Features of fitness management in sports
and health clubs
UDC 796.062
PhD, Associate Professor E.S. Inozemtseva1 Senior teacher Z.S. Zemlyakova1
Master student A.A. Smertina1
1National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk
Corresponding author: [email protected]
Objective of the study was to identify the structure and features of the fitness management of sports and health clubs in the city of Tomsk.
Methods and structure of the study. In order to identify the criteria for fitness management of sports and health clubs in the city of Tomsk, a survey was conducted. 115 women took part in the survey. To determine the features of fitness management, taking into account the identified criteria, pedagogical observations of the organization of work and a comparative analysis of the fitness management of sports and health clubs in the city of Tomsk - Freestyle, Super Gym, Dynamite and Manila were carried out.
Results and conclusions. Based on the results of the survey, such fitness management criteria as pricing policy, activity in social networks, staff training, brand and recognition were identified. It is shown that when developing a fitness management strategy, it is necessary to correctly calculate the cost of an annual and monthly subscription, regularly introduce discounts, promotions and bonus programs. Those involved in fitness are attracted by additional services on the territory of the club: the presence of a bath, sauna, solarium, children's room. Events on the territory of the sports and health club significantly increase the recognition of the club.
Keywords: fitness, health clubs, fitness management.
Introduction. Today, fitness clubs occupy a large share of the health and beauty market in Russia. The Association of Fitness Professionals claims that this market is growing at an average of 20% per year [3]. If earlier it was difficult for the population to pay for what they could get on a state basis, now Russians are quite solvent to buy a subscription to a fitness club in their city [1]. This means that the popularity of this market is growing. With the development of the fitness industry, associations, academies, studios and health clubs began to appear in large numbers, which accordingly leads to an increase in competition between them [2]. Therefore, it is important for health club owners to understand the basic components of the management of their industry, and fitness professionals should pay attention to those factors that determine the quality of the service they receive.
Objective of the study was to reveal the structure and features of the fitness management of sports and health clubs.
Methods and structure of the study. Scientific work was carried out from November 2021 to April 2022. In order to identify the criteria for fitness management of sports and health clubs in the city of Tomsk, a survey was conducted. 115 women took part in the survey. 50% of respondents are aged 2027 years old, 40% - 27-45 years old and 10% - over 45 years old, regularly attending sports and health clubs. To determine the features of fitness management, taking into account the identified criteria, pedagogical observations of the organization of work and a comparative analysis of the fitness management of sports and health clubs in the city of Tomsk - Freestyle, Super Gym, Dynamite and Manila were carried out.
Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I I november I № 11 2022
Results of the study and their discussion. The
results of the survey made it possible to identify the most preferred sports and health clubs in the city of Tomsk, shown in the figure.
According to the results of the survey, the most popular fitness clubs are Freestyle (25%) and Super Gym (19%). It can be noted that narrowly focused clubs were also indicated in the survey: Neon (3%) - a pole dance studio and Jamping Tomsk (4%) - a fitness studio on mini-trampolines.
Among the reasons for choosing one or another sports and health club, the convenient location of the organization is in the lead. 29% of those involved prefer a club near home or near work for physical education.
Preferences of those involved in fitness in choosing a sports and health club
Pricing policy also plays an important role when choosing a sports and health club, as noted by 20% of respondents.
Table 1. Comparative analysis of fitness management in sports and health clubs in Tomsk
Fitness Management Analysis «Freestyle» 25% Super Gym 19% «Dynamite» 4% Manila 4%
Price policy
The cost of an annual subscription 5990 25200 - -
The cost of a one-time workout 400 500 250 450
The cost of personal training 700 850-1250 500 700
Availability of discounts, promotions, bonus programs Holiday promotions Pensioners, schoolchildren, students - 20% Students - 50% Free first workout, holiday promotions
Additional services Showers Showers, nutrition consultation Showers Showers, sauna
Social media activity
Official site https://supergym. -
Social networks Vkontakte Vkontakte Odnoklassniki Youtube Vkontakte
Activity score Posts come out every day 2-3 posts every day - Posts come out every 2-3 months
Staff training
Learning organization Siberian College of Fitness Super Gym training - -
Availability of a license since 2014 - - -
Duration of study 2 months 2 weeks
Cost of education 25000 27000
Teacher Qualifications University professors, practicing trainers Practicing trainers
Brand presence and recognition
Souvenir products, availability of merch Name badges for staff Name badges for staff - -
Advertising Banners, target «VKontakte» Target «VKontakte», banners Bnners Flyers
Mentioned in newspapers, magazines Magazine «Expensive Pleasure» Tomsk
Holding promotions and events Participation in city day events Super gym fest — Open Day
However, the emotional comfort of club visitors prevails, namely, classes in the company of acquaintances, as noted by 23% of respondents. The main source of information, according to the respondents, are friends and acquaintances (42%). That being said, word of mouth is still the most effective marketing tactic as it allows you to create trusted conversations among your target audience.
