• видео, освещающие операции, производимые организацией;
• видео, посвященные международному сотрудничеству.
Отдельного внимания заслуживают видеозаписи, посвященные киберпреступлениям. Данные видеозаписи представляют собой небольшой видеофрагмент, содержащий элементы мультипликации. Данные видеозаписи сопровождаются текстовыми фрагментами и опорными картинками. Самым значительным преимуществом является то, что перед каждым видео дается небольшой список лексических единиц, которые будут использоваться и отрабатываться как во время, так и после просмотра видеозаписи. Таким образом, видеозаписи, относящиеся к категории киберпреступлений, не требуют от преподавателя серьезной дидактической подготовки и могут интегрироваться в систему занятия без каких-либо изменений или преобразований.
Отдельно стоит отметить викторины, которые присутствуют на данном интернет-канале. Их можно использовать в качестве дополнительных материалов на занятиях
с целью проверки полученных знаний. Данный интернет-канал обладает рядом таких же преимуществ, как и интернет-канал Interpol: логичность построения высказываний, наглядность, четкая структурированность видеозаписей, наличие опорных картинок и др.
Таким образом, приведенные выше интернет-каналы могут быть использованы при изучении темы «Международные полицейские организации», что несомненно положительно скажется на обучении в целом и поможет решить ряд проблем, возникающих в процессе обучения курсантов образовательных организаций МВД России.
Список использованой литературы:
1. Основные вопросы теории и практики педагогики и психологии / Сборник научных трудов по итогам международной научно-практической конференции. № 2. Омск, 2015. 195 с.
2. ФГОС ВПО по направлению подготовки (специальности) 090302 Информационная безопасность телекоммуникационных систем (квалификация (степень) «специалист».
Мальцева Людмила Валентиновна
доктор педагогических наук, профессор, доцент кафедры декоративно-прикладного искусства и дизайна,
Кубанский государственный университет
В статье представлено этнохудожественная культура кубанских казаков, и какое оно имеет значение в воспитании молодого поколения. Необходимо больше изучать наследие старшего поколения, которое они оставили нужно сохранять. Знать историю, традиции, обычаи, уклад кубанских казаков и развивать её.
The article presents ethnoart culture of the Kuban Cossacks, and how it makes a difference in the education of the younger generation. More needs to study the legacy of the older generation, they need to keep left. Knowing the history, traditions, customs and way of life of the Kuban Cossacks and develop it.
Ключевые слова: культура, традиции, обычаи, воспитание, развитие, этнохудожественная культура, народное искусство, молодежь.
Key words: culture, traditions, customs, education, development, ethnoart culture, folk art, youth.
Currently in our Krasnodar Krai solved the basic problems of the preservation and development of national culture of Kuban kazakov, which is a resource for the development of ethnoart culture. We need to know and learn that ethnoart Cossacks culture forms part of the Russian and world culture, it enriches the person and is as unique as the cultures of other peoples.
In this regard, the main objective is that the system of education and upbringing of the younger generation must include folk art in all its diversity ethnoart cultural regions of Russia (Krasnodar region), to carry out educational work.
Ethnoart culture Kuban Cossacks always a new discovery for the young generation which may have a wealth of knowledge and experience of the older generation, proven for centuries. The richness and diversity of the culture of the Cossacks due to
their historical development in the Krasnodar Territory. In this culture shows artistic expression-governmental language in the selection of artistic means and stylistic uniqueness-tion, which includes songs, music, dance, games, rituals.
Meanwhile, the ethnic culture of the Kuban Cossacks as an active creative phenomenon has enormous possibilities of cultural creativity, he is able to stay ahead of the cash state of mind, have the opposite effect on the living-yanie, civilizational process. In connection with this important special-ness today takes on the development of new approaches v the process of studying a particular culture.
Rebuilding education of recent years are: changes in the programs, the introduction of new subjects, specialization demonstrates BPE-Menem dictated all growing need for a radical change of image-tion. And as experience shows,
specialized schools - not a solution to re-issue, because the general education system does not set aside his sentence, it only requires a complete overhaul of its as a pledge of synthetic training is still at the heart of education.
Changes that occur in modern society, contribute to the revival of national consciousness, have a great influence on the life and culture of the peoples of the regions of Russia, including Krasnodar region. Ethnic pattern of our region has many faces, it was formed under the influence of various factors and the influence of history.
