) of staff training and retraining. The aim of the SEC is creation of the innovative environment, development of relations between universities and strategic partners, improvement of the quality of specialists training, innovative activity of the scientific and pedagogical corps. In the context of the realization of the program of development of university innovative infrastructure, the main process is the development of educational programs and technologies, creation of the system of generation and distribution of knowledge, competitive technologies and innovations, formation of modern university infrastructure and control system, creation of the modern system of human resources control. The major purpose of university innovative infrastructure is the establishment of conditions for acceleration of the process of commercialization of intellectual activity products, acceleration and optimization of the innovative process both for increase in additional extra-budget sources of development and improvement of educational services (Bucharov, Kirko, Zinov, 2008).

For the Russian innovative breakout in the context of the realization of the national educational initiative "Our new school" we need coordinated work for the training of new teachers, teachers-researchers, teachers-innovators. The formation of the demand for innovative character of professional pedagogical activity became the

main goal when establishing on the base of the scientific and educational center the center of youth pedagogical initiatives that became the form of integration and coordination of academic, scientific and innovative implementation potential of the youth. In the center students carry out scientific and research activity (projects preparation, participation in conferences, contests, expositions, etc); outside-of-class professional training (practical work in children health improvement camps, instructional and methodological camps); students' participation in the youth educational movement (work in hobby clubs according to the place of residence, helping children social associations); socio-pedagogical activity (work with handicapped children); organization of the health improvement campaigns (work in children health improvement camps). It provides deep integration of the educational component into the innovative processes, formation of students' innovative thinking in order to develop the innovative capability and susceptibility, assistance in the employment of graduate students, increasing the level of students' business culture, training of entrepreneur mentality. The student creates an intellectual property in the form of author programs, starts working on his/her specialty, learns to work in the sphere of innovative technologies, develops scientific and creative capabilities and solves the proposed tasks in the group.

The most completely formed innovation-oriented group is the student pedagogical group "Vegos" - a student organization attached to the university the members of which appear in the role of leaders as well as organizers of children's groups. The purpose of the pedagogical group is to educate not only children but also students. Being leaders, students test themselves in professional activity in practice. It contributes to the development of interest in pedagogical activity. The students acting jointly with the

scientists have the possibility to approbate author techniques and programs, to implement them in their independent work with children.

Where is the innovative character in the activity of the student pedagogical group? The system-forming feature of the innovative cycle is a process going from generation of an idea to the serial product with correspondent socio-economical effect. Author programs that students elaborate on demand of the educational services market actors (organizations, enterprises and other partners) are the very product that will be used in the direct work with children. This particularity - from generation of an idea to its serial use in practice - determines the innovative character of the activity of the student pedagogical group. Those professionally important new formations that the students acquire working with children and implementing innovative educational and pedagogical services give effect that is no less important and that is expressed in the formation and development of future teacher's competencies.

The training of students in the student pedagogical group is performed according to the model of teacher's innovation activity created by V.A. Slastenin and L.S. Podymova (Slastenin, Podymova, 1997). This model has an acmeological character because it is aimed at the efficient development of the professional activity actor and receiving an author product. The first stage includes the development of creative individuality, formation of students' capability to reveal, formulate, analyze and solve creative pedagogical problems, development of the general technology of creative search; the second stage means acquirement of the fundamentals of the scientific cognition methodology, pedagogical research, and introduction into the innovative pedagogy. The students meet social and scientific prerequisites for the innovative pedagogy formation, its fundamental concepts, different

types of innovative educational institutions, etc. The third stage is characterized by the acquirement of technology of the innovative activity: technique of author program creation, stages of experimental work, creation of an author program, analysis and prediction of the further development of the innovation and difficulties of implementation. The final forth stage includes practical work on the experimental ground for introduction of the innovation into the pedagogical process, correction and monitoring of experiment results, reflection of the professional activity.

The engagement of the students in practice-oriented activity contributes to the formation of their skills of creative implementation of obtained knowledge and abilities, helps to acquire the methodology of scientific research and research experience. Participation in creative, research and analytical work allows to use the creative potential of the youth for the elaboration of nontrivial and innovative approaches to solving topical socio-pedagogical problems. The students have the possibility to apply their knowledge in real practical activity, acquire organizational skills and innovative competencies, accumulate not only the experience of making decisions in different issues (working in stable groups) but the experience of work and communication in different (including temporary) groups, acquire the skills of making group decisions. The student pedagogical group has huge possibilities the use of which in pedagogical purpose appears possible due to the availability of innovative system of staff training.

The training program includes the following components: special practical work in a children's group in different institutions; practical work in a children's group in hobby clubs according to the place of residence, pedagogical activity of the students in hobby clubs according to the place of residence, analysis of the results of students' activity; practical work in children's groups in

a children's camp, instructional and methodical camp, elaboration of the program of sessions schedule in a children's camp, pedagogical activity in the camps of Ivanovo region with different groups of children, approbation of session schedule programs; special practical work with handicapped children in the complex rehabilitation centers, socio-pedagogical activity in the Shuya complex center; analysis of the results of students' activity according to the chosen fields, leader seminar; pedagogical activity of the formed groups in children's institutions. Every year students elaborate more than ten author programs. Implementation of these programs allows students to apply their professional knowledge and skills, get an experience of innovative activity, commercialize the results of intellectual activity.

