Научная статья на тему 'Feature s of the main approaches of public administration use to professional and amateur arts'

Feature s of the main approaches of public administration use to professional and amateur arts Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
system / process / situational / indicative / approach / amateur / professional art / state administration / системний / процесний / ситуаційний / індикативний під- хід / аматорське / професійне мистецтво / державне управління

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Lebiedieva Nadiia Anatoliivna

The article describes some peculiarities of using the basic approaches of state administration for professional and amateur arts. It is established that for the State it is necessary to provide an assistance to artistic development in all spheres of its appearance. The use of an indicative approach to professional and amateur art management is recommended. It is revealed that indicative state management of art will be able to transform the subjects of management into the subjects of responsibility, who will achieve clearly defined spiritual and educational tasks and become accountable. This will contribute to systematic assessment of the practice of state and municipal management of professional and amateur art and will allow to adjust educational policy at all levels of government — the state, the region, the settlement, a separate union of artists. It is proved that the formation of professional and amateur arts in the system of public administration should take place through the process of understanding the aspects of individual and group behavior, the system analysis, planning methods, motivation and control, quantitative methods and decision making. Applying the philosophical approach to the problem under study, I believe that a healthy society can not be imagined without art. Man in its essence tends to be beautiful, to recreate the surrounding world through the prism of their own feelings of objective reality in works of art. That is why, for the state, it is extremely necessary to ensure the promotion of artistic development in all areas of its manifestation. It is noted that one of the main approaches of the state administration to the formation of professional and amateur art is the author of this article considers the philosophical approach. There are also special connections of personality and social factors that determine the spiritual crisis of man.

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Схарактеризовано особливості використання основних підходів державного управління до професійного та аматорського мистецтв. Встановлено, що для держави вкрай необхідно забезпечити сприяння мистецького розвитку в усіх галузях його прояву. Рекомендовано застосування індикативного підходу в управлінні професійним та аматорським мистецтвом. Виявлено, що індикативне державне управління мистецтвом зможе перетворити суб’єктів управління на суб’єктів відповідальності, які будуть досягати чітко визначені духовно-виховні завдання і стануть підзвітними. Це сприятиме систематичному оцінюванню практики державного й муніципального управління професійним і аматорським мистецтвом та надасть змогу коригувати виховну політику на всіх рівнях влади, — держави, регіону, населеного пункту, окремої спілки митців. Доведено, що формування професійного та аматорського мистецтв у системі державного управління має відбуватися через процес розуміння аспектів індивідуальної і групової поведінки, процедури системного аналізу, методів планування, мотивування і контролювання, кількісних методів і прийняття рішень. Застосовуючи філософський підхід до досліджуваної проблеми, я вважаю, що здорове суспільство неможливо уявити без мистецтва. Людина за своєю сутністю прагне до прекрасного, до відтворення навколишнього світу крізь призму власних почуттів об’єктивної реальності у творах мистецтва. Саме тому для держави вкрай необхідно забезпечити сприяння мистецького розвитку в усіх галузях його прояву. Відмічено, що одним з головних підходів державного управління до формування професійного та аматорського мистецтв автор цієї статті вважає філософський підхід. Існують також особливі зв’язки особистісних і соціальних факторів, які зумовлюють духовну кризу людини.

Текст научной работы на тему «Feature s of the main approaches of public administration use to professional and amateur arts»

UDC: 351:37.013/7.071(7.077)

Lebiedieva Nadiia Anatoliivna,

post-graduate student of the Department of Public Administration, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, 03039, Ky-iv, Str. Frometivska, 2, tel.: (063) 481 52 95, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-4095-2631 Лебедева Надiя Анатолпвна, асшрант кафедри публiчного адмгтстру-вання, Мiжрегiональна Академiя управ-лтня персоналом, 03039, м. Кигв, вул. Фро-Memiecbrn, 2, тел.: (063) 481 52 95, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-4095-2631 Лебедева Надежда Анатольевна, аспирант кафедры публичного администрирования, Межрегиональная Академия управления персоналом, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: (063) 481 52 95, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-4095-2631

