Kushbakova D.A. teacher of Uzbek language and literature
Part-time department JDPU Boriboyev M.
3rd year student group-1206 part-time department JDPU
Abstract: The linguopoetics of Muhammad Yusufs work and the scientific and methodological interpretation of poetic speech are shown. In it, the means of poetic speech are distinguished and the use of different styles in the artist's poems is explained. The folk style and originality of Muhammad Yusufs lyrics were studied, and the lexicon of oral and literary style of speech was analyzed. The stanzas selected from among the poet's poems are analyzed and the method of synonymous lines and combinations with nouns is widely revealed.
Key words: Muhammad Yusuf, linguopoetics, poetic speech, creator, poems, synonymous lines, combinations with nouns.
There is no greater happiness than living in freedom, no higher fortune than living in peace in one's homeland. Therefore, there is no poet in the world who did not write a poem dedicated to his homeland, who did not wave his pen full of pride and joy about its independence and freedom. Poetry itself has a divine meaning. Such a holy and great feeling as love for the motherland and love for the mother can be given to a person by Allah in glaciers, deserts, and sand fields. But the Creator has given us a country called Uzbekistan, which has gold in its soil and does not finish reading the song of nightingales every morning. That's why we should consider ourselves happy. The well-known literary critic O. Sharafiddinov has the following words: "...The motherland is a great gift given to us: love for the motherland is also a great gift given to each of us."
Indeed, our homeland is so sacred. Such is our patriotic poet who loves the country. M. Yusufs lyrics contain many poems in praise of our motherland. Regardless of the current topic of his poems, the land of his birth and upbringing is recognized as his incomparableness. "In the work of M. Yusuf, the Uzbek people cannot find an image without their country. In the following passage, we will witness the correctness of our opinion.
Ehtirom etganida ehromlari bor,
Kekkaygan bo'yin egmagay zinhor.
Beshik to'la jajji Islomlari bor -Tosh o'tmas qo'rg' o'xshaydi o'zbek Kindik qoni tomgan tuproq unga shon, Kerak bo'lsa, beso'z baxt etar u jon-Ko'krakka urmaydi: Vatan deb, Vatan! Alpomish o'g'longa o'xshaydi o'zbek"
Muhammad Yusufs poems became a treasure of the reader's heart because of their simplicity, sincerity, and being close to the soul of the people. In his poems, the landscapes of the homeland, where he was born and raised, and the spirit of the country are clearly visible. He was awarded the prize of the republican youth organization for his poetry collection "Sleeping Girl". The writer's poetry collection
He expresses his thoughts on the simplicity of his work. I hate quiet, arrogant words in life. I want to express the word as it is. It is completely superfluous to paint over it. Whatever the word, when used correctly, simplicity and fluency will come naturally. The right words can be embellished and made too beautiful, but what's the use if your parents don't understand them. I think so, says the poet, he was the owner of a deep worldview, which can be seen with such sincerity. At this point, we will pay attention to the verses of the poem "Motherland".
Ey menga ertaklar so'ylagan Zamin, Ergashib izingdan qolmasman sening. O'zgalar nazdida Bog'i Eraming Jiydang yaprog'iga olmasman sening. Vatan, qayda bo'lmay sen hamrohimsan, Bobolarim yotar sajdagohimsan.
We have often heard the saying that there is always a certain kind of love in the heart of a dear poet. I sincerely believed that that bird had built a nest in the heart of Muhammadjon, Muhammad Yusuf. His eyes and face always seemed to be humming a sweet melody. A lot has been written about the homeland. Well written, of course. However, there is a difference between writing and writing. M Yusuf was right when he said in one of his poems, "My country loves you without making any claims." In fact, he loved his country, his people, his motherland, like a son. As a result of this love, his poetry came out as such happy and unselfish poetry, and the same poetry remained a monument of this kind-hearted, open-hearted poet. "For many years, I lived side by side with Muhammadjon, created side by side, worked side by side. Amir Temur, Manguberdi, Navoi and Babur, Sholpan and Fitrat are mentioned in almost all of them, and they are glorified through well-known qualities and similes. But why none of them became famous like Muhammad Yusufs poem? Why didn't these poetic symbols become a living feeling for millions? So, although singing about the Motherland will be different, this poem and song are also sincere, go from
the heart to the heart and will have an effect. Let's remember Muhammad Yusufs poem "My country":
Men dunyoni, nima qildim, O'zing yorug' jahonim, O'zim xoqon, O'zim sulton, Sen taxti Sulaymonim, Yolg'izim, Yagonam deymi, Topingan koshonam deymi, O'zing mening ulug'lardan Ulug'imsan, Vatanim....
The poet shows such love for his country. He expresses his deepest feelings in his poems. He praises him as the only one. The poet's love for his motherland is as warm as the love of a sister and mother, always together in good and bad days, and compares his love to the sun. For him, Navoi, Mashrab, Yassavi is not the name of a person, but the virtue of the nation, the name of the people and the nation. The poet sums up the history of the nation, its most glorious and most beautiful days in the bosom of these names. The poet Furqat, who was forced to leave his country by the government of the Shora, was unable to return, and remained as ashes on the soil of Kashgar, Usman Nasir, who was a victim of the repression of the Shura state, and who died by cutting a tree in the forests of Siberia, will be remembered. The fate of Jalaluddin Manguberdi and Babur is well known to you. He calls his ancestor, his clan, scattered on the paths of history, the Motherland. He responded to the love of the country as a brother, as a son, if this country called him "my son", he would face any problem, and from the future fathers, the future Ulugbeks. he wants to take refuge. What did not pass from the beginning of the land where great people like Qadiri were born, what days did not he see. A country that witnessed the misfortunes of its sons like Qadiri. The poet considers himself a loyal son of his country. He calls his people for unity, sincerely wishes that the terrible days that happened in the past will not be repeated. Sen shohlari osmonlarga, Tegib turgan chinorim, Ota desam, O'g'lim deb,
Bosh egib turgan chinorim, Qo'ynimdagi iftixorim. Bo'ynimdagi tumorim, O'zing mening ulug'lardan Ulug'imsan, Vatanim!
He compares it to a talisman that protects against all troubles. At the beginning of each clause, the adjectives given to the Motherland "you are great",
"you are my heart", "you are my guardian", "you are my rice", "you are my seed", "you are my well" are at least hundred years old events. It expresses the result, joy, pain. In the poet's poetry, his love for his homeland is expressed in a unique way. He sees and expresses his love for the Motherland in every flower, tree, and ocean. In his poetry, M. Yusuf sees the homeland in every part of the changing tone, changing navo land. Sincerely, heartily, and simply, he has taken a place in the hearts of the people. No matter how many poems or epics of these poets are read, the creators show themselves as selfless children of their people and nation. In his poems, there is a free individual style in expressing himself. They are artists who swear not to pick up a pen unless they have a word burning in their hearts.
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