The professional formation of student personality through the activity in the student group is aimed at the formation and development of students' innovative activity. It is important to emphasize that the execution of projects designed for particular tasks solution in the conditions of the pedagogical reality allows introduction into the educational process, composing the basis of the activity of the higher education sphere, of the elements of practical use of theoretical knowledge acquired by university students during the educational process. This very process allows implementing the innovative potential of the university and performing the practical integration of the activity of scientific schools into the efficient functioning of innovative infrastructure as a whole. It is possible to suggest that the students' pedagogical group is the optimal form of organization of the innovative environment at the pedagogical university allowing to perform the innovative scientific and educational process including the activity directed at the commercialization of students' intellectual product (Shmeleva, Tchistyakova, 2011).

The activity of creation of the innovative infrastructure at the universities for social studies and humanities as well as at other universities should be connected with the definition and registration of intellectual property. The genuinely scientific character of discoveries implemented in the results of intellectual activity can be provided only when students, young scientists do researches within existing scientific groups and dynamically developing scientific schools. It clearly manifests the necessary and sufficient condition of the scientific and educational process at the university - efficient relations between teachers and students. Only with the close contact with the scientists the students can join the acquirement and production of innovative products and services. It is hardly possible that students would be able to generate an idea and lead it to the moment of commercialization by their own. But it is not the meaning of the innovative character of university professional training. After all, the close relations between teachers and students has even more important "non-commercialized" educational effect - training of culture of scientific search, systematic character of work, respect to the scientific work, training of scientists with modern skills and competencies of the innovative activity in the professional area. This objective corresponds to the function of activation of the innovative activity of the graduates from the pedagogical universities in the field of their professional activity, formation of skills of initiative and implementation of the innovative projects.


The innovative activity in the higher education system is a complicated, dynamic, sequential process of generation, reinforcement and transformation of content characteristics of needs and motivation, cognitive, personal and

emotional substructures that provide the actor of activity with the possibility to perform social and professional activity; to determine vector and content of life strategy in compliance with the content and requirements of social situation of professional development; to compare reality with the reference standard and to design the optimal model of activity: to determine the peaks of achievements on each stage of professional formation and to integrate the acquired experience in order to reach "acme". The integral concept of substantive content of university teachers' innovative activity, conditions and factors of its optimization can be shaped on the basis of elaboration and application of acmeological concept including acmeological model with its fundamental components; algorithm, technologies and mechanisms of the innovative activity; substantive characteristics of structural components of acmeological environment; acmeological dependencies, regularities, efficiency evaluation and ways of innovative activity optimization.

The innovative activity in the higher education system can be performed efficiently due to conditions created in accordance with acmeological concept and providing teachers with the possibility to understand and accept the society requirements for activity and personality; to evaluate adequately and match individual and typological particularities with the professional requirements; to accept and perform the prescribed functions at the high level; to solve competently professional tasks; to develop innovative competence; to show innovative activity aimed at activity planning, transformation of personality and environment. The efficiency of the innovative activity in the higher education can be defined through distinguishing acmeological criteria in their correlation with the acmeological mechanisms actions determined internally and

externally; it is the basis for distinguishing acmeological dependencies and regularities; it guarantees the unbiased vision of maximum achievements on different stages and the concept of the peak achievements in the course of professional activity. The optimization of university teachers' innovative activity can be ensured by distinguishing and producing the necessary conditions and factors, applying design teaching technologies in the system of professional improvement courses, elaborating and implementing programs aimed at innovative development of personality and activity.

Thus, on the basis of acmeological approach, the innovative activity directed at receiving the intellectual product and establishing its serial production is extrapolated on educational practices of the training of new teachers. Author systems of teacher activity, teachers' strategies for the achievement of the students' high-quality results, projects of author systems of students' activity characterize the high-efficient activity of the actors of educational environment. Implementation of acmeological strategies, regularities and mechanisms allows attaining the innovative goals of the staff training for the new school.


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Инновационный потенциал акмеологического подхода в подготовке педагогических кадров

Е.А. Шмелева

ФГБОУВПО "Шуйский государственный педагогический университет" Россия 155908, Шуя, Ивановская обл., ул. Кооперативная, 24

В статье рассматриваются условия формирования инновационных компетенций преподавателей и студентов. Целостное представление о содержании инновационной деятельности в вузах, условиях и факторах ее оптимизации может быть сформировано на основе акмеологического подхода. Акмеология ориентирует на выделение факторов продуктивности, стимулирующих развитие объекта, определение стратегий достижения качественного результата, на которые можно опираться в выборе технологий и способов решения педагогических задач. Акмеологический подход позволяет оптимально реализовывать инновационный потенциал профессионального развития.

Ключевые слова: профессиональная подготовка, акмеологический подход, инновационная деятельность в высшей школе, педагогическое образование, инновационные компетенции, продуктивность деятельности.

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