Научная статья на тему 'Strategic approach to quality management enterprises marketing activities'

Strategic approach to quality management enterprises marketing activities Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Datsii Nadiia Vasylivna

The conceptual model of quality strategic management of marketing activities includes the following elements: strategic architecture, strategic organization, strategic audit, each is considered in terms of information, functional, methodological, organizational and economic aspects. The implementation of this model will enhance the effectiveness of strategic management of enterprise marketing activities and ensure their long-term competitiveness.Conceptual-categorical apparatus is supplemented by such definitions: strategic management of marketing activity control that directs the activities on customer’s needs, to achieve strategic objectives, ensuring long-term competitive advantage by developing and implementing marketing strategies and implementing strategic changes in accordance with a dynamic marketing environment; architecture of strategic management of marketing activity construction andlogical combination of features, functions, methodologies (technology) strategic management of marketing activities to meet the needs of the target audience and achieve the strategic objectives of the enterprises.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Strategic approach to quality management enterprises marketing activities»

UDC: 005.21: 005.346

Datsii Nadiia Vasylivna,

Doctor of science in Public Administration, Assistant professor, Head of the Department of Management and Marketing, Kyiv National Linguistic University, 03680, Ukraine, Kyiv-150, st. Vasylkovska, 73, tel.: (044) 452 92 66, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0001-5032-1142

Дацш Надiя Василiвна,

доктор наук з державного управлтня, доцент, завiдувач кафедри менеджменту i маркетингу, Кшвський нащональ-ний лтгвктичний утверситет, 03680, Украта, м. Кшв-150, вул. Велика Василь-твська, 73, тел.: (044) 452 92 66, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0001-5032-1142

Даций Надежда Васильевна,

доктор наук по государственному управлению, доцент, заведующий кафедрой менеджмента и маркетинга, Киевский национальный лингвистический университет, 03680, Украина, г. Киев-150, ул. Большая Ва-сильковская, 73, тел.: (044) 452 92 66, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0001-5032-1142



Abstract. The conceptual model of quality strategic management of marketing activities includes the following elements: strategic architecture, strategic organization, strategic audit, each is considered in terms of information, functional, methodological, organizational and economic aspects. The implementation of this model will enhance the effectiveness of strategic management of enterprise marketing activities and ensure their long-term competitiveness.

Conceptual-categorical apparatus is supplemented by such definitions: strategic management of marketing activity — control that directs the activities on customer's needs, to achieve strategic objectives, ensuring long-term competitive advantage by developing and implementing marketing strategies and implementing strategic changes in accordance with a dynamic marketing environment; architecture of strategic management of marketing activity — construction and

logical combination of features, functions, methodologies (technology) strategic management of marketing activities to meet the needs of the target audience and achieve the strategic objectives of the enterprises.

Keywords: conceptual model, high-quality strategic management, marketing activity, strategic architecture, strategic organization, strategic approach.


Анотащя. Концептуальна модель якост стратепчного управлшня маркетингово'1 дiяльностi включае в себе наступш елементи: CTpaTerÍ4Ha apxi-тектура, стратегiчна органiзацiя, стратегiчний аудит, кожен розглядаеться з точки зору шформацп, функщональних, методологiчних, органiзацiйних та економiчних аспектiв. Реалiзацiя цiеï моделi дасть змогу пiдвищити ефек-тившсть стратегiчного управлiння маркетингово'1 дiяльностi шдприемств та забезпечити ïx довгострокову конкурентоспроможшсть.

Концептуально-категорiальний апарат доповнюеться такими визначен-нями: стратегiчне управлiння маркетинговою дiяльнiстю — контроль, що спрямовуе дiяльнiсть на потреби клiента для досягнення стратепчних цiлей, що забезпечують довгострокову конкурентну перевагу шляхом розроблення i реалiзацiï маркетингових стратегш i реалiзацiï стратегiчниx змiн, ввдповщ-но до динамiчного маркетингового середовища. Арxiтектура стратепчного управлшня маркетингово'1 дiяльностi — будiвництво та логiчна комбiнацiя можливостей, функцш, методологй' (технологй') стратегiчного управлiння маркетингово'1 дiяльностi з метою задоволення потреб щльово'1 аудиторй' i досягнення стратепчних щлей пiдприемства.

Ключовi слова: концептуальна модель, стратепчне управлiння високо'1 якосп, маркетингова дiяльнiсть, стратегiчна арxiтектура, стратепчна оргаш-зацiя, стратегiчний пiдxiд.