DOI https://doi.org/10.31618/vadnd.vim.26



Abstract. The article describes some peculiarities of using the basic approaches of state administration for professional and amateur arts. It is established that for the State it is necessary to provide an assistance to artistic development in all spheres of its appearance. The use of an indicative approach to professional and amateur art management is recommended. It is revealed that indicative state management of art will be able to transform the subjects of management into the subjects of responsibility, who will achieve clearly defined spiritual and educational tasks and become accountable. This will contribute to systematic assessment of the practice of state and municipal management of professional and amateur art and will allow to adjust educational policy at all levels of government — the state, the region, the settlement, a separate union of artists.

It is proved that the formation of professional and amateur arts in the system of public administration should take place through the process of understanding the aspects of individual and group behavior, the system analysis, planning methods,

motivation and control, quantitative methods and decision making. Applying the philosophical approach to the problem under study, I believe that a healthy society can not be imagined without art. Man in its essence tends to be beautiful, to recreate the surrounding world through the prism of their own feelings of objective reality in works of art. That is why, for the state, it is extremely necessary to ensure the promotion of artistic development in all areas of its manifestation.

It is noted that one of the main approaches of the state administration to the formation of professional and amateur art is the author of this article considers the philosophical approach. There are also special connections of personality and social factors that determine the spiritual crisis of man.

Keywords: system, process, situational, indicative, approach, amateur, professional art, state administration.


Анотащя. Схарактеризовано особливосп використання основних шд-ходiв державного управлшня до професшного та аматорського мистецтв. Встановлено, що для держави вкрай необхщно забезпечити сприяння ми-стецького розвитку в уах галузях його прояву. Рекомендовано застосуван-ня шдикативного шдходу в управлшш професшним та аматорським мисте-цтвом. Виявлено, що шдикативне державне управлшня мистецтвом зможе перетворити суб'екпв управлшня на суб'екпв вщповщальносп, яю будуть досягати чггко визначеш духовно-виховш завдання i стануть шдзв^ними. Це сприятиме систематичному оцшюванню практики державного й муш-ципального управлшня професшним i аматорським мистецтвом та надасть змогу коригувати виховну пол^ику на вах рiвнях влади, — держави, регю-ну, населеного пункту, окремо!' спiлки митщв.

Доведено, що формування професiйного та аматорського мистецтв у си-стемi державного управлiння мае вiдбуватися через процес розумшня ас-пектiв шдивщуально!' i групово'1' поведiнки, процедури системного анал^ зу, методiв планування, мотивування i контролювання, кiлькiсних методiв i прийняття ршень. Застосовуючи фiлософський шдхвд до дослiджуваноï проблеми, я вважаю, що здорове суспiльство неможливо уявити без мисте-цтва. Людина за своею сутшстю прагне до прекрасного, до вщтворення на-вколишнього св^у крiзь призму власних почуттiв об'ективно!' реальностi у творах мистецтва. Саме тому для держави вкрай необхщно забезпечити сприяння мистецького розвитку в уах галузях його прояву.

Вiдмiчено, що одним з головних пiдходiв державного управлшня до формування професшного та аматорського мистецтв автор ще!" статт вважае фшософський шдхщ. 1снують також особливi зв'язки особиспсних i сощ-альних факторiв, яю зумовлюють духовну кризу людини.

K^40bî слова: системний, процесний, ситуацiйний, шдикативний шд-хiд, аматорське, професiйне мистецтво, державне управлшня.


