Научная статья на тему 'Formal characteristics of repetitions in Russian and English speech of the youth'

Formal characteristics of repetitions in Russian and English speech of the youth Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Gromoglasova T.I.

The article is written within the framework of functional linguistics and is dedicated to a study of repetition representation in language layers in Russian and English speech by the youth. The researcher reveals that sound repetitions can be of three varieties: simple vocal, simple consonant and complex sound repetitions, vowel repetition being the most common of them. The number of morphemic repetitions in youth speech turns out to be insignificant, since they are more characteristic of artistic speech. At the same time, Russian, being an inflectional language, shows higher quantitative indicators. The study revealed that the most common type of repetition is lexical. The article discusses its belonging to different parts of speech, length and grammatical variability. Most lexical repetitions are repetition of a word with 1-3 syllables, excluding grammatical variation. As for formal characteristics of syntactical repetition, it can occur both closely and distantly as a full or partial repetition with lexical or syntactical changes. The system analysis of the repetition phenomenon has showed that its representation at all layers of the linguistic system is characteristic of both studied languages, and the peculiarities of formal representation are due to the structure of a particular language.

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Статья выполнена в рамках функциональной лингвистики и посвящена изучению поярусной представленности повторов в русской и английской молодежной речи. Было определено, что звуковые повторы проявляются в обоих языках тремя разновидностями: простом вокальном, простом консонантном и сложном звуковом повторе, причем, наиболее распространенный из них повтор гласной. Количественная представленность морфемных повторов в молодежной речи оказалась незначительной, поскольку они более характерны для художественной речи. При этом, русский, являясь флективным языком. показывает более высокие количественные показатели. В ходе исследования было выявлено, что самый распространенный вид повторов лексический. В статье анализируется их частеречная принадлежность, протяженность и грамматическая вариативность. Большинство лексических повторов представляют собой повторение слова в 1-3 слога, исключающее грамматическую вариативность. Что касается формальных характеристик синтаксического повтора, он может проявляться как контактно, так и дистантно в качестве полного или частичного повтора с лексическими или синтаксическими изменениями. Системный анализ феномена повтора показал, что его представленность на всех рассматриваемых уровнях языковой системы характерна для каждого из исследуемых языков, а особенности формальной репрезентации обусловлены строением конкретного языка.

Текст научной работы на тему «Formal characteristics of repetitions in Russian and English speech of the youth»

щающийся»), кайзурси илбис сай «о хитром и коварном человеке (буке. «настоящий дьявол/бес»), халаси жинд «о коварном человеке» (буке. «большой бес») и т.д. Использование названий мифологических существ связано с обозначением отрицательных качеств человека, имеющих ярко выраженный характер. Аналогичные названия в составе фразеологических единиц со значением интенсивности встречаются и в английском языке: lucky devil «счастливчик» (буке. «счастливый черт, дьявол»).

Проведенный сопоставительный анализ гендерных даргинских и английских фразеологических единиц со смысловым компонентом «очень», соотносительных с зооморфным и растительным кодами культуры, показывает, что имеют место как типологически общие, так и национально-культурные признаки, свидетельствующие об общечеловеческих и национально-специфических особенностях образно-ассоциативного и эмоционально-интеллектуального осмысления

Библиографический список

образа человека в окружающем мире носителями даргинского и английского языков.

Ряд компонентов в составе характеризуемых фразеологических единиц даргинского и английского языков выполняет национально и гендерно обусловленные символические функции. В этом плане данные компоненты, исторически получившие национально-культурную интерпретацию, стали культурными знаками языка. Такие лексические компоненты, выполняющие роль культурных знаков языка, символизируют те или иные ментально интерпретируемые качества человека.

Рассмотренные фразеологические единицы в обоих языках характеризуются и гендерным признаком, который играет особую роль в силу специфики национальной ментальности и особенностей дагестанской и англо-саксонской лингвокультур.

