TRADITIONAL CUSTOMS OF THE KYRGYZ AS A FACTOR IN THE SOCIALIZATION OF A CHILD’S PERSONALITY (Based on the Kyrgyz folk epic “Manas”) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Искусствоведение»

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Ключевые слова
custom / people / socialization / factor / upbringing / modern life

Аннотация научной статьи по искусствоведению, автор научной работы — Koldoshev M.K

In the proposed research article, in accordance with the objectives of the study, we made an attempt to determine the knowledge of students about the traditional customs of the Kyrgyz contained in the folk epic “Manas”. It has been characterized as which traditional customs were shown to be knowledgeable by the majority of students, as well as a smaller number of students named individual traditional customs. Students noted the traditions that are actively used in the modern life of the people. The article contains material on how our fathers and grandfathers attracted and motivated their children to actively participate in events dedicated to traditional customs in order to increase the effectiveness of their social education.

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Текст научной работы на тему «TRADITIONAL CUSTOMS OF THE KYRGYZ AS A FACTOR IN THE SOCIALIZATION OF A CHILD’S PERSONALITY (Based on the Kyrgyz folk epic “Manas”)»

UDC: 39:398.22:371.036


CHILD'S PERSONALITY (Based on the Kyrgyz folk epic "Manas")

Koldoshev M.K.

Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, Osh State University, city of Osh, Kyrgyz Republic


In the proposed research article, in accordance with the objectives of the study, we made an attempt to determine the knowledge of students about the traditional customs of the Kyrgyz contained in the folk epic "Manas". It has been characterized as which traditional customs were shown to be knowledgeable by the majority of students, as well as a smaller number of students named individual traditional customs. Students noted the traditions that are actively used in the modern life of the people.

The article contains material on how our fathers and grandfathers attracted and motivated their children to actively participate in events dedicated to traditional customs in order to increase the effectiveness of their social education.

Keywords: custom, people, socialization, factor, upbringing, modern life.


In accordance with the current curriculum of Osh State University, in Block 1, entitled "Humanitarian, social and economic cycle", students study the obligatory course "Manas studies". In the content of the Kyrgyz national epic "Manas", we believe, there are valuable spiritual and moral instructions.

In order to analyze the level of knowledge of students of traditional customs contained in the epic, we offered 51 students of the faculty of Kyrgyz philology, Osh State University, a survey of the following content.

RESEARCH METHODS: study of research and methodological literature and articles on the research topic; analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, estimation, forecasting and others.

Question: - In your opinion, what traditional customs are found in the epic (customs, institutions/statutes, beliefs, etc.)? Remind us of the events associated with traditional customs? Record your answers in the following table. The table consisted of 10 free items.

When summarizing the answers of the respondents, the following results were obtained. The vast majority of students noted the following traditional customs and events associated with them.

These are: the message of good news, the rite of naming by divulging the azan, commemoration of the deceased, refreshments, matchmaking, receiving blessings, interbreeding children through marriage, the interpretation of sleep, the ceremony after the bride gives a birth to a child, wedding celebrations (toy - feast) on the occasion of the birth of the first-born, toy (feast) about putting the baby in the cradle, performing the circumcision ceremony, paying the bride price.

The students noted the events associated with these customs. This, of course, indicates that the students know the traditional customs, the institutions/statutes contained in the epic in the variants of epic storytellers like Sagymbai Orozbakov and Sayak-bai Karalaev.

A small number of students noted the following traditional customs: handing over a dowry to a girl,

singing koshok (mourning in verse of the deceased or the bride, when taking her to the groom's house), secretly calling from prying eyes with a dissonant name so as not to attract too much attention (for example, Chongzhindi (big fool), Bokmurun (snotty), Tezekbai (dung), Itigul (dog), divination on alchiks (lamb genic-ular bones), burial of the body of the deceased, participation in the funeral of only men. And here the students noted some events related to traditions.

Along with this, the students also mentioned such traditional institutions as mourning, dressing in black clothes, visiting holy places, choosing a bride, wedding, keeping an oath, revenge, mourning, hiding the daughter-in-law from the elder brother of the groom, bowing the bride to relatives, guests, bride-in-law, which talks about student's knowledge about the content of the epic, about traditional customs, about what they read, heard and saw in modern traditions going back to the time of the epic.

Further, customs were noted, such as farewell, a bathing ceremony, sanzhyra (chronicle) - a story about the genealogy of the family, the story of ancestors to children about the history of the people, presenting the daughter-in-law with earrings as a sign of matchmaking, the rules for meeting and receiving guests, testing the daughter-in-law, testing the groom, marrying Muslim, putting the baby in the cradle, after returning from a long journey, drink "white drinks" - koumiss (national drink made from mare's milk), ayran (a dairy product that tastes like kefir), chalap (airan diluted with water (drink). Judging by the fact that students named a small number of traditional customs, they know the epic superficially.