Аннотация. Охарактеризованы особенности использования основных подходов государственного управления к профессиональному и любительскому искусствам. Установлено, что для государства крайне необходимо обеспечить содействие художественного развития во всех сферах его проявления. Рекомендовано применение индикативного подхода в управлении профессиональным и любительским искусством. Выявлено, что индикативное государственное управление искусством сможет превратить субъектов управления в субъектов ответственности, которые будут достигать четко определенные духовно-воспитательные задачи и станут подотчетными. Это будет способствовать систематической оценке практики государственного и муниципального управления профессиональным и любительским искусством и позволит корректировать воспитательную политику на всех уровнях власти — государства, региона, населенного пункта, отдельного союза художников.

Доказано, что формирование профессионального и любительского искусства в системе государственного управления должно происходить через процесс понимания аспектов индивидуального и группового поведения, процедуры системного анализа, методов планирования, мотивации и контроля, количественных методов и принятия решений. Применяя философский подход к исследуемой проблеме, я считаю, что здоровое общество невозможно представить без искусства. Человек по своей сути стремится к прекрасному, к воссозданию окружающего мира сквозь призму собственных чувств объективной реальности в произведениях искусства. Именно поэтому для государства крайне необходимо обеспечить содействие художественного развития во всех сферах его проявления.

Отмечено, что одним из главных подходов государственного управления к формированию профессионального и любительского искусства автор данной статьи считает философский подход. Существуют также особые связи личностных и социальных факторов, которые обусловливают духовный кризис человека.

Ключевые слова: системный, процессный, ситуационный, индикативный подход, любительское, профессиональное искусство, государственное управление.

Target setting. In the process of science development, the state governance principles, methods and styles, together with the forms of practical management, in total, became

the basis of influence, which, in turn, formed certain approaches. Such complexes of pragmatic structures and mechanisms characterizing strategies in science have become the object

of many Ukrainian scientists' attention.

There are most common four approaches to management. One of them is traditional approach (when there are different management schools, for example, "scientific management", "administrative management", "human relations and behavior science" are distinguished), together with systemic, process and situational.

According to candidate of economics A. S. Bezrodnaya, more than 13 approaches to management are known. These are: administrative, dynamic, integration, reproduction, complex, process, marketing, behavioral, normative, functional, quantitative, systemic and situational" [1, p. 119]. According to my opinion, one should focus exclusively on approaches that can be applied in the synthesis of the formation of public administration mechanisms for the professional and amateur arts development. The first approach in the sphere of influence, I consider strategic management, which can include decision-making in terms of management methodology, system, diagnostics of the situation.

Ukrainian scientist V. A. Kharch-enko believes that consequence of the strategic management introduction will be increase some positive result of financial and economic activity. The scientist focuses on using the theory of systems in management. This is precisely what caused the formation of a systematic approach as a cognition method. The system approach as a way of thinking, in terms of organization, reveals all the elements of management activity. In the context of our study, a similar organization is a union of professional

or amateur artists. Such components of a systematic approach as task, function, and methods are interconnected and affect each other. Through the prism of such an approach, the organization is considered as a system with an input (the purpose of activity), output (activity results), internal and external connections, factors of influence" [2, p. 157]. The author of this scientific work agrees with V. A. Kharchenko's opinion concerning the fact that it is possible to investigate the development and functioning, the structure of the whole, to establish the special features of the elements of the organization and to trace the interrelations and interactions with the help of a systematic approach. The urgency of considering other approaches in public administration to the development of professional and amateur art arises as a result of complex social, political and economic circumstances nowadays.

Analysis of recent research and publications. Many leading Ukrainian scholars such as Y. S. Kolodiy, I. V. Ko-nonova, O. Kuzmin, N. Petryshyn, N. Syrotinskaya, V. Semenova and others devote their works to the main managerial approaches. The value of their work is due to the fact that these approaches are theoretically substantiated by scientists. They are new in relation to the introduction into the state administrative space of professional and amateur arts.

The purpose of the article is to substantiate the peculiarities of using the basic approaches of public administration to professional and amateur arts, based on the analysis of modern Ukrainian scientific researches.

The statement of basic materials.