Аннотация. Концептуальная модель качества стратегического управления маркетинговой деятельности включает в себя следующие элементы: стратегическая архитектура, стратегическая организация, стратегический аудит, каждый рассматривается с точки зрения информации, функциональных, методологических, организационных и экономических аспектов. Реализация данной модели позволит повысить эффективность стратегического управления маркетинговой деятельности предприятий и обеспечить их долгосрочную конкурентоспособность.

Концептуально-категориальный аппарат дополняется такими определениями: стратегическое управление маркетинговой деятельности — контроль, который направляет деятельность на потребности клиента для достижения стратегических целей, обеспечивающих долгосрочное конкурентное преимущество путем разработки и реализации маркетинговых стратегий и

реализации стратегических изменений, согласно динамической маркетинговой среды. Архитектура стратегического управления маркетинговой деятельности — строительство и логическая комбинация возможностей, функций, методологии (технологии) стратегического управления маркетинговой деятельности в целях удовлетворения потребностей целевой аудитории и достижения стратегических целей предприятия.

Ключевые слова: концептуальная модель, стратегическое управление высокого качества, маркетинговая деятельность, стратегическая архитектура, стратегическая организация, стратегический подход.

Target setting. At present there is a need of enterprises control market orientation, providing a strategic approach, changing the management style that involves the formation of a certain way of thinking in quality management of the company. Market orientation in enterprise management realized through strategic marketing management. Only long-term vision of the company can ensure further prosperity and growth, and this is possible only when conditions of implementation of strategic marketing management in the company.

Mean while, in the current conomic conditions the need for high-quality strategic management of marketing activity is due to a chang of paradigm management company and the definition of the concept of strategic management of marketing activities as a basis for long-term success of enterprises in a dynamic marketing environment.

Analysis of recent publications on issues. The scientific work of modern scholars highlight the strategic approach to quality management of marketing activities of enterprises, namely the theoretical aspects of marketing (Kotler, P. Doyle, S. Dybb, LV Bala-

banov, A. Voychak, VG Gerasymchuk, GA Dimitrenko, PS Zavyalov, AF Pav-lenko et al.), the problems of a strategic approach to quality management (Ansoff I., K. Bowman, AS Vihanskyy, VD. Nemtsov, Sadyekov AA, AA Thompson, Z. YE. Shershnev, AA Shubin et al.) and aspects of strategic management of marketing activities (Hyebyey J., F, J Lamben, VV Kholod etc.).

The purpose of the article — to analyze the management of enterprise marketing activities and identify strategic approach to improving its quality.

The statement of basic materials. In the implementation of economic reforms in Ukraine all enterprises increasingly recognize the need for change management based on scientifically based procedures for their predictions, regulation, adaptation to external conditions change. It is uncertain environmental factors and dynamic markets of Ukraine causing considerable relevance today use the concept of quality of strategic management.

Setting strategic objectives of enterprises Ukraine gets in terms of transformation of market relations special relevance. These goals and directions of development in this period should be determined by new inherent market

elements. The task of the world market facing domestic enterprises requires not only enhance product competitiveness, but also active use of methods-house planning and management based on their strategic development.

Strategic management of the company focuses on efficient operation in the future and considers it as a system that determines its configuration and orientation of the target, depending on changes in the external environment.

It is advisable to note the following definition of strategic management — the process of planning, organization and implementation of strategic changes and to control the mission and achieve the objectives, policies and strategic priorities.

In current conditions the need for high-quality marketing approach to strategic management due firstly stiff competition as a consequence of the globalization of business. Global firms are considering the world as a whole, which erases national differences, is the standardization of consumption. Global firms products are sold in all countries of the world and is an important factor of competition in national markets. Resist the pressure of global commodities companies can only acting in similar methods, developing effective marketing strategies.

Second, the fact that among the functional areas of marketing the company paid a special place. His leading role stems from the importance of the market as a decisive factor for success. This suggests that marketing is not only one of the functional areas, but management concept for the whole enterprise.

Thus at the present stage of market economy in Ukraine is necessary to use

an integrated approach for quality strategic management of marketing activities.

High-quality strategic management of marketing activities on the one hand based controls marketing activities, and the other is already a part of strategic management.

Therefore, it is appropriate to allocate the following definition quality strategic management of marketing activity of the company — management process is establishing a balance between strategic marketing objectives and strategic potential of the company.

The main idea of the transition from operational management to quality strategic idea is the need to transfer the attention of senior management of "internal" problems of the problems of the environment to react to changes that occur in it.

The strategic management of marketing activity is the management through strategic management, marketing, and best practices and activities should be based on feedback each stage and controls implemented within it.

