FEATURES OF PROMOTION OF EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF THE UNIVERSITY Zolotukhin S.V. (Russian Federation) Email: [email protected]
Abstract: the definition of PR-promotion of goods on the market. The approaches to promoting educational services in the Russian market are analyzed. Separate components of the theory 7P (Marketing mix) are examined and analyzed in detail, their element-by-element characteristic is given. The most essential elements characteristic of this specificity are revealed and the reason for their excess over others is analyzed. The features of attracting foreign applicants are described. The basics of forming a strategy for promoting university services are described. In conclusion, a conclusion is made and general recommendations are given for promoting services in the education market.
Keywords: marketing, competition, analysis, strategy, educational institution, promotion, educational service, market, functioning, price, people.
Золотухин Сергей Владимирович — соискатель степени DBA, Российская академия народного хозяйства и государственной службы при Президенте Российской Федерации, г. Москва
Аннотация: даётся определение PR-продвижения товара на рынке. Анализируются подходы продвижения образовательных услуг на российском рынке. Подробно рассматриваются и анализируются отдельные составляющие теории 7P (Marketing mix), даётся их поэлементная характеристика. Выявляются наиболее существенные элементы, характерные для данной специфики и анализируется причина их превышения над прочими. Описываются особенности привлечения иностранных абитуриентов. Описываются основы формирования стратегии продвижения услуг вуза. В завершение делается вывод и даются общие рекомендации по продвижению услуг на рынке образования.
Ключевые слова: маркетинг, конкуренция, анализ, стратегия, учебное заведение, продвижение, образовательная услуга, рынок, функционирование, цена, люди.
Currently, due to increased competition between educational institutions to attract applicants and their parents to receive educational services, as well as the development of the digital education market and, in general, the reorganization and changes in educational processes, it is necessary to keep up not only with the legislative standards of education, but also make efforts to promote educational services in accordance with the latest trends and technologies of the advertising market and public relations [1].
The latest global trend related to educational services is the popularization of the British tradition "Gap" -in translation - gap, gap, gap. It consists in the fact that a graduate of the school takes an annual break before entering a university or technical school in order to make a better choice.
For a year in a working environment, you can better feel your craving for a particular area and just grow as a person. This shows well the importance and importance of educational choice. In Russia, this trend has not yet formed as a conscious one, but on an unconscious level, there is a reluctance of applicants to receive education in some own chosen field, more often they go to "simple" specialties to obtain a deferment to the army, which is important for the male part of the population or "for the sake of ". Because of this, a low level of education of university graduates and their low suitability as specialists for work in the specialty can be traced.
Taking into account the recent actions of the Government of the Russian Federation on the elimination of inefficient universities and specialties, a connection is traced between the unconsciousness of the importance of choosing education and further training in the specialties chosen in this way.
Thus, promotion needs to be built and thought out not only as a means of generating profit, but also as a security mechanism, it is important to attract exactly the target audience who really need the proposed educational services [2].
Promotion strategies are described by Philip Kotler in the source [8].
Fig. 1. Five international product-promotion strategies Source: adapted from Kotler et al. (2005, p. 242)
In this case, PR promotion should be directed not only to prospective consumers of educational services, but also to their environment, that is, to work not only with applicants, but also with their parents, future employers, local education and government bodies. The emphasis is not only on increasing the reputation, recognition and attractiveness of the university and the educational services it provides, but also on working to increase the awareness of target groups in terms of how important an educated specialist is and what he made in choosing an education, specialty or advanced training .
Unfortunately, a modern university in the conditions of fierce competition in the educational services market cannot always foresee all aspects related to who and how it promotes its services.
As a method of promoting educational services, you can use Marketing Mix 7P (Figure 2).
Fig. 2. 7P marketing mix
A significant number of factors as an economic, scientific and political environment, as well as constantly changing trends in society force us to use all available means in order to remain competitive. A modern university can use such various marketing and advertising means to promote its educational services and itself as a whole, but in this situation we are considering PR promotion opportunities that are based on interaction with various social and social groups.
To work with media, universities can use various internal and external events, such as an information guide to attract media, give the opportunity to create a story is enough to attract journalists, a positive response in the media space affects the university as a brand, increases its attractiveness and recognition .