1. Гасанова С.Н. Культурно-маркированные компоненты в составе устойчивых словосочетаний агульского языка. Вестник Дагестанского государственного университета. Вып. 3. Филологические науки. Махачкала, 2011: 109 - 1l2.

2. Магадова С.Ц. Образ трусливого человека в лакском языке. Вестник Дагестанского государственного университета. Вып. 3. Филологические науки. Махачкала, 2014: 190 - 194.

3. Мисиева Л.А. Национально-культурная гендерная фразеология в аварском и английском языках. Вестник Дагестанского государственного университета. Вып. 3. Филологические науки. Махачкала, 2014: 120 - 125.

4. Мисиева Л.А. Структурно-грамматическая характеристика гендерных фразеологических единиц в аварском языке. Вестник Дагестанского государственного университета. Вып. 3. Филологические науки. Махачкала, 2011: 66 - 69.

5. Самедов Д.С., Алиханова Л.Г. Наименования времен года в аварских паремиологических единицах, выражающих концепт «время». Вестник Дагестанского государственного университета. Вып. 3. Филологические науки. Махачкала, 2012: 51 - 53.

6. Самедов Д.С. Образ человека в зеркале фразеологических единиц, построенных на основе принципа алогизма (на материале ФЕ дагестанских языков). Вестник Дагестанского государственного университета. Вып. 3. Филологические науки. Махачкала, 2011: 101 - 104.

7. Харчиева М.Р К вопросу об определении компонентного состава компаративных фразеологических единиц андийского языка. Вестник Дагестанского государственного университета. Вып. 3. Филологические науки. Махачкала, 2012: 46 - 50.

8. Самедов Д.С., Самедов М.Д. Образ человека в дагестанской фразеологии (краткий словарь фразеологических единиц). Махачкала, 2011: 103 - 124.

9. Кунин А.В. Англо-русский фразеологический словарь. Москва, 1955.

10. Амирбекова С.А. Фразеологические единицы со смысловым компонентом «очень» в русском и английском языках. Диссертация ... кандидата филологических наук. Махачкала, 2009.


1. Gasanova S.N. Kul'turno-markirovannye komponenty v sostave ustojchivyh slovosochetanij agul'skogo yazyka. VestnikDagestanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Vyp. 3. Filologicheskie nauki. Mahachkala, 2011: 109 - 112.

2. Magadova S.C. Obraz truslivogo cheloveka v lakskom yazyke. Vestnik Dagestanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Vyp. 3. Filologicheskie nauki. Mahachkala, 2014: 190 - 194.

3. Misieva L.A. Nacional'no-kul'turnaya gendernaya frazeologiya v avarskom i anglijskom yazykah. Vestnik Dagestanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Vyp. 3. Filologicheskie nauki. Mahachkala, 2014: 120 - 125.

4. Misieva L.A. Strukturno-grammaticheskaya harakteristika gendernyh frazeologicheskih edinic v avarskom yazyke. Vestnik Dagestanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Vyp. 3. Filologicheskie nauki. Mahachkala, 2011: 66 - 69.

5. Samedov D.S.,Alihanova L.G. Naimenovaniya vremen goda v avarskih paremiologicheskih edinicah, vyrazhayuschih koncept «vremya». Vestnik Dagestanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Vyp. 3. Filologicheskie nauki. Mahachkala, 2012: 51 - 53.

6. Samedov D.S. Obraz cheloveka v zerkale frazeologicheskih edinic, postroennyh na osnove principa alogizma (na materiale FE dagestanskih yazykov). Vestnik Dagestanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Vyp. 3. Filologicheskie nauki. Mahachkala, 2011: 101 - 104.

7. Harchieva M.R. K voprosu ob opredelenii komponentnogo sostava komparativnyh frazeologicheskih edinic andijskogo yazyka. Vestnik Dagestanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Vyp. 3. Filologicheskie nauki. Mahachkala, 2012: 46 - 50.

