Involving students to independent lessons
in physical culture
UDC 796.01
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Voronkov1 Dr. Hab., Professor V.N. Irkhin1 E.A. Brazhnik1
Postgraduate student Yu.A. Zagoruiko1
1Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod
Corresponding author: [email protected]
Objective of the study was to substantiate ways to increase the efficiency of attracting university students to independent physical education classes.
Methods and structure of the study. Scientific work was carried out in 2020-2021 on the basis of the Belgorod State National Research University. The study used the analysis and generalization of scientific literature, a survey of students, in which 4399 students of the Belgorod State National Research University took part (3212 of them were girls and 1187 boys), an experiment, methods of mathematical statistics.
Results and conclusions. As a result of the survey, the reasons for which students do not engage in physical culture were identified. Taking into account the survey data, a system was developed to involve students in independent physical education classes based on the methodology for the integrated development of basic physical qualities, including exercises that do not require sophisticated equipment or visits to fitness centers; the ability to use the means of developing physical qualities that are within the power of a particular student and in which an increase in indicators will invariably be observed, which will ensure the creation of a situation of success; the presence in the information space of video instructions for organizing the process of physical training; the possibility of prompt consultation with specialists (as part of physical education classes, in a group in social networks or in individual contact through social networks); the presence of an incentive system, which includes a set of moral and psychological support of the individual for independent physical education.
Keywords: independent physical culture lessons, physical readiness, methods of students' physical training.
Introduction. Numerous studies have proven that motor physical activity is an integral component of a healthy lifestyle. High health indicators, in turn, provide a person with the opportunity to realize themselves in professional activities. Attracting students to independent physical education is one of the missions of the educational space of the university [2].
Objective of the study was to substantiate ways to increase the efficiency of attracting university students to independent physical education classes.
Methods and structure of the study. Scientific work was carried out in 2020-2021 on the basis of the Belgorod State National Research University. The
study used the analysis and generalization of scientific literature, a survey of students, in which 4399 students of the Belgorod State National Research University took part (3212 of them were girls and 1187 boys), an experiment, methods of mathematical statistics.
Results of the study and their discussion. As a result of the survey, it was found that about half of the students lead a fairly active lifestyle, and are engaged in various forms of physical culture twice a week or more often. Of the remaining half, the third part is engaged less than once a week, and the third is not engaged at all. The most common reasons why students do not do physical education or do it rarely are shown
Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I I May I № 5 2022
in the figure. The survey results showed that 28% of students do not know how to start their physical education classes, 20% do not have money to visit fitness centers and 18% do not have a company for physical education. For 12% of students, the problem lies in the lack of sports grounds within walking distance, and for 12% - in the absence of the necessary equipment for classes.
It was found that it is necessary to develop a system for introducing students to independent physical education classes, taking into account their needs. The main content of the proposed system was directly the process of physical training of students. The development of this system began in the 2020-21 academic year. Its main component is the method of complex development of basic physical qualities. Taking into account the results of the survey, the exercises were selected in such a way that their performance did not require additional equipment, visits to specialized halls, but it was possible to do everything at home or in a yard sports ground.
Reasons for the lack of independent physical exercises among students
A feature of the methodology is that the proposed exercises are selected taking into account the individual indicators of students' physical fitness. So, for example, if a student can perform pull-ups on a high bar, then he performs these exercises to develop strength abilities. If the exercise is beyond his strength, then as a means to develop strength, he uses pull-ups in the hanging position lying on a low bar 90 cm high. If this exercise is also difficult, then the height of the crossbar for performing pull-ups in the lying position increases. Thus, such means of developing physical qualities are selected that are within the power of a particular student and in which an increase in indicators will invariably be observed
as training progresses, that is, a situation of success is created.
For a complex impact on the development of all physical qualities, the exercises included in the content of the GTO complex were taken as the basis: pullups, flexion and extension of the arms in a lying position, long jumps from a place, lifting the torso from a prone position, bending to develop flexibility, slow running.
A characteristic feature of the technique is its maximum simplicity and accessibility. An example would be such a recommendation for execution as it is necessary to perform 30 repetitions of a certain exercise in any number of approaches. The rest pause between sets is one minute. As you train, you should strive to ensure that a given number of repetitions is performed in fewer approaches.
An effective condition for the implementation of the methodology is its placement in quick access on social networks. A special project "Training is easy" was created, which presents recommendations for organizing self-study [3]. The use of social networks allows students to receive prompt advice from specialists on the organization of independent physical training. Relying on the exercises of the GTO complex allows you to constantly assess your own level of physical fitness based on state requirements.
The simplicity and accessibility of the exercises included in the methodology makes it possible for students to conduct independent classes both at the sports facilities of the university and in conditions of isolation caused, for example, by pandemic restrictions. To encourage students to self-study, moral and psychological incentives were used: social and personal significance, perspectives, examples, competitions, control, encouragement (the ability to get a credit in physical culture subject to regular classes for any progress in the level of physical fitness), etc.
Conclusions. The conducted research allows us to state that for the effective involvement of students in regular physical education classes in order to increase the level of physical fitness, a comprehensive and systematic approach is needed, which involves a number of mandatory components associated with the presence of: no complex equipment or visits to fitness centers are required; incentive system, including a set of moral and psychological incentives to support a person for independent physical education; with the ability to use adequate means of developing the student's physical qualities, in which there is an invariable
increase in indicators that ensure the creation of a situation of success; with the presence in the information space of video instructions for organizing the process of physical training; with the possibility of prompt consultation with specialists (as part of physical education classes, in a group in social networks or in individual contact through social networks).
1. Interesen li tebe kompleks GTO [Are you interested in the"Readyforlaboranddefense"complex][Electronic resource] stranica «VKontakte» VFSK GTO v NIU «Bel-GU». Available at:
2. Nikulin I.N., Voronkov A.V., Posokhov A.V. et al. Monitoring urovnya fizicheskoj podgotovlennosti studentov vuza pri vypolnenii ispytanij komplek-sa GTO [Monitoring the level of physical fitness of university students during the performance of tests of the "Ready for labor and defense" complex] [Electronic resource] Kultura fizicheskaya i zdorove. 2016. No. 5 (60). pp. 88-90. Available at: fizkultura_2016_v60_N5.pdf
3. Trenirujsya - eto prosto [Train - it's just] [Electronic resource]. Soobshchestvo «VKontakte». Available at:
Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I I May I № 5 2022