1Zaripova Gulbahor Kamilovna - Associate Professor; 2Sayidova Nazokat Sayfullayevna - Associate Professor; 3Norova Fazilat Fayzulloyevna - Lecturer; 4Abduakhadov Alibek Akmalovich - Lecturer, DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES, BUKHARA STATE UNIVERSITY, BUKHARA, REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN
Abstract: the credit-modular system of higher education contains scientific conclusions on the pedagogical cooperation of the faculty and students, in accordance with which the necessary recommendations, instructions and conclusions are given.
Keywords: higher education, credit-modular system, pedagogical partner, educational material, sample, work programs, complex, presentation, practical tasks, tests, control questions, video lessons, final control questions, democracy, transparency, problem-based learning in the classroom, method of independent work, didactic games, interactive methods of new pedagogical technologies.
In the credit-modular system of higher education, pedagogical cooperation is not only a means of meeting the needs of teachers and students in the interaction of the subject of study, but also a means of mastering the material. Students' commitment to learning depends on the faculty's ability to establish pedagogical collaboration. Pedagogical cooperation of such education in the system of credit modules is a form of interaction in which teachers and professors see themselves not as an object of learning, but as an independent and freedom-loving person. The degree of student commitment to learning depends on the faculty's ability to establish such collaboration. The correct organization of the learning environment increases students' interest in science and encourages them to give all their energy and enthusiasm. The fact that teachers and professors would approach students as if they were asking for help in clarifying something about the subject they teach is proven to deepen pedagogical collaboration. The transformation of students into learners or learners is not only a prerequisite for a successful learning process, but also an important condition for their upbringing, in such an upbringing of students they become independent, with high potential and versatile personalities.
In the process of teaching and upbringing, the student develops deep knowledge, skills and competencies related to education, and becomes a competitive and highly potential staff. The study of this problem shows that the attitude of students to the learning process depends on the correct organization of the process of interaction between the faculty and students, the choice and organization of teaching materials, ways to improve the process of assimilating knowledge, indicates that learning outcomes depend on the assessment system. Accordingly, the process of students' independent thinking is closely related to the activities of pedagogical cooperation with the professor-teacher in the credit-modular system of higher education. Of particular importance in this educational process are: samples, work programs, a set of sciences, presentations on the topics covered, respectively practical, laboratory-seminar and independent work assignments, tests on each topic, and at the same time control questions, video tutorials that cover well the topic, as well as intermediate and final control questions covering all topics, should be provided to students by the faculty. At the same time, in order to go along with time, students need to develop their knowledge, skills and abilities from simple to complex under the supervision of professors and teachers,
requiring only creative search from them. This, in turn, will help create a competitive and strong workforce that is up to date.
As long as in the credit-modular system of higher education in the activities of pedagogical cooperation there is an equal relationship between professor-teacher and students, any task will be completed with pleasure, and as a result, the effectiveness of learning will be ensured. It should be borne in mind that the formation of student activity in the educational process is not only a mechanism for mastering the foundations of science, but also aimed at the formation of general sociocultural abilities of the individual. In our opinion, the educational situation is a variable system that organizes the educational process and consists of two parts:
1) interaction between student and teacher;
2) student interaction.
The interaction of a teacher and a student in a credit-modular system begins with the help of a teacher by students. Gradually he becomes more active and turns into an educational activity. As a result, the relationship between student and teacher develops into a position of cooperation and this creativity, cooperation is inextricably linked. After all, only through creativity can there be cooperation, and it is in this cooperation that creativity manifests itself. Pedagogical creativity should not be understood as a desire for innovation and experimentation. It also symbolizes the triumph of common sense over formality. Where there is democracy, where there is transparency, where the administration and will of the faculty do not interfere with the independent thinking of students in the classroom, creative cooperation develops well. In the 1-2 year undergraduate program, a special place in the classroom is given to work on assignments that serve the creative thinking of students. The student engages in oral and written thinking activities based on life and academic experience in a comfortable environment. It provides mental preparation for active collaboration with the teacher on aspects of the subject being studied. She is committed to independent creative research to provide relevant answers to questions asked on a topic.
