Chirchik State Pedagogical University Current Issues of Modern Philology and Linguodidactics
Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Chirchik Aktuelle Fragen der modernen Philologie und Linguodidaktik
Komila Xasanboyevna Sayitova
Dotsent of Foreign Languages department of Bukhara engineering-technological institute Email-skomila74@mail .ru
Feruza Zaripova
Student of the group 708-22 SIT of Bukhara engineering-technological institute
The article deals with the spheres of use of technical translation and its special features. Speaking about the difficulty of technical translation the author notes that it lies in the use of a large number of complex terms, abbreviations, and many other nuances. It is emphasized that the interpreter working with a technical translation must be an expert not only on the language, but also on the specific area of the materials being translated.
Keywords. abbreviation, science, technology, transfer, accurate, legal value, impersonal
Maqolada texnik tarjimadan foydalanish sohalari va uning o'ziga xos xususiyatlari ko'rib chiqiladi. Texnik tarjimaning qiyinligi haqida gapirar ekan, muallif bu juda ko'p murakkab atamalar, qisqartmalar va boshqa ko'plab nuanslardan foydalanishda ekanligini ta'kidlaydi. Texnik tarjima bilan ishlayotgan tarjimon nafaqat til, balki tarjima qilinayotgan materiallarning muayyan sohasi bo'yicha ham mutaxassis bo'lishi kerakligi ta'kidlangan.
Kalit so'zlar: qisqartma, fan, texnologiya, transfer, aniq, yuridik qiymat, shaxssiz
Technological progress, new research and development lead to the need to look for sources of information and partners outside our country. Every day, a lot of materials on advanced technologies, research methods, scientific and technical achievements appear on the Internet. Most of the information is available in a foreign
April 23-24, 2024
Chirchik State Pedagogical University Current Issues of Modern Philology and Linguodidactics
Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Chirchik Aktuelle Fragen der modernen Philologie und Linguodidaktik
language, and to understand the meaning of what is written, you need to correctly translate the primary sources.
Technical translation is needed to transfer special scientific and technical literature from one language to another. This could be articles, news from various fields of science and technology, documentation for various devices and equipment. When translating, it is important not to distort the meaning of what is written and to maintain the accuracy and consistency of the author's thoughts.
Work on a text necessary for the exchange of scientific and technical information between people from different countries is called technical translation. In simple words, this is the translation of literature, which includes documentation, notes, articles and news, scientific research materials, works of scientists, and technical literature. It is divided into:
- oral;
- full written;
- abstract (presentation of a large volume of material in a condensed form);
- annotation (drawing up a short annotation with a critical focus based on the original text);
- translation of titles.
Most often, a complete technical translation of the text is needed, characterized by the use of a formal-logical collective style, without emotional overtones, accurate and impersonal. The vocabulary of a technical text is distinguished by a large number of terms and abbreviations, and the grammar is dominated by specific and established grammatical norms (impersonal and indefinitely personal constructions, impersonal forms of the verb, passive phrases).
Subjects of technical translation
Technical translation covers various areas of knowledge, and includes work on texts in the following areas:
- operating manuals of complex devices, equipment, household appliances, cars, agricultural machinery, industrial equipment;
- technical specifications, drawings and construction projects;
- design documentation for tenders and international competitions;
- contracts, agreements with foreign sponsors, cooperation partners related to technology or special equipment;
- methodological manuals with recommendations for maintenance and repair of machines and mechanisms;
- theses, dissertations, other scientific works;
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-patents, certificates, licenses;
- computer software and programming.
Students and employees of higher educational institutions and scientific organizations, managers and employees of enterprises address to technical translation most often.
Difficulties of technical translation
Working on a translated text requires both knowledge on a foreign language and awareness of a specific field in which the text is written. This is the main difficulty of technical translation, since it is problematic to find a highly specialized translator.
When faced with the task of technical translation for the first time, scientific and technical literature is most often translated by universal translators or technical specialists who use dictionaries and online assistants in the process. This approach leads to poor-quality results, since technical translation has its own characteristics:
1. Accuracy and conciseness of conveying the main meaning of what is written - the use of emotional overtones and free judgments is unacceptable, otherwise the essence of the original will be distorted. It is better to avoid complex constructions and phrases that make it difficult to perceive the conveyed thoughts.
2. Abundance of terms - it is important to preserve all terminology, maintain its unity, so that the text remains reliable and literate, and is understandable to specialists. The same terms in another language may have several equivalents, so the translator must be perfect in the terminology of the field in which he is translating.
3. Abbreviations, contractions - there are a lot of abbreviations and contractions with many different meanings used in technical texts. This must be taken into account when working on the material so as not to distort the meaning of what is written.
4. Technical standards and norms - it is necessary to maintain certain rules and norms when translating; it is important to translate briefly, but meaningfully and informatively.
5. Special phrases and expressions - in the original text there may be specific phrases that have no analogue in another language. The interpreter has to select appropriate formulations that do not contradict the essence of the work, and come up with new terms.
6. Layout - in technical documents and specifications, it is important to preserve the style and structure of the text, especially tables, figures and graphs, so that the work is understandable to the reader.
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As a result of studying the features and field of use of technical translation, we can conclude that literal technical translation should be avoided, but too free retelling will not work either. It is necessary to use different techniques in order to best convey the essence of the text to readers. If you order translation to non-professionals, the result will be unsatisfactory, the meaning of the original work will be greatly distorted. Foreign readers will not be able to evaluate the quality of the text and will not catch the thoughts that the author wanted to convey. If you make mistakes when translating technical documentation, the document may lose its legal value. Due to inaccuracies or errors, even court proceedings are possible. In addition, in different countries, the requirements for the preparation of any documents may differ greatly, which should also be taken into account by a specialist.
Why is it important to contact good technicians? As a rule, important technical documents, multimillion-dollar contracts, and instructions for using expensive equipment are subject to technical translation, so you cannot skimp on translator services by turning to amateurs or acquaintances. Incorrect translation of the text can lead to disruption of the operation of complex equipment, which is extremely dangerous for human health and life, and for the environment. We can analyse the importance of a interpreter's knowledge by the following examples: Original text: We have learned to manufacture dozens of construction materials to substitute iron. Instead of dozen (дюжина) in Russian, the word "ten" is usually used in such cases, so we translate this sentence like: Мы научились производить десятки строительных материалов, заменяющих железо.
In addition the interpreter should be good at using phrases. For example: limit — предел; burning — обжиг, обгорание. However, a term consisting of these components acquires a new meaning and has a certain semantic independence: burning limit — предельная температура обжига. There is a term specific to a particular field of technology, for example: unwanted signal — помеха; solder cream — припойная паста. Translation using the genitive case is also possible, for example: direct current system — система постоянного тока; fuel duty — режим подачи топлива. Translation with the use of different prepositions is also often met, for example: data processing equipment—оборудование для обработки данных; affinity chromatography — хроматография по сродству.
Significant difficulties are caused by terms that include groups of words, the so-called multicomponent terms. They occupy a special place in modern scientific and technical literature. Each field of science and technology has a significant number of such terms. For instance: Natural rubber-based stock — смесь на основе
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природного каучука. Reactive power compensation — компенсация реактивной мощности. We can count thousands of such terms that require a deep practical knowledge from an interpreter both on the language and the sphere in which the translated text is.
Discussion. In conclusion we can say that translating a technical text is a time-consuming, responsible task that requires the translator to have knowledge not only of a foreign language, but also of the subject matter of the work being translated. It is important to delve into the essence of the text and carefully check the materials for errors and typos. Such work requires complete immersion and concentration, an integrated approach.
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