8. Samedov D.S., Samedov M.D. Obraz cheloveka v dagestanskoj frazeologii (kratkijslovar' frazeologicheskih edinic). Mahachkala, 2011: 103 - 124.

9. Kunin A.V. Anglo-russkij frazeologicheskj slovar'. Moskva, 1955.

10. Amirbekova S.A. Frazeologicheskie edinicy so smyslovym komponentom «ochen'» v russkom i anglijskom yazykah. Dissertaciya ... kandidata filologicheskih nauk. Mahach-kala, 2009.

Статья поступила в редакцию 30.03.19

УДК 81-25

Gromoglasova T.I., Cand. of Sciences (Philology), senior lecturer, Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management (Novosibirsk, Russia),

E-mail: [email protected]

FORMAL CHARACTERISTICS OF REPETITIONS IN RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH SPEECH OF THE YOUTH. The article is written within the framework of functional linguistics and is dedicated to a study of repetition representation in language layers in Russian and English speech by the youth. The researcher reveals that sound repetitions can be of three varieties: simple vocal, simple consonant and complex sound repetitions, vowel repetition being the most common of them. The number of morphemic repetitions in youth speech turns out to be insignificant, since they are more characteristic of artistic speech. At the same time, Russian, being an inflectional language, shows higher quantitative indicators. The study revealed that the most common type of repetition is lexical. The article discusses its belonging to different parts of speech, length and grammatical variability. Most lexical repetitions are repetition of a word with 1-3 syllables, excluding grammatical variation. As for formal characteristics of syntactical repetition, it can occur both closely and distantly as a full or partial repetition with lexical or syntactical changes. The system analysis of the repetition phenomenon has showed that its representation at all layers of the linguistic system is characteristic of both studied languages, and the peculiarities of formal representation are due to the structure of a particular language.

Key words: sound repetition, morphemic repetition, lexical repetition, syntactical repetition, youth speech.

Т.И. Громогласова, канд. филол. наук, доц., Новосибирский государственный университет экономики и управления, г. Новосибирск,

E-mail: [email protected]


Статья выполнена в рамках функциональной лингвистики и посвящена изучению поярусной представленности повторов в русской и английской молодежной речи. Было определено, что звуковые повторы проявляются в обоих языках тремя разновидностями: простом вокальном, простом консонантном и сложном звуковом повторе, причем, наиболее распространенный из них - повтор гласной. Количественная представленность морфемных повторов в

молодежной речи оказалась незначительной, поскольку они более характерны для художественной речи. При этом, русский, являясь флективным языком, показывает более высокие количественные показатели. В ходе исследования было выявлено, что самый распространенный вид повторов - лексический. В статье анализируется их частеречная принадлежность, протяженность и грамматическая вариативность. Большинство лексических повторов представляют собой повторение слова в 1-3 слога, исключающее грамматическую вариативность. Что касается формальных характеристик синтаксического повтора, он может проявляться как контактно, так и дистантно в качестве полного или частичного повтора с лексическими или синтаксическими изменениями. Системный анализ феномена повтора показал, что его представленность на всех рассматриваемых уровнях языковой системы характерна для каждого из исследуемых языков, а особенности формальной репрезентации обусловлены строением конкретного языка.

Ключевые слова: звуковой повтор, морфемный повтор, лексический повтор, синтаксический повтор, молодежная речь.

Since the 1950s the phenomenon of repetition has aroused great interest among linguists, which is due to its frequent occurrence in most languages - of the world. On the one hand, repetition is a phenomenon that contravenes the law of language economy as it is often defined as linguistic redundancy, but on the other hand, it can be viewed as a feasible element of communication.

