O'tasheva L.Sh.
Termez State Pedagogical Institute teacher
Abstract: in this article, an attempt was made to study by experience the pedagogical conditions for the use of national customs in the harmonious upbringing of the personality ofpreschoolers and, in addition, an attempt was made to highlight the content of the article using national customs.
Keywords: preschoolers, national traditions, harmonious personality, the game "family", the requirements of the state.
The development of national forms of interests and abilities of children of preschool age is one of the important tasks set before the preschool educational organization. The interests and abilities of children of preschool age - spiritual resources and the requirements and needs of the present tense are manifested in the mutual practical and theoretical communication of educators with the educator, aimed at a specific goal. When raising children of preschool age on the basis of universal values, it is necessary to understand its essence. Values are divided into several types in their essence. In particular, nson and his life are considered the highest value.
It is absurd to say about the value of something in a place where a person is infected. Therefore, respect for human dignity, improving his marriage, developing his knowledge and cultural level, maintaining health, protecting his life form the main direction of the policy of our state. The arch of fundamental changes in our society, reforms are aimed at ensuring that people's lives are full, rich, beautiful, that a person feels truly free, that the result of his work, his own destiny, that he is the owner of his country. In the educational organizations of the schoolgcaha, the activities of our educators in the field of understanding the interests of el u yurt, people, nation and Homeland, further enhancing their glory, studying science and culture, the rich heritage of our ancestors, history, religion and values, worthy assessment of our young generations have great importance.
As we noted above, the Uzbek people are the heirs of special teran teachings dedicated to national, spiritual values and moral decency. Also, from pedagogical and psychologist scientists X.Kadyrova, Tillaeva G., Yusupov Q., Boboev N., Haldibekova F., Yusupov A. Musurmonova O. and other factors and tools for the formation of personality spirituality, having carried out many works in the field of national culture and spirituality.N.Telia's research explores issues of national and cultural values and their formation. The main role in this is played primarily by the family, while the contribution of the preschool organization also plays an important role in this regard. M.P.YUsupova, R.M.Kadyrova, D.Abdurahimova, H.B.Tulenova, D.R.Boboeva, V.I.Loginova, P.R.Samorukova, V.I.YAdeshko,
F.A.Sokhina, G.X.Jumasheva, H.I.Kasimova, M. SH.Rasulova, M.A.Solihova, K.S.SHodieva, SH.A.The problems of the content of the activities of preschool educational institutions, the spiritual and moral, physical and psychological education of preschool children, the formation of treatment culture and speech skills in them, the preparation of children for school education were analyzed by sadigova and others. A.Khayitov and others have prepared educational tools for MTTS.
Conducting research in preschool educational organizations will be devoted to the solution of specific educational problems, and qualitative changes in education will be achieved. Children of the middle group of preschool educational organizations of Termez city Termez city 27 - 8 of Surkhandarya region took part in the experimental test work. In the process of performing experimental test work, we conducted experiments with the aim of identifying folk oral creativity in preschool children through games.
To determine the initial level of patriotism in preschool educational organizations, a specific stage of experimental search for preschool children was carried out works.
The purpose of the detection stage: to study the initial level of patriotism in older preschool children.
At the stage of determining experimental work, the following tasks:
1. Determination of criteria and indicators for assessing the level of national customs in children 6-7 years old.
2. Description of the levels of national traditions in children 6-7 years old-high, medium, low.
3. The choice of diagnostic methods for assessing the level of national customs in children 6-7 years old
The family game
Goal. Encourage children to creatively increase family life in games. Improving the ability to independently create a gaming environment for the intended plot. Formation of valuable moral feelings (humanity, love, sympathy, etc.).
Preparation for the game. Class games are" like we have a baby in our house"," there's dad and grandfather in the House, but mom is not at home"," mom's holiday"," family holiday","doll's birthday". Conversations about relationships in the family. Preparatory and joint games with children of small groups.
Gameplay. To develop the game, the educator can first talk to children on the topic "where parents work". Revealing the moral essence of Adult Activities: responsible attitude to their tasks, mutual assistance and the collective nature of Labor.
In addition, the educator encourages children to creatively increase family life in games. Suggests children to build a house according to the idea using building material. In the process of building a house, he teaches children to agree on joint actions, draw up an initial project plan and bring the work to the end. Then he brings toys (dolls, furniture, dishes, etc.), game attributes (aprons, scarves).
After that, the educator, together with the children, analyzes the following game situations: "when my mother is not at home", "guests have come to us", "I will help my mother", "family holiday" and others.
The game "when mom is not at home" can be organized together with young children, who together explain in advance the purpose of the game: to teach children to define roles, plan the game, play independently.
The game "guests have come to us" should teach children to invite guests, welcome guests, give gifts and behave at the table.
In the game "I will help my mother", the educator must introduce labor elements into it: washing doll sheets, repairing clothes, repairing books, cleaning the room. In the process of playing, the educator must choose toys, objects, change them, design the game environment using various auxiliary materials, use their own homemade products, use natural material.
The educator must introduce new content into the plots of his favorite children's games. For example, the Game" family holiday "preschool education involves showing a concert in an organization using children's musical instruments: piano, metallophone, tambourine, curls, pipes, triangles, etc." family members " sing songs and dances, read poems, make jokes, riddles. This game requires preliminary work, the educator can in advance, together with the children, at their request, distribute who and what he will do on the holiday.
Talking to children, the educator tries to identify the peculiarities of the story, song, proverb, matals, riddles, fairy-tale characters. This is how the peculiarities of the characters in different poems, fairy tales are studied. We conducted scientific research within the framework of the topic" the use of national customs in the harmonious education of the personality of preschool children." It consists in achieving the fulfillment of state requirements for preschool education, that is, preparing for school a child who is physically healthy, mentally and spiritually mature, able to communicate with various members of society, clearly perceiving being, socially adapting to life, appreciating our nationwide values, and also living independently and consciously. In the hearts of children, it is advisable to compose traditions of love and respect for their people, to educate national pride, to instill in them the kindness, hospitality, hard work and humility of the Uzbek people, to form knowledge about the independence, anthem, coat of arms and flag of Uzbekistan. The topics of the activities carried out in order to form national customs in the pupils of preschool educational institutions should not contribute to the comprehensive development of the child, the upbringing of a perfect person with high manners, national pride.
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