Work with the audience - SMM, integrated marketing, direct sales, direct advertising, social advertising, methods of low-budget promotion and so on. Universities are not limited to traditional promotion methods and working with potential audiences. For example, now it is urgently necessary to promote your services on the Internet, as social networks, for example, have already become part of the lives of many people, both in personal and work terms.
Working with the government is a complex but important set of measures to maintain contacts with local authorities and the state apparatus, and to attract applicants through them [4].
If we talk about some specific tools used by universities to promote their educational services, we can distinguish such a necessary minimum:
• Traditional print advertising - various posters, banners and flyers that are placed in schools, organizations and the region.
• Maintaining the site and groups on social networks, as well as the active use of the Internet as a whole, should already be a mandatory and necessary aspect of the life of the university as a whole, and not just a means of promotion.
• Holding internal events and participating in external events - various open house days, education fairs and similar events that allow applicants to personally get acquainted with the university and those involved in it.
• Direct sales - communication with future applicants in schools, with their parents, holding such meetings with an audience that may be interested in acquiring educational services of the university for their specialists or future employees (advanced training, referral for training) - the state apparatus bodies indicated above schools as organizations, parents of applicants.
• Internal PR - instilling patriotism in the university, its history, introducing students and university employees to its achievements, in general, increasing cohesion. In general, communications and tools applicable in promoting a university can be divided into external and internal:
• External:
Personal contacts: presentations, competitions, external conferences, round tables, fairs, exhibitions, career guidance with applicants, open days, master classes.
Non-personal contacts: Internet site, groups in social networks, booklets, leaflets, outdoor advertising, catalogs, directories.
• Internal:
Personal: university events - conferences, round tables, debates, meetings, patriotic events.
Non-personal: internal press - magazines, newspapers, student groups on social networks, the university's website, stands, signs with symbols and slogans on the university's territory.
Studies conducted by various universities revealed that many applicants are interested in open days, tours of the university, its laboratories, departments and classrooms, familiarization with its museums and history. Many are also interested in various preparatory courses related to admission and the Unified State Examination, which is also associated with career guidance, you can immediately determine the necessary professions and competencies necessary for admission [6].
To attract foreign applicants it is recommended:
• Creation and participation in special events aimed at foreign consumers - this is participation in various international education exhibitions and related events, establishing contacts for cultural and student exchanges, holding mutual days of open doors and video bridges.
• Participation not only in Russian, but also in international university assessment systems, this is difficult to do due to differences between the assessment systems themselves and the complexity of their application in relation to our universities with a different education system from foreign ones.
• The participation of Russian scientists from universities in international ratings and surveys is a very acute problem in our country, the percentage of Russian experts in international surveys is approximately 1%, any researcher with an experience of 15 years and knowledge of English can take part, this will raise the prestige University on the world stage and in our country.
If we analyze the methods used by universities in practice, we get, we get such a situation, in print advertising, during open house days, during personal meetings - only dry information is given by type: structure of the university, its status, directions and forms of training , in general, it looks like a commercial advertisement, it is also worth including aspects of the image, such as: the history of the university, the teaching staff, student life, assistance in internships and gaining a profession, as well as the slogan and motto of the university.
Conclusion: there is no shortage of promotion methods, since this topic is important for each individual university. At the same time, there is a lack of their application in long-term practice, which is unacceptable
when conducting PR campaigns, it requires the use of various creative solutions superimposed on existing methods in a single situation. Considering specifically PR promotion, one can not say that in the modern world there is an integration of various advertising, PR and marketing techniques, which increases efficiency. It remains to be learned how to measure the effectiveness of the campaign.
Assessing the effectiveness of PR campaigns in general is one of the most difficult topics in advertising, in contrast to traditional advertising, it is difficult to convert to numerical indicators, but it is possible, although the results will be indirect and will not reflect the real situation or outcome in the future.
For example, during an open day, you can collect statistics for all registered participants, their names, from which school they are, and so on, save it, then add a survey to this information and find out from them if they are going to enter our university in the future whether they liked the event or some of its aspects, whether they benefited. Then, check at the beginning of the year if any of those present at the open door came to us, in general, the results of such a campaign can only be evaluated in the long term [7].
Another thing is with Internet advertising and SMM, where conversion is easy on post views and, in general, statistics are in the public domain, the same is with the university's website, you can usually check how many views even on individual pages on the site have in this case section "entrant" or "entering".