Traditionally, the problem of repetition was studied by theorists of literature as a means of emotional amplification, rhythm and music or compositional organization and harmonization of the text (N.T. Golovkina, V.D. Ivshin, N.A. Kozhevnikova, N.S. Novikova, M.V. Pankratova, K. Koguchi, J.H. Stek et al.). There are also works in the field of grammar in which repetition is researched from the point of view of word formation and grammatical forms (O.Y. Kryuchkova, E.V. Petukhova, F.I. Rozhansky, E.Y. Shamlidi et al.).

Studies of repetition as an element of discourse have gained popularity quite recently. The current study of repetition is based on the material of youth discourse for several reasons. Firstly, youth is a special sociocultural group in which various linguistic processes are vividly expressed. Secondly, there is lack of repetition research done on the basis of oral youth speech, though there are works devoted to repetition in written youth discourse [1], youth newspaper discourse [2] and youth song discourse [3]. Thus, the choice of the research material as well as the idea to study repetition in the paradigm of communicative linguistics determines the timeliness of thiswork.

The aim of the research is to define formal characteristics of repetition in Rowsian and English youth speech and reveal its universal and nationally determined features. The repetition in the research was viewed as a phenomenon that is presented by repeated sounds, morphemes, words or groups of words.

The material for the study of repetition in Russian youth discourse wow the speech of students and graduates of higher educational institutions of Biysk, Barnaul (Altai Territory) and Novosibirsk, recorded by the researcher on a dictaphone iainfor-mal settings. As for English youth discourse, the research material was compiled by speech of students and graduates of various US universities, part of the collection of American speaking Santa Barbara corpus of spoken American English [4]. Despite the fact that for both languages the informants were aware of the recording, theirhpeech was considered unprepared because they did not know when and in what sitationt they would be recorded. Speech of only those speakers for whom the languages - in question are native was researched. The age of participants varied from 18 to 27 years.

The selected fragments of speech were transcribed by the researcher in tho format of literary alphabetic transcriptions with graphic inserts in the case of re|hetitions. Using continuous sampling method, the researcher identified 350 cases of repetition in each language. The selection of repetitions took place within one microtext with a microtheme, which made up a single semantic fragment.

In the course of the research every identified case of repetition was analyzed in terms of belonging to a particular type (sound, morphemic, lexical, syntactical), its formal structural and compositional characteristics in Russian and English youth speech. Data on the frequency of occurrence of a particular type of repetition is presentedin Figure 1.

Figure 1. Types ofrepetitions inRussianandEnglish youth speech and their frequencyofoccurrence

The diagram shows that the most common type of repetition in youth speech is lexical repetition, which was identified in more than half of the cases (in Russian - 210 units, in English - 178 units). With small percentage of difference, occur sound (64 units in Russian, 79 - in English) and syntactical repetitions (55 and 83 units, respectively). The least common type of repetition is a morphemic one, presented by only 21 units in Russian and 10 units in English. Let us have a closer look at formal characteristics ofevery typeofrepetition.

Sound repetition

Sound repetition in Russian and English youth speech is presented by both simple vocal or consonant repetitions and complex ones. It should be noted that a set of repeated sounds was viewed as a complex sound repetition only when the repeated sounds did not form a morpheme or a word, otherwise, it was treated as a morphemic or lexical repetition. The results of the quantitative analysis of sound repetition representation arereflectedin table 1.

According to the data, different types of sound repetition appear in the studied languages with different degree of frequency. The most often observed is the repetition of vowels, which is obviously connected with the nature of this type of sound as vowels are pronounced without major obstacles in the organs of speech, thus, they can be easier reproduced repeatedly.

Vocal repetitions can be divided into two groups: repetition of an autonomous vowel and repetition of a vowel in a word. The first group consists of Russian sounds [э], [a], [и] and English sounds [e], [л], which in most cases occur during the pause of hesitation when a speaker is selecting the most appropriate verbal embodiment for his thought:

Потомучто э-э-э ну у меня было несколько случаев...;

They'll be able to u-u-uh grow circuitry that issocomplicated...

