УДК 373. 3
Садыкова А.К., Зубайраева З.А., Ложкина Н.И. Кокшетауский университет им.Абая Мырзахметова (г. Кокшетау, Республика Казахстан)
Аннотация. В этой статье мы подробнее узнаем об организации учебного процесса у детей младшего школьного возраста. Узнаем, как на все это влияет детский круг общения, семья, окружение, атмосфера в классе и отношение учителей. Что является основным стимулом для ребенка совершенствоваться и узнавать что-то новое.
Ключевые слова: организация взаимодействия, учебный процесс, отношения со сверстниками.
Sadykova A.K., Zubairaeva Z.A., Lozhkina N.I. Abay Myrzakhmetov Kokshetau University (Kokshetau, the Republic of Kazakhstan)
Annotation. In this article, we will learn more about the organization of the educational process in primary school age in children. We will find out how the children's social circle, the family, the environment, the atmosphere of the class and the attitude of teachers affect all this. What is the main incentive for a child to improve and learn something new..
Key words: organization of interaction, educational process, relationships with peers.
Most of the children come to the 1st grade from kindergarten, where they get a sufficient supply of ideas and habits. Children have a wide range of ideas about good and bad actions, skills of polite attitude to others. The desire of children to become schoolchildren is a good incentive for the educational process. With the arrival of children in school, their circle of communication and responsibilities expands. The main thing for children, as already mentioned, is learning. In addition, at school, they must learn to build relationships with their classmates and with the teacher. Awareness of the importance and necessity of new responsibilities and tasks determines the child's readiness to fulfill the new requirements of adults: conscientiously prepare school assignments, diligently master knowledge, and actively participate in the life of the class.
Psychologists have found that primary school age is also characterized by an increased
susceptibility to the assimilation of rules and norms. The core of education, which determines the development of a person in primary school age, is the formation of a humanistic attitude and relationships of children, reliance on feelings, emotional responsiveness.
On the threshold of school life, a new level of self-awareness of children arises, most accurately expressed by the phrase "inner position". The fact of the formation of such a position is internally manifested in the fact that in the child's mind there is a system of moral norms that he follows or tries to follow always and everywhere, regardless of the circumstances.
An important role in the development of a child is played by empathy -the ability of a person to respond emotionally to the experiences of another. Empathy as a property of personality is the motive of various forms of behavior.
Empathy is a stable property, it encourages a person to altruistic behavior, since it is based on the need for the well-being of other people, on its basis, an idea of the value of another is formed.
With age, the child's ability to worry about another person develops and switches from a reaction to the physical damage of a person to a reaction to his feelings and then to a reaction to the life situation as a whole. In early school age, along with developing a sense of "I", the child develops an idea of the" I " of other people, different from his own. During this period, it is important to teach the child to take into account the interests of others, their needs, and their experiences. For the development of empathy, it is very important to take into account that at this age the child is particularly susceptible to the effects of an adult. But for this purpose it is necessary that the educator was emotionally responsive to the experiences of the child, was able to come to his aid in time.
Through empathy in the re-education of the child, the formation of involuntary motivation is possible. If a child commits an act out of a need for self-affirmation, then he still needs to be praised. Seeing the joy of the person he has helped, he experiences satisfaction. As a result of the repetition of such situations, a shift in the motive will occur: he will seek to meet the needs of others for the sake of their well-being.
In the educational process of primary school students, it should be taken into account that children begin to actively, independently understand various life situations, but at the same time their assessment of events and actions is often situational. The desire to understand everything themselves is supported by the teacher, he helps children in choosing the right moral assessment.
It is by how a child adapts to the social norms of life that we judge his mental health, whether he lives in harmony with himself. The living conditions that allow the child to successfully master the experience of human existence ensure the development of mental maturity, that is, the readiness to control their desires and feelings.
The mental maturity of children at the beginning of school education can not be high, but it is an important indicator of a certain mental development of the child, the willingness to restrain their desires, communicate on a business basis, keep a distance in conversation with people
around them, obey the rules of communication depending on the situation and situation, making a choice based on their moral ideas.
The basis of education, which determines the development, is the formation of humanistic relations of children, regardless of the content, methods, forms of educational work, which we will talk about in the fourth paragraph. The process of education aimed at the development of all children should be designed in such a way as to ensure the optimal development of each child, based on his personality.
Knowledge of moral norms is a prerequisite for behavior, but knowledge alone is not enough. The criterion of education can only be the real actions of children, their motivations. The desire, willingness, and ability to consciously observe the norms of morality can only be cultivated by practicing moral actions.
The direct influence on the acquisition of values lies with the teacher. The result of this process depends on how the teacher presents it to the child.
The word of the teacher is a kind of tool for influencing the upbringing of the child's personality. It is through conversations with a teacher, the spiritual development of the child, self-education, the joy of achieving goals, noble work that open a person's eyes to himself. We encourage our students to be truthful and honest with themselves, to set a goal in life, to achieve which it was necessary to solve problems that comply with the rules of morality.
Education is the foundation of all foundations, depending on what the teacher has put into the soul of the child at this age, it will depend on what he will build himself in the future, how he will build his relationships with others.
By engaging in educational activities, younger students learn to act purposefully both when performing educational tasks and when determining the ways of their behavior. Their actions become conscious.
Here we come to the question of the importance of the unity of the three components of educational activity (motivational, substantive, operational) for the formation of primary school students as a subject of educational activity. Moreover, the essence of the significance of this unity can be considered in two aspects.
The first is the possibility of developing each of them on the basis of the other two. Thus, the
student becomes an active participant in the learning process only when he owns a certain content, i.e. knows what to do and for what. The choice of how to do it will be determined by his knowledge, his level of mastery of operational structures, and the motives for this activity.
The second aspect, which reveals the essence of the significance of the unity of these components, is the following: To date, the learning process in primary school is largely focused on the assimilation of knowledge and techniques, methods of educational work, i.e. the emphasis is on the content and partially operational components. At the same time, it is assumed that in the course of this process, both mental and moral development takes place.
The problem of the development of a primary school student in the learning process is interrelated with three factors that are determined by T. V. Morozova.
First, when a child comes to school, he or she moves from the "everyday" assimilation of the surrounding reality, including the moral norms that exist in society, to its scientific and purposeful study. This happens in the lessons of reading, Russian language, natural science, etc. The value of the same purposeful training is also the evaluation activity of the teacher in the course of lessons, his conversations, extracurricular work, etc.
Secondly, in the course of their academic work, students are involved in real collective activities, where they also learn the moral norms
that regulate the relationship between students and the relationship between students and the teacher.
And the third factor: in the process of discussing the situation in modern schools, the thesis that school education is, first of all, the formation of a moral personality is increasingly heard.
From this point of view, it is necessary to solve the problem of the mental and moral development of students in the process of school education, in unity, in close relationship between one and the other.
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Садыкова Айгуль Казихановна, кандидат педагогических наук, Кокшетауский университет им. Абая Мырзахметова (Республика Казахстан, г. Кокшетау).
Зубайраева Зухра Абибуллаевна, кандидат педагогических наук, Кокшетауский университет им. Абая Мырзахметова (Республика Казахстан, г. Кокшетау).
Ложкина Надежда Ивановна, магистрант, Кокшетауский университет им. Абая Мырзахметова (Республика Казахстан, г. Кокшетау). e-mail: [email protected]
Дата поступления статьи: 24.03.2021
© Садыкова А.К., Зубайраева З.А., Ложкина Н.И., 2021