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Ключевые слова
environmental knowledge / environmental education / native land / early childhood / tasks of environmental education / creative imagination / love of nature / phenomena of living and inanimate nature / educational games.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Imatzoda Lutfiya Mahmadullo, Nazarzoda Golibjon Yahyo

The article discusses the issue of familiarizing the younger generation with general environmental knowledge from an early age, analyzes and explores the ways and methods of environmental education in the family and preschool institutions. It is noted that providing children with environmental knowledge and environmental education, instilling a sense of protecting living and inanimate nature, protecting it from destruction and pollution is one of the important tasks of the moral education of children, since the child’s attitude to the nature of his native land is formed during this period. Love for nature, careful attitude towards it, care for living beings not only generates interest in children, but also fosters in their hearts a sense of patriotism, love of work, respect for adults and protection of the environment and its resources.

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Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Teaching Methods, Institute for Educational Development named after Abdurakhman Jami,



doctoral student (PhD) Institute for Educational Development named after Abdurakhman Jami, Tajikistan

The article discusses the issue of familiarizing the younger generation with general environmental knowledge from an early age, analyzes and explores the ways and methods of environmental education in the family and preschool institutions. It is noted that providing children with environmental knowledge and environmental education, instilling a sense of protecting living and inanimate nature, protecting it from destruction and pollution is one of the important tasks of the moral education of children, since the child's attitude to the nature of his native land is formed during this period. Love for nature, careful attitude towards it, care for living beings not only generates interest in children, but also fosters in their hearts a sense of patriotism, love of work, respect for adults and protection of the environment and its resources.

Key words: environmental knowledge, environmental education, native land, early childhood, tasks of environmental education, creative imagination, love of nature, phenomena of living and inanimate nature, educational games.

Protecting nature, taking care of the world and its flora and fauna is the duty of every individual. The researches of pedagogues and psychologists prove that environmental education, i.e. education of the sense of protection of nature, protecting it from destruction and pollution, is one of the important tasks of spiritual and moral education of young children, because the child's attitude towards the nature of the beloved country is formed in this period.

It should be noted that introducing children to the nature of the country is one of the important tasks of preschool institutions. In the process of acquiring knowledge about the world of flora and fauna, children's personal qualities are formed. On the basis of taking into account the knowledge, imagination and level of development of children, local conditions and opportunities, the coach educates them in the right attitude to wards nature. The choice of teaching methods depends on the content of the purpose of the training, the place of its implementation.

The scientific researches of L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Surovtseva, E.I. Flerina, R.I. Zhukovskaya, D.B. Elkonin, N.N. Podyakov and others had an impact on the development of the theory and practice of preschool education. Domestic scientists and researchers B. Majidova, M. Izzatova, L. Imatzoda, N. Yunusova, M. Obidova, Z. Qurbonova, G. Qurbonova, M. Akramova and others have also studied this issue.

From the point of view of scientists, from the first days of life, children are embraced not only by people and objects, but also by fascinating and unique nature. "The colorful and pleasant nature, with its variety and beauty, plays a role in the heart of the child. To the child, it seems as if he is seeing the nature around him for the first time, as if the birds are singing for him, insects are flying and jumping" - notes the researcher Z. Turgunova. [8,32]

Nature affects the child's soul, heart and vision, his emotions and spiritual world, and gives him infinite pleasure and joy. The child looks at the life-giving rays of the sun, the sound of the rain, the blowing of the wind, the shine of the moon and stars, the world of plants and animals attracts the child, and he tries to know more.

This is how children perceive nature for the first time, love it, and their curiosity is awakened. The development of creative abilities and imagination allows him not only to feel and perceive the beauty of the surrounding nature, but also to make efforts to create beauty, take care and protect it. Children can fully understand the beauty of nature, know its secrets with the help of adults, parents, teachers of preschool institutions. Adults support children's interest in the beauty of nature, encourage them to understand more, and use nature as an important means of education for beauty. [7,114]

The program of upbringing, education and development of preschool children "Ranginkamon" envisages acquaintance with nature from the second group of early age. In children, the desire to know plants, animals, caring attitude towards them is developed. [3,45] . Observing nature, being able to draw conclusions from comparison of events and events, striving and wanting to know more forms the unity of the process of development of speech and thinking in the preschool period.

Adults through nature to thousands of questions Why? From where? How are you? Why? they can answer. When answering the children's questions, the curiosity and knowledge of the children are satisfied, and they prepare themselves for intellectual activity. On the other hand, knowledge of natural phenomena, names of objects, flora and fauna enriches children's vocabulary and culture, helps to orderly speech and master the grammatical structure of the native language. It is possible to achieve the tasks set before us at the same time if we introduce children to the secrets of nature. Let's show the wonderful and interesting things about plants and animals, and learn to enjoy the fragrance of flowers and their beauty. The understanding of nature helps to develop the qualities of vitality, intelligence, careful attitude to all living beings.

National researcher N. Gulomova emphasizes that "A child who loves nature will not trample any flowers, will not destroy birds' nests, will not hurt animals. In kindergarten, serious attention is paid to the formation of love for the beloved city, countryside, country, homeland. Therefore, there are increased demands on the work of teachers to familiarize children with nature. The teacher must have the necessary knowledge in the field of biology to teach children how to plant plants, take care of animals, birds, and fish in the corner of nature, and how to work in the flower garden and garden. All these knowledge, skills and abilities are necessary for preparing children for school." [6, p. 63] In school, the level of knowledge and learning of young children is satisfied, and the skills and abilities of each child are determined by being able to express their thoughts clearly and completely. During the activity of acquaintance with the surrounding nature, children learn to be able to separate commonality and difference, the connection of details and the integrity of the laws of nature, and in this process the development of thought, imagination, feelings, abilities and talents are formed.