Table 1

Sound repetitions in Russian and English youth speech

Repetition type Number of repetitions in Russian speech, % Number of repetitions in English speech,%

Simple vocal repetition 75,0 60,8

[a] 28,1 [л] 27,8

[э] 26,5 [e], И 6,3

[и] 7,8 [3] 10,3

[о] 6,3 [I] 3,8

[у] 4,6 M 6,3

[ы] 1,7 [и] 5,1

M 1,2

Simple consonant repetition 12,5 20,3

[м] 9,3 [m] 13,9

[с] 3,2 [s] 2,6

[d] 2,6

[w] 1,2

Complex sound repetition 12,5 18,9

Due to a wide variety of complex sound repetition combinations, they are illustrated in the examples below.

Along with the isolated repetition of vowel [л] in English speech, it is also often found in the u-u-um sound combination, which is typical of the American variant of English speech. Therefore, this can be considered as a sociolinguistic phenomenon.

As for the second group of vocal repetitions, it consists of a more varied range of vowels that can take two positions in a word: middle and final. For example:

Ой/ да пока-а-азывали же по телеку//;

Не-е-е/ такие туфли я бы точно никогда не выбрала//;

She just l[u-u-u]ked at me//;

Give it to m[i- i- i]//.

Compared to vocal repetition, consonant repetition is observed in Russian and English youth speech less often. In the majority of cases such type of repetition is presented by autonomous repetition of Russian [м] and English [m] sounds. The nature of this repetition is quite similar to repetition of an autonomous vowel because, firstly, it occurs in the speech to fill the pause of hesitation and, secondly, it can be pronounced lengthily due to its articulation capability as a labial sonant.

М-м-мI не только в спорте...;

M-m-m/ but I'm like not homesick at all//.

Single repetitions of Russian consonant [c] and English consonants [s], [d], [w] can be viewed as random since they appear incidentally and occur in case of speech failure, which may be caused by distracting noises, articulation breakdown, unintended actions or facial expressions of an interlocutor:

То есть у вас есть с..средства/ там все на свете//;

She looked at me/ but she d.. .she didn't see me//.

Another type of repetition that can be observed when speech failure occurs is complex sound repetition. Such repetitions usually consist of 2-3 sounds, always take the initial position in a word and are characterized by double contact representation:

...чт/чтобы они не особо сильно старались//;

It's just matrixing/ and/ just/ con—constantly building and building//.

Morphemic repetition

Morphemic repetition in Russian and English youth speech has shown the lowest level of frequency among other types of repetition (6,0% and 2,9% in Russian and English speech correspondingly). The "unpopularity" of morphemic repetition isprimarilydue to the fact that spoken speech is stylistically weak, and repetitionsofthistepesreopen used to create a targeted stylistic effect and, thus, are more characteristic of literary works. Still, the number of the identified cases of morphemicrepetitionallowetoehtn line its common features. All repeated elements are root morphemes which take initial position and are located distantly. The length of morphemic rPoeЫГюoneeriesberween one and three syllables, most of which are doubling, though there are some cases of triplication. For example:

- Ну теперь тебе грустно// - Да// - Ну не груст uencpopo лneeRв/

For everybody to have all the electronic this and that/that they want/ because there'll be so little loss of electricity//.

Lexical repetition

According to the findings of the research, lexical repefifiooistoe mostfrot quent type of repetition in youth speech (210 and 178 units inRunoiao inEeelleS speech correspondingly). As lexical repetition can be presented tyd^erorrt eorte of speech, all identified cases in the discussed languages wereenalnzed in terms of parts of speech they belong to and frequency of their occurrence in speech (table 2).

ТаЫе S

Lexical repetitions in Russian and English youth speec h

The majority of lexical repetitions belong to notional parts of speech, the noun, the pronoun and the verb being the most commonly used among them. This can be explained by the fact that these parts of speech carry a greater semantic meaning. Interestingly, English speech contains a larger number of pronoun repetitions (compared to other notional parts of speech), which is probably due to the typical two-member structure of the English sentence and the intention of the speaker to replace the noun with a pronoun, which formally simplifies the utterance.