The results of personal meetings can also be found out by interviewing and documenting those present.
If desired, methods of evaluating the effectiveness can be found or created by yourself, but there is still the problem of the lack of serious scientific research on this topic, usually it is carried out by advertisers and marketers in campaigns and keep methodologies for personal use [5].
PR-promotion of educational services of universities has a double essence, on the one hand, it is the promotion and sale of goods and services, on the other hand, universities are non-profit organizations and methods of evaluating the effectiveness of NGOs and social advertising are applicable to them.
If we consider the PR-promotion of educational services of the university from the perspective of social advertising and NPOs, then, as already described above, then we evaluate the behavioral aspects of human behavior, we can evaluate the invested funds and resources, compare them, as mentioned above with the statistics and number received.
If you evaluate some publication about the university in the media, you can evaluate its emotional coloring, the number of views and comments, the emotional coloring of the comments, whether this publication was sponsored or custom-made, in this case, include the money spent in the evaluation.
It's much easier to evaluate the effectiveness of Internet promotion and the university's activity on social networks, as already mentioned, almost all statistics are in the public domain and conversion is very simple:
Evaluation of the effectiveness of online advertising - many times touched upon the aspect of the effectiveness of Internet promotion over traditional methods. The main advantages of this approach are:
• Price
• Coverage
• variety of shapes
• launch speed
• Ease of use
• Manufacturability
Analysis of data from advertising systems - this method is aimed at assessing the effectiveness of advertising directly from the advertising interface. Within the framework of one advertising campaign, the effectiveness of advertisements relative to each other is evaluated, which allows to make the results as visual as possible.
Performance indicators:
• CTR, that is, attractiveness to the user;
• Click price;
• Conversion price;
• Revenue from conversions on posted ads;
• Actions on the site after the transition.
This method has one drawback - it is impossible to evaluate the effectiveness of advertisements as a source of traffic in comparison with other sources. At the same time, this method allows you to track changes in advertising campaigns at different intervals and work on improving the CTR, keeping the remaining indicators at the same level, which leads to an increase in the number of orders.
Evaluation of the effectiveness of the site - to evaluate the effectiveness of any site, in this case the university's site, metrics related to attendance are important. The following factors are monitored:
• Number of visits;
• The ratio between incoming and returning users;
• The average number of pages viewed per visit;
• Failure rates;
• Average length of stay on the site.
The traditional method of assessing effectiveness: using the traditional method, those performance parameters are used that apply to offline advertising: brand recognition, direct response, etc. Such criteria can be safely applied to both online advertising and traditional advertising, as they allow reveal the attitude of users to the advertising campaign as a whole. Information is collected through various surveys among visitors to various events or participants in direct meetings, as well as polls can be posted in groups of social networks or displayed on the university's website. Performance indicators:
• Awareness;
• Expression of intention to acquire;
• Preference for the brand;
• Positive associations;
• Feedback on the event.
When conducting events or direct meetings, the university can also calculate the CPM indicator - Cost per mile (price per mile), this is the price of 1000 contacts with potential consumers.
The price of the event is divided by the number of potential customers who visited it and divided by 1000 -the resulting figure will be equal to CPM.
Properly conducting a PR campaign allows you to create informational campaigns for potential consumers and media spaces with great coverage, both in real life and on the Internet.
In general, the evaluation of effectiveness should occur comprehensively using any available methods.
That is, in general, to assess the effectiveness of the PR campaign to promote the educational services of the university, it is important for us to collect not only statistical data on the number of people who received the advertising message, but also to find out their attitude to the campaign, to the university as a place for the brand and organization in which they perhaps they will undergo their training and understand whether the campaign has influenced their attitude to the choice of education. You should also compare various indicators before, after and during various promotion events, for example, measure the attendance of the university's website in the indicated periods and do not forget to conduct surveys among students and teachers of the university itself, as well as visitors to events organized by the university.
Due to the constant competition in the educational services market, the problem of their promotion is acute for various universities, which is well reflected in the development of this problem in science.
Various scientific articles and works, term papers and final qualification works aimed at various aspects of promotion, both the universities themselves and the services offered by them, show the acute significance of the issue.