The exuberant, colorful world of nature Kuban irresistibly attracted people forced to worry about at the meeting. Everything here is at all times awakens inspiration to life. Taking place in our country, global changes have awakened an unprecedented interest in the history of the country, the region, the specific place where we were born and live.
Going into the end of the XVIII century in the Russian State Kuban was settled immigrants from the Ukraine, the Don, the central regions of Russia. And each of these people left the Kuban its monuments, studies that give us a wealth of material for their classes, culture and way of life. In the historical fate of the peoples of the North Caucasus in XVIII century. strongly influenced by a complex international environment. The path of their historical time-development largely determine the relationship between Ros-sion and Turkey. Porte has long sought to acquire Kav-Kazomi and using it as a strategic bridgehead, the propagation-nitsya further towards Russia.
Then, to protect the borders of Russia, Catherine the Great gave an everlasting possession of land stretching between the rivers Kuban and Eey, Cher nym and the Sea of Azov and the mouth of the Elbe. This measure Catherine the Great re-sewed
two objectives: to protect a large part of the southern borders of the country against external attacks («Black troops predlezhit vigil and guard the border against raids by the peoples of TransKuban») and economic development of the region.
Our multicultural region with established identity here lifestyles, traditions and customs of its peoples and their god-th cultural heritage always make a significant contribution in enhancing the intellectual power of Russia. Activities in the Krasnodar Region special comprehensive program to support the development of national cultures - a major practical step in spiritual renewal natsio-ality, embarked on the path of democratic development, the revival of lost years of stagnation in cultural property, the expansion and strengthening of international cultural cooperation.
In order to better understand the culture, traditions and customs of the Kuban Cossacks in Krasnodar Territory was built ethnographic Ataman village, which is situated on 20 acres. The village Ataman have constructed, whether in the area of Bald Mountain, in the very place where in September 1792 V5sa-dilis first Black Sea Cossacks. This momentous event went down in history as the beginning of Krasnodar Region Kuban Cossacks development.
The place was not chosen by chance. It is here that according to historians landed the first Black Sea Cossacks, and from this point begins the story of the Kuban. At this point, the Cossacks built the first temple. The village Ataman maintained in accordance with the Cossack customs, traditions, here-take with the whole history of the Kuban. It took two centuries - as one day. Again here crowded Cossack smoking, pour over the sea Razdolnoe Cossack songs, and of the pitchers - a sparkling wine.
Welcome to the village Ataman
Walking through the village of Ataman, visitors return to 222 years ago, at a time when the Zaporozhye Cossacks settled in the beautiful land of Taman to give them Catherine II. The complex consists of several streets of the Cossack village in which each courtyard is a separate office, a trade or craft of the potter, the cobbler, the barber, huts simple Cossack chieftain, headman. There is a school, a fire, a mill. In a separate settlement highlighted a fabulous house on chicken legs with all the attributes of Baba Yaga.
Cossacks built hut in the village of Ataman ancient traditions of reeds, straw, clay and firewood, and then they were bleached, and the rich Cossacks built themselves a house of bricks. The estate of the Cossacks have always settled years- kitchen, where a Cossack family lived in the summer. The walls of the huts were always bedecked horse harness, weapons, portraits of family and Cossack atamans. During the construction of the village Ataman sought as far as possible to capture the atmosphere of Cossack life in those days. What lived Cossacks that no-Seeley Cossacks and Cossack. Cossack attire consisted of daily and
uniforms. Military uniforms included trousers, tunic, turban, Jun Kesko, a winter cloak, fur cap and boots. Casual wear Cossack - Ruba ha, trousers, homespun suite of coarse cloth, gray or black. Also in everyday clothes Cossack guards were present, coat, cloak, cloaks. Beautiful and well-groomed, silver embroidered clothes emphasized the prestizh and prosperity Cossack.
Cossacks loved to dress up, so they are well able to sew and knit garments, clothes for the holiday are always sewn from velvet or silk. Casual wear Cossack those times consisted of a long shirt, Kofdots and gingham skirt. Some wore skirts: first, the cotton, then a linen and the top one or as he wants the cotton, satin or silk. Visit the unique village, you can see it all in person.