Bearing in mind the systematic approach, we believe that the effectiveness of public administration in the professional and amateur arts development in a holistic organization depends on the effectiveness and interaction of all its parts in a whole. As a continuation of systems' theory, a situational approach as a way of state thinking regarding the organization of professional and amateur arts is considered.

In general, Ukrainian scientist V. A. Kharchenko outlines such factors, that created certain situations and became the most influential in identifying advantages and disadvantages, and situational constraints, along with the choice of constraints, consequences of the situation, the choice of specific techniques and management methods for any particular situation [2, p. 157]. The use of such approach to art management will result in the effective achievement of managerial goals necessarily.

Ukrainian scholars O. Kuzmin, N. Petryshyn, N. Syrotinskaya observe that the situational approach has its basis as a determining factor in the circumstances that influence on the organization for a certain time period. A similar aims' set for getting some management tools addresses the specific management situations most effectively and achieve the goal set before the organization [3, p. 3]. In our case, this means some finding a state strategy in overcoming the spiritual crisis of society by the mechanisms of artistic organizations influence upon the population of the country.

Taking into account the scientific research of O. Kuzmina, N. Petryshyn,

N. Syrotinskaya, I consider that the formation of professional and amateur arts in the system of public administration should take place through the process of understanding special aspects of individual and group behavior, the procedure of system analysis, methods of planning, motivation and control, quantitative methods and decision-making [3, p. 5].

Regarding our topic, it becomes clear, that such an approach is appropriated for artistic associations and enterprises. In the process of state strategic management of art, the author considers it expedient to use a systematic approach, which "allows us to consider the elements of management comprehensively (their composition, strength, level of community in the system) structure (type of structure, relationships, interdependence on the quantitative and qualitative level), functional appointment (functions of subsystems, elements), integrative aspect (identification of system goals, contradictions and ways of their elimination, definition of the main link), communicative aspect (identifying relationships with other subsystems and elements) and the historical aspect (research stages of development systems, forecasting its prospects)" [2, p. 157].

This approach, I believe, allows to manage the artistic associations and enterprises and to ensure the achievement of general national importance goals.

In order to implement approaches, the main provisions of which can be used to provide strategic state management of the professional and amateur arts' formation, we have to stay on the approaches that are used at each stage within the strategic management.

These approaches are systemic, process and functional. As it noted by Ukrainian scholars, Professor L. I. Chernobay & O. I. Duma, modern science operates with four main approaches to management, such as namely: process, system, situational and functional. "They evolved in the course of the science of governance development. Efficient functioning of the organization doesn't depend on its individual components, but is the result of close interaction between them. Evolution of the system occurs as a result of its adaptation to the external and internal environment challenges" [4, p. 189].

In the formation of professional and amateur arts, public administration will function effectively as a result of close interaction between individual artists and artistic associations with the authorities. "The system approach considers the activities of the enterprise as a sequence of interconnected processes, flowing in all units, with the involvement of different services and focused on the implementation of strategic goals" [1, p. 123]. That is, all enterprises related to the creation of artistic designs, are able to attract various public services in order to create high-quality works of art, unique in appearance and content. "The situational approach is based on the need to manage the organization by taking into account a set of circumstances that have an impact on the effectiveness of its functioning" [2, p. 189]. According to the situ-ational approach, we can state that the most important for effective formation of professional and amateur arts in the system of public administration is the identification of key situational factors that have the greatest influence on

their ability to be competitive in the vast majority of situations.

Ukrainian scientist I. V. Kononova believes that the situational approach guides managers to use the possibilities of direct application of science to specific situations and conditions. The situation, according to her opinion, is the cornerstone of this approach. Circumstances, that constitute a specific set of influential factors on any enterprise at a certain time require a control system precisely situational thinking [5, p. 147]. Management, which is carried out situational, has the consequence of a decision that does not meet the established work plans. It detects potential problems. Such an approach requires management decentralization, which will provide the necessary flexibility of the structure of the organization, along with a rapid reaction to conditions that change constantly [6, p. 147]. In our case, for example, when creating a movie, there are various unpredictable situations, starting with the approval of locations for shooting and to the formation of the film cost. During such circumstances, it is necessary to involve the state structures in solving situational issues.