Despite the differences in approaches to modeling qualitative strategic management of marketing activity in each model, there are three stages of strategic management of marketing activities:

• the architecture of strategic management of marketing activities (development and implementation of strategies);

• strategicmarketing management activities or organizational system settings according to the chosen strategy (implementation mechanism for strategic management of marketing activity);

• audit the strategic management of marketing activities (assessment strategies and monitoring of policy measures).

Strategic architecture described in his writings still Hamel and Prahalad as follows: "... the strategic architecture of shows what opportunities it needs to step up right now, which demands new groups of consumers begin to understand immediately that explore new channels today, which new seek development priorities at the moment to seize the future. "Thus, the strategic architecture — it is essentially a master plan for the deployment of the new features of the new competencies or moving existing ones, and the new configuration of the system interaction with consumers" [1, p. 152].

Architecture quality strategic management of marketing activities is advisable to treat both organization and logical combination of features, functions, methodologies (technology) strategic management of marketing activities to meet the needs of the target audience and achieve the strategic objectives of the enterprise. This is the most important stage of the strategic management of marketing activities.

Effective enterprise strategy should be based on three pillars, which are the result of strategic analysis:

• correctly identified long-term goals;

• deep understanding of the competitive environment;

• realistic assessment of own resources and capabilities of the company.

Selection strategy involves the decision of three tasks:

• the first stage of forming a promising vision and mission of the company. Carefully formulated mission Company helps direct efforts towards enterprises that determined leadership;

• the second step in the development strategy is the formulation of strategic and financial objectives, which should reach the company. Formulated and agreed targets should be achievable, should be reserved terms and methods of their implementation. Targets are converted into the company's mission;

• the third step includes a strategy to achieve the objectives set in each area of the company [2, p. 29].

Marketing strategies have to focus the company on the maximum and timely adaptation of the dynamic marketing environment to achieve their strategic goals.

Thus, the content quality strategic management of marketing activity recommended assessed by the conceptual model of strategic management of marketing activities that includes the following elements: strategic architecture, strategic organization and strategic audit, each is considered in terms of information, functional, methodological, organizational and economic aspects.

The information content of the strategic management of marketing activities of the company is forming a marketing information system.

The marketing information system (MIS) — a system of relationships of people, equipment and instructional techniques that constantly works intended for the collection, classifica-

tion, analysis, evaluation and dissemination of relevant, timely and accurate information for use in marketing administrators to improve planning, implementation and monitoring of marketing activities [3, p. 118].

Functional content of the quality of strategic management of enterprise marketing activities is found in large-scale sequencing and superiority implementation of the main functions of strategic management of marketing activities.

Content management functions of strategic marketing activities depends on: the scale of production and marketing; competitive conditions; product lines; features of consumption and demand for the products of the company; nature of relations company with distribution network.

In literature there are different opinions on the functions of strategic marketing and strategic management, but at the same time functions of strategic management of marketing activities not allocated.

Research methodological content of the strategic management of enterprise marketing activity involves representing aggregate methods of investigation used in the strategic management of marketing activities.

I share the view [4, p. 121] that marketing research is the collection, processing, analysis and storage of data to justify marketing solutions to reduce uncertainty and risk, the operation of the enterprise market.

Thus, marketing research enable to develop the overall strategy of portfolio marketing activities carried out by the company, and therefore all align and optimize the strategic manage-

ment of marketing activities. The results also enable market research form the criteria of efficiency of marketing activity and analyze the effectiveness of each individual sphere of marketing.

Today, there is quite a number of marketing methods research elements of strategic management of marketing activities, which should be grouped as follows (Annex B8): matrix methods for assessing competitiveness and comprehensive model

Organizing the content of the strategic management of enterprise marketing activity detected in sequence using institutional leverage, ie the use of the enterprise organizational and administrative management.

So to implement marketing strategies the company should implement strategic changes, which are to be understood changes carried out during implementations strategies for achievement of the strategic goals of the enterprise existing state new desired state [5, p. 61].

Also be aware that the implementation of the strategic management of marketing activities of the company are the changes that appear first on the staff.

To support the chosen strategic direction of marketing activities appropriate to the head measures to overcome the possibility of resistance to change from employees. Namely, to hold a general meeting at which workers bring to the company goals, strategic advantages and prospects of implementation strategies of interest to the system of motivation. That is the task of leadership at this stage is support corporate spirit.

All policy changes require changes in the staff of the organization. The

company's management has set itself the question: How should the organization to decide to put its strategic objectives, as people have to change in the organization in order to place these changes.

In this regard, key areas of competency should be adapted to the new conditions. To this end, the company should be a system for recruitment / selection of staff and its phased plan. In addition, to evaluate personnel available in the enterprise, whereby employees distributed in three categories of specialists, of which:

• are able to fulfill future work;

• can gain the appropriate skills, abilities through training;

• unlikely to be able to adapt to changes in the environment and are candidates for the expiration of the enterprise.