Each cottage has its own history, its own legend. All utensils - poons and towel on the bed and duvets - things kept in the family and pass-shiesya inherited. There are spinning wheels, looms, mirrors, embroidery, kotoeye almost a hundred years. The exhibits are not for durable glass museum, and in plain
sight. You can sit at the spinning wheel, swing baby cradle, of iron iron, socatwist hairstyle before the old mirror, try on a feel the softness of feather pillows, or vice versa, the severity fire helmet.
The interior of the hata Cossack Compound
Guests are provided not only excursion objects, but also places where you can eat. Here you can sample traditional dishes of Kuban cuisine, including the famous soup in «Barshchou».
Its doors hospitably opened «Cossack yard» restaurant «Qi-Bulka», «Caucasian cuisine at Assumption outskirts», «Kashevarnya» cafe «Fishermen camp», «pancake», «Varenichnaya», «Kuban dainties», «Kochetova sweets».
Hata beekeeper. In the village Ataman a unique apiary: each hive as a house under a thatched roof, a replica of the hives of the XIX century, and the base hollowed out of a single tree trunk.
Hata blacksmith. Hatu blacksmith could find the sounds - hammer blows on the anvil could be heard from afar.
Compound potter
Compound potter
Blacksmiths were never without work - after the Cossack could not imagine myself without a weapon and a horse. At any farmstead could see objects that have passed through the hands of a blacksmith. First of all - a horseshoe.
Hata gunsmith. After the relocation of the Cossacks to the Kuban Cossacks guns purchased at fairs and in retail stores. It was pretty cheap and mediocre products that are distinguished by great diversity. A very effective weapon in close combat Cossacks was whip.
Hata potter. Even in the 6-5 centuries BC at Taman land was actively developed pottery. In the old devices Cossacks make household utensils. Often used utensils made of clay pots, jugs, makitry, bowls, teapots, cups, censers.
Compound shoemaker
Hata saddler
Kuren Borschevnya
Compound Cossack
Exhibits natural. For a quick sightseeing it takes at least 2-3 hours. Each hut is sponsored and made permanent by-individual municipalities in Krasnodar Region. Each guest Ataman village falls into an ancient, but so real, so vivid world where the beds growing cabbages and potatoes from the oven Cossack gets svezheispechenny bread and dashing young Cossack prowess and compete in a cleverlysti. Here you can get to the real Cossack wedding pogutorit at and listen to the true Cossack Cossack stories. Guests will see the art of riding and horse races - mandated compulsory ritual Cossack.
On the territory of the ethnographic complex Ataman village held various festivals and exhibitions on the life and
customs of the kazachey life. Those interested can learn various crafts: go master class on Coinage in the courtyard of a blacksmith, dances and dances. Carting Chiki, lying in wait for the guests at the entrance, always ready to transport you on painting nym streets of the village, telling the latest stories and rumors villagers.
And the amazing views of the sea and mounds will satisfy any, even the most demanding tourist. When you visit the village you should definitely see the wooden church, decorated with hand-carved. Stretching into the sky dome will make the heart beat more often, not only the Orthodox citizens.
The picturesque streets of the village
Wooden church
The viability of a particular tradition, depends on the maintenance and development of new generations of members. Neglect tradi-tions leads to disruption of continuity in the life of the organization. At the same time, the blind worship of tradition creates conservatism and stagnation in the life of the organization, who are hampered its development, cultivating a lifestyle or certain of its components.
formed, since the turn of XVIII - XIX centuries., and continued to mutate before the end of XIX - early XX centuries. In the Kuban Cossacks attached great values, while respecting the traditions of. Cossack wedding in the villages was carried out after the harvest, the wedding lasted for at least a week. Rite Kuban weddings - prewedding is extremely complex, which includes matchmakers Excellency, the party in the house of the
Wedding rituals and wedding folklore Kuban Cossacks were bride and groom, wedding poslesvadebny further period.
Ethnic cultures exist in the holistic culture of mankind, but it is a global internal dialectically contradictory and mutually-interacting between the individual elements shows how the universal connection of phenomena, due to which no ethnic culture can not be considered fully developed independently and moments of tension associated with differences between different cultural norms, values, religion.
Knowledge of folklore as a valuable core of national culture instilled respect for others, appreciation of ancestors, is the need to identify with them, to protect and increase the values of their
cultours. Folklore has a great potential and continuity of the whoimpact opportunities in the education of patriotic feelings. Integrity, and of the special cultural status of the Kuban musical folklore in the con-text of the East Slavic traditions provide superior his special-ness: Kuban - primarily Cossack musical tradition.