In the process of analyzing strengths and weaknesses, opportunities or threats that have developed at a certain time point, it is advisable to apply a situational approach. The situation approach also requires a managerial system in the formation of an alternative, when assessing and choosing a strategy when it is necessary to consider different directions of the future development of the artistic association. Adjustment of the strategy is also carried out within the framework of this approach,

depending on external and internal changes [1, p. 124].

Based on the statement of professor L. I. Chernobay [4, p. 190] that the functional approach is based on the integrated study of the main management system functions, the coordinated use of which contributes to the achievement of tactical and strategic goals of enterprises, the author of this study believes that the functional approach in the context of public administration of professional and amateur arts formation is that artistic activity will be considered as a set of functions necessary for some implementation of the public administration tasks. After the functions installed, objects would be created which an alternative to the execution with the next choice, which needs a minimum of expenses.

According to researchers, the process approach is a managerial approach for creating policies and procedures for managing the work of organization, which will enable the most effective achievement of organizational goals. Continuous, interrelated actions, in this case, contribute to the achievement of the organization goal [4, p. 190].

According to opinion of PhD in economic science O. S. Bezrodnaya, new managerial principles that form an understanding of constructing on functional and situational approaches are especially important [1, p. 172]. Olga Bezrodnaya describes the concept of "strategic management", distinguishing between process approaches , functional, institutional and conceptual approaches [1, p. 114].

Ukrainian scholar Yuriy Kolodiy also distinguishes systemic, process,

situational, substantive and functional approaches to management. The system approach is defined by Ukrainian scientist as determining the basic organizational elements and adapting them to a higher level [6, p. 172].

As for the author's of this study point of view, public administration in the field of art should be considered as a process, because of achieving state administration goals with the help of others are series of continuous interrelated actions.

According to Ukrainian scientist Yu S. Kolodiy, such actions are procedural administrative functions, the sum of which represents the whole process of management. The process approach reflects an integration of all activities into a single chain. "Such attention focuses on the relationship of individual actions, each of them, in turn, is some process" [6, p. 173]. Based on such a statement of the scientist, we can say that the arts management is a managerial function that changes in time and space dynamics, and is closely interconnected. The starting point of a situ-ational approach is an assertion that there is no single way of organization. At different stages of enterprise deve-lopment,differenttypesoforganization-al structures are required by types [6, p. 173]. The situational approach for public administration of professional and amateur arts formation can't be limited to a separate branch.

With the help of a situational approach, an adaptive principle of strategic management, which is the main principle, in our case — strategic state management of art can be realized. The essence of this approach will be in the system of planning, organizational

structure and culture organizations will react to changes in the external environment.

In the state administration of professional and amateur art forming, the essence of the subject approach is to improve each existing object to every material and technical provision.

Another important, in my opinion, approach is indicative. According to Ukrainian scientist Y. S. Kolodiy, such a management approach will turn the subjects of management into the subjects of responsibility. And it's good, in my opinion, because there will be some reorientation towards achieving clear socio-economic objectives. The end result will be controlled and accountable. Mechanism of clearly defined indicators will help assess the practice of state and municipal governance systematically. As a result, it will allow to correct the cultural and artistic policy at all levels: state, regional, individual artistic enterprise. "As a result, this means — technologically direct administrative procedures for regulating the economy and public relations for achieving the ultimate goals and results" [6, p. 177]. That is, in the context of this article, an indicative state management of art will be able to transform the management subjects into subjects of responsibility that will achieve clearly defined spiritual and educational tasks and become accountable. Such kind of mechanism will promote a systematic assessment of the state and municipal management practice in professional and amateur art and will allow to adjust educational policy at all levels of government: state, regional, a separate union of artists. "Indicative management and planning involves the development of government

decisions, not on the basis of general political intentions and abstract tasks, but on the basis of clear quantitative and qualitative parameters that should be achieved by the authorities and management within a specified period" [6, p. 177].

