Научная статья на тему 'Exchange inflation in modern Russia: peculiarities and causes'

Exchange inflation in modern Russia: peculiarities and causes Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Matis A.A.

In this article the summary of theoretical bases of a research of inflation and its features in modern economy of Russia is this. Authors also consider the external and internal reasons of inflation. Special attention is paid to forecasts of the rate of inflation.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Exchange inflation in modern Russia: peculiarities and causes»


Методика предполагает проведения анализа влияния коэффициентов характеризующих благоустроенность жилищного фонда, структуру жилья, равномерность распределения инфраструктуры, потребность населения в жилье и инфраструктуре. Необходимо учитывать многочисленные факторы, которые прямо или косвенно влияют на результат. Это и характеристики строительного объекта: материал, местоположение, тип постройки и др.

Постоянное наблюдение и принятие скорых мер по изменения и измерению качества строительного фонда и инфраструктуры региона обеспечит решение жилищных проблем и повысит эффективность управления.

Список использованной литературы: 1. Абакумов Р.Г. Методология исследования факторов, влияющих на воспроизводство основных средств // Вестник Белгородского государственного технологического университета им. В.Г. Шухова. 2016.№ 4. С. 191-198.

© Маркова А.А., Г. Абакумов, 2016

УДК 336.748.12

А.А. Matis

student of 1 course of faculty of management of Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation.



In this article the summary of theoretical bases of a research of inflation and its features in modern economy of Russia is this. Authors also consider the external and internal reasons of inflation. Special attention is paid to forecasts of the rate of inflation.


Level of living, inflation, economic crisis, consumer price index, stagflation.

One of the most urgent problems in economy of Russia is inflation which represents the steady continuous decrease in purchasing power of money which is slowing down development of national economy in general and worsening level of living and a welfare of the population.

Increase in the prices exerts a great influence on all economic actors, and the rate of inflation is not only the indicator of dynamics of the markets of money and the real benefits, but also the indicator characterizing a condition of all social and economic system. Inflation implies excess of quantity of the monetary units which are in circulation over the amount of commodity prices and emergence because of it the money which isn't provided with goods that leads to increase in prices for them. Subsequently there is a decrease in the income and value increase of life - the indicator characterizing the amount of money necessary for activity of people.

Inflation in Russia historically has the features.

One of them is an existence of chronically high rate of inflation in the period of economic reforms which by 3-5 times exceeds the corresponding indicators of developed countries. Also, the fact that impairment of money in Russia happens not only owing to excess of a money supply, but also because of exclusive increase in prices is important.

Also, it should be noted stagflation nature of inflation. The term "stagflation" means economic downturn and a depression of economy with the simultaneous growth of level of such indicators as inflation and unemployment.

In general, the inflation reasons in modern Russia it is possible to call the following:

- depreciation of national currency;


- lack of an alternative to some categories of foreign goods and technological shortcomings of national production;

- increase in costs of production because of need of purchase of the equipment and raw materials by the abroad;

- the raw principle of creation of economy and forming of the main part of the budget due to export of natural resources;

- strengthening of a role of media in forming of public opinion owing to what the increased inflation expectations are observed.

In 2008-2009 our country was in a condition of crisis which predecessor and the cause a mortgage meltdown of the USA was. Feature of this crisis was the fact that it concerned mainly the bank sphere. But, as specialists truly note, Russia appeared in a situation of the system crisis representing set of economic, financial, institutional, and social crises that couldn't but affect the rate of inflation. [3, p.165]

Evident indicator of the rate of inflation is the index indicator of the prices. Inflation, unlike many other countries, is measured in Russia not by a deflator of GDP, but a consumer price index. [4, p.388]

On a graphics, it is provided the IPTs loudspeaker for 2008-2016 (picture 1). [7]

— !001 -»-¡CO? -»-JOID -«-2D!1 -2D! 2 --201 i -3-2I3H -O-20I5 —'—2016

Picture 1 - Consumer price indexes on all goods and services in 2008-2016 at the end of the period,

in % by December of previous year

According to experts of the IMF, 2% are an approximate level of "normal" inflation for developed economies. For 2% specialists of the IMF allow increase in the rate of inflation for the developing economies.