For the revival of folk music was held in Kuban Kuban Cossack Chorus - one of the world famous brands of Russian folk culture and perhaps the oldest team in Russia. It emerged in 1811 from the south of the Russian Cossackss - of free
settlers along the river called Kuban. Tillers and warriors, they were defending the southern border of the Russian Empire. Talking about the history of the team in the long-lived special-interview with «Voice of Russia», its present artistic handle driver Viktor Zakharchenko, emphasizes: «The Kuban Cossack
Choir Izenave, initially was created as a chorus singing in the church of the Kuban Cossack howl-sk. So these Cossacks were called and called in the Russian Orthodox knights, defenders of the Fatherland and faith. This is extremely important».
Head Zakharchenko V.
Kuban Cossack Choir
Kuban Cossack Choir - is not only singing ensemble. This is a great dance group and folk orchestra, which allows staff to create interesting concert programs.
Traditional Kuban culture associated with continuous daily human processes. As with any system of phenomena, it is a multi-level, multifaceted and polifunktsio-tional education. Given the specificity of the origin of the Kuban Casa-operation in the first place should be to push the ethnic aspect. In the traditional culture-term accumulated specific layer characteristics of the Cossack Cossack way of life and psychology. This layer is innovative in many ways. It is obvious magic, aesthetic and recreational functions of cul tours.
For tradition characterized by the following:
1) respect for the established way of life before the organization;
2) attention not only to co-tenancies of life and behavior, but also to their external design and manifestations-NIJ.
Continuing the tradition of the older generation it was opened in Krasnodar Kuban Cossack Cadet Corps named Ataman MP Babic. During the set-GIH citiesand Kuban Cossack villages have schools, regular schools are open and Cossack cadet specialized classes. Young Cossacks were able to serve in special Cossack units at the Cossack in the boundary outposts. Therefore, future Cossacks must know which regalia had Kuban Cossack army.
Traditions of any ethnic community throughout history inherited, develop and change. Therefore, the positive traditions of the past retain their vitality, and today, they often unconsciously, without prior permission by growing into real life today. These traditions, rooted in the culture of the ethnic group in the form of certain rules and on-samples of behavior.
Ational culture, folk art are the bearers of ethnic specificity. From all this it must be concluded that the present system ethnoart education should include:
1) focus on national culture and art is etnohudozhe-governmental components;
2) focus on modern educational technology (methodto-technological component).
Ethnoart component should include:
1) master the basic knowledge and skills in the field of tra-
tional art culture and art of its people;
2) the mastery of basic ways of working with a variety of traditional-governmental art materials used by the master;
3) mastering technology assignments in the field of arts and crafts and folk art;
4) the ability to create their own creative work based on traditional-samples were;
5) possession of the basics of ethno-cultural knowledge and skills in the field of national culture and the arts.
As a result, learning the basics of fine arts on the material culture of the Kuban Cossacks ethnoart will set a goal of training a highly educated and creative personality. On the basis of the study of scientific and theoretical basis of arts and crafts and folk art, cultural heritage form cultural knowledge and skills of art that best reflects the personality-ing a subjective attitude toward the world, the laws of moral search, Samos-vershenstvovaniya.
Learning ethnoart culture Kuban Cossacks, folk art is one of the most im-portant issues of our time. It is impossible, you can create a new art without the knowledge of the origins of art and folk art. For centuries the best traditions perfected and passed down from generations to generation, of how the standard of beauty, taste samples, national special-ness as a part of the culture of his people. Beauty items used by the people in everyday life, raised aesthetic taste, akitinerant assessment of beauty.
Turning to the historical memory of its people, its cultural values can form an idea about moral norms, develop a culture of sensory perception and artistic experience of the younger generation - this is one of the most important areas of education, the spiritual foundation for the formation of personality.
1. History of Kuban / Under. Ed. KubSU Schetnev VE Kuban Krasnodar .: - me-chanical Publishing House, 2004. - 304 p.
2. LV Maltseva Kubanovedenie at fine arts lessons in secondary school. Krasnodar: Tradition, 2010. - 176 p.
3. AN Manukalo History of Kuban. Krasnodar, 2004. - 210 p.
4. Net KV Kuban Cossack village. M., 1967. - 230 p.