Pedagogical cooperation in the credit-modular system of the higher education process for successful and highly effective cooperation of students with teachers in the online Moodle system, they must always maintain all relevant information at the required level. To enter information into this on-line system Moodle, Appendix 1 to the Order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 17, 2020 No. 233 "Requirements for electronic resources" consists of an introduction to each subject and subject topics, as well as intermediate and final control parts, which consist of the following 16 required parts:
I. The introductory part consists of:
1. Scientific information or information about the subject (doc).
2. Regulatory documents or software (pdf).
3. Information support of science (basic and additional literature (pdf), Internet resources, open educational resources of foreign universities (link).
4. Glossary - a dictionary of terms, abbreviations and designations used in the course (doc).
5. In the introductory part, a 5-10 minute video is recommended (about the content of the subject, goals and results to be achieved).
II. Science subjects should include the following information:
6. Topic title (doc).
7. A set of questions on the topic (doc).
8. Glossary by topic (list of terms included in this report, terms should be in the general glossary at least 7-10 words (doc).
9. Basic and additional literature on the topic (with pages) (pdf).
10. Links to electronic sources on the Internet (texts, audio or video, URLs of electronic library resources).
11. Theoretical material for self-study of students, for example, presentation of a lecture.
12. Audiovisual materials, models, samples, cases on scientific topics (recommended).
13. Video lecture: the duration of one fragment of a file in a video should not exceed 5 -20 minutes (recommended).
14. Develop test questions that monitor students' knowledge so that they can understand the theoretical material presented in the lecture notes and studied independently. Use variability (multiple choice, correspondence, short answer, etc.) to form a test bank.
III. Interim and final control:
15. Interim and final control tests are final tasks.
16. Questions for the final control.
In the process of such cooperation, the professor-teacher, along with the development of students' speech, also performs a diagnostic function, that is, identifies the vocabulary, interests of students, assesses their creative abilities. This is especially important when working on creative assignments. Interaction in vocational training or information technology training can help improve the effectiveness of training. When interacting with students, be sure to focus on their interests and incorporate their ideas. The teacher must be able to listen not only to students, but also to their opinions during formative dialogue. Each participant in the dialogue must be interested in its continuation, so it can be divided into 3 parts:
I. First, it is the diversity of opinions;
II. Secondly, the diversity in the assessment and understanding of the topic;
III. Third, the commonality of language and other scientific and technical means can be effective.
Without "one language" a toyist of unanimous understanding is very difficult to achieve high effect in conversation. For example, in some cases, students may not understand how the instructor is using complex and unfamiliar terms. In the absence of dialogue in the educational process, it is considered that the professor-teacher has not found the necessary form of delivery of the material to students, so that there are no such undesirable situations for this, a partnership with students is established and the teacher must meet the following requirements:
1) the student's personality should be respected, his interests and abilities should be taken into account in the process of communication;
2) it is necessary to show confidence in the abilities of each student and help him develop them, as well as instill in the student a sense of self-confidence;
3) the professor-teacher must act as an equal partner in establishing friendly relations with the student;
4) to increase students' confidence in the future, rejoicing in their success, sharing their concerns and encouraging them;
5) strict adherence to ethical standards in the communication process helps to increase the reputation of the professor.
In the system of higher education, together with professors and teachers in a credit-modular system, students create favorable conditions for free communication between students and teachers, that is, students can freely express their opinions without fear of making mistakes. achieve their assertions, allow them to correct their mistakes, teach them to think independently, and also ensure that such mistakes are not repeated, create a basis for free discussion of each topic, share student achievements, help solve problems, this makes teachers and professors and also in a place with them students are reliable tailors.
Thus, from the comments on the pedagogical cooperation of teachers and students in the credit-modular system of higher education, the following conclusions can be drawn:
1) the use of problem-based teaching, independent work, didactic games and interactive methods of new pedagogical technologies in the classroom is an important factor in the correct establishment of relations between the student and the teacher;
2) when acquiring knowledge related to science, the fact that students discuss and draw conclusions on their own, without directly taking the teacher's opinion, has a positive effect on teaching independent thinking;
3) in the online Moodle system, the teacher must enter all the information related to the subject at the required level;
4) the respectful relationship of the teacher to the students ensures the effectiveness of cooperation and at the same time, the students will treat the teacher with respect and this helps, makes it easier for each student to understand science when solving problems.
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