Nature is an important means of protecting and strengthening children's bodies. During play, walks, observations, and work in the lap of nature, children feel strong, active, and gain new impressions. Observing grasses and bushes, trees and gardens, birds and animals, insects and insects, people's work in different seasons of the year gives children joy and good time, prompting them to move and act. For example, picking leaves from trees, taking care of birds, animals (feeding, protecting, looking after, helping adults) is an interesting job for children, and they are physically fit.

Love for nature, careful attitude towards it, care for living beings, not only creates interest in children, but also fosters in their hearts the feeling of patriotism, love of work, respect for adults and protection of the surrounding world and its resources.

The following information is given about children's unusual events. Sun: At the beginning of spring, the weather is changeable. A cold wind blows. The weather is getting warmer day by day. [6, p. 63]

Тaking the children out for a walk, we understand that the sun is hotter today. As a result of the influence of the heat of the sun, the snow that has fallen quickly melted. You can take the snow in two containers and put one in the sun and the other in the shade, then show the children how the snow in the sun melted quickly, but it hasn't melted yet in the shade. With this, we explain the effect of the heat of the sun to children.

Wind: Children quickly feel the blowing of a pleasant wind. You can read this poem to the children: Come - come, wind The intoxicating mountain wind.

Here is a long day, We are waiting for you.

Thunder and lightning. At the beginning of spring, you can hear kaldar-kuldur thunder. You can observe how nature changes before the start of thunder and rain together with children. Explain the importance of spring rain and recite this poem: Frequent rains, Drop by drop. Water the land

Grain sprouts often. [2, p. 175]

Children not only observe the natural phenomena around them, the work of adults, but also take part in it themselves. Taking care of flowers and bushes, fish and birds, domestic animals, participating in the work of adults (harvesting in the garden and field), in the embrace of nature, develops children's skills and work skills, creates feelings of love for work, mutual help, and good relations between children and adults.

As a result, nature and labor become an important means of fulfilling the tasks of educating children to work hard.

By walking with children, we observe the world of animals and birds and expand the scope of children's knowledge.

Insects. We pay attention to the large number of mosquitoes and flies. Where are there more bees and butterflies. Let the children observe it. You ask them which birds catch insects in the air.

Birds. We explain to children that birds bring great benefits, their main food is pests. They show children how to make a nest. They have already made a nest.[5]

To form children's imagination about the living nature - plants, including about their germination and cultivation, to learn to distinguish plants by leaves, flowers, fruits and their benefits for humans, to strengthen and expand children's imagination about birds (domestic, resident, seasonal), the way of life and reproduction of their offspring, to expand the range of children's knowledge about animals (domestic, wild beast) their special external signs and characteristics, etc. are important tasks.

Formation of ideas about non-living nature, expansion of knowledge about natural phenomena (wind, heat and cold of the air, floods, floods, earthquakes), learning to independently observe natural phenomena and its changes in different seasons of the year are of great importance for the development of children's thinking and learning.

Also, learning to observe the changes in nature in autumn, winter, spring, summer and to be able to determine the changes in the world of flora and fauna, labor activity of people according to the main tasks in age groups are considered.

Acquaintance with seasonal changes in nature begins in autumn. The organization and content of the work will be carried out in several sessions on the theme: "Nature in autumn and people's occupation". From one topic to another, the demand for children's observations, summarization of observed data, and their comparison with each other becomes more complicated. [7,45]

The study of nature topics for autumn is carried out according to the following specific plan:

1. Educational trip to nature, where children of 6-7 years old get to know plants, animals, weather, and people's activities in autumn.

2. Work with nature's calendar in the course of classes.

3. Daily observation of nature in order to gain accurate knowledge about autumn.

The work is organized with the calendar of nature, and children of 6-7 years old put the appropriate weather sign in the "Calendar of nature".

Children of this age are introduced to the most common trees and shrubs that are directly accessible for observation. In the large group, the task of strengthening children's knowledge about local plants, being able to distinguish them by leaves, flowers, colors, recognizing 5-6 trees, 3-4 bushes, 4-5 types of fruit trees is set. With this tool, children get a lot of information about house plants. The end of the training is, first of all, the analysis of the performance of the tasks assigned by the coach. Children use the knowledge, skills, and abilities acquired during the activities in their daily activities.


1. Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On environmental education of the population". December 29, 2010, No. 673.- 25 p.

2. Lutfulloev M., Imatova L. "Sweet word" / Methodical guide. - Dushanbe, 2005.

3. Program of upbringing, education and development of preschool children "Rainbow". -Dushanbe, 2012. - 112 p.

4. Imatova L., Kotibova Sh. We study the world around us. - Dushanbe, 2011.

5. Majidova B., Turgunova Z. Acquaintance of children with nature non-living - Dushanbe, 2005. - 68 p.

6. Majidova B., Gulomova N. Children and the world of birds. Dushanbe, 2004. - 136 p.

7. Luchin M. V. A walk in nature. - M. 1966. - 115 p.

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