Repetitions of secondary parts of speech are generally less common, although according to the findings, particle repetitions in Russian youth speech occur quite frequently. Such type of repetition is mostly presented by the words да, нет, типа, че, which are quite typical of Russian speakers of the targeted age. Similar markers of colloquial speech are also found in English, but they are mainly presented by syntactical structures, for example, I mean, you know.

All types of lexical repetitions were examined in terms of the length of repeated elements. The obtained results are presented in Figure 2.


Parts of speech Number of repetitions Number of repetitions in

in Russian speech, % English speech, %

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

Notional parts of speech 74,3 82,6

Noun 18,6 19,6

Pronoun 16,2 32,5

Verb 21,9 14,6

Adverb 10,0 5,6

Adjective 6,7 9,0

Numeral 0,9 %

Secondary parts of speech 26,7 MS

Particle 15,2 лд

Conjunction 4,3 6,7

Preposition 6,2 1,2

Article - 2,3

2. Length of lexical repetitions in Russian and English youth speech andtheirfrequencyofoccurrence

T°e rweufeo0 qeteMwe ctateensSeistavestowed theUtelenf h efrepetit fonsie RussiesyoutepsescSpnpOe tt syrettes, whnress ^oglis! - BnoSleOtes. Both languages demonstrate tendency to repetition of short words: in Russian these eгeopeaoOtwo-syliaЫeгesetrmns otd тЕпоИ^ -io moereaohs ooemyllsble. Is fact, the English language in general contains more short words of one syllable than Russian, otd teee montЕoque-Wpecsuгineolloqhial epeechse tEehSenote tfemost significant phenomena of everyday life [5].

As feetfe nembetpf reseatedoiemehts of|exiceil•eoetitiooS| 73,e%of thernip tts R^o^^p ass 7e,e% ¡п tSe Sn^th losgiraee агеОоиЬИггрТптояШт

is observed in 14,8% cases in Russian and 15,2% cases in English. There are also доьгГоИ rn|0%ooPmiP%pfiperoiS П^%эоП0г1 °Р>0опс1 ВхГпИ repetidoner0|5% end 0,5%), but the frequency of their occurrence in speech is much lower. The elements refAdtedmose tsвntoott|mow¡rrosspconp oftfie^of speociiftoybe ¡teigto^nr poesn emphads:

-ДaяxomRЕPЕшwrшпmocmo spsmbc RmpoeeBomeo senmMaunsm бpemьs то альна eemonpypo мeweнe//A ecReнapadoоnyлxaotьsap/aotutre3i'пs машина будет на Малахова// - Ну тебе проще значит поехать без машины нeoaбmmвSS.

Lexical repetitions can occur in Russian and English youth speech both closely osul d^amm elnppaflin0 eu the Teascm for their occurrence in speech. For example, repetitioncaused f speechfailure iscontact , while re^trtbn to summarize anidea is distant.

O'sllke... it'sniae.h sSp'eevclsinq//YcuknuwSrideeit'n funcede

Ну она меня короче попросила седня забрать ее со Смоленского ¡uaSdHaSHy nu Смслиеск/рсСсеаоСморенапое//пУееРРаВстСснее там короче/ ну она не сегодня попросила как бы это/ дня три назад// У меня то есть пeвpeмeнeвno пowyчaлseoOOW ^me sept>чs/эmпeoнu eo4Pposf <goвжtrьtcвSPo epospamьOeew/Seлжoыбылennporpenpuoeamo/Pmnee в o6edaaReaneoomPMp что у нее тут какой-то спектакль/ она не успевала на него// Попросила рвбрст//