Consider the functions of indicative management in the formation of professional and amateur arts in the system of public administration. First, it is a statement of goals and predictions, which consists in the education of society and public consciousness. Goal setting consists of three components: analysis of the initial level of the object of indicative management state, setting goals & forecasting. After the goal has been determined, planning should be done by the public administration. Planning will include an investment program, a government order and, of course, a budget. Planning will be some kind finance management, as a result of which there will be a state management of the artistic works implementation, accounting, control and profit management tools. Management of implementation will necessarily have regulatory and methodological support, which, in turn, will move to information provision. Consequently, we have a cyclic structure of the indicative management function in the formation of professional and amateur arts in the system of public administration.

History of management, in general, gives the opportunity to highlight such substantive-role approaches of management: management as art, management as a science, management as a process, management as a function on opinion of modern Ukrainian scientist, PhD in economic sciences, the senior lecturer

I. V. Kononov. The ability to effectively the accumulated experience of scholars use determines art, because it contributes to the efforts of members of the entire team to achieve common goals [5, p. 147]. By defining management as a science, the researcher focuses his attention on the availability of the subject of study, specific problems and approaches to their solution, the establishment of causal relationships. The only chain of all kinds of integration activities for the solution of managerial problems is defined as a process [5, p. 147].

As a function, management is implemented through the actions of planning, organization, management, coordination, control, motivation, leadership, communication, research, evaluation, decision-making, recruitment of qualified specialists, representation, negotiation, conclusion of agreements [6, p. 147].

According to V. G. Semenova, PhD of economic sciences, the realization of certain management functions is a basic concept and does not depend on what approach in management is implemented. "Regardless of what management activity is directed at (functional unit management or business process management), it is necessary to identify clearly with planning the volume of production, the necessary resources, stages and timing, to organize the main and auxiliary processes, to control the implementation and achievement of the necessary indicators, coordinate the activities of all elements of the process, motivate employees to perform their duties" [7, c. 279]. The implementation of these functions does not provide a clearly defined sequence, according to the scientist, be-

cause "under the influence of factors of the external and internal environment there is a continuous process of adjusting the enterprise, including organization, plans, control and coordination measures" [7, p. 279]. There is another approach to the formation of professional and amateur arts in the public administration system, which, in my opinion, should be remembered — this is a historical approach. We must take into account the disadvantages of the previous experience, because, in fact, the management hierarchy remains the same. Historical approach is realized in the scientific work of modern Ukrainian scientist, candidate of historical sciences Lyubov Krupnik [8], who considered the problem of state policy in the field of Ukrainian professional art during the "Soviet totalitarian system" [8, p. 2].

In examining the problems of art in the system of public administration, in the opinion of the author of this work, it is advisable to bear in mind the historical context of the relationship between state and professional and amateur art. Let's turn to scientific research of the Ukrainian scientist Lyubov Krupnik. The investigator notes that in the Soviet period there was an increase in the bureaucratic bureaucracy in the system of cultural institutions. It was a state apparatus that provided funds, both budget and subsidized to cultural institutions. Therefore, this contributes to the fact that the artists were dependent on the bureaucracy, from the officials. The development of professional art has been allocated the smallest budget [8, p. 11].

Thus, having many shortcomings, nevertheless, the system of professional

and amateur art public administration, in terms of the historical approach, ensured the stable functioning of the arts and provided the encouragement of talented individuals to cooperate.