The value of social networks in the awareness of the population (39%) is significantly ahead of other means of advertising. Those involved in fitness clubs also highly appreciate the work of support staff (administrators, sanitary service, supply managers). Thus, 42% of the respondents gave the highest rating to the work of the staff, 39% of the respondents rated the work of these services as good, 13% as satisfactory, and 6% as bad.
Among the reasons for the low assessment of the work of support staff, respondents indicated a lack of awareness about the work of the club - 35%, incorrect communication with visitors - 27% and lateness - 20%. The work of fitness club trainers was rated "excellent" and "good" by 63% and 17% of respondents. The reasons for the low assessment of the work of trainers, according to the survey, are: inattention to clients (37%), lack of emotional contact between the trainer and trainees (28%), poor technique for demonstrating exercises (18%) and inappropriate appearance of the trainer (untidiness, defiant clothing and appearance - 17%).
To determine the features of fitness management, taking into account the identified criteria, pedagogical observations of the organization of work and a comparative analysis of the fitness management of sports and health clubs in the city of Tomsk - Freestyle, Super Gym, Dynamite and Manila were carried out (Table 1).
Analyzing the pricing policy of sports and health
clubs and the availability of additional services included in the subscription price, it can be noted that even a lower subscription price and the existence of a discount system do not guarantee the success of a fitness club. A comparative analysis according to the criteria of "availability of an official website and activity in social networks" showed that in order to achieve better recognition of the club, better awareness of its customers, it is important not to neglect the fullness of electronic means. According to the third criterion - "training of employees", it was revealed that this is a separate business process in the work of a fitness club. The lack of a systematic approach to training is a mistake of the club's management, which brings problems to itself: a shortage of personnel, unsatisfactory work of the staff.
According to the fourth criterion - "presence and brand awareness" - it can be concluded that due to high competition, clubs lose their authentication and it is more difficult for the consumer to distinguish one club from another. Therefore, it is very important to use different channels: advertising, corporate identity, service, digital.
Based on the identified criteria and a comparative analysis of the fitness management of sports and health clubs in the city of Tomsk, practical recommendations were developed for the successful implementation of management in the fitness industry market, presented in Table 2.
Conclusion. As a result of the study, practical recommendations were developed for the successful implementation of the management of sports and health clubs in the fitness industry market, taking into account such criteria as economic resources, brand availability and recognition, employee training, social media activity and the work of support staff.
Table 2. Practical recommendations in the development of fitness management of a sports and health club
a E a
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a c
Economic resources
Competently calculate the cost of the annual and monthly subscription; Regularly introduce discounts, promotions, bonus programs; Have additional services available;
Carefully conclude an agreement with the landlord and other organizations
Brand presence and awareness
Use promotion with souvenirs (merch, t-shirts) Regularly hold promotions and events; Advertising through sponsors; Be mentioned in local newspapers, magazines
Employee training
Have your own license to train employees, train staff;
Employ only trainers with special education;
Hire highly qualified teachers_
Social media activity
Have as many communication and promotion channels as possible (VK, Telegram, YouTube) Maintain regular activity on social platforms; Use promotional tools
Staff work
Have incentive systems and awards for the title of the best employee; Conduct regular planning meetings, receive feedback from employees
Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I I november I № 11 2022
The study was supported by the Development Program of Tomsk State University "Priority-2030".
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