Syntactical repetition

The ^«^se^i^c^h of ccntacticalrepelitionshasrevealedits three types: full, partial wShlesiculuhsntastdxrsnsion, ttuasadea psSialreplasementeflexisalunits),pcd dseclwuhuuetaeacnp c'sngns (yuetterwcrdsrdes op^^f^^nsi^tererx™ndc^i^)^^ruc). Dsnannelysis is presexieC in tab!e С

Quantitative difference in the number of syntactical repetitions in Russi gnSCuaitnt ^ud EnslisS .OS finesscac Ue П^М cel-loquial markers in English youth speech are often presented by syntactical structures (e.g. I mean, You know). Such repetitions account for 25,3% of all English syntactical repetitions, which increases their total number in English speech.

Table 3

Syntactical repetitions in Russian and English youth speech

Repetition type Number of repetitions in Russian speech, % Number of repetitions in English speech, %

Full 32,7 63,9

Partial 67,3 36,1

- with lexical changes 45,5 31,3

- with syntactical changes 21,8 4,8

Examples of full syntactical repetitions, preserving both syntactic parallelism and lexical meaning, are observed in the following speech fragments:

- А ты знаешь/что седня Диме морду набили? - Морду набили?;

- And she was so miserable/cause she's studying/but she only has two weeks left//- Wow//- Two weeks left...

Partial repetitions with lexical changes are presented in the discussed languages quite equally. Their varieties with examples are given below:

• Expansion of lexical units

То есть есть вещи/ которые нравятся/ есть вещи/ которые настолько сильно не нравятся//;

- Tuna fish was great// - Tuna fish was not great//.

• Truncation of lexical units

- Чтобы они не особо сильно старались// толи денег дали/ толи что// - Кто дал? Правительство дало деньги спортсменам/ чтобы они не старались?;

No/thanks//1 don't like green apples//1 don't like apples/at all//.

• Partial replacement of lexical units

Слушай/ а она ведь не только хорошо готовит/ но еще и хорошо декорирует//;

Yeah// I miss my house//1 miss the feeling//.

Unlike partial syntactical repetitions with lexical changes, the number of partial repetitions with syntactical changes in Russian and English speech differs significantly.

Библиографический список

This is due to the fact that in English, which is not characterized by diversity and abundance of inflections, repetitions with changes in grammatical forms are extremely rare. During the research only four cases of syntactical repetition in English were found, one of which is the following:

You know and it...it'll be so small/ that we'll have enormous amount...u-u-uh... we should have an enormous supply of it//.

In the Russian language, which is essentially synthetic, syntactical type of repetition occurs quite often. For example:

... иди на АЗС оператором// Надежда Петровна сказала/ идут на АЗС операторами//.

In this case, one can observe syntactical repetition with a change in two grammatical forms - the verb and the noun, which is rather typical of the Russian language as well as repetitions with syntactical changes related to word order:

- Юля/ тебе хочется выпускаться-то? - Ну как/ выпускаться хочется/ конечно/ но и жалко тоже//.

Not a single case of such type of repetition was found in the English corpus. The absence of such repetitions is probably due to fixed word order in the English sentence, and inversion that can occur in affirmative sentences.

If to speak about compositional characteristics of syntactical repetitions, position of the repeated elements can be both contact and distant. The average length of this type of repetition in both languages is 2-4 words, the majority being two-word repetitions. The number of repetitions is limited to double or triple repetition, most of which is double repetition.

The conducted research has proven the occurrence of repetition in Russian and English youth speech at all levels of the linguistic system: sound, morphemic, lexical and syntactical, but they appear with various degrees of frequency. The most common are lexical repetitions, which are quantitatively presented by more than half of all cases of repetition. Syntactical and sound repetitions constitute approximately 20% of the total number of repetitions, whereas morphemic repetitions, presented by 4%, are the least commonly used. The most frequent repetitions according to formal characteristics in Russian and English are both full and partial contact repetitions, located in the initial position and consisting of one or two syllables (in case of lexical repetition). The specific features of repetitions in English (as opposed to Russian) are one-syllable grammatically equivalent lexical repetitions, as well as the dominance of full syntactical repetitions over partial ones.

