'Abenova Lazzat — Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor;
2Rayeva Gulsim — Master of pedagogical sciences, Senior Lecturer;
Abstract: the article deals with the systematic formation of the content of the literature course using modular technology in the process of education at the University, forms, methods and means of its organization. In the process of teaching students in combination with the modular technology of Kazakh literature, a theoretical model was prepared. An example of the structural and content model of teaching the subject "Kazakh literature of the XIX century" with the help of modular technology for the educational program "Kazakh language and literature" in higher education institutions is developed and presented
Keywords: literature, program, module, technology, method, lecture.
'Абенова Ляззат — кандидат филологических наук, доцент;
2Раева Гулсим — магистр педагогических наук, старший преподаватель;
3Аскарова Гулзада — магистрант, Университет «Сырдарья», г. Жетысай, Республика Казахстан
Аннотация: в статье рассматриваются вопросы системного формирования содержания курса литературы с использованием модульной технологии в процессе обучения в вузе, формы, методы и средства его организации. В процессе обучения студентов в сочетании с модульной технологией казахской литературы была подготовлена теоретическая модель. Разработан и приведен пример структурно-содержательной модели преподавания предмета «Казахская литература XIX века» с помощью модульной технологии по образовательной программе «Казахский язык и литература» в высших учебных заведениях. Ключевые слова: литература, программа, модуль, технология, метод, лекция.
UDC 82'.5'2.'22.0(0758)
The educational program "The kazakh language and literature" on the basis of practical features using the modular technology in the process of teaching Kazakh literature of the XIX century the paper deals with methodical approaches to the formation of literary knowledge in the training system formation for a course of General literature with a component of the modular technology, forms, methods and means of its organization.
In the process of studying the subject of Kazakh literature of the XIX century in three sections of modular technology: in the introductory part, specialized lectures are held, in the speech part-non-traditional classes of different values, in the practical part-tasks of different content, essays, reasoning and versatile complex, plot analysis, test preparation, etc.
On the basis of scientific terminology, which can be used to give interdisciplinary communication on themes of Kazakh literature and materials, knowledge of the content of textbooks, on the basis of their effective use, forms of education, interaction of teacher training and the integration of the educational activities of individuals, they are at a high level are implemented as theoretical knowledge and moral education [1, p. 9].
A new paradigm of modular learning-the student learns himself, the teacher manages the training. The role of the teacher is exchanged. It requires proof, organization, coordination, counseling, control. When using this technology, the student does not need to listen to the teacher, to complicate the solution of analyses and problems. The module provides the development of intelligence, independence, collectivity, the ability to manage educational and cognitive activity of the student [2, p. 76].
It is also provided to create an information map of the module of this lesson.
Prepare the necessary quantitative copies of the text of the training material and the technological map of the lesson (the plan of the modular lesson should be for each student).
After starting work with a new module, to obtain information about the degree of readiness of students to work, it is necessary to conduct primary control of knowledge and knowledge, as well as after mastering each training element, it is important to obtain daily and boundary control (self-control, mutual control, comparison with a sample). These controls reflect deficiencies in the acquisition of knowledge and limit it. At the end of the work with the module, the final control is carried out, which determines the level in the course of all modules [3, p. 13].
Methodological equipment of the discipline includes the curriculum, working curricula (Syllabus), the creation of educational and methodical complex for students.
For students of the educational program "Kazakh language and literature" in the development of the subject "Kazakh literature of the XIX century" used modular technology. According to the credit system, 4 credits are allocated for this discipline. 4 credits: it is-30 lectures, 30-seminars, 60-independent work of the teacher and the student and 60-independent work of the student. This subject currently belongs to the component of elective disciplines.
Based on the content of the discipline, the literature of the XIX century can be divided into 3 modules, combining the topics that are held in it.:
- traditional poetry poetry;
- poetry of poets in the context of the integrity of art;
- new writers ' literature of educational, democratic content.
Each module consists of an introduction, a talking point and a conclusion.
When divided into modules, topics that have a logical relationship based on specific patterns are combined. For example, the development of the module "traditional poetic poetry" is based on the historical situation of the Kazakh people in the XIX century, the nature of the development of Kazakh literature, the content, nature of oral and written poetic tradition, artistic methods, genres and realistic meaning of the works of representatives of the literature of the uprising and poets.
In the process of teaching students in combination with the modular technology of Kazakh literature, a theoretical model was prepared. Below is a model of structural and content model of training on modular technology "Kazakh literature of the XIX century" on the educational program "Kazakh language and literature" in higher educational institutions (Table 1).