However, we will notice that during 2008-2016 in Russia considerable excess of the rate of inflation concerning a regulation even for developing countries is observed (it constituted about 5-6%), and in 2014-2015 was still almost twice higher - 11-13%. [7]

At the same time increase in prices especially for food products amplified entering of embargo on their import since August, 2014 that led to weakening of the competition, unbalance of the markets and growth of expenses about reorientation to new suppliers.

According to forecasts of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the rate of inflation in 2016 will decrease approximate to 8%, approximately the same forecast, namely 7-8% give also the Ministry of Economic Development. Analysts of Alfa-Bank, after the conducted research, declared that official inflation in 2016 will be in the range from 8 to 10%. [6]

In the whole ambassador of 2016 decrease in the rate of inflation is predicted (table 1 [1]).

Table 1

Forecasts of the rate of inflation in Russia 2016-2020 (in %)

Year Forecast Max Min

2016 10,4 12,4 8,4

2017 8,6 10,6 6,6

2018 6,8 7,8 5,8

2019 6,2 7,2 5,2

2020 6,5 7,5 5,5


Forecasts for inflation aren't consolatory: possible decrease in growth rates of the prices can be caused by effect of high base, and won't reflect real economic and social situation. Also, it is necessary to correct credit policy of the state to leave from raw dependence when the state itself is interested in devaluation of ruble for replenishment of budget revenues. [2, p.34]

It is necessary to remember also the external reasons - influence of pricing policy in the raw markets of exporting countries of oil, and the anti-Russian sanctions.

Important factor of functioning of the inflation mechanism are inflation expectations which provoke separate customer groups to inflation behavior, that is on building-up of the current demand and by that to stimulate increase in prices. It generates self-reproduction of inflationary tendency, dangerous to economy, interferes with growth of savings, investments, productions, and goods offerings. For example, distribution of information on the coming economic crisis can cause excessive demand, both on consumer, and in the foreign exchange market and to provoke impairment of domestic currency.

Thus, one may say, that basic reasons of inflation are interconnected and in many respects caused by its features characteristic of the modern Russian economy. The list of the used literature:

1. Agency of forecasting of economy [An electronic resource]. - Access mode: http://www.apecon.ru/Prognoz-inflyatsii-v-RF/Prognoz-inflyatsii-v-Rossii-na-2015-2016-i-2017-gody.html

2. Kaznacheeva N. L. Features of an economic crisis in Russia: from where, where and as//Massager Tom. state University of Economy. - 2009. - No. 3 (7). - Page 23-35.

3. Kaznacheeva N. L. To a question of social dialogue between work and the equity in the conditions of crisis / N. L. Kaznacheeva, S. B. Samusev Vestn. Tom. state. University -- 2009. - No. 329. - Page 165-170.

4. Kolesova T. L. Observations of dynamics of inflation in Russia//We carry on traditions of the Russian statistics: Mater. I Open Russian statistical congress. - 2015. - Page 388-389.

5. News of RussInfo.net [An electronic resource]. - Access mode: http://russinfo.net/prognoz-na-god/ekonomicheskij -prognoz/prognoz-inflyacii-v-rossii-na-2015-2016-god.html

6. Official site of Alfa-Bank [An electronic resource]. - Access mode: https://alfabank.ru/novosibirsk/press/monitoring/2014/12/11/34044.html

7. Federal State Statistics Service [An electronic resource]. - Access mode: http://gks.ru

© Matis A.A., 2016

УДК 330.11

В.В. Мережко

студентка факультета экономики и управления Воронежский государственный университет инженерных технологий

г. Воронеж, Российская Федерация И.В. Платонова к.э.н., доцент

Воронежский государственный университет инженерных технологий К ВОПРОСУ О ПЕНСИОННОМ ОБЕСПЕЧЕНИИ В РОССИИ


Статья посвящена проблеме пенсионного обеспечения в Российской Федерации. Отмечены плюсы и минусы проводимой пенсионной реформы.

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Пенсия, трудовой стаж, пенсионное страхование, пенсионная реформа.

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