The problem in this case is rather not a lack of knowledge and information in this area, it is just the opposite more than enough, published works on the theme dating back to 2019 can be found in the public domain. The problem is to put such promotion into practice, it's easy to use ready-made and well-known promotion methods to compete with other providers of educational services in the market, it requires resource support to train the right staff and conduct a massive and ongoing campaign to promote their educational services.
There is also the problem of the incorrect use of these methods, only the educational service is being promoted as a commercial offer, and they often forget about promoting the image and recognition of the university as a brand. Although an integrated approach to the promotion of both services and image at the same time in this case is most effective.
For all this, one should not forget about the double direction of university promotion, both on the external environment and on the internal; they have a mutual influence on each other, a university with a close-knit team and happy, patriotic students towards it does not just sound attractive. but also acts in the same vein. Applicants, and their surroundings, asking questions about the university to their friends, studying and working in it, will only hear positive reviews and recommendations.
In order to stand out from the total mass, a creative approach is also required, using methods of guerrilla marketing, you can achieve great success in the field of promotion, but it will be good if the promotion is not only creative, but also has a foundation of resource, information and staffing.
That is, for the implementation of such an important obligation as the promotion of university services, at least specially trained personnel should be allocated. A university does not have to invest huge financial resources in promotion; it is enough to correctly evaluate and use its available resources and forces.
The existing site and groups on social networks open up the possibility of using not only traditional, but also various modern SMM and Internet methods of promotion.
A huge advantage of a university can also be the ability to conduct various kinds of events - you just need to use this opportunity correctly and creatively, there are enough options for this, in addition to traditional and generally accepted open days, it's worthwhile to develop and conduct various PR-events of the type:
• Entertaining: various performances of creative teams operating in the university or related to it.
• Competitive: quiz, quiz, sports and game competitions.
• Educational: invitation of applicants and graduate students as free students to lectures and seminars.
As we see, there are really many opportunities, while the organization and conduct of these events takes into account the double focus of PR promotion and low budget in financial terms, for effective promotion, in fact, it only requires the allocation of human and information resources.
From this we can conclude that the main tool for promoting the educational services of the university are the educational services of the university itself. The ability to train personnel to promote their own services, which, if not this, is an indicator of its effective work.
References / Список литературы
1. Alekseeva E. V. Diffusion of European innovations in Russia (XVIII - beginning of XX centuries), 2015.
2. Journal Herald of the RSUH. Series «Economics. Control. Law», 2015.
3. Journal Herald of the RSUH. Series «Economics. Control. Law», 2016.
4. Vestnik University Magazine "Attracting applicants using marketing technologies", 2015.
5. CyberLeninka - scientific electronic library. [Electronic resource]. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/ (date of access: 27.05.2020).
6. Makovich G.V. Design of an advertising campaign, 2016, Р. 11.
7. Medvedeva D.O., Gabdulhakova R. V. // Main directions of PR promotion of educational services of the university, 2017.
MANUFACTURING Tairova M.M.1, Aminova N.B.2, Rakhmankulova N.O.3 (Republic of Uzbekistan) Email: [email protected]
'TairovaMavludaMukhammedrizaevna — Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; 2Aminova Niginabonu Bakhriddinovna — Student; 3Rakhmankulova Nafisa Olimovna — Student, DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS, BUKHARA STATE UNIVERSITY, BUKHARA, REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN
Abstract: this article discusses the importance and strategies of supply chain development in a manufacturing enterprise. Since logistics costs are the main costs of a manufacturing enterprise, opinions are expressed on the impact of strategies to reduce them on the increase in enterprise revenue. One of the ways to solve these problems is through strategies for the development of management in the production industry in the supply chain. Lean integration of the supply chain upstream and downstream between suppliers and consumers who have significant competitive goals.
Keywords: supply chain, production, delivery, integration, sales, logistics, strategy, storage, warehouse.
'ТаироваМавлудаМухаммедризаевна — кандидат экономических наук, доцент; 2Аминова Нигинабону Бахриддиновна — студент; 3Рахманкулова Нафиса Олимовна — студент, кафедра экономики, Бухарский государственный университет, г. Бухара, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: в данной статье рассматриваются важность и стратегии развития цепочки поставок на производственном предприятии. Поскольку затраты на логистику являются основными затратами производственного предприятия, высказываются мнения о влиянии стратегий по их снижению на увеличение доходов предприятия. Один из способов решения этих проблем - через стратегии развития менеджмента в производстве промышленности в цепочке