For the first group raises the question — how motivated staff to successfully Organization could achieve its strategic goals as motivation of personnel directly related to the management systems and promotion of quality work in the organization. This feature is crucial for promoting strategic changes in the company.

To develop an effective strategy for managing enterprise personnel loyalty through improving indicators such as direct management and development of competences, adapted model of Kano.

According to this model, a product causes various types of satisfaction or dissatisfaction, depending on whether or not executed by the client's needs fully, or only partially satisfied or not performed [6, p. 184]. This view can be transformed to internal customers ie employees.

Investigation economic substance process management quality strategic marketing activities of enterprises is due to the use of resources and determining the effectiveness of their application.

The term "efficiency of the enterprise", despite its pervasiveness, is treated not clear. The authors of Western literature to characterize purposes HR often use the term "economic" and "social" performance. This cost efficiency is understood as achieve results with minimal costs to the goals of the company — economic performance, stability, high flexibility and adaptability to ever-changing environment; social efficiency — as the interests and needs of consumers and employees.

At the present stage quality control marketing activities of the enterprise has a certain set of measures implemented by management to ensure the efficient functioning of the market, so "effective marketing activities" means:

• marketing Field set goals so that the best opportunities to link market situation of internal potential of the company;

• to plan all marketing activities and effectively organize their implementation to achieve the objectives of the company;

• time to do surgery in the course of marketing processes due to the circumstances and the situation that is changing;

• effectively control and use this data to analyze and evaluate the whole course of marketing in the enterprise, preparing the necessary adjustments to the objectives, means and methods for the future;

• encourage the efficient work of all staff to obtain maximum creative impact.

Apart from the obvious benefits of strategic management of marketing activities characterized by some drawbacks and limitations, which indicate that this type of management has universal application in all situations for solving problems that arise.

The main problems of implementation and quality control of strategic marketing activities in domestic enterprises in the emerging market economy are the following:

• quality strategic management of marketing activities in nature may not give an accurate and detailed picture of the future. The desired state of the enterprise — this is not a detailed description of its internal and external state of the emerging methods of strategic management, but rather qualitative wishes of the condition we would like it to be, what position to occupy on the market that have an organizational structure in which the business group include. All this together should determine whether the company will survive in the future competition or not;

• quality strategic management of marketing activity can not be reduced to a set of routine procedures and schemes; it has no narrative theory, that would give recommendations address specific problems or situations. As the practice of strategic management — a certain ideology of business and management, which every now perceived differently;

• for the implementation of the strategic management of marketing activities requires considerable effort and investment of time and resources. It is necessary to implement a strategic plan that clearly differs from the long-term plans and binding in all conditions. The strategic plan should be flexible and able to respond to changes inside and outside the organization. To develop such a plan requires considerable effort and costs, and create special services that monitor the external environment;

• mistakes in the strategic management of marketing activities increase sharply negative drawbacks. At a time when in a short time created entirely new products, dramatically changing investment trends, new business opportunities and disappear established consequences for mistakes are fatal strategic choice for the company.

Thus, lack of management support, lack of knowledge and skills personnel, lack of innovation in the enterprise, lack of funds, the discrepancy organizational structure and corporate culture, lack of information resources lead to difficulty and sometimes impossibility of forecasting. So, solving critical problems associated with the need to ensure the effective functioning of enterprises not only today but in the future depends on the development of methodologies and techniques of strategic management of marketing activities.

Conclusions. It is established that quality strategic management of marketing activity is management that

focuses activities on customer's needs, to achieve strategic objectives, ensuring long-term competitive advantage by developing and implementing marketing strategies and implementing strategic changes in accordance with a dynamic marketing environment. Model quality strategic management of marketing activity includes three phases: architecture, organization and management audit strategic marketing activities (assessment strategies and monitoring of policy measures).

Company quality control of strategic marketing activities is a process of adaptation to the selected company marketing strategies for their most complete and effective implementation. Conceptual approach to quality strategic management of marketing activity includes the following elements: architecture, organization and audit the strategic management of marketing activities, each of which is considered in terms of the following aspects: the economic aspect is the use of logistical, financial, labor, informational resources and determining their effectiveness application; organizational aspect is to use a sequence of organizational leverage, ie the use of the enterprise organizational and administrative management; functional aspect is massive consistency and superiority implementation of the main functions

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of strategic management of marketing activities; information aspect is shaping marketing information system for strategic management of marketing activities; methodological aspect is to use a set of methods and techniques of research used in the strategic management of marketing activities.


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