From the point of view of the functioning such a structure as socio-cultural construction, scientists characterize it as uniting in itself the various directions of activity of the state system. These are activities aim of which is at satisfying the aesthetic, intellectual and other spiritual people needs, their social protection, the formation of a person, its education and upbringing [9].

Ukrainian scholar Irina Shcherba-kova observes that the crisis situation in modern Ukrainian society can be attributed to the financial crisis and transformations that have been transformational in recent decades. According to the scientist's point of view, finding out the causes of the personality spiritual crisis of, the factors to overcome it, require the attention of scholars [10, p. 2]. A healthy society cannot be imagined without art. That is why, for the state, it is extremely necessary to ensure the promotion of artistic development in all areas of its manifestations. This is a way to overcome the spiritual crisis.

Consequently, one of the main approaches of public administration to the formation of professional and amateur art is the philosophical approach. There are also special connections of personality and social factors that determine the spiritual crisis of man.

Therefore, in order to prevent such thing, it is necessary to improve professional and amateur art the state administration. Art is one of the tools of

the educational process, since all the best that has been created by mankind is reflected in the artistic works. The spiritual crisis generates a state of uncertainty, which is a state of loss of spiritual equilibrium. It is some consequence of a violation of the person's system value orientations when it is separated from the spiritual beginning. That is why it is important to form some right system of state management of art in order to prevent the spiritual crisis of our society.

As it has been proved by Iryna Shcherbakova, modern society is struck by the spiritual crisis, and the main factors of its overcoming are such as the cessation of the socio-economic crisis, which, in the opinion of the author of this article, is possible only with the help of the state. State administration in the field of arts should develop and implement state anti-stress programs for the development of personality and society.

The main factors in overcoming the spiritual crisis of personality in modern conditions are, in the opinion of the author of this article, the introduction of effective socio-economic and political reforms to support the development of professional and amateur arts, capable of providing a full-fledged existence of the individual at the level of art in the system of public administration [10].

Conclusions. After analyzing the scientific research of Ukrainian scientists, it can be argued that the influence of art on the improvement of society is possible, if the state administration of the artistic sphere maintains and improves. Art strengthens the power of the spirit, harmonizes the forms of mani-

festation of spirituality, which in turn changes the social.

Taking into account the works of modern scholars, I believe that the formation of professional and amateur arts in the system of public administration should take place through the process of understanding some aspects of individual and group behavior, system analysis procedures, methods of planning, motivation and control, quantitative methods and decision-making. Applying the philosophical approach to the problem under study, I believe that a healthy society cannot be imagined without art. Man in its essence tends to be beautiful, to recreate the surrounding world through the prism of their own feelings of objective reality in works of art. That is why, for the state, it is extremely necessary to ensure the promotion of artistic development in all areas of its manifestation. This is a way to overcome the crisis of the spiritual. We recommend to improve state administration of professional and amateur art.

Another important, in my opinion, approach is indicative. That is, in the context of this article, indicative state management of art will be able to transform the subjects of management into subjects of responsibility that will achieve clearly defined spiritual and educational tasks and become accountable. The aforementioned mechanism will promote a systematic assessment of the practice of state and municipal management of professional and amateur art and will allow to adjust educational policy at all levels of government, such as state, regional and a separate union of artists.

Indicative management in the formation of professional and amateur arts

in the system of public administration will be carried out through the setting of goals and predictions, which are the education of society and public consciousness. The goal setting consists of three components: analysis of the initial level of existence of professional and amateur art in the system of public administration, setting goals, forecasting. After the goal has been determined, planning should be done by the public administration. Planning will include an investment program, a government order and, of course, a budget. Planning will be the management of finance, as a consequence, there will be state management of the implementation of artistic works, accounting, control and profit management tools. Management of implementation will necessarily have regulatory and methodological support, which, in turn, will move to information provision. Consequently, we have a cyclic structure of the indicative management function in the formation of professional and amateur arts in the system of public administration. The presentation of strategic management in the form of stages is the implementation of a process approach to art management.

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