Formation of motivation of older generation citizens for active longevity by means of adaptive
physical culture
UDC 796
Dr. Hab., Professor O.E. Evseeva1 PhD, Associate Professor E.B. Ladygina1
Corresponding member of RAE, Dr. Hab., Professor S.P. Evseev1 PhD, Associate Professor A.A. Shelekhov1 PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Aksenov1
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg
Corresponding author: [email protected]
Received by the editorial office on 25.01.2024
Objective of the study was to scientific substantiation of proposals for the use of adaptive physical culture means to create motivation for active longevity in older citizens (taking into account sensory, motor and mental disorders). Methods and structure of the study. To obtain the necessary information, an analysis of documentary materials and literary data on the current state of the problem of motivation for active aging among older citizens in the Russian Federation was used. In addition, the level of motivation among older citizens to engage in physical education was monitored. Results and conclusions. Studying the problem of developing motivation among older citizens (taking into account sensory, motor and mental disorders) for active longevity using pedagogical means of adaptive physical culture involves the use of an interdisciplinary approach that takes into account pedagogical, sociological, psychological, physiological and other aspects of this process.
The need for a multidimensional study of issues related to the formation of motivation among representatives of older age groups of the population for systematic physical education and sports, stated in the study, is due to the high heterogeneity of the studied population - elderly people of various nosological and age groups, the variability of spheres and social institutions that implement work in the interests of elderly citizens.
Keywords: active longevity, older generation, adaptive physical culture, motivation formation, All-Russian Sports Complex GTO.
Introduction. Currently, the problem of extending the active longevity of the population of our country has acquired national importance. One of the most environmentally friendly and socially approved options for solving this problem is to create conditions for increasing interest among older people in extending the active period of life through their involvement in various types of activities (physical education, educational, creative and others). This, in turn, requires building a constructive dialogue and developing flexible forms of cooperation between structures working in the interests of older citizens from various fields: physical culture and sports, social protection of the population, education, healthcare.
This research is planned as part of a state assignment to carry out research work on the topic: «De-
velopment of scientifically based proposals for developing motivation among older citizens (taking into account sensory, motor and mental disorders) for active longevity through adaptive physical culture».
Objective of the study was to scientific substantiation of proposals for the use of adaptive physical culture means to create motivation for active longevity in older citizens (taking into account sensory, motor and mental disorders).
Methods and structure of the study. To obtain the necessary information, an analysis of documentary materials and literary data on the current state of the problem of motivation for active aging among older citizens in the Russian Federation was used. In addition, the level of motivation among older citizens to engage in physical education was monitored.
Results of the study and discussion. The analysis of a number of regulatory documents allows us to say that today government structures are aimed at increasing life expectancy, reducing the mortality rate of the older population, and increasing the proportion of citizens, including the elderly, who systematically engage in physical education and sports.
However, in the process of implementing measures to develop motivation in older citizens for active longevity, it is necessary to take into account their psychophysical characteristics, capabilities and specific perception of reality at different age periods, which certainly influences the choice of means and methods for influencing the motivational structures of an elderly person. This age-related feature is provided for in the Strategy of Actions in the interests of older citizens in the Russian Federation until 2025 [2, 2 p.], where for the purposes of its implementation (taking into account the characteristics of life expectancy, health status and the pension system), citizens of the older generation are conventionally divided into 3 age subgroups: from 60 to 64 years old - a group of representatives of the older generation who, as a rule, continue their professional activities ; from 65 years to 80 years - people of this age are more often characterized by less activity and with more pronounced deviations in health; over 80 years of age are elderly citizens who require close attention from the social service and healthcare systems. However, even among this category of people there are people who are quite active socially [2, 2 p.].
Adaptive physical culture is the most attractive for people of the older generation due to the characteristics of the biological and socio-biological needs of a person that are satisfied with its help and allows creating conditions for active longevity, the motivation for which, according to researchers, should be formed throughout a person's life [1, 4 p.].
In this regard, as domestic experience shows, it is advisable to use the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex «Ready for Labor and Defense» (VFSK GTO). In 2020 and 2022 working group of researchers from NSU. P.F. Lesgafta, St. Petersburg, within the framework of the terms of reference in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia dated December 14, 2018 No. 1034 to carry out research work on the topic: «Research of means and methods aimed at developing motivation in persons with disabilities (with taking into account sensory, motor and mental disorders) to systematic physical edu-
cation and sports using the example of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex «Ready for Labor and Defense» (GTO) for people with disabilities (20202022), a survey was conducted of people with disabilities health of pre-retirement and retirement age (from 55 to 70 years and above), the purpose of which was to identify their motivation to participate in the physical culture and sports complex of the GTO. 479 people from 26 regions (subjects) of the Russian Federation took part in the survey. The respondents were distributed by age in accordance with the stages (from IX to XI) of the VFSK GTO.
Distribution of respondents answers to the question regarding the systematicity of physical education and sports. Thus, 240 respondents (50,0%) answered that they were engaged in physical activity in an independent format at home or in the park, 156 people (32,5%) answered that they were engaged in health groups, clubs or sports centers, and only 83 respondents - 7,5% of the total number of survey participants - gave a negative answer.
At the same time, with a high percentage of respondents regularly involved in physical education, half of those who carry out physical activity in an independent format were not satisfied with its quality. Most of them argue this fact by the lack of experience and knowledge in this area. In addition, the survey results revealed that after 65 years of age, interest in physical activity decreases.
When asked about the participation of respondents in the All-Russian Sports Complex of the GTO, it was revealed that starting from 60-69 years old, the percentage of those who did not take part in the physical education and sports complex increases, that is, they have not yet passed the test standards. The number of people who fail tests is also increasing. Moreover, from 27,7% to 39% of them no longer plan to take part in this type of activity. Most likely, this is due to a number of objective reasons, including health status.
In general, at this stage of the study, it was revealed that in the practice of working with representatives of the older generation to develop their motivation for active longevity, a wide variety of means of adaptive physical culture are used, including means and methods with the help of which students prepare to meet the standards of the All-Russian Sports Complex GTO, including including VFSK GTO for disabled people and persons with limited health capabilities. However, they require scientific justification, taking into account the characteristics of the nosological group and differen-
Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I I May I № 5 2024
tiation of the contingent depending on the age of older citizens (60-64 years old, 65-80 years old, over 80 years old). Moreover, the age subgroup over 80 years old requires the most attention in this regard.
Сonclusions. Studying the problem of developing motivation among older citizens (taking into account sensory, motor and mental disorders) for active longevity using pedagogical means of adaptive physical culture involves the use of an interdisciplinary approach that takes into account pedagogical, sociological, psychological, physiological and other aspects of this process.
The need for a multidimensional study of issues related to the formation of motivation among representatives of older age groups of the population to systematically engage in physical education and sports, stated in the study, is due to:
- high heterogeneity of the studied population - elderly people of various nosological and age groups,
- variability of spheres and social institutions that implement work in the interests of older citizens.
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2. Rasporyazheniye Pravitelstva Rossiyskoy Fed-eratsii ot 5 fevralya 2016 g. N 164-r «Strategiya deystviy v interesakh grazhdan starshego poko-leniya v Rossiyskoy Federatsii do 2025 goda». [Electronic resource]. Available at: (date of access: 10.02.2022).