1. Цибизов К.С. Самопрезентация языковой личности в немецком молодежном чат-дискурсе: собственно молодёжное и национально-специфическое. Автореферат диссертации ... кандидата филологических наук. Саратов, 2009.

2. Чабаненко М.Г Молодёжный дискурс как реализация типовой и индивидуальной языковой личности. Автореферат диссертации ... кандидата филологических наук. Кемерово, 2007.

3. Шевченко О.В. Лингвосемиотика молодежного песенного дискурса (на материале английского языка). Автореферат диссертации ... кандидата филологических наук. Волгоград, 2009.

4. Du Bois J.W. Santa Barbara corpus of spoken American English. Available at http://www.linguistics.ucsb.edu/research/sbcorpus_recordings.html

5. Плоткин В.Я. Как устроен английский язык? Available at http://www.philology.ru/linguistics3/plotkin-99.htm


1. Cibizov K.S. Samoprezentaciya yazykovoj lichnosti v nemeckom molodezhnom chat-diskurse: sobstvenno molodezhnoe i nacional'no-specificheskoe. Avtoreferat dissertacii ... kandidata filologicheskih nauk. Saratov, 2009.

2. Chabanenko M.G. Molodezhnyjdiskurs kakrealizaciya tipovoj iindividual'nojyazykovoj lichnosti. Avtoreferat dissertacii ... kandidata filologicheskih nauk. Kemerovo, 2007.

3. Shevchenko O.V. Lingvosemiotika molodezhnogo pesennogo diskursa (na materiale anglijskogo yazyka). Avtoreferat dissertacii ... kandidata filologicheskih nauk. Volgograd, 2009.

4. Du Bois J.W. Santa Barbara corpus of spoken American English. Available at http://www.linguistics.ucsb.edu/research/sbcorpus_recordings.html

5. Plotkin V.Ya. Kak ustroen anglijskijyazyk? Available at http://www.philology.ru/linguistics3/plotkin-99.htm

Статья поступила в редакцию 22.03.19

УДК 811.111

Grudina M.V., Cand. of Sciences (Philology), senior lecturer, Russian Customs Academy St. Petersburg branch n.a. V. Bobkov (St. Petersburg, Russia),

E-mail: [email protected]

Shchebelskaya E.G., Cand. of Sciences (Pedagogy), senior teacher, Senior Lecturer, Russian Customs Academy St. Petersburg branch n.a. V. Bobkov

(St. Petersburg, Russia), E-mail: [email protected]

COMMUNICATIVE-STYLISTIC FEATURES OF DIALOGICAL SPEECH IN ENGLISH PROSAIC WORKS. Communicative-stylistic approach towards the analysis of prosaic texts contributes to making links between the narration and narrator and distinguishing between the literary works and the presentation and reflection of the reality. That gives a special understanding of the literary works as representation of the linguoculturological aspect in working with foreign literature and getting acquainted with the linguistic worldview. The author points to the importance of fiction of large genres, such as the novel and the story, for the formation of linguistic and cultural literacy in the framework of the language being studied, as well as the development of communicative and stylistic features, since it is the works of large genres that allow plunging into the world of the language that is studied.

Key words: communicative-stylistic approach, dialogical speech, direct speech, literary work, foreign communicative competence.

М.В. Грудина, канд. филол. наук, доц., Санкт-Петербургский имени В.Б. Бобкова филиал Российской таможенной академии, г. Санкт-Петербург,

E-mail: [email protected]

Э.Г. Щебельская, канд. пед. наук, ст. преп., доц., Санкт-Петербургский имени В.Б. Бобкова филиал Российской таможенной академии,

г. Санкт-Петербург, E-mail: [email protected]

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