Some students also mentioned such traditional customs and institutions as: best man, songs upon the arrival of the daughter-in-law, cutting meat and serving to guests, the ability to hold kamchy (whip), a sign not to cross the khan, establishing the ascension of the khan, putting him on a white felt mat, native matchmakers, circumcision of the navel, spending forty days, sacrifice.

Some students showed traditional rites as traditional customs. So, braiding forty braids for a girl, the custom of dressing decently for girls-boys in childhood, the ability to let a dog, a hunting bird, fatherly education of a son, motherly education of a daughter, preparation for life, national sports games. In addition, one of the students, in connection with the history of Seme-tei and Aichurek (wife of the hero Semetey), named the Kanykei race on the horse Taitoru as a tradition. Among the answers, there is also a sign characteristic of wartime "stepping over a bullet, an arrow." About the sign "Ok attoo", Amantur Akmataliev writes: "... if suddenly a bullet hits a person, or an evil spirit crushes a woman, that person (who stepped over the bullet) was considered pure, morally stable. If there were any, then a saddled horse was sent for him. Then the bullet came out of the body, and the woman, crushed by evil spirits, easily gave birth. Such beliefs existed" (2, p. 273).

When analyzing the answers, the following traditional customs and institutions were not noted by students: prayer with wishes for well-being, curses (also included in the method of education), congratulations that you returned alive and unharmed or survived in battle (literally: your head is intact), gifts with clothes, (for example, from the groom's relatives to the bride's relatives), sprinkling sweets, in the epic with money and jewelry, the bride who arrived, helping the groom pay the bride price (a ransom paid by the groom to the bride's parents) or helping to arrange a wedding feast, paternal duty, treating those who migrated to the village , "zheen tabak' - a dish with meat, which the organizer of the feast gives to a zheen (nephew), testament or dying instruction, greeting, choosing a groom, seating guests by age, etc.

A second-year student K.A.A. (last name, first name are abbreviated) described in detail the dream and its interpretation before the birth of the hero. Along with this, she writes about the obligatory performance of some traditional rites and customs during matchmaking, the birth of a child, the death of a person, the conduct of trade affairs, transactions, and the drafting of a peace treaty. However, she is not citing relevant events.

In response to the survey, there were also such students who noted as customs the traditions of treatment with medicinal herbs, weather forecasting based on the position of the moon and stars, the national cuisine of the Kyrgyz, various foods and drinks.


Based on the above answers, we come to the following conclusions:

- despite modern information technologies and innovative achievements, students know and keep close to their hearts the traditional customs and institutions/statutes of their ancestors, which is encouraging for the future of the Kyrgyz statehood;

- traditional customs, institutions/statutes contained in the content of the epic are an inexhaustible spiritual heritage, the moral achievement of our ancestors, therefore, learning and knowing them, passing them on from generation to generation, widely using them in practical life is considered our sacred duty;

- our fathers and grandfathers motivated their children to actively participate in traditional customs; in the process of participating in such events, children were naturally brought up spiritually, acquired important social skills and abilities;

- the meaning and sense of traditional customs, their forms of organization and means (for example, wastefulness, economic and financial damage and other negative factors) must be brought into line with the modern requirements of life;

- use the strengths and positive aspects of traditional customs, their educational influence and significance in mentoring work with young people, actively and widely practise them in everyday life, cultural and social activities with conscience and great responsibility, taking into account modern national values.


1. Manas: Heroic Epic of the Kyrgyz People. According to S. Orozbakov's version. Institute of Language and Literature named after Ch. Aitmatov of the Kyrgyz Republic National Academy of Sciences. Compiled by S. Musaev. -Bishkek: Khan-Tenir, 2010. -1840 p. (In Kyrgyz).

2. Akmataliev Amantur Seitaaly uulu. Inexhaustible values of the Kyrgyz. -Bishkek: Sham, 2000. -348 p. (In Kyrgyz).

3. Koldoshev M.K. Use of ideas of the Manas epic in the implementation of the provisions of the concept of education of schoolchildren and youth of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2021-2030 / M.K. Koldoshev // German International Journal of Modern Science №19, 2021. Vol. 2. -p. 46-48.

4. Koldoshev M.K. The peculiarity of the Kyrgyz people's democracy in the course of the choosing Manas as a Khan / M.K. Koldoshev, Z.S. Bozhonov // Palarch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 17(7), (2020). -p. 5699-5703.

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