Table 1. Structural and content model of teaching the subject "Kazakh literature of the XIX century" by means of
modular technology (module 1)
No. Order of the week Themes and plans of lectures Number of time References
1 module. Traditional poetry
1 The situation of the Kazakh people in the XIX century 1. Colonization of the lands of Kazakhstan. 2. The state of public education in Kazakhstan. 3. Bilateral nature of the research work of the Russian intelligentsia 1 1,3,4,5,6, 9,11,15
2 The content of the development of Kazakh literature of the XIX century 1. The nature of oral and written poetic tradition 2. Artistic methods, genres of literature of the XIX century 3."Zar Zaman" and its realistic significance in literary development. 1 1,2,4,5,6,9, 10,15
3 Epics of the national liberation struggle in the literature of the XIX century 1. Historical poems. 2. Epic "Kenesary-Nauryzbay". 2. Epic "Isatay-Makhambet". 3. The Epic "Bekbolat". 1 1,2,3,4,5,6, 9,10,11,14,15, 25
4 Babatayuly Dulat (1802-1874) 1. Life of the poet, journalism, research of his works. 2. The thematic content of Wacky poems. 3. Genres and artistic features of Dulat's works. 1 1,2,3,5,6,8, 15,23,25
The pedagogical research was conducted in 2018-2019 academic year at the Department of "Kazakh language and literature" of the faculty of "Humanitarian education" of Syrdarya University, Zhetysay. The research was attended by supervisors and students of the Department. Experimental and control groups were created at the Department.
Pedagogical experiment on the topic of research work was carried out in three stages: the stages of identification, formation and control.
The purpose of the experiment definition stage:
- motivation of students to the subject of literature, Hobbies, aspirations to its understanding, knowledge of General literature ("oral folk literature", "Kazakh literature of antiquity", "introduction to literary science") and evaluation of the results of its use;
- determination of the attitude of teachers of Kazakh literature to the problem of application of modular technologies in the educational process of literature;
- study of difficulties of teachers of literature in this context;
- study and analysis of methodological features of teaching Kazakh literature on modular technology at the University.
By conducting a pedagogical experiment, it is possible to determine the level of knowledge of control groups and the number of students in groups. Tasks given to students differ in the composition at different levels.
In the study of modular technology, lectures in the introductory part should be conducted in the form of video lectures and in the final classes with the use of information on the implementation of tasks of independent work, using the results of control works at different levels, when performing semester works [4, p. 85].
At seminars, games, conferences the student, in combination with the theoretical knowledge gained in the introductory part, in the process of mastering the module" traditional poetic poetry "Fixes the tasks aimed at studying the historical state of the Kazakh people of the XIX century, the nature of the development of Kazakh literature, the content, nature of oral and written poetic tradition, artistic methods, genres and realistic meaning of the works of the uprising and poets.
References / Список литературы
1. Zhanpejisova M. Modul'dik okytu tehnologijasy okushyny damytu kuraly retinde. Almaty, 2002. 356 b.
2. Ajbarova Zh. Adebiet sabaktaryndagy modul'dik okytudyng erekshelikteri // Synyptan tys zhurnaly, 2011. № 5. B.85-89.
3. Bitibaeva K. Adebietti okytu adistemesi, Almaty, 1997. 274 b.
4. Orazahynova N., Abdrejimova K., Zhajlaubaeva G., Zhienkulova A. Satylaj keshendi taldau (adebiet), Almaty, 2009. 140 b.
OF INDEPENDENCE Abenova L.1, Baybolova A.2, Matkarimova A.3 Email: [email protected]
'Abenova Lazzat — Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor; 2Baybolova Ayzhan — Master of pedagogical sciences, Senior Lecturer; 3Matkarimova Aliya—Master Student, "SIRDARIYA" UNIVERSITY, ZHETYSAI, REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN
Abstract: the article discusses the ways of studying Kazakh literature in the period of independence, "new names" that came to literature, the theme raised in their works, genre search, and the nature of the development of general literature. The historical and cultural heritage of the Kazakh people as an integral part of the spiritual, moral and aesthetic wealth of the country is studied. The results of traditional and theoretical research in the field of folklore and modern Kazakh literature are presented. The problems of literary translation, receptive poetics, hermeneutics, stylistics, literary comparative and communicative poetics are considered. Keywords: independence, literature